Flamingo Cove

Published on Oct 26, 2022


Flamingo Cove 2

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

I used Rufus and his buddy Rod's pick-up service to get some stuff from Markham. I had no tools for home improvement. They were back in the late afternoon with the stuff and the receipt from the store. They told me they did odd jobs and could help I needed help. My house was filled with books and I needed more shelves. That impressed them greatly. There was no local library. Dr. Miller and I were the only men in town with books.

Rufus had to leave, but Rod hung around. "Rex said you were a nice guy. He said you were fun," he said.

"Do you like the same kind of fun as Rex likes?" I asked.

"I kind of think I do," he replied. "I'm twenty-three years old and haven't done much," he paused. "Actually, I haven't done anything except with Rufus. I'm afraid I might do it wrong." After another pause he added, "I've never actually sucked a cock. If we did some stuff, you wouldn't tell anybody, would you?"

"Of course not," I said. "I think you would be happier with guys your own age," I said. He said no. I realized later that he wanted sex with someone who didn't know his friends. Somehow, ten minutes later were were in the shower together. A few minutes after that I discovered he had no problem with me sucking his cock at all.

We got out of the shower, dried off and went to my bedroom. "Rufus has never taken cum. He thinks it would taste like piss," Rod said.

"Piss comes from the bladder. Cum comes from the balls. They don't mix. Cum is mostly sperm and home made lube. That's what makes babies. It's pure and tastes okay. I think precum tastes better, but sperm is okay. If you like the guy who made it, it may be a lot more than okay." I explained. "Taking a guys cum can be a big deal."

"What do we do next?" Rod asked.

"That is up to you," I said. A minute later Rod leaned over, stuck out his tongue and touched my cock head. Nothing happened. There was no bolt of lightening from the sky, and the earth didn't open and swallow us up. His lips parted and he took my entire knob into his mouth. His tongue circled my cock head and rested at my piss slit. Rod officially become a gay man.

He asked what the sweet stuff he was tasting was. I told him it was precum. "When you taste precum, you can tell a guy is into it." I explained.

A few minutes later I sucked his cock exactly repeating what he had done to my knob. He moaned.

What do we do next?" he asked.

"My plan is to work your cock until you can't hold back any longer and then you will feed me every drop of sperm in your body," I said.

"Do you want to take my load in your mouth?" he asked.

"I sure do. I think of sperm as an important food group," I said.

"I don't know if I can do that," he said.

"I am pretty sure you cock knows what to do," I replied. Five minutes later his cock let loose. I took every drop. All was well. Rod crashed and went home.

As he left I said, "Don't be shy, you are welcome to drop in any time."

He came by two days later, after he got back from another shopping trip. "Are you busy?" he asked.

I said no, and asked him in. "I've been thinking about what we did the other day," he said. "It gets better the more I think about it," he said. "Is that normal?"

"For me it was," I said. "They don't call it a sex drive for no reason."

"Do I have to do you now?" he asked.

"No, but your chance of having a long term relationship with other guys will increase greatly if you both give and take," I said.

I was not surprised when Rod sucked my cock. We soon were in the 69 position, and then he took my load as he shot off a second time. He was a happy man when he went home.

I enjoyed living in Flamenco Cove. To say life there was relaxed understates the case. Rex came by to see me on a Saturday morning when the doctor was away.

"The Doc and I are monogamous but it's okay to have sex with other guys and long as he's watching. Sometimes we share, sometimes he just watches." Rex said.

"What turn's you on?" I asked.

"My cunt and my ass are available for general use." He said. "Doc likes fresh man seed in my cunt as lube. He had a thick one and a fresh deposit of sperm does the trick for him. With the right guy, he likes it when one guy fucks his ass, while he is fucking my ass. That is really good. He says cum is the food of the gods."

"What works for you?" I asked.

"I guess you could say I have a cock fixation," he replied. "A cock in my mouth, a cock in my cunt and a cock in my ass is my dream. I am a bit slutty. I am in love with Doc, but I get turned on by other men's cocks." He paused. "I'm into sperm big time too. Since I don't have balls or a cock, I need men to provide what I lack. Does that bother you?"

"No," I replied. "I see you as a handsome, masculine man. I think you are an attractive. sexually generous man, not as a man lacking a cock."

"Does it help that I am a cum dump?" he asked.

I laughed and said, "That certainly doesn't hurt!" We talked for a while, and he went home. It was an interesting conversation. I laughed to myself. By interesting I seemed to mean filled with sexual potential.

