Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Mar 9, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The story that follows is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch.

QUICK THANK YOU'S - Thank you to everyone who keeps sending me email for the story, you all don't know how much it helps. And a quick hi to Corrado (hope you realize I mean you), talking to you is awesome and your input on the story is most appreciated, especially your help with that one scene.


It was close to 12:00pm by the time the boys all got onto the bus. They saw that Aidan was already there waiting for them.

"Hi Guys." Aidan said.

"Hey." Was the completely unenthusiastic response he got from the 5 boys.

"Your concert was amazing. Nick was right, I see it would be impossible for anyone to leave your concert and not be in love with the five of you." Aidan told them.

"You really enjoyed it?" Nick asked.

"Definitely, I was just expecting a song and dance show, but you guys really put a lot of emotion and energy into it. Especially emotion, I don't think I've ever seen a whole group cry over one of their own songs. Is that a usual part of the show?" Aidan asked.

"No, that isn't even the real song. Brian was doing a little improv for us tonight." Nick said.

"Really Brian? You came up with that while you were on stage? That's amazing." Aidan stated.

"Well I needed to get something off my chest and I believe there's no better way then music." Brian was looking uncomfortable.

"Well, you really touched a lot of people tonight. The audience didn't appear to notice, but all of us in the wings had tears in our own eyes. Hell, you even had Kevin crying. I didn't think that happened." Aidan said.

"I wasn't crying." Kevin said with an edge to his voice.

"Oh?" Aidan asked, not believing him. Sheesh, he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Yeah, my eyes were tearing a little, but I wasn't crying." Kevin admitted.

"Aidan, ya got to learn one thing; Kevin doesn't cry. It just doesn't happen." Howie explained.

"That can't be true, everyone cries, it's inevitable." Aidan argued

"Well, Kev's original then, cause he doesn't it." Howie argued back.

"Can we please stop talking about the activities of my tear ducts?" Kevin pleaded. "I think we have a session to get to. It's already late and we do need to get some sleep tonight."

"Kevin..." Howie said with a warning tone. "You're doing my job. Sit down and let me handle it."

Kevin sat down on the couch that was in the bus's living area. Nick sat next to him and a few seconds later Brian joined them. AJ sat on the ground, leaning against the arm of the couch next to Kevin's legs. Howie pulled up two chairs, one for Aidan and one for himself.

"We do indeed have a session to get too, being we promised Aidan we would tell him what happened. And yes, we do need to get some sleep tonight. But first I just want to do a quick reminder of some things before we begin. Is that alright Aidan?" Howie actually sounded like Kevin, with a voice that was begging for you to attempt to argue with what he said. It seemed he was enjoying being in charge.

"Sure, it will give me a couple seconds to get situated." Aidan said as he pulled out his notebook and a pen.

"Cool, thanks. I just wanted to remind you guys of the schedule for the next two days. We are on the bus pretty much all day tomorrow, so prepared to be bored. We don't have a set appointment with Aidan, but if we want, we have plenty of time for a third session. We will probably arrive in North Carolina an hour or so before the concert, let's hope everything will be set when we get there. So we'll do our regular setup and perform, then it will be back on the bus. We head home to Orlando and have our final concert of this tour. Everyone have it all straight?" Howie spilled out in less than five seconds, barely taking a breath.

Kevin, Brian, and AJ nodded.

"Ahhh... It's Kevin on crack!!!" Nick joked.

All Howie had to do was shoot him a look and he stopped laughing and settled down.

"You'll have to teach me that for when I get my job back, substitute Daddy." Kevin said smiling at Howie.

"No prob, it's all in the twitch of the eyebrow, you should be able to do it very well." Howie poked.

"Hey! Low Blow! Watch it midget man or I'll step on you." Kevin poked back.

The boys were beginning to get silly so Aidan spoke up.

"You guys almost ready? We should get started, it's almost 1:00 am."

"Oops, sorry Aidan, it was a silly attack, we get them once in a blue moon. Of course we are ready, fire away." Howie attempted to calm himself down.

"Well first of all I just want to say a few things, then you can give me the whole story. I want you guys to do this at your own speed. Try and add as many details as you are comfortable with. Anyone who wants to say something can, just remember the rule about letting everyone finish his thought. And, also, include whatever it was that happened today, so we will all have the story up to date. Is that cool with all of you?" Aidan asked once he had finished up.

"Yeah, that will work out well." Howie spoke for the group.

"Good, who would like to start?" Aidan asked.

