Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Jan 9, 2001



DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: Email me anytime at


Things were looking a lot better. No tragedies, no problems. Just a house full of young people enjoying a little rest and relaxation. Aidan was beginning to think he wouldn't have to work with the guys for much longer. It was all going so well. Until...

Everything was going so smoothly, not a problem or a thing unexpected. Until one night.

Ashley and Becca had convinced Brian and AJ to go out with a few other same sex couples they knew from the surrounding areas. The were going to dinner and dancing. AJ and Brian had been guaranteed no one would recognize them.

Kevin and Aidan had headed off to the 24 hour Wal-Mart, after a good natured argument when Kevin had failed to believe that you could buy absolutely anything at a Wal-Mart. They had left with the most bizarre shopping list anyone had ever seen.

This left Howie and Nick home alone. And they were bored. Extremely bored. They had watched 3 movies before they were ready to pull out their hair.

"What are we gonna do?" Howie whined.

"Do you think Aidan has a liquor cabinet?" Nick said with a gleam in his eye.

"I like how you're thinking Nicky, let's find out." Howie agreed.

The two Backstreet Boys went searching threw Aidan's house searching for alcohol. It wasn't an easy task, due to the fact that it probably would have all been hidden from Kevin. 45 minutes later they had come across a bottle of gin and a bottle of rum. From the kitchen they grabbed a couple cans of cola and a few things of Snapple orange-aid (if you are wondering what's with the Snapple, try orange-aid with gin, it's a good thing). They put on yet another movie, deciding to watch the Return of The Jedi, and settled in to consume some beverages.

By the time the universe was safe from the dark-side and Han was giving Leia the tongue, Howie and Nick were shit-faced.

"Nick?" Howie slurred.

"What Howie?" Nick asked with a hiccup.

"Can I tell you something?" Howie asked in a silly voice. "It's a secret."

"Sure!" Nick said rubbing his hands together. "I love secrets!"

"Okay, ready? You can't tell no one, not even the guys. Only Aidan knows." Howie said shaking a finger at Nick. "I'm gay."

Nick sat up quickly. He felt as if he had completely sobered in just seconds. "You're what?"

"Gay, didn't you hear me blondie? I'm gay. Since they day I was born and all that stuff." Howie said with a fuzzy tongue.

"But what about all the..." Nick began.

"All the girls and stuff? Is that what your asking? Think about it Nicky, have I ever dated one of those girls seriously? Taken one back to a hotel room? Nope!" Howie said.

Nick laughed nervously. "The way this group is looking, you'd think homosexuality is contagious."

"Who knows, maybe it is." Howie looked at Nick seriously.

Nick looked back questioningly.

"There really is only on way to find out." Howie said, and he leaned in and kissed Nick on the mouth.

Nick's eyes widened in amazement.

"So have you caught it?" Howie asked. "Are you gay?"

"No..." Nick said very slowly.

Nick knew he wasn't gay, but at the moment he had such an urge to kiss Howie again. He knew he shouldn't, but he so wanted to.

Of course, we all need to remember that Nick is drunk.

Nick leaned in and planted a passionate firm kiss on his friend's lips. He giggled as Howie's goatee tickled his nose.

Howie was shocked. All he could do was just sit and stare at Nick in amazement.

"I may not be gay, but I think I would like to experiment." Nick admitted with a smile. "And I'd like it to be with you."

And with that, Nick leaned in and kissed the stunned Howie again. This time he gently worked his tongue between Howie's two soft lips. He then began to swirl his tongue softly around Howie's.

Howie's eyes widened in pleasant surprise and utter enjoyment.

Howie began to kiss Nick back. He entwined his own tongue and the two boys wrestled with that for a few minutes.

Nick slowly worked Howie's shirt over his head and began to run his hands over the smooth skin of Howie's firm pecs.

"I say you let me fuck you, Nick" Howie growled at Nick, a fire in his eyes.

That scared Nick a little, but he had said he wanted to experiment, and he'd hate to disappoint Howie now. "If that's what you want Howie." He said softly.

