Flat 12

By SE Nein

Published on Feb 15, 2018


Flat 12 by S. E. Nein - Chapter One: Golden Eyes and School Ties ================================================================

Damien Kelly stood in the doorway of his new university dorm room and took a deep breath as he looked around the room. The dark blue curtains were drawn over the window and a lamp sat on a cabinet next to the single bed, already turned on. The bed itself had plain, dark blue bedding which was arranged in such a way that it was OCD worthy. A corkboard hung above the head of the bed and Damien could only imagine it falling and concussing him in his sleep. Damien appreciated the neatness, but he needed to mess it up a bit; as it was, it looked clinical, like a hotel room.

He took his first steps into the room and passed the open door to the en-suite, which was blocking his view of the rest of the room. He stopped abruptly. The room was much bigger than he had first thought and the other side of it was a mirror image of the first. Another bed, window, curtains, corkboard, cabinet and lamp. A solitary desk and computer chair marked the line of symmetry.

After knitting his brow in confusion for a moment, Damien made his way down the hall, past all the other rooms in Flat 12 of Camila College and to the elevator. There had to have been some kind of mix up. The lady with the large breasts would sort this out for him.

"Hello!" chirped Busty Receptionist #1, who Damien felt obliged to call Angelica after seeing her name tag (the pin of which seemed to be struggling to keep from buckling from the external pressure from her bosoms). She had elfin features and was incredibly beautiful, not that Damien cared unless he was drunk. She flicked her blonde hair as she said her greeting.

"Yeah, hi, I'm Damien Kelly. I'm moving into Flat 12, Room 5. There's two beds in there..."

"So?" Angelica curtly replied, smiling up at the perplexed Damien from her desk, an artificial look on her face.

"So," began Damien, his snappiness coming through, "I applied and have begun paying for a single accommodation room."

"Oh, yes, my superiors informed me this may happen. An abnormal number of students applied for accommodation this academic year, so everyone in the most popular faculties has to share. And you..." her acrylic nails click-clacked on the keyboard in front of her and her eyes scrolled across the PC screen, "Damien Kelly, English Literature and Creative Writing.

Yep, you fall into that category."

Before Damien could even ask exactly what this entailed, who he was rooming with, or anything whatsoever, he was rudely interrupted. Another man, slightly taller than Damien came up to the desk, standing uncomfortably close to Damien, almost as if he wasn't there.

He wore a sports cap backwards, a hoodie that reeked of marijuana, khaki shorts and flip- flops. Damien looked from his shorts to outside the building's foyer, at the windy and relatively cold weather of a British September.

"Hi... Angelica. Jared Huntsworth, moving in today." Jared's voice was laced with flirtation and if that wasn't obvious enough he looked down at Angelica's breasts and bit his lip.

Damien looked on in horror at this primitive display of heterosexuality, but apparently Angelica liked to be sexually objectified, because she pushed out her breasts even more.

Damien waited for them to burst.

After finding Jared on the system, she handed him a student's pass and with a crude wink he sauntered away, luggage trailing behind him. He walked with a swagger that Damien resented. He waited for Angelica to acknowledge his existence again, but she turned back to her screen, grinning like a school girl who just received a rose on Valentine's Day.

"Yo, who am I rooming with, seeing as I'm being forced to?" She looked up at him with a startled expression. Apparently, he hadn't actually been there this whole time.

"Oh, him." She smiled as his face dropped.

Upon returning to Room 5, a room that Damien suspected he must now dread returning to, he found Jared in bed. In the space of 5 minutes he had managed to take off half of his clothes and hop into bed. His bare shoulders peeked out one end of the duvet and his white socks from the other. Damien thanked the Gayety Deity that Jared had acknowledged his suitcases waiting by one bed and chosen the other.

Jared stirred, and saw Damien standing there. "Oh, hey man, you my roomie?" Damien nodded and Jared got out from under his covers. "Cool! I'm Jared." He moved towards the other man with his hand outstretched for a shake.