"I guess we should." Brian said as he looked at AJ. AJ nodded. "Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm the one who broke AJ's heart. The two of us are the causes of the problems the group has been having." He paused to catch his breath.

"Brian, don't say that, you two aren't the cause. This is a group problem, we are all to blame." Kevin said placing a hand on Brian's shoulder.

"Kevin is correct, it is a group thing, but blame is not a good word to use. There is no "blaming" anyone, even if it is the collective group. None of this happened on purpose, none of you planned it. So I don't want anyone blaming anyone." Aidan explained.

The boys nodded.

Brian took a deep breath and continued. He relayed the story of the night of AJ and Brian's first kiss. He was able to keep going until he got to the point where Nick had come barging through the door, then he began to cry.

Kevin put his arm around Brian's shoulder and Brian leaned his head there and took a few deep breaths.

Nick took over the story. "I came barging into the room without permission. I freaked out. Kevin, Howie, and I went a little overboard with our reaction to seeing AJ and Brian in bed together. We treated each other so poorly, all because we had no idea what to say to each other." Nick said getting choked up.

"I distanced myself, Kevin yelled at every little thing we did, and Nick came up with some insults that would make the most secure person curl up in a ball and cry. And it lasted way to long, like three weeks." Howie said as a tear or two slipped out.

Aidan handed them both a tissue. "I think I need to get tissues in bulk quantities for you guys." He said with a smile.

"We do have the tendency to get a little emotional." Howie said as he wiped his face with the tissue.

"I can see that, but it is understandable. You five go through a lot. It is very healthy to be able to release like you do." Aidan said to them. "Brian, AJ what happened with you two? You are obviously not going out now. Was it a one-night fling? A drunken accident?"

"NO!" Brian insisted.

"Hmphf." Was the noise heard from AJ.

Brian hung his head.

"What happened? AJ says he has a broken heart. Did you two have a fight?" Aidan asked.

"Brian says it was just a fling." AJ said

"SAID, I said it was just a fling. I thought I made it kinda clear how I really feel AJ." Brian said with a hurt tone. "You see Aidan, after the boys had left the room, AJ wanted to know what we were going to do. I told him we were going to do nothing, we were going to forget it ever happened, and never mentioned it again. Then I kicked him out of the room. It was three weeks before we said another word to each other. I know I hurt him, but trust me, I was hurting too..."

"Then why did you throw me out?" AJ turned so he was facing Brian.

"Did you hear what the boys were saying? It was so cruel! I had just admitted for the first time ever that I was gay. It was just the night before and already my best friends were making fun of me. As much as I loved you, still love, I was so scared. Scared of what I was feeling, scared of losing my friends, and scared of the love I felt for you." Brian spilled out.

"Oh Brian." Was all AJ could say as he got all teary.

Aidan handed out another tissue.

"What made you change your mind Brian? The song you sang makes a lot more sense now. But how did you decide it was time?" Aidan asked.

"Well..." Brian started. He recounted the whole group nap that had occurred that afternoon. "When AJ and I awoke in each others arms, we sat there and insulted each other for a few minutes. Then we realized we were still holding each other. We ended up kissing each other again and being really confused. So I decided I needed to do something and it just hit me during the concert."

"Oh, so that's what happened..." Kevin pondered.

"Yeah..." AJ sighed, obviously remembering Brian's song.

"You boys and sharing beds." Was all Aidan could say for the moment.

Then he took a breath.

"So AJ, what did you think of Brian's song?" Aidan asked.

"It was perfect, exactly how I was feeling. It made me feel so much better." AJ admitted.

"Did you let Brian know?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, sorta. I stopped him after the concert and asked him if he really thought the two of us could work out. When he said yes, we started to kiss. But I got scared and bolted." AJ looked ashamed.

"Why?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, why?" Brian asked softly.

"I was scared." AJ was barely whispering. "You stroked my lip with your tongue and I panicked. I mean I don't even know if I'm gay. Simply kissing on the lips and holding one another is one thing. But that was like something sexual. I just didn't know what to do."

"You're not sure that you're gay?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, I mean before Brian, I've only been attracted to and been with girls." AJ admitted.

"But you are attracted to Brian? You want to be with him?" Aidan continued.

"Yeah." AJ said with a soft smile.

"It may be hard to admit, but you may be gay, or at least bi-sexual." Aidan said slowly.

"Yeah, I know. The first time is just so confusing." AJ said.

"Yeah." Brian agreed.

"Well, that's something the two of you can work through together, your friends will help, and so will I." Aidan said. He looked around and then asked. "Is that everything boys? Do we have it all out in the open?" Aidan asked.