"Meekness does not fit you Nick, you didn't mean a word of that." Howie laughed, slowly peeling Nick's clothes from him.

"No!" Nick rebutted. "I mean it, just tell me what you want me to do, I'll do it!"

Howie's eyes sparkled. "Kiss me!"

Nick's heart skipped a beat. He reached forward and placed a kiss on Howie's lips. Howie grabbed him closer and forced him to really kiss him.

"What next Howie?" Nick asked his new teacher.

"Finish undressing me." Howie commanded suggestively.

All of the sudden, Nick felt trapped, but he made a promise to himself. So he gathered all his courage and quickly discarded the rest of Howie's clothing and added them to the pile. He was very aware of their closeness at the moment, and followed reluctantly as Howie pulled him down on the couch.

Howie placed his arms over his head, and Nick could see the thick muscles there, and practically shuttered at the sheer masculinity that was Howie.(ok, that made even me gag)

Howie laid on top of Nick and moved his head close to his own. He allowed his tongue to flick out and lick Nick's lips. His hands wandered all over Nick's body, caressing everywhere. When he had touched everywhere, he finally brought his hands down to Nick's penis. He began to stroke it softly and slowly and enjoyed feeling the young man squirm beneath him. Wanting to taste more honey, he went back to ravaging Nick's mouth as he stroked. When it seemed like Nick could take no more, he stopped. Howie looked down at Nick's surprised face and laughed.

"Get up Nicky!"

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

Nick got up, his erection pointing sky high. He was very confused. Out of no where, Howie produced two towels and laid them on the couch.

"No need to ruin Aidan's nice things. Now lay down again."

Nick complied. Howie then went and straddled Nick's shoulders and thrust his hips at Nick's face.

"Suck me"

Once again Nick complied, taking in all of Howie's dick into his mouth and began to move up and down on it.

"Ohhh... Nick that feels good, come on, get it nice and wet."

Nick kept sucking on Howie, allowing as much saliva to make everything nice and slick.

Howie made a low growl and then pulled out of Nick's mouth.

"Turn over!"

Nick hesitated.


Nick was scared, but on the other hand very willing and excited about the prospects. He laid on his stomach.

Howie grabbed him by the hips and forced his butt up in the air. He knelt behind him on the couch and positioned himself for entry. He spread Nick's cheeks and with one fluid motion plunged in deep.

Nick screamed in pain.

"Give it a second blondie, you'll get used to it. Lucky for you, I'm not huge."

Howie was right, after a little bit, Nick got used to the feeling of Howie inside him.

"It's okay now Howie."

Howie smiled at the soft voice, and then began to move slowly in and out of Nick. That lasted a few seconds. Once the amazing feelings of Nick's tight ass took control of Howie, he began to thrust in and out at a fast, hard pace.

"How does that feel? Good? Is it good?"

Nick muttered something underneath Howie. Howie didn't catch it, but it didn't sound like no, so he kept at it.

Howie began to feel the warning signs of an orgasm. He pumped a few more times and let out a roar. He came forcefully into Nick. He collapsed on top of him and stayed there for a few seconds.


"Yeah Howie?" Nick sounded choked.

Howie got off of Nick and turned him over.

Nick's stomach and legs were covered with cum and his face was covered with tears.

"What's wrong Nick?" Howie asked, worried.

"Nothing..." Nick said, and then covered his face.

"Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry if I did." Howie gathered Nick in his arms.

Nick shook his head no.

"What's wrong then?" Howie asked, stroking Nick's back.

Nick removed his hands from his face. "I just never expected my first time to be like that."

"Oh... I'm sorry Nick. I mean, whoa... shit..." Howie looked hurt and embarrassed. "I know it was quick and maybe a little rough, but... Do you regret it?"

"No Howie, not at all, I just always expected something different." Nick said, hugging Howie.

"I never knew what to expect, it was my first time too. I'll know what not to do next time, what to do also." Howie said, snuggling with Nick.

"It was your first time too?" Nick asked.

"Yeah..." Howie said shyly.

