
By Justin Balancier

Published on Sep 25, 2019


FLATBUSH - Chapter 15


It was several days later, when Asa received a text from Andrew. He was a bit surprised because this was the first time that Andrew had contacted him. Normally Adam sent text messages.

Hi Asa,

I Thought I had better connect with you and let you know how things are. Work is going good. Today, I have the afternoon off and I run a good vacuum cleaner. Would you like company? I clean up well.


Asa read the message several time enjoying every word. He could feel a sense of `hook up' with Andrew and it brought back some memories of words that were spoken by others. Words such as, "would you like me to stop by and company," which always meant sex.

On the top of the bookshelf in Asa's living room was a framed 8 X 10 black and white photograph of a rather handsome young man. The word `handsome' may be too trivial to use in this case. A better choice of words would probably be athletic, husky, masculine or hot. That picture is Asa, taken shortly after graduating from college.

Asa is leaping into the air with a tennis racket swinging at an oncoming ball. His masculine legs have a small amount of black hair and his crotch is acceptable with a well-defined butt packed into white tennis shorts. His face is clean-shaven and resembles Farley Granger. Whenever Asa thought his days on earth were nearly through; he would look at that picture and say aloud – "at least I was never boring."

Asa tapped a message back to Andrew. He was not quite sure what to say without sounding like a pervert; but since he did not care how he spoke, he simply tapped away. He took a sip of water and began.

Hi Andrew,

You must have a sixth sense. I was thinking exactly the same thing; but I am too lazy to get out the vacuum cleaner and start pushing. As they say on the "Price is Right" –"come on down"


Just about then, the telephone rang. It was his old friend Bernie "I can't talk Bernie," said Asa. I have a helper coming any minute now to clean the apartment.

"Is it a woman or a man?" inquired Bernie

"If you must know, and you always want to know everything. My helper is Andrew. It is strictly business; although I do admit that Andrew gives me a warm sensation in my heart"

"That's not a sensation – that's gas"

"Good-bye Bernie"


"Good-bye Bernie" repeated Asa

"Okay – go and play Cinderella." Said Bernie

Asa hung up the phone mumbling; "Oy, that Bernie, if I hadn't known him for forty years, never the time of day, would I give him."

A tap came on the door and Asa wet his lips and ran his finger through his hair, as if that did anything of value. Asa watched old movies and if it was good enough for Betty Davis, it was good enough for him.

Andrew was at the door looking like a prize. His sunglasses were propped onto his head and he was smiling. He was wearing dark red shorts displaying tufts of blondish-red hair on his legs. A white tee shirt covered his chest and that was about all Asa could take. Andrew reminded Asa of a candied apple that needed licking.

"Hellooo grandpa," said Andrew giving Asa a hug. "Let me look around and see what needs to be done," he said stepping into the room without an invitation

Asa could feel his heart racing just a little and his pants twitched ever so little; surprising Asa to no end.

"You don't have to do anything. The house is fine. How about skipping the cleaning and pose for me, so I can look at you."

"I am going to pick up the room and vacuum, and then I will pose for you," said Andrew trying to be business-like and sexy at the same time.

Asa was correct; the room was practically dust free with just clutter, mostly newspapers and books. Nevertheless, Andrew was there to clean the apartment. He went through the living room in a flash picking up papers, replacing books in the bookcase, and giving the furniture a quick once over with a dry cloth, no polish. The carpet was okay.

"You're a pretty clean fella Asa," said Andrew. You have some clutter, because you do not put stuff away; but I will do that for you. I see where you like reading about the English monarchy."

"Oh sure, it makes me appreciate our founding fathers and how they set up the American constitution. I am a lover of history." Said Asa

"I bet history, isn't the only thing you appreciate," said Andrew, trying to act coy.

I bet you are right, taking the book out of Andrew's hand then putting it back on the shelf. "Schmoe" he mumbled barely audible.

Andrew finished the living room; and went into the bathroom to scrub the toilet, tub and sink. Asa followed him and sat on a stool, watching Andrew's butt as he worked. It was the firmest shaped melon butt, making Asa's thoughts travel downward.

"Would you like to take a shower?" Asked Asa

"I already took one. Are you trying to get my clothes off," said Andrew laughing and enjoying every minute of Asa's weakness.

"Not me," replied Asa. "Your clothes won't fit me."

"You are a funny man, grandpa"

"Oy, so many times I hear, funny – funny. I am a serious man." "Adam said, you were a dirty man, but sweet."

"That too, I'm sweet, but if I behave dirty. You will have to be the judge," said Asa

"Come on," blurted out Andrew, let us find out, just how dirty you feel like being. He led Asa by the hand, into the bedroom. Asa sat on the bed and Andrew stood before him. He was only inches from Asa's face, when he took his shirt off.