Turns out Jared didn't just take off half of his clothes, he took off almost all of them and now approached Damien in just his white boxers and socks. His substantial bulge was outlined and easy to see.

"Fuck." Damien blurted out at the sight of a man in his underwear. His only excuse was that he was extremely gay and extremely sexually frustrated. In his defence, Jared's toned stomach and slight pectorals looked amazing in the dim light of the lamp and his wavy auburn hair, previously covered by a hat, trailed down to growing stubble, adding to the alluring manliness.

Jared cocked a brow and Damien gasped at his indiscretion. Not socially acceptable, he thought to himself. That kind of thing would've gotten him beat in high school. He looked into Jared's green eyes, looking for a sign of an imminent swinging fist. But he just laughed.

Softly at first, but then he buckled over, practically slapping his scantily clad thighs. Damien just looked in continued horror and confusion.

Once again upright, Jared finally spoke "I'm sorry for laughing, that was just too funny! But no need to look so mortified, you're not the first male to find me breath-taking. Don't think I'm into guys, but you can look if you want." He flexed and his bicep bulged tantalisingly.

Damien's eyes followed the movement resentfully. Well, at least he was too much of a self- centred arsehole for Damien to fall in love with him.

The spell broken, Damien offered his hand "Damien. You're doing Creative Writing too?"

Jared shook the proffered hand, "Yeah. The only thing I'm good at and the only thing I can do while high." Damien was about to roll his eyes, but then actually thought about this assessment and deemed it to be logical.

Damien sat on the edge of his bed and looked around the room and at the still underdressed Jared, "Well, I guess we're cohabitating." Jared grinned.

Damien had been living with Jared for three days and in those days, he had learned a lot about his roommate. Jared liked to eat breakfast in bed and then complained about the crumbs. Jared listened to indie music and only indie music, which Damien didn't mind, although he preferred pop himself. Except for the fact that he listened to it without headphones a lot of the time, which annoyed him intensely. He also talked to Damien about all of his sexual exploits and he seemed to love 'pussy' a lot.

One thing Damien didn't mind was how little Jared wore shirts. He was Damien's perfect body type: toned and fit, like a swimmer, but not all muscles. Damien himself was what the gays called a twink. Slim and smooth. He definitely had no issues with his body and would consider himself fairly attractive.

In fact, in that current moment he was admiring himself in the mirror. Some vanity was allowed, just not too much. It was Fresher's Week, a whole week of partying for new students before classes started and Damien was going out with some of the girls from Flat 12, to a schoolgirl and schoolboy themed party. He was currently in a tight white dress shirt and black trousers with a gold and purple tie. The shirt accentuated the little muscle he had and made both his black hair and blue eyes pop and Damien really appreciated it. So much so that he snapped a pic of himself for Instagram.

The artificial camera shutter sound summoned Jared from the bathroom, like a moth to a flame. Or a frat boy to an opportunity to show off. "Take another one with me, man." He stood before Damien in similar black trousers and just a tie, no shirt. Apparently, he was going to the same party as him.

With a roll of his eyes, Damien posed with a peace sign, bubble butt sticking out slightly, once again, this time with a shirtless Jared in the background. He snapped one photo, smiled wider. Took another. Jared moved closer into frame. He took another. Jared put his hand on Damien's shoulder. One last photo.

Jared looked over Damien's shoulder at the last photo, "Cute. Send it to me. So, you going to the school party?" Damien nodded. "Want a lift?"

"Nah, I'm going with some of the girls." Jared grinned at this. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just a bit of a clich‚ gay thing, isn't it? You know, fag hags and all that?"

"If you weren't taller and bulkier than me, I'd slap you right now." Damien replied, only half joking; he resented his statement.

"Kinky." He smirked, Damien grimaced. "Just messing with you. But I'm just saying, maybe if you spent more time with drunk guys, you'd get more dick..."

"How do you know-" There were frantic knocks at the door.

"Fag hags are here."