Nick smiled at Howie and then hugged him tight. He guided them to a reclining position and held tight as they snuggled in together.

"Love ya Howie." Nick said placing a kiss on Howie's lips.

"Love ya Nick."

And the two of them fell asleep on the couch, naked, in each others arms.

Roughly two hours later, the rest of the household find themselves arriving at the front doorstep, all at the sound time.

"Hi guys, how was the night out?" Aidan asked AJ, Brian, Becca, and Ashley.

"It was great!" Brian said. "No one recognized us at all, and we got to do everything, everyone else got to do!"

"Well cool!" Aidan said. "That's great."

"These two were so cute, you just had to see it. All timid and shy. But we got them to actually hold hands and then dance together." Ashley said.

"Awww.... How sweet." Kevin teased.

"Ahhh, shuddup!" AJ said, turning red. "So what you two do tonight?"

"We were at Wal-Mart." Aidan answered.

"What were you doing at Wal-Mart?" Brian asked.

"Losing a bet." Kevin mumbled, holding up 3 blue bags.

"A bet?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, Kevin didn't believe that Wal-Mart has absolutely everything. So I told him to make a list. If it had everything, he had to buy it, if it didn't, I'd owe him dinner." Aidan filled in.

"So Kevin lost, huh?" AJ said, peering at the bags. "What ya got there?"

"Let's see..." Kevin said rifling thought the bags. "A garden gnome, purple silk roses, rhubarb, a box of glow in the dark condoms, roller-skates, a pop up tent, a fishing license, and a shit load of other worthless crap."

"It's not all worthless, can we have the condoms?" Brian smiled at his cousin.

"NO!!" Kevin yanked the bags out of Brian's reach.

Everyone laughed.

"We should go inside... it's getting cold out here." Aidan mentioned.

They all agreed, so Aidan unlocked the door and they all filed in.

They all walked down the hallway and then froze as they reached the living room. Kevin's bags dropped to the floor.

"What the hell?" Kevin muttered softly.

"Ashe, Bec, do me a favor sweetie, go up to your room please." Aidan suggested.

Both girls headed toward the stairs.

"No prob, this is none of our business." Ashley said, as she went toward her room.

Kevin, Brian, and AJ were all standing around the couch. AJ was fiddling with the empty liquor bottles and Brian was kicking the pile of discarded clothes.

"Nick? Howie? Wake up guys." Kevin said, gently, standing over them.

"Wha? Huh?" Nick began to stir.

Aidan went over to the coat closet and pulled down two spare blankets.

"Nicky... D... come one guys." Kevin shook their shoulders.

Howie began to sit up. "What's up Kev?"

"Nothing much D, we all just got home." Kevin was looking at Howie strangely.

Aidan walked over, holding the two blankets. "Here Howie, cover up." He said, handing Howie a blanket.

"Cover up?" Howie looked confused. But then he looked down at himself and then over at the sleeping blond next to him. The look that came across next was sheer panic. He sprang off the couch and wrapped the blanket around himself. "Listen guys, I can explain, we were drunk, it isn't how it seems... really."

Nick heard Howie's panicked tone and popped his eyes open.

"Howie?" Nick whispered, obviously scared.

"Yeah Nick?" Howie answered timidly.

"Tell me they are not home. Please tell me we are not laying here naked in front of everyone. Please?" Nick pleaded.

"Becca and Ashley aren't here." Howie said pathetically.

Nick promptly broke into tears, sobbing fiercely.

Howie went over and put his arms around him, but Nick pushed him away. "Don't! Don't touch me!"

Kevin suddenly got an odd look in his eyes. "Howie? Did you force Nick? I mean did you..."

"No!!" Nick looked up at Kevin and everyone else. "No, not at all! I'm just... I can't..."

Kevin went over to Nick and wrapped the blanket around him. "Go upstairs, take a shower. When you're all cleaned up you can talk about it, alright? You'll feel better, I promise."

Nick nodded weakly. "O.. Okay."

Nick slowly made his way upstairs. Once he was out of site, all eyes turned to Howie.