"Did Adam tell you to set me down, and take off your shirt?" asked Asa.

"Not exactly, I will do it my way or your way – whatever pleases you," replied Andrew.

"So, already you think you're an instructor," commented Asa

"Couldn't agree more," replied Andrew "I'm sort of diversified, when it comes to being naked, but I doubt I can teach you anything."

Andrew raised his hands over his head and stretched, turning slightly so Asa could see his butt. Andrews's chest was solid, but not muscular, just average and he said that to Asa.

I'm only average grandpa, and I am not Adam, with the hot body; so don't expect miracles." Said Andrew

"I am comparing nothing – don't worry, believe me, you are hot. We are all different and different I like, so do something comfortable," said Asa.

Andrew put his raised armpit brisling with strawberry red hair to Asa's face. His armpit was touching Asa's lips.

"You want I should eat this?" said Asa

"Andrew began giggling but trying to be serious said, "I'm trying to be creative, do what you want to do. Okay gramps, tongue it, and lick my armpit."

Asa took hold of his bicep for support and ran his tongue under Andrews arm. It was not the first time for Asa doing this, but he pretended, it was something new for him, as he did so often with strangers. Asa would often act sexually inexperienced with young studs only to make them feel superior. When `young and dumb' felt superior, they poured all they had into giving great sex. Hot hook ups and how to deal with youth, was something Asa learned in his early years living on Flatbush Avenue. He was very good.

"Do you like going there, Grampa?" asked Andrew

"Yes, it's good, but come back when there is no deodorant. A little moisture is better. That would be hot. Right now, you taste like Right Guard. Write it down – no deodorant, it's perfume tasting."

Okay, I will do that,"

Andrew dropped his jeans to the floor and kicked them aside. He was wearing white bikini briefs, covering a grapefruit looking pouch. There was a treasurer stuffed behind the fabric that peeked Asa's interest.

Andrew took Asa's hand and placed it on his warm crotch. That was all it took and Asa was like a thoroughbred at the track – off and running.

"Take my dick out, you like red heads." Said Andrew

"You take it out, so I can look at you."

"Now don't start comparing me to Adam. We are different people."

"I know what you are; do you think I am a Putz?" mumbled Asa

"A what?" said Andrew?

"It's slang for a jerk, an idiot."

"No, gramps, you know what you are doing." Replied Andrew "I don't think you are jerk putz."

"That is not the way you say it; but it will do – forget it." Said Asa.

Andrew stroked his dick until it was solid and hard, with his other hand he lifted his balls adorned with red hair. It was anguish for Asa to watch something mouthwatering. Like a maniac, he wanted to grab that red headed chicken and run away with it.

"Not to keep stirring the kettle, but `yes' a dirt man, is what I am," confessed Asa "You are so different from Adam. – Just gorgeous, both of you are gifted with expertise."

"Oh stop," said Andrew. "You must like that word – everything is gorgeous,"

"There, you are correct – but gorgeous (like a centerpiece of flowers) is a Jewish thing," replied Asa "Don't be a smart ass."

Andrew unbuttoned Asa's shirt and began removing his pants, much to Asa's surprise.

"So, what are you doing? You are the one who strips – I watch, that is how the game works," said Asa "at my age, the pants stay on."

"Not this time, we are going to cuddle flesh to flesh," said Andrew carefully removing Asa's clothes.

"So who wants to cuddle? – That stuff is for gay boys, not me. I am one of those people who have piled up golden years; which is a lot of crap – golden; bah. Who has time for such nonsense? I know your tricks. First, we cuddle naked and the next thing you know, I am being fucked – not going to happen. Maybe next time, but not today" said Asa as if he was giving a speech.

Andrew paid no attention to Asa still removing his clothing except for his stretched out boxers. Then he kissed Asa quickly on the mouth and lowered him on to the bed. Finally, he pulled off the boxers and Asa was naked.

Andrew spooned up to Asa, putting his hard cock between his legs from behind, creating a dry fuck and rubbing his shoulder with his hand. After a few minutes of what Asa considered "nonsense" Andrew rolled Asa on his back and poised carefully on his chest.

"Phew, I thought you were going to nail me to the sheets, with that gun between your legs."

"You want that? I would love to do that grandpa, but don't want to hurt you."

"I don't get hurt, but next time; let's save it for next time;" said Asa.

Andrew's was inches from Asa's lips. He rubbed his dick across Asa's face and it disappeared into his mouth like water going down a drainpipe.

"Yeah grandpa- yeah, wrap yourself around that," mumbled Andrew feeling exceptionally naughty,

Andrew was skillfully charming with a fiery crotch of tan flesh from sunbathing, and pool ball junk supporting his Irish cock. He was not as long as Adam, but wide with plenty of girth. He was without question a stud, a package, a man among men.