"That's all of it." Howie answered.

"Okay then." Aidan began. "First I have to ask, Kev, Howie, Nick, you are okay with all of this?"

"Definitely, we're happy for them." Howie said.

"Yeah, the whole thing is quite romantic, I wish them both luck." Kevin said.

"At first I was a bastard, but now I see that whatever makes my Frick happy, makes me happy." Nick said with a smile throwing his arm around Brian.

"Good! And AJ, if it's taken slowly and you can keep the pace comfortable, do you think you are ready for this?" Aidan asked looking him right in the eye.

"Yeah, I'm ready." AJ said dreamily.

"Okay, and Brian, are you willing to talk through rough spots with AJ and the others instead of throwing people out?" Aidan gave Brian the same look he had given AJ.

"Yes, I've learned from my mistakes." Brian admitted.

"Great, you two now have some of the most important aspects necessary for a relationship. Compromise, acknowledgement of limits, support of good friends, and an obvious love for one another." Aidan was smiling.

AJ and Brian looked at one another.

AJ knelt down in front of Brian, put his hands on Brian's knees, and looked straight in his eyes.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" AJ asked Brian.

"YES! Most definitely yes!" Brian answered, his eyes gleaming with tears of joy.

AJ stood up, pulled Brian from his seat, and embraced him. He put one hand around his waist and one lightly on the back of his head. He proceeded to tilt Brian's head slightly and then leaned in and kissed him full and firmly. They stayed like that for quite some time.

Aidan handed out two tissues as Howie and Nick sniffed back tears from the happy scene.

"Umm... Guys...?" Kevin finally interrupted.

Brian and AJ released each other. AJ took Brian's seat on the couch and then pulled Brian into his lap. Brian giggled.

"This has to be the most amazing first day a group of clients have ever had. Do you five realize what you have done in under twenty-four hours?" Aidan asked excitedly.

The boys looked at him questionably.

"You have isolated the problem and resolved it. That can take weeks to years sometimes. All you five have left to do is repair the friendship." Aidan informed them.

"We're still friends though." Nick said confused.

"True, luckily, but there are still some trust issues and things like that we have to deal with. You aren't done yet, but you are doing very well. I think that's plenty for tonight. We can end this session, unless someone needs to say something else." Aidan said.

They all shook their heads no.

"Good, then should we ask the buses to stop?" Aidan asked.

"Nah, it's like a quarter to three. It would just wake up the other bus. Just crash here, the couch is quite comfortable." Howie said.

"Sure, thank you." Aidan accepted.

"No prob, it's all good." Nick said.

The five boys went to get ready for bed, while Aidan got the couch ready to sleep on. Ten minutes later AJ and Brian had kissed goodnight, everyone's heads were on pillows, and blankets covered their bodies.

"Goodnight everybody." Aidan called out.

"Goodnight." Everyone answered.

Ten minutes passed.

"Nick?" AJ's voice called out.

"What AJ?" Nick's voice answered.

"I can't sleep, will you sing it for me?" AJ asked.

"Come on AJ, I'm tired, not tonight." Nick groaned.

"Please, I need it." AJ pleaded.

"What's going on in there?" Aidan called out.

"AJ, our musical loving freak here, like's to hear Music Of The Night, from Phantom Of The Opera when he can't sleep. And being Nick played the part when he was younger, he always gets the wonderful task of signing it." Howie explained.

"Thanks Howie, you're a real friend." AJ said.

"No prob AJ, haha, hey wait guys, why didn't we ever put two and two together, AJ's love of musical theatre and now..." Howie was cut off.

"Leave AJ alone before I come over there and kick your ass." Brian called out.

"Yeah right, skinny boy, but I'll be quiet. Nick you better start singing or we'll never get to sleep." Howie laughed as he gave orders.

"Alright, but don't expect it again any time soon." Nick gave in. He took a deep breath and then his sweet young voice began to sing softly.

Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensation... Darkness wakes and stirs imagination... Silently the senses abandon their defenses... Helpless to resist the notes, I write... For I compose the music of the night...

Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor... Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender... Hearing is believing, music is deceiving... Hard as lightning, soft as candle light... Dare you trust the music of the night...

Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth... And the truth isn't what you want to see... In the dark it is easy to pretend... That the truth is what it ought to be...

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you... Feel it, hear it, secretly posses you... Open your mind, let your fantasies unwind! In this darkness which you know you cannot fight... The darkness of the music of the night...

Close your eyes, start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Close your eyes and let the music set you free... Only then can you belong to me...