"I guess I have some explaining to do?" Howie said.

"Maybe a little." Aidan said, gently.

"Okay, why don't you guys sit down then?" Howie suggested.

Kevin and Aidan sat down on the couch with Howie. Brian and AJ sat on the floor in front of the couch.

Howie took a deep breath. "Guys, I'm gay."

No one said anything. Aidan nodded at Howie to continue.

"I'm gay, I've known forever and I never had the guts to tell you all." Howie continued.

"But, when we came out and all, why didn't you say anything?" Brian questioned.

"I couldn't! I don't know why exactly, but I couldn't." Howie said, lowering his head.

"Howie, it's okay, we aren't mad. We just wish you would have told us." AJ said.

Kevin and Brian nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry." Howie whispered.

"It's alright, but Howie, what happened tonight?" Kevin asked, throwing an arm around Howie for comfort.

Howie began to explain how bored he and Nick had been, how they had gotten drunk, and how he had confessed to Nick and kissed him. "He was totally surprised at first, but then he kissed me back. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex and then you found us."

"He agreed to this all?" Kevin asked.

"Yes! I mean, we were both drunk, but I swear I didn't force him." Howie insisted.

"Okay, I believe you. Is Nick gay too?" Kevin asked.

"No, he says he just wanted to experiment." Howie informed.

"He looked very shaken by it all, do you think you should go talk to him?" Aidan asked.

"That's probably a good idea." Howie responded, standing up.

"Okay, we'll be down here if you need anything." Aidan offered.

Howie headed up stairs as Kevin, Brian, AJ, and Aidan stayed downstairs to clean up.

"Whoa." Brian muttered as he collected the empty bottles.

"Yeah." AJ agreed as he collected the clothes and towels for the laundry.

"You guys okay with this?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, I guess, I kinda wish Howie woulda told us earlier though." AJ said.

"Finding out by catching him and Nick was not the best." Brian mentioned.

"You guys understand how it isn't an easy thing to tell people, even your closet friends, don't you?" Aidan offered.

"We do, this is still a shock though." Kevin threw in.

AJ and Brian nodded in agreement.

"As long as everything is going to be alright, Nick ma need some time also. Drunk experiments are sometimes the worst ways to have your eyes opened." Aidan explained.

"We'll handle it carefully, we promise." AJ said. "Right guys?"

The cousins nodded.

"Okay, good. I'm going to make some coffee, anyone want to join me?" Aidan asked.

"I will." Kevin answered.

"We're gonna go to bed, it's been a long night." Brian said, putting an arm around AJ's waist.

"Goodnight boys, sleep well." Aidan said.

"Goodnight guys, see you in the morning." Kevin said.

"Goodnight." AJ and Brian answered in unison as they departed upstairs for bed.

Kevin and Aidan went into the kitchen to make some coffee and chat.

Upstairs in Howie and Nick's room

Howie was sitting on the lower bunk bed waiting for Nick to get out of the shower. When Nick came out, he was wearing a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, and you could see how hard he had been crying.

"Nick, I'm so sorry." Howie said softly, looking at his friend.

Nick went and sat down next to Howie. "It's okay, I was just shocked and embarrassed. It wasn't you, or what happened between the two of us that has me so upset."

"Are you sure?" Howie questioned.

"Yes, I swear." Nick looked Howie in the eyes. "I enjoyed it."

"Did you? Did you really? I know it wasn't perfect, but I will never regret having my first time with you." Howie smiled lightly at Nick.

"Neither will I." Nick replied.

"Where does this leave us?" Howie asked.

"Do you mean should we go out? A relationship and all?" Nick asked.

"Yeah... I guess." Howie said, shyly.

"I don't think I'm ready for a steady relationship, especially not like what AJ and Brian have." Nick explained.

Howie's eyes lit up. "Really? You too? Good."

"What do we have then?" Nick pondered.

"Friends with benefits? Have you ever heard that saying?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, like nothing but friends, but you get off together." Nick answered.

"In the bluntness way, yes." Howie smiled at Nick. "Deal?"