Asa struggled to get his hand on to Andrew's butt; but it was difficult to reach with Andrew on top of him. Andrew held Asa's face with both hands guiding his every move back and forth on his dick. In order to give him a rest, Andrew lowered his butt over Asa's mouth for a sponge bath.

The action, with Andrew was okay, but the fluttering excitement he felt with Adam, was better. Still, he kept telling himself, he should not make comparisons. That would not be fair.

Thinking quietly, Asa pondered. "Here I am an old fool, getting it on with not one, but two hot young men and I have to judge. Who am I to judge? Nevertheless, I am a Jew and it is in our DNA to sample everything then complain. If only people saw the value in things the way I do."

Andrew eventually shot off and Asa almost choked getting it down. There was nothing different about it. It happened so fast; a couple of throat clearing and it was gone. Still, it was not Adam and that made a difference.

"Are you alright Gramps," asked Andrew

"Of course I am okay. This is not my first time at being a slut."

"You are not a slut, Asa, don't say that." said Andrew

"If you were not so quick to shoot the cannon, a slut, I would have shown you," replied Asa

"Next time, grandpa, show me next time: said Andrew

"Okay – next time," Asa, replied running his hand over Andrew's butt.

Andrew stayed for lunch and they made grilled cheese sandwiches. He cleaned the kitchen, washed and dried the dishes, and made ice tea.

They sat around talking and laughing like a couple of old friends. Sometimes Andrew would lean over and kiss Asa, calling him grandpa. He was definitely more affectionate than was Adam.

Asa felt Andrew was playing acting and maybe so, but it did not matter. Asa liked him and he was hot in the bedroom. Lust was something very important to Asa as he continued to slide downward in age and stamina.

About 6:20 pm, Adam stopped to see Asa and brought him a loaf of Jewish rye still warm in a white paper bag. He hugged both Andrew and Asa. They were close now and depended on one another. What happened behind closed doors, the public didn't know about concerning the young, the old and the obscene moments they shared. It was laughable, the way they carried on being gay.

"Did Andrew do a good job for you grandpa?" inquired Adam grinning like a child with a secret; he is not supposed to talk about.

"Of course – You are referring to running the vacuum cleaner- am I right?"

"Well, not exactly," said Adam

"Okay – alright - I sucked his dick; I might as well tell you; since that is what we do," confessed Asa.

"For sure grandpa, that is what we do. You are funny," said Adam

"Stop with the `funny' business, you talk like a comedian"

"I'm sorry grandpa." Said Adam

"Good, now get me a beer," barked Asa "and don't be sorry, you're a Jew."

Soon after that, Adam and Andrew left and Asa was once more alone.

Asa went into the living room and sat in his usual spot in the bay window. He brought along a slice of rye bread, slobbered with butter, and sat munching and thinking. He thought about Andrew and tried to evaluate his good points. He never considered evaluating Adam. Maybe it was because Adam was a fellow Jew and they bonded quickly; and maybe that was not it, at all.

"I make good choices when it comes to this hooking up business." Asa thought to himself. "So he is Irish, who cares. The hair, I like"

The telephone rang and it was Bernie calling back. "So how was your company? Are you going to talk, or is the secret, a secret? Asked Bernie

"I'm thinking – I'm thinking, and I have nothing to say. Talking to you, Bernie, is like working with a bit player in a cheap production - all questions"

"He was that bad huh, a real bow wow," Said Bernie

"You want to know everything; like a whore on Broadway," commented Asa

"Of course –this is Flatbush and we share," replied Bernie

"That is where, you are mistaken, said Asa. There is nothing to share."

He told Bernie he would talk to him later and hung up the phone.

"What a smuck, Asa said in a clear and distinct voice – What a smuck,"

Asa didn't know why he let Bernie get to him like that. In the past, it was sharing stories and making each other jealous. Bernie loved gossip, trying to convince himself that he was still a star.

The phone rang again and Asa thought to ignore it – but didn't. He answered on the third ring. It was Andrew.

"Hey Asa, do you have any plans for dinner tonight? Adam and I would like you to come and break bread with us. Excuse me, I should say join us for dinner."

"I will have to pass. I had a long day and a very busy one. You should know how busy I was snacking today. So I am going to bed early this evening and I wouldn't be good company, but, if dinner comes with a raincheck – put me down."

"Okay gramps, we want to share with you, and will make it another time." Said Andrew -

"Okay, sharing is good; can I get into your pants?" Said Asa laughing

"Of course, three makes a sandwich, and you're the middle.

"Oy vey, a sandwich, I will be making, but who knew? Good grief."

Thank you for reading and thanks for remembering Nifty. The story ends with chapter 17 – Don't miss this one. Thank you once more

Justin Email - jbalancier9@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 16

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