I came to realize than that sex wasn't entertainment for the men of Flamingo Cove; it was the basis of the community. It wasn't a large community, but knowing that every cock could be sucked and every ass could be fucked added a little zip to day-to-day activities. It wasn't always high intensity sex, but sex can only be so bad with pals and neighbors. It was enjoyable, but not earth shattering.

Rod became a regular, and he sometimes came with pals. The first of these was Billy-Boy. He was a twenty- year-old guy who was a grease monkey at a service station in Markham. Rod told me that Billy-boy was a fast rising star in the engine repair business. He had a knack. That was important in an area where there were a lot of older cars, and most buildings were too far apart to walk to.

I am not much into young guys, but Rod told me Billy-Boy was a good guy and he needed sexual release. Dr. Miller was his doctor, so he was tested.

Billy-Boy was from what Rod called a "poor excuse for a family." An Industrial Arts teacher recognized he had a gift, and got him a job with the best mechanic in the county.

Rod and Billy-Boy came to my door on a Friday night. Billy-boy had obviously showered and scrubbed himself as well as he could to get the grease off him. I appreciated the effort.

I asked them in and offered them a beer. We talked a little, and then I told them I was hoping for some fun.

"I would like to have a little fun too," Rod said. Billy-boy muttered that he would like it too.

"Would you guy mind if we had a lot of fun?" I asked. "Naked fun?"

"That sounds good to me!" Rod said. "Billy-boy is kind of new to this."

"That's okay with me," I said. "Billy-boy, there is one thing you need to know. This is for fun. If it isn't fun for you, don't do it. If it is fun, do it again!"

We went to my bedroom and stripped. All was well. Billy-Boy was bearded, tall, and scrawny. He was muscular. He had a hairy chest, arms and beard. He was already semi-erect so I dropped to my knees and sucked him.

"You don't need to do that," he said.

"Is it okay if I want to do it?" I replied.

"I might shoot off!" he exclaimed.

"That is why we are here," I said. I traded playmates and began to gently suck Rod's tool. After a minute or two, I stood up and Rod dropped to his knees and sucked me. Billy-boy dropped down and they shared my cock. Eventually, Rod sucked my balls and Billy-Boy sucked my cock. He seemed to like the knob. Rod moved away and Billy-Bob alone was sucking my cock.

"Billy-Boy, are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm better than okay," he replied.

I suggested that we go to my bed and sixty-nine. That was a total success. After maybe ten minutes, I asked, "Do you want me to warn you when I'm close to shooting?"

"Does the sweet stuff oozing from your cock mean you are getting close?" he asked.

"It sure does," I replied. Billy-Boy kept on sucking. I shot off.

After the last ejaculation I asked if he ever ate his own sperm.

"Do you eat man seed?" he asked.

"I sure do," I replied. He immediately returned to sucking me.

Maybe five minutes later his first ejaculation flooded my mouth. I am not exactly sure if my orgasm was inspired by his sperm or if I was just reaching the same level of excitement at the same time. Which ever it was Billy-Boy took my load as I took his. He looked at me and saw his cum quivering in my mouth. We kissed and traded loads.

Rod's phone rang, and said he had to make a delivery. I told him I would get Billy-Boy home later. That was fine with both of them.

I had a feeling that while Billy-Boy suspected was attracted to men rather than to women, he had no clue of the depth of his attraction. On his first gay experience he progressed from kindergarten to graduating from high school in fifteen minutes.

A few hours later I realized that he had a lifetime supply of sperm yearning to be free. I was both his liberator and the recipient of the sperm that had been imprisoned in his balls. When I got to know him better I realized that this wasn't stored sperm. Billy-Boy's balls were impressively productive. His cock never disappointed if you loved the taste of sperm.

Billy-Boy was an intelligent man with a poor background and poorer education. He didn't exactly know who his father was, and his mother had been with several potential candidates. He had been neglected by everyone except his grandfather's next door neighbor. He had been a mechanic.

I wanted to help him, but there was a wide gap between a retired professor of anthropology and a semi literate auto mechanic. I was afraid I would insult him. That was not a problem. I tend to be helpful, and he appreciated that. He was smart and was interested in things other than engines. That was good. There also is a big difference between a retired, old fogy professor and a sex crazed old guy with an over active sex drive.

While he couldn't read well, he was interested in things. I had a book on the birds of Florida. It was well illustrated and he found birds he knew. I also had a fine edition of Audubon's Birds of America. I had also inherited one actual print from my grandfather. Billy-Boy knew local birds, and was surprised to find them in a book. He wanted to know more. I began to get him into reading.