"Deal." Nick agreed, as he leaned in to kiss Howie.

Howie kissed Nick back. "Good."

They gave each other a quick hug and then Howie stood up. "I need to take a shower something fierce."

"Okay, I'm gonna go talk to Aidan quick, I'll be back later." Nick stated.

"Alright, see ya later then." Howie gathered a towel and fresh clothes and headed into the bathroom.

Nick left the room and stood in the hallway. "I enjoyed that way to much." Nick muttered to himself. "God, it's been so long since I have been with anyone, male or female. Not that I have ever been with a male before. I'm at the point I don't even remember what it feels like to be with a girl. I can barely remember if I enjoy it as much as I just enjoyed that."

Nick looked around and felt silly. `I'll go find Aidan.' He thought.

Nick went knocked on Becca's and Kevin's doors, but neither produced Aidan. So Nick went downstairs. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he could hear Aidan and Kevin talking in the kitchen. He didn't want to disturb them, he knew how important Kevin's time working with Aidan was. So he went back up the stairs.

Nick once again stood in the hallway. He couldn't go back in his room, Howie was showering and needed the space to get dressed. He looked down the hall at AJ and Brian's room. They'd probably be asleep by now. He would love to talk to his Frick, but he didn't want to disturb the happy couple. Nick was left with two options, sit in the hallway, or go bother Becca and Ashley.

Nick knocked on the girls door.

"Yes?" Ashley's voice giggled through the door.

"It's Nick, can I come in?" He asked.

"No." Ashley laughed.

"Oh." Nick's face fell. "Ok, sorry to bother you."

"Nick! Don't listen to her! Of course you can come in." Becca's voice rang out.

"You sure?" Nick sounded weary.

"Yes, of course I am. Come in!" Becca replied.

Nick turned the knob and entered the room. He immediately saw Becca and Ashley snuggled under the covers. Ashley was nibbling on Becca's ear and Becca was pushing her away.

"Am I interrupting something?" Nick asked carefully.

"Yes! I was making out with my girlfriend, thank you very much!" Ashley turned her attention to Nick and shook a finger at him.

Once again Nick's face fell. "I'll leave."

"Ashley! If you don't stop it, I'm gonna kill you! Nick stay, you don't look good, what's wrong?" Becca sat up, pulled her tank top back up around her shoulders, and held her hand out to Nick. "Come here."

Nick allowed her to grab his hand and pull him toward the bed. He sat on the edge of it and looked at the two of them. "Howie and I had sex tonight."

"Hello Mr. Blunt!" Ashley exclaimed.

Nick stood up, extremely embarrassed.

Becca smothered Ashley with her pillow. "Nick, come on, you know by now to ignore her. Tell me, are you okay? Was it horrible?"

"No, that's actually the problem." Nick sat back down. "I liked it. A lot."

Becca and Ashley looked a little confused. "You liked it? And that's the problem?" Becca questioned.

"Yeah. It's been so long, I don't remember if being with women is better. I'm really confused." Nick said sadly.

"Is that all it is? No sweat, get laid, then you'll know." Ashley blurted out.

"ASHLEY! Good God! Do you ever think before you speak! I'm really sorry Nick." Becca apologized for her girlfriend.

"It's okay, I'll just leave, sorry for bothering you guys." Nick stood up again and headed for the door.

Becca gave Ashley a fierce look. Ashley shrugged.

"Nick, I'm sorry, I'm a rude bitch. This really has you shaken, doesn't it?" Ashley said gently. "I've got an idea, stay here tonight. We'll take care of ya. It'll be a slumber party."

"You want me to stay here? I don't know." Nick looked doubtful.

"She actually has a point Nick. Stay here, it'll be fun. You won't have to spend the night alone wondering about what happened." Becca offered.

"Are you sure?" It didn't sound half bad to Nick.

"Of course." Ashley and Becca smiled at him.

Becca threw back the blanket on the bed. "Come here, get in."

Nick still looked weary, but he walked toward the bed and sat down next to Becca.