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation! Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in... To the power of the music that I write... The power of the music of the night...

You alone can make my song take flight... Help me make the music of the night!

It worked beautifully, the six young men all drifted off to sleep once Nick was finished.


"Are you okay?" A calm voice asked.

"Yeah fine, thank you."

"What just happened there?" It asked again.

"I'm not sure, it all happened so quickly."

"Well, as long as you're okay." The voice sounded concerned.

"Really I'm fine, just a little scared."

"Don't be, come here." The voice came toward him and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, I...think, I think I need this."

"Well, after what happened it's not surprising." The owner of the voice was now running his hand up and down the back of the child-like man he was holding. "You're shaking."

"Am I?"

"Yeah, come on you should sit down." The voice sat on an old mattress that was in the room. The voice pulled him down so that he was sitting next to him. The voice then put his arm around his shoulders and guided him so that he was leaning against the owner of the voice, with his head at the base of the voice's throat. "Is that better?"

"Yeah... thank you."

"Stop saying thank you, it's really no problem." The voice told him.

"Okay." He sat there for a few minutes, snuggled up against this mystery man. He felt safe, he felt...resolved.

He could feel that this man was very well defined. The body he was pressed up against was hard, but also very warm, and the way he was being held was secure, but oh so soft. After what had just happened he couldn't feel this way, shouldn't feel this way. But he was a little turned on. The owner of the smooth, calm voice began to stroke the side of his arm lightly. His touch felt so wonderful. Okay, so now he was very turned on.

"How are ya doing?" The voice asked.

"Bet'ter, uh-hum, better thanks." His voice had cracked, sheesh when was the last time that happened?

The voice began to lightly brush his fingers against the side of his cheek.


"I'm sorry, should I stop that?" The voice asked.


"Okay then, can I do this?" The voice asked as he kissed him boldly on the neck.

"Oh..." He seemed to have lost all power of speech.

The voice continued to kiss his neck and then traveled up to his lips. The owner of the voice kissed him passionately, using his tongue to do things to his mouth that he hadn't known was possible. The heat that was now traveling through his body was so intense. The heat traveled down his back and centered strongly in his loins. And he was hard, rock hard. He began to kiss the owner of voice back. The two of them entwined ravaging each other's mouths. They laid down on the mattress still kissing. They began to let their hands wonder over each other's bodies. Slowly the voice began to remove his clothes. It was very warm in that room so he decided to return the favor. The two of them sat there, naked, stroking each other's bodies and kissing. After what seemed like an eternity, the voice lowered his hand and enclosed it around the hardness protruding from his lover's body. He began to move his hand slowly but firmly up and down the shaft.


"You like that, don't you?" The voice asked.


"Well then let me try this..." The voice said as he lowered his head so it was level with his stomach. He proceeded to snake out his tongue and lick the head of his penis.

"Ugh..." He didn't know how much more of this he could take. He felt...teased.

The owner of the voice proceeded to put his entire wet, hot mouth around his penis. The sensation sent sparks of fire throughout his entire body.

The voice shifted positions, so that his own manhood was staring him directly in the face. He decided it was only right to make his lover feel as amazing as he did right now. He attempted to put his mouth around the dick staring him in the face. It wasn't very easy, it was almost twice the size of his own. With a little work he was able to get a good portion of it into his mouth.

The two men set to work at pleasuring one another. From the sound of the moaning and the motion of their hips, they were both doing a good job.

"I'm close..." He pulled off long enough to say.

"I'm know..." The voice mumbled, somehow still being able to smile at him.

"Oh... wow... here it..."


Aidan awoke with a start.

"What the hell...?" He said as he looked around. It was daylight, he could hear the boys stirring in their bunks. He looked at himself. The blankets were all tangled around him and he was half hanging off the couch. Talk about being uncomfortable, and the raging hard-on he had didn't help much.

The boys were beginning to get out of their bunks. Aidan knew he had to fix himself up before they came out. He got up and ran for the bathroom and slammed the door. Just in time to hear...

"Hey Aidan, how did ya sleep?"

Aidan jumped in the shower and turned it on cold. All he could think about was the dream.

'Who the hell was that? And why the hell am I dreaming about a guy? Better yet, why did it turn me on so much?'

Well that's it for now. I know the end scene was weak, I've never written out 'that kind' of scene before. It isn't as easy as I thought. I hope everyone enjoyed it. The next one will be out soon, I promise. Thanks to everyone who writes me. And make sure you guys read the other stories out there, they are so many good ones, they put this to shame. Take care everyone, hasta la bye-bye

Next: Chapter 6

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