The taxi was nearing the venue and Damien sipped straight vodka from his hipflask, while uncomfortably sandwiched between Clarice and Lara, the girls from Flat 12. They both wore school shirts, tied into crop tops and seductively short skirts. The man driving the taxi was going to crash if he didn't stop trying to get a glimpse up their skirts. Clarice had tied her blonde hair into pigtails and Lara wore her black hair in a braid.

The girls chatted away, talking about how crazy tonight was going to be, while Damien removed his phone from his pocket. He pulled up the photo from earlier to send to Jared, but Clarice snatched it out of his hand before he could. "Hey, give that back."

"Is that your roommate? Jared?" Damien nodded. "Fuck, he's hot." She held up his phone for Lara to see. Lara snatched the phone from Clarice. Apparently, his phone was a pass-the- parcel prize now.

"If I was you I would try and fuck him! He is a snack!" Lara practically squealed "A what?" Damien asked, confused. The girls giggled, but they arrived at the party before Damien got his answer.

The party was in a community hall, which Damien guessed was the organisers' attempt to give authenticity to the school disco vibe. It seemed calm as the threesome paid the taxi and stepped out of the car. Some other guys and girls were stepping inside through some rusted fire exit doors, so they followed them in. And that's when it all went to shit.

The party, although it seemed to just be starting outside, was very much in full force.

Everywhere you looked there were half-naked men and women in costume, doing shots and eating each other's faces. Damien was pretty sure he could see a boy on his knees, some other guy's dick being shoved down his throat, people just dancing around them. So, this was university...

Damien wasn't the most sociable of people. He had been bullied a lot for being quiet back home in London, which gave him quite intense anxiety and an often cold demeanour. But he had promised himself that university would be his big break and that he would finally let loose and get involved. Despite this, the room of carnage put him off Seeing him half-frozen in the doorway, Clarice and Lara grabbed either one of his arms and dragged him to the dancefloor. He moved stoically, trying not to let the swarm of people overwhelm him. It took 20 minutes for him to drain his substantially large flask of all spirit, by which point he was feeling a lot looser and more comfortable.

And then 'Keep Me Coming' by Superfruit came on and it was all over. Damien was out there on the dancefloor on his own, or so it felt. Gyrating like some kind of animal, rubbing his hands all down his slim torso in musical ecstasy, eyes closed. He was alone in drunken bliss.

But then he wasn't. A firm hand on his hip. A hard stomach against his back. Soon Damien and this other body were moving together, echoing each other's movements. He turned around to see who it was and... he didn't recognise him. This didn't surprise him; everyone was new to everyone else here.

He was attractive though. He looked to be of mixed ethnicity, tall, with a shaved head and full lips. But it was his eyes that struck Damien, transfixing him in his drunken stupor. They were caramel brown, almost golden. Beautiful. He couldn't stop looking into them, as if they were a whirlpool he had been sucked into. Willingly sucked into.

And then he was leaning in, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around this boy's neck.

His lips were like cushions and they began to kiss ravenously. They didn't even know each other's names and yet they were in this purely sexual tornado of lips on the dancefloor of a party.

Damien had only kissed one boy before, his boyfriend from back home and it was never as spontaneous and unemotional as this. The boy slipped his tongue into Damien's mouth and he parted his lips to allow its entry. Damien nipped those full lips slightly and the boy pulled him in tighter.

After a few more minutes of semi-aggressive kissing, the boy grabbed Damien's hand and began to pull him through the crowd. Damien barely registered Clarice and Lara holding their thumbs up in approval as they parted ways for the two men.

When outside the venue, Damien found himself thrust against the brick wall. The roughness made his dick start to grow hard. Maybe Jared was right. Maybe he was kinky, after all. The boy dove in with his lips again, like a shark attacking its smaller prey, this time directing his attention to Damien's neck.

He liked that. Oh, he really like that! He moaned, clawing gently at the boy's back, his breath fogging up the night air. The boy sucked on his pale skin harder, trying to elicit a greater reaction. Damien didn't disappoint. Their crotches were grinding together and Damien thought he could feel the brush of the other man's erection against his own, now fully grown and throbbing hard.