"Lay down, we won't bite. Unless you want us too of course." Ashley joked.

Nick felt a little better and smiled. He laid down next to Becca and let the blanket fall over all three of them.

"Thank God for the queen size bed. I swear I could throw the orgy of the century in this thing." Ashley laughed.

Becca smacked Ashley on the head and then gave Nick a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Nicky."

"Eww." Ashley said. "You kissed a boy."

"Hey, don't knock it unless you've tried it." Becca stated.

Ashley took her turn to be confused and looked at Becca questioningly.

"Okay, so I want Nick, are you telling me that is wasn't obvious?" Becca admitted.

"What?" Ashley and Nick said in unison.

"I mean, I `d never do anything about it. I love you Ashley and I'd never in my life mess up what we have together. But in all truth, I'd love to be with Nick just once." Becca continued.

"Why are you saying this then?" Ashley looked a little hurt.

"I think we should have a threesome. Nick could see if sex is still as enjoyable with women. Ashley you can finally see once and for all if you really do detest men. And I'll get my chance to be with Nick and it won't be without you." Becca explained.

Nick's eyes were so wide at the moment they could have been used as hubcaps.

"Okay." Ashley said.

This time Becca and Nick said "What?" in unison.

"I'll do it, but just because it's for the two of you." Ashley agreed.

"Really? I love you so much Ashley." Becca shrieked, kissing her girlfriend.

"What about you Nick? You up for it?" Becca asked.

Nick thought about it. `This was supposed to be every guys dream right? Two girls at once? If anything would let him know what he preferred.'

"Okay, I'll do it." Nick responded.

And with that, Becca leaned in and kissed Nick on the mouth. She than turned and kissed Ashley. Then Nick kissed Ashley. It all went down hill (or possibly up hill, depends on what ya think) from there. Six pairs of hands explored the full contents of 3 young bodies. Becca went down on Nick, while Nick went down on Ashley, and Ashley went down on Becca. It was messy, and a little straining. But the three of them seemed to enjoy it immensely.

"Nick? Will you fuck me?" Becca asked, recovering from her recent climax.

Nick leaned back fighting to catch his breath. He's already had two orgasms that night. He wasn't completely sure he could pull off a third.

But Becca reached down and began to massage his limp cock and surprisingly it responded. Becca straddled him and guided him inside her. She began to ride him, rocking back and forth, and up and down.

"Ashley? Do you want to try it?" Becca offered.

"Not really." Ashley answered from where she lay, gently tracing patterns on Nick's arm. "But if you want me to, I will."

Ashley and Becca traded spots for the moment. While Ashley was clumsily trying to get used to the feeling and the motion, Becca went in search of a tissue box.

"Becca, get back here, I can't take much more of this." Ashley grimaced. "None of your fingers are this big, it hurts!"

Becca laughed, but switched with Ashley. She began a quick, hard pace that quickly brought the two of them to another orgasm. Becca pulled off right before Nick could cum, and Ashley shoved a handful of tissues over his penis.

When they were done cleaning up, they all laid down in bed, relaxing.

"Okay, so it's still as good with women." Nick sighed, contently.

"Really? Good. And thank you Ashley, I'll never asked for anything like that again, but it is something I've always wanted to do." Becca mentioned, placing light kisses on Ashley's collarbone. "What did you think?"

"I'm definitely a lesbian."

"You didn't enjoy that at all?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, the parts with you. No offense Nick, but there's nothing all that special about being with a guy." Ashley said.

"No offense taken." Nick laughed.

"Come on lets go to sleep." Becca said.

The three of them snuggled together and fell asleep.

AJ and Brian had helped clean up and then went up to bed. They were sound asleep together under the covers.

Aidan and Kevin were sitting around the kitchen table, sipping coffee.

"So how long have you been with Kristin?" Aidan asked.

"On and off for seven years. It's hard to keep it going sometimes." Kevin said softly.

"Must be, you think you'll marry her?" Aidan asked.

"Who knows?" Kevin said a little nervously. "Let's talk about something else."