Rod and Billy-Boy had friendships with other guys. They realized that unmarried, loner types might have similar sexual tastes. For some men, learning the ins and outs of gay sex was easier from a guy who wasn't a close friend. Trial and error is sometimes best with a stranger.

Billy-Boy worked with a guy named Old Cal. He was pushing fifty and there was no indication that he dated or was going to get married. He was a tall, bald, heavy man with Fu Manchu beard. Cal was the tire guy at the repair shop. He actually showered every day, but that didn't show much after nine in the morning. He came from a strict born-again family and just about every thing enjoyable had a potential for sin. He folks were dead and his sisters had escaped to a nicer place.

Old Cal was shy, but got along with Billy-Boy. Billy-Boy was always willing to help. They had a little meeting in the men's room after work and discovered a common interest. Old Cal was a perfectionist and that was good for a tire guy. He was afraid he would do something wrong sexually. Billy-Boy brought Old Cal to see me. I was the expert. Billy-Boy told me offering Cal a beer would not be a good idea. I had lemonade which was good on a hot day. He dropped Old Cal off and then went to make deliveries.

I told Old Cal that I was retired and I was gay. He said I didn't sound or look like the gay guys on the television. I told him that I liked gay men in general but I particularly liked men who acted like men. "When I said I like men, I mean I like sex with men. I like to get them off. There are a lot of men who like to get off. I like to help them."

"You really like that?" he asked.

"I sure do. I like to have fun. I'm not looking to get married to a man, but I sure like naked fun with a guy," I said. "Are you interested?"

"I think so, but I've never done much," he said.

"Would you like to fool around and see how it goes?" I asked. He nodded. We went to my bedroom.

"I've never been are bare ass naked with a guy before," he said. I was already naked. He glanced at my cock. "You have a nice one." He said as he dropped his boxer shorts. I went over to him, dropped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth.

"You don't need to do that," he muttered.

I looked up at him. "I want to do it. You may be uneasy, but your cock is telling me it is happy. Relax and let me make you and your cock happy," I said.

"I'm afraid I will shoot off," he whispered.

"Has anyone ever taken your load before?" I asked. He muttered no. "For me, it would be an honor and a privilege to be the first to take your sperm. Try to relax. You cock knows what to do."

Old Cal had a nice cock. It was a bit over average length and thick. His cock head was big and tender as is often the case with uncut cocks. Cal's cock, indeed knew how to have a good time. A minute or two later old Cal relaxed and let his cock do the thinking for him.

After maybe five minutes I tasted precum. A few minutes later he began to moan. He soon ejaculated volley after volley of thick sperm. I took it all.

When he calmed down he rested. "Is it always that good?" he asked. "It was unbelievable."

"You liked it?" I asked.

"Shit yes! I didn't know I could feel that much," he said. "I've never felt so naked. I was okay though."

"There are a lot more things you can feel if you want to," I said. "It's one thing to be naked on a street corner in Miami. It's another to be with a guy who just finished sucking your cock and has just drained sucked your balls."

"Is it always this good?" Cal asked.

"It is what I was hoping for," I said. "I am a stranger to you. It would be better with a man you like. It gets more intense with a pal. Billy-Boy is a friend, isn't he?"

"He's a good kid," Cal said. "Do you think he likes me?"

"No man has ever gotten pregnant. Men are more into friendship. Sex is for fun, not starting a family and happily living together for ever and ever," I said. "He brought you here, didn't he?"

"Do you think he would take my load?" he asked.

"I suspect he would," I said. "I have a suspicion that you would love to take his sperm. I think you would like that a lot."

"What if I don't like it?" he asked and then was silent for a little bit. "Your balls are fully loaded, aren't they?"

"They sure are," I replied.

"Did he take you cum?" he asked.

"I don't kiss and tell," I replied. "He was a happy guy by the time he left."

Five minutes later Cal was a confirmed cock sucker and in another five minutes he discovered he liked the taste of fresh sperm. Fifteen minutes later he was working his well lubricated cock into my ass. He spent maybe twenty minutes exploring my ass and then discovered my ass was the gateway to heaven as he ejaculated a million sperm in the warmth of my ass.

I tend to zone out as a man ejaculates deep in my ass. I know that orgasms usually last for seconds, but time seemed to stop for Cal and me as he drained his balls into my ass. It was intense, beautiful, and emotional. Cal left his cock in me as his erection faded.

"Are you okay? I think I made a mess," he muttered.

"Cal, you have magic wand hanging between your legs. It was beautiful and I loved every second it was in me." I said. "You are also a natural born top."

"You are okay?" he asked.

"I'm a lot more than okay," I replied.

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