He wanted this nameless boy to shove his cock down his throat. He wanted him to eat his tight hole, to fuck him in it until he screamed, right here on the street. All these crazy thoughts swirled around his head, but were interrupted by the ringing of a phone. His phone.

Damien pushed the boy away gently, and pulled the phone from his pocket. "Shit." He whispered at his sister's name on the screen. He declined the call and looked back up to those golden eyes, going back in for a kiss. The boy stopped him.

"Nah mate, I need to get going. That was hot though, lemme give you my number." Although disappointed and now extremely horny, Damien and the boy, who entered his contact name as Cam, exchanged numbers and parted ways. Damien thought about going back inside to Clarice and Lara, but shot them both texts and got a taxi back to Flat 12.

Moaning and shrieking were not what Damien was expecting to come home to, yet those were the noises he was affronted with upon stumbling through the door and into Room 5. He was scared to walk past the bathroom and see what was surely Jared fucking some poor girl.

And sure enough that was what he found.

Jared was fucking a blonde girl in the doggy position, his firm hand holding her face into his pillow, which was doing a poor job of muffling her screams. He hadn't even bothered to pull the covers back and the lamp next to his bed was on. Damien guessed Jared was the kind of guy who enjoyed seeing his handiwork.

Damien watched Jared's firm arse move up and down as he thrust ruthlessly and rapidly into the girl's vagina. The sight of it should have disgusted him, or surprised him, but after getting off with Cam, Damien was hornier than ever. He placed a hand over the aching outline of his erection, still standing at the end of his own bed.

The girl remained blissfully unaware of Damien's presence, but Jared however, did not. He turned to see Damien, hand on crotch and looked him straight in the eyes, not once stopping his onslaught of fucking. He smirked that smirk of his, but this time the mischief behind it was less charming and more dominant. Powerful.

Damien hadn't expected Jared to react like this and his body was abuzz with excitement and anticipation. Even his nipples were hard.

Jared's eyes moved down Damien, locking on to his bulging crotch and then to Damien's empty bed. Despite his silence, Damien knew what Jared wanted, but he was still surprised he wanted it.

He took off his trousers and sat on the edge of his bed, his cock tenting his boxers out. Jared bit his lip across the room, but Damien wasn't sure he was confident enough to do what Jared wanted. As if he sensed this, Jared pulled out of the moaning girl and displayed his long and thick seven-inch cock to Damien. It took only a moment for him to remove his own six- incher from his underwear after that.

He was uncut, so he started jerking off without lube, not that he would have needed with the amount of precum he had already produced in the past hour. Damien saw Jared bite his lip and this turned him on even more.

Soon the two men were matching each other; Damien stroked his cock in time to Jared's plunges into the girl, who continued her relentless noises. But Jared's attention was all on Damien, which was strange for a guy who confessed himself to be straight and was currently having boring hetero sex.

Well, if Jared wanted to watch, then Damien would give him a show. Why the fuck not? He was drunk enough for it. He stopped touching himself and took off the tie, throwing it to the floor. He then slid back on the bed so he was against the wall and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it on but open.

Jared watched with confusing pleasure as Damien stroked his cock, while pinching his own nipples, all the while looking into his eyes. He didn't think he found men attractive, but Damien's tight body way... tempting. The girl's pussy was so tight on his cock and Damien was teasing him so good that soon he felt his balls draw up and he moaned and squirted cum, filling up the condom he was wearing.

Damien saw this and began jerking harder, rubbing the pad of his thumb against the sensitive tip of his dick. Soon he too was cumming, shooting thick, white strings of cum onto the carpet of Room 5. He panted, laying down onto the bed and promptly falling asleep, exhausted. His dreams were filled with golden eyes and school ties.


If you wish to share critique, thoughts or have any questions or suggestions about how the story continues please e-mail me at this address: ess.ee.nein@gmail.com

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