"Sure." Aidan said with a smile.

"So you really never dated anyone?" Kevin asked.

"Nope, I've never even been on a date." Aidan answered sheepishly.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. It's just a little weird." Kevin tried to reassure.

"It was just between school and work, I was always younger than everyone and working so hard, that I never had the time." Aidan explained.

"It's kinda cool, but it would suck to be alone forever." Kevin said sympathetically.

"Tell me about it." Aidan answered. "Now that things are slowing down for me, I keep hoping I'll find someone, but I don't even know what to look for."

"That must be weird, nothing to work from, hell you may not even know if you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend." Kevin said, almost without thinking.

Aidan had a shocked look on his face.

'Dammit Kevin, change the subject quickly!' Kevin thought to himself.

"So I guess that means you are still a virgin, huh?" Kevin said quickly. 'Duh Kev, not much better!'

"Are you trying to shock me?" Aidan asked, with awe in his voice.

"No! The wrong things just keep coming out of my mouth, I'm sorry." Kevin apologized sincerely.

"It's okay. And to answer your questions, I've never really thought about it. Whether I want a girlfriend or a boyfriend. And yes, I am a virgin, hell I've never even kissed someone." Aidan said.

"You haven't?" Kevin asked, surprised.

"No." Aidan said looking at his hands, he was getting very uncomfortable.

"Do you want to?" Kevin said softly, speaking without thinking.

At that point Aidan stood up from the table. "I'm going to bed." He started toward the stairs.

"Uh... me too." Kevin said as they both started up the stairs.

Aidan opened the door to his bedroom and wondered why Kevin was following him into the room.

"Aidan? Did you want your room back?" Kevin asked.

"Umm... no, of course not. I just wanted to get my book." Aidan said as he ran in and grabbed the first book he saw off the book shelf. He ran out of the room.

"Good night Aidan." Kevin whispered.

Aidan stopped and turned around. "Good night Kevin."

They both stood there for a second. The air around them was extremely intense. They looked in each other's eyes and seemed to be stuck there. Then Aidan broke away and ran into Becca's room.

They both went to sleep that night wondering what was happening between the two of them.

The next morning, when Aidan woke up he found a note saying that Ashley and Becca had taken Howie and Nick to the mall.

As he was in the kitchen, finishing off the pot of coffee someone had made that morning, AJ and Brian came downstairs.

"Good morning guys." Aidan said.

"Morning? Try afternoon!" AJ joked.

"Slept kinda late didn't I?" Aidan said with a smile.

"Just a little, you and Kev must had stayed up talking late last night. He is still asleep." Brian told him.

"Yeah, we were up kinda late." Aidan said. "So where are you two off to?"

"We are going to go catch a matinee. You want to come?" AJ asked.

"Nah, you guys go have a good time. I have some work in the attic to do. I'll see you all later." Aidan told them.

"Okay, see ya later." Brian and AJ said.

The two lovers left and headed to the movie theatre.

Aidan finished his coffee and made his way up to the attic. Before he had left he had been cleaning up the tons of old books that were stored up there. Aidan figured that no one was home, except for Kevin, who was still sleeping, so it was alright to do a little house work.

Aidan was moving books around for a few minutes. He noticed there was a box in the farthest corner from the door. That was odd, he didn't remember putting it there. The floor was beginning to rot in that corner, so he tried to keep things as far from it as possible. He walked very slowly over there, stepping as lightly as he could. Aidan picked up the box, it was heavy, but so far everything seemed to be okay.

Just as he was almost out of the danger area, the wood gave out from underneath him. Aidan threw the box and tried to move out of the way. But the wood collapsed to quickly. Aidan fell through the floor, managing to just hang on to the edge of the new hole before he fell to his death.

Aidan screamed, he screamed as loud as he possibly could.

It seemed like eternity, but he heard heavy foot steps coming fast up the stairs.

Kevin came running into the attic. "I heard a crash, are you okay?" Kevin said before he had seen what had happened.

Once he saw Aidan he came running toward him.

