Flight 332

By ryan d

Published on Jun 12, 2001



My name is Ryan and I've never written anything like this before. I haven't even talked to anyone about the fact that I think about stuff like this, except for online. But I'm just got back from a trip with a bud and am majorly horny. I guess everyone usually says stuff about not reading this if you're under 18 or offended, so don't. Otherwise, here's what I wish had happened on the flight back-- write to me at lostboy19sea@hotmail.com if you like it.

Sean and I were on the flight back from California, and we were both exhausted. Finals had just wrapped up the week before, and all year we had been saving some money to get away and celebrate the end of our first year of college. Well, we probably spent more than we should have on alcohol, so we could only afford to go to California. Still, it was better than nothing and a good chance to go blow off steam.

Sean had an aunt and uncle in San Diego we could stay with for the weekend, so that made things cheaper. And going to Tijuana to party was the best we could come up with on our remaining cash (we go to a private school, and that sucks up a lot of money, too). When we got there, I was also pretty glad we were staying with his relatives because his cousin Kirstin was hot. She was also 16 and his cousin, so I behaved myself. A little eye candy never hurt anyone, though.

We partied all weekend, and lots of the time was a blur. We swam and hung at the beach, drank and danced at night, hitting on girls and (like stupid drunk guys) talking shit and picking fights. Still we were pretty tame--neither of us got hurt or got laid. The most we had to show for it was a little less cash, a few dead brain cells, and damn good tans for Seattle guys.

I guess I should tell you what we look like. I'm 5'10", 155 pounds, with blond hair and blue eyes. Sean is 5'11", probably 165 or so, with brown hair and eyes. He has a darker natural complexion than me, so he was really brown by now and I was just pretty tan. We both are athletic and in good shape; I met Sean early on last year when we were on the same intramural soccer team. We became pretty good buds pretty fast, and he's probably my best friend at school.

Anyway, it's like close to midnight and we are flying back to Seattle. The plane is pretty empty, with practically everyone having a row to themselves. Besides Sean and me, I think I saw maybe 3 or 4 other people with someone in the seat next to them. We were in an exit row, which was a trick I picked up from my dad for long flights: way more leg room.

Just to be stupid, we both ordered Heinekens. They never card on the plane, probably because at four bucks a pop, who cares if we're 21. We were tired anyway and hadn't eaten dinner, so we were both total lightweights and copped a little buzz off of one beer a piece. No wonder we weren't wilder in Mexico!

Around this time, I'm just kind of letting my mind wander, thinking how much fun we had and how cool it is to have a bud like Sean to hang with. I know that's cheesy, and it's not like I was being all sentimental, but I guess I was just feeling kind of close. I don't know.

So we are both tired and had snagged a couple of little pillows and blankets from the stewardess. I quickly doze off with my hand down my cargo shorts under the blanket. That's one of the things about me: I almost always fall asleep with my hand on my crotch. Don't know why, I just do. Anyway, all the plane lights were off and it was easy to fall asleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but I kind of drifted awake and noticed a couple of things. One was that both Sean and I had totally sprawled out when we fell asleep. I was by the window, with my head on a pillow against the wall, and Sean was kind of leaned in with his head near my shoulder. We both kind of had our legs spread out, and I could feel his leg against mine. His skin was warm and the hair on his leg felt good against the hair on mine. I even liked how the fabric of his basketball shorts felt against the side of my thigh. His breathing was deep and even, and he looked pretty peaceful.

The other thing I noticed was that I was totally boned. That's right, my dick was rock hard in my hand when I woke up. At first I was nervous, but then I realized it was pretty dark on the plane (only a few people had their reading lights on, and none of them were near us) and that it felt damn good. Since Sean and I had been together pretty much 24-7, I hadn't jerked off in four days. Trust me, that is a very long time for me!

Once I realized no one could see, I started getting more turned on. Here I was at 35,000 feet in the dark, sitting next to my best friend and holding my throbbing meat in my hand. It felt good. Really good. Everything was under the blanket, so as long as I stroked real slow instead of jerking it, I could probably feel pretty good. And there was something about the feeling of Sean next to me, our legs against each other, that made it that much more erotic.

So I stroked. I stroked really slow and gentle, feeling the whole shaft. My left hand alternated between rubbing my abs under my shirt and resting just under my nutsack. I was so glad I wore boxers that day! An occasional spot of turbulence made the ride just that much more exciting. Soon I also noticed that Sean's right forearm was rubbing against my left, so I kind of cooled it with that hand. I didn't think I'd get caught if he woke up, but I didn't want to push my luck.

