Flight Purser

By deepak salwan

Published on Dec 8, 2004


Chapter One -- An Introduction

May 6, 2001: - Rajeshwar had set the alarm at 7a.m. because this was the day when his standard board examination result was to be declared. He knew he would score well but, as everyone is, he was also nervous. He was so excited that he did not even shag that morning, which he always used to before getting up from the bed. Hurriedly, he had a quick bath and got ready to go to the cyber cafe to check his result. He called up his best friend Krishnanshu, and they both decided to meet up at the cyber cafe, and would later decide what had to be done next.

After having a light and quick breakfast, he went to the cyber cafe close to his school, so that he could also go to the school, if the result was declared in time, as normally it was. They both met at 9a.m. and went inside the cafe. There was a lot of rush as the Board results were going to be declared, and everyone was eager to know their marks.

After about half n hour of waiting, they were successful in getting a comp., and so they opened the website of the examination, which took a rather long time, and then typed in their respective roll numbers to know their results. Rajeshwar was elated on scoring 70 percent, as he had not expected such a wonderful result; he had thought that he would either just clear the examination, or may not even be able to do so. On the other hand, Krishnanshu, who was a very intelligent and a brainy student managed an 80 per cent, but he was not very happy, as he had expected much more.

After checking their results, both the friends decided to go to school and meet up with the other friends. Then they all called up their parents to give them the great news of scoring well in the exams, and asked their permission for a movie and lunch, which they all readily permitted as they felt that their kids deserved some fun after a years hard work. They went for a new release and then for lunch to Mc Donald's and had a bash in the disco later that evening. After all the fun they decided to talk about there future plans with each other. Everyone had a somewhat different option of what he or she wanted to be in life when they grew up.

Someone said an engineer, someone a banker, someone a chef and so on.., but Rajeshwar said that he'd like to be a flight purser, as he loved to fly, and now as he had done his secondary school in arts, it was impossible for him to become a pilot, so the closest alternative for him was to be a flight purser, at least he would be flying. They all thought that it would be a good option for him, but the gamble was that their may be at times, an odd passenger who would be rather rude; and also the cleaning up and stuff that the crew members had to do. But, Rajeshwar was ready to take up the gamble or the challenge, and he told them he would be going to the Flight Crew Academy and enrolling his name in there the following day, as he had already found out an advertisement from the classifieds from the previous days. He said that he had also told his parents about it, and they did not oppose his decision, as they wanted him to be successful in whatever career he choose.

After a wonderful evening and night out with his friends, Raj came back home and told his father about his result, as he had just returned back home from his business trip to Australia. He congratulated him and presented his son a cellular phone that he had brought for him. He had a feeling that his son would do well, as he had put in a lot of hard work and used to stay up all night studying and memorizing the lessons.

He told his father that he had had a dream of flying as a profession, and as he could not become a pilot, he would prefer being a flight steward instead, his father agreed and told him that he could do whatever he wanted to but should be successful in whichever field he chooses. He told him that the next day he would go and enroll in the course as a new semester was beginning in a few days time. His father gave him the required amount of cash and the next day Rajeshwar went to the institute for enrolment.

When he went to the institute, he found a few of his friends and known people who were also present there. He got the entrance easily as he had very good marks and was to begin the crash course of one year a week later.

The course began; he was a very bright student and excelled in this as well. He was always among the top three in his class. He made a friend in his class named Manish and they grew quite fond of each other. They talked as if they were the closest of friends, and during the conversation, Rajeshwar came to know that his new friend was gay. He did not react in a very weird manner, as he himself held a soft corner for guys and was always a very soft hearted teenager, who had girls as friends, but nothing more than that. He used to fantasize a lot during his masturbating sessions about having sex with guys and stuff like that.

With this began the great bonding and friendship between these two buddies and also a new dimension in their careers was to follow.

Chapter Two -- Training

Rajeshwar was doing extremely well in the training, and everyone, including the instructors felt that he would be selected by one of the good international airlines, as from that very year, the campus recruitment for many other international airlines had to commence.

Manish was also very studious, but he had an inclination more towards the handsome young boys, instead of the career. Actually, he wasn't much interested as he was a rich businessman's son who was just trying out this profession, as he loved the flight stewards in uniform. He told this to Rajeshwar, who, by now, had become a very dear and close friend of his. He told him that if he was so interested in the flight stewards' uniform, he should study well and take this course seriously, as that would help him to get a good job in an airline as a steward, and he would be able to be close and near the handsome and dashing flight stewards that the airlines have these days. Manish was very much influenced by what his friend, Rajeshwar told him and he began taking the course seriously and excelled in the studies. He and friend always had the top two positions. Although it was a fairly easy course, they studied hard and passed out with flying colors.

They stayed together as paying guest while their course was on. Both of them used to split the expenses. The generally were alone at nights, and one night they were extremely bored and so, could not resist and ended up having some physical relation; (but it was not sex, as they just hugged, kissed and slept together). Both of them knew that they were good friends, and they did not want to insult their true friendship by having sex, so they just made pure love that was harmless, yet passionate and hot.

The training was extremely wonderful. They were taught how to talk, personality skills, accent, how to be polite in almost any situation, keep their cool always, how to serve customers, how to walk with a tray in their hands, first aid, aircraft details, emergency operations etc., it was an extremely learning experience for them and by being together for so long, their friendship grew further and it was like, as if they were inseparable pals.

They had fun and learned a lot as well. That year passed and it was time for the examination. Both of them were fairly intelligent, but Rajeshwar performed better than his friend, although both got a first division. They were judged as the best students as well of the academy.

The farewell and the on-campus placement were on the same day. Rajeshwar was delighted when he was selected as a flight steward for British Airways, as his dream had been to see the world, and he had inched towards it.

During that time, Manish had also done a ticketing diploma, as had Rajeshwar, but he had already been selected. Manish was selected as the front office agent for Air India and was based in Dubai to start with, whereas Rajeshwar would have to start off his career in London. Both the friends were ecstatic as they had reached the goal that they had desired and dreamed of when they were in school.

The next day they went home, and got everything ready as they had to report for their respective jobs within the next one month. The month passed away rather quickly and they flew to their respective destinations, meeting for the last time, rather emotionally at the airport and wishing each other the best of luck.

Next: Chapter 2

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