"No! Kevin the wood is rotted, you'll fall through to." Aidan yelled at him.

Kevin didn't listen. He ran to where Aidan was and grabbed his arms at the biceps. Kevin yanked Aidan with such strength that he was lifted like a rag doll out of the hole. Still holding Aidan up, Kevin moved them both to the safe side of the attic.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah fine, thank you." Aidan said.

"What just happened there?" Kevin asked again.

"I'm not sure, it all happened so quickly." Aidan answered.

"Well, as long as you're okay." Kevin sounded concerned.

"Really I'm fine, just a little scared." Aidan admitted.

"Don't be, come here." Kevin came toward him and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, I...think, I think I need this." Aidan said.

"Well, after what happened it's not surprising." Kevin was now running his hand up and down the back of Aidan as he was holding him. "You're shaking."

"Am I?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, come on you should sit down." Kevin sat on an old mattress that was in the attic. He pulled Aidan down so that he was sitting next to him. Kevin then put his arm around Aidan's shoulders and guided him so that he was leaning against him, with his head at the base of Kevin's throat. "Is that better?"

"Yeah... thank you." Aidan said.

"Stop saying thank you, it's really no problem." Kevin told him.

"Okay." He sat there for a few minutes, snuggled up against this man. He felt safe, he felt...resolved.

Aidan could feel that Kevin was very well defined. The body he was pressed up against was hard, but also very warm, and the way he was being held was secure, but oh so soft. After what had just happened he couldn't feel this way, shouldn't feel this way. But he was a little turned on. Kevin began to stroke the side of his arm lightly. His touch felt so wonderful. Okay, so now he was very turned on.

"How are ya doing?" Kevin asked.

"Bet'ter, uh-hum, better thanks." Aidan's voice had cracked, sheesh when was the last time that happened?

Kevin began to lightly brush his fingers against the side of his cheek.

"Oh..." Aidan said.

"I'm sorry, should I stop that?" Kevin asked.

"No..." Aidan said.

"Okay then, can I do this?" Kevin asked as he kissed him boldly on the neck.

"Oh..." Aidan seemed to have lost all power of speech.

Kevin continued to kiss his neck and then traveled up to his lips. Kevin kissed him passionately, using his tongue to do things to his mouth that he hadn't known was possible. The heat that was now traveling through his body was so intense. The heat traveled down his back and centered strongly in his loins. And Aidan was hard, rock hard. He began to kiss Kevin back. The two of them entwined ravaging each other's mouths. They laid down on the mattress still kissing. Kevin reached for Aidan's shirt and Aidan panicked.

He stood up and ran out of the attic.

"Aidan wait!" Kevin shouted. "I'm sorry! Come back here, we need to talk!"

Aidan didn't listen, he just kept running.

"I can't believe this." Kevin said out loud to no one.

Kevin laid back down on the mattress. 'My first kiss with Aidan and what happens? He runs out. I really like him, what the hell is it? Besides Nick, he's the only guy I've ever been interested in. This sucks. What am I going to do?' Kevin thought to himself as he laid there.

Suddenly an odd feeling came over Kevin. He couldn't place it. It felt like there was something stuck in his throat. He tried to cough, but it didn't do anything. Suddenly the room went blurry.

"What the hell?" Kevin asked himself.

Then for the first time, in as long as he could remember Kevin felt tears fall from his eyes. He started to try and make them stop. And then thought 'What the hell?' and let them fall.

He laid on the old mattress and bawled. He let it all loose. There was so much built up in him that he knew there would be no stopping it now. He peeled off his tee-shirt and used it to soak up the tears.

Kevin cried long and hard for what felt like hours before he finally fell asleep upstairs in the attic, on that old mattress. It was the middle of the afternoon, so no one found him for a very long time, he was all alone.

  • Okay, there it is, now Fixing The Backstreet Boys is officially finished. Thanks to everyone who waited for me to actually get this done, and I hope you weren't disappointed. And special thanks to Lucas for the encouragement to actually go through with completing it this long after the story was over. Hasta La ByeByeBye, KB*

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