At first I thought it was jerking on the plane that was the big turn on, but in hindsight, I think it was the idea of jerking next to Sean. At first, I was thinking about some of the girls we met on our trip, and even about Kirstin, but eventually my thoughts went back to Sean. I tried not to think of him, but then I would feel his leg and his shorts and I couldn't help it. I thought about what he looked like on the beach or in the locker room, about his defined chest and arms, and even wondered what he looked like when he stroked. Sometimes I would move my leg a little just to feel our skin rub. I knew it was perverted and fucked up, and that he'd kick my ass if he knew, but I was way beyond caring. I was just too horny. If I hadn't already started with my hand on my dick, I might have stood a chance. Now it was too late.

Sean adjusted in his seat and kind of startled me. He ended up kind of curled up in toward me, our arms and legs still touching. I watched him sleep while I started stroking again. He looked so innocent. My best buddy. I really liked being with him and maybe I liked it more than I let myself think about. I decided to just let my mind go and I started wishing he was jerking with me. I could feel a little precum leaking out now.

Then I felt something else: Sean's hand on my arm. I was freaking, but it looked like he was still asleep. His had felt a little rough, and it just kind of rested there, though it was almost like he was holding onto me a little. He scooted a little closer in his sleep, and inside I just got a really good feeling. When I felt safe again, I picked up where I left off, stroking my shaft real slow and gentle. My stroked were firmer now, though--I was feeling awesome.

I could feel Sean's breath on my neck a little now. It felt close and right. He stirred and his hand moved down, inches from my crotch. My heart was racing a mile a minute, and it just got worse when I saw his eyes start to open. I should have looked away, but I didn't. When he woke up, our eyes were locked. "Hey buddy," he said to me sleepily. He started to move his hand and that's when he figured what I was up to (since my arm disappeared under my waistband at the wrist).

I didn't know what to do, so I just ended up grinning at him like an idiot, hoping he wouldn't freak. In what seemed like forever (but was probably just a second), he grinned back. "Good idea, bro," he whispered, sitting up a little. "I'm totally horny too."

Under his blanket, I could see Sean's right hand slip to his crotch. More that that, our arms were still rubbing, and I could feel his forearm tense up as he gripped himself. And the smile on his face got that much bigger. "Dude, let me catch up."

So there we are, on a plane in the middle of the night, stroking side by side under our airline blankets. Sean didn't move away from me at all. In fact, he put his leg over mine as we both got into it. That move almost made me cum, but I contained myself. I liked how just this much of his body felt against mine, and I think I would have liked feeling more of it.

Sean's breathing was getting a little ragged now (I'm sure mine was, too), and I could see his had move and the occasional poke of the outline of his cock under the blanket. While we stroked, we just kept looking back and forth at each other. Sometimes we were laughing real quiet, other times there was this intense look that passed between us. Whatever was happening, we were into it.

The rubbing was the best for me. Not my rubbing (though that was damn fine), but our rubbing. I liked his leg over mine, and I loved that I could feel every stroke of his right hand. We were total buds now. After he had been jerking really fast for a little while, Sean looked me in the eye with a look that went right through me. His eyes were filled with lust, and so was his voice. I'll always remember what he said:

"Ry, let's shoot together."

That was all I needed to go over the edge, and so did he. We were both facing each other and completely quiet, but I could just see in Sean's eyes that he shot, that my best buddy went over the edge with me and was feeling so, so good. I hoped he could see the same in mine. His eyes rolled back and his mouth opened slightly. His breath was hot against my face and neck. I could also feel his arms and legs muscles get totally tense, and slowly I could feel us both relax. I came hard, as hard as I can ever remember cumming just from stroking. It was incredibly intense. We both shot into those little, soft airline blankets, or else I bet we would have made spots in our shorts that would have never gone away.

I couldn't believe what we had just done, and I got kind of a guilty feeling, but that went away fast when we both started laughing. We tried to be quiet, but we laughed so hard and so long that we probably woke up half the plane. But we didn't care. Somehow, it was all cool and ok. After we had laughed so hard that my eyes watered and my abs burned, we were both tired again. The blankets were useless and on the floor now, but we curled up to sleep again. This time, I rested my head on Sean's shoulder, and his head was on my head. He slid his leg over mine again, and his right hand rested on my left forearm again, gripping just a little. I put my right hand on my crotch, which was still a little damp, and fell fast asleep with my best bud.

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