Five Ways To Cheat

By Robert Tabark

Published on Jun 6, 2000



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Five ways to Cheat

Robert Tabark



They were on the couch in Gord's living room. Scott's arm was around Gord's shoulder and every so often they'd look into each others eyes and smooch. It was nothing like either of them had experienced before. They kissed again, adding a little tongue this time.

"When are you going to tell Lauren?" Scott said looking into Gord's irresitable brown eyes.

"I donno," he kissed Scott and licked Scott's lips. "She knows I'm bi so it won't be a surprise or anything. I just think she should know before we decide to make love."

Scott squirmed at the thought of making love with Gord and rearranged his hard penis in his pants. They'd met online a month ago and less than a week ago had agreed to meet. Scott was desperate to make love with Gord and could barely wait any longer.

"I'm so horny though." Scott rubbed his hard-on through his shorts. "You sure she'll mind if we make love?"

"Yeah, it'll be the first thing she asks when I tell her I have a boyfriend." Just saying the word boyfriend gave Gord a hard-on. "You had a girlfriend, didn't you?"

"Yeah, she didn't mind me making love to him." Scott smiled and Gord admired it, as well as Scott's short blond hair and bulge in his shorts. "She wasn't big on sex though. We never fucked but we did everything else. She loved to sixty-nine but that's as far as we ever got. She moved away and found some new boyfriend."

"Oh well."

"Yeah, Lauren's a nice chick."

"Oh yeah," Gord could feel his own penis trying to escape his shorts.

"Nice tits. You ever see 'em?"

"She shows them to me when I'm good. When I'm really good I get to feel them."

"She's got you by the balls man. And that's exactly where I want to be."

They kissed again and began making out for a few minutes. Gord could feel Scott's hardon pressing into him and he really wanted to let go and fuck him but he knew it would mean losing Lauren.

"Let's stop for a sec," he said and let Scott pull back in disappointment.

"Don't you love me?"

"Don't give me that! Of course I do."

He lay down on the couch and put his arms behind his head. "So fuck me then."

"I want to but..."

"Yeah." Then Scott sat up suddenly. "Can't we just do something else? Something that doesn't count as making love?"

"I donno..."

"Look, why don't you just jerk me off." Scott gestured to the bulge in his pants. "Whacking myself off won't tame this thing. I need you man..."

"Okay fine. I'll jerk you off but that's it."

Scott smiled and took off his shirt. Gord admired Scott's faint blond underarm hair in each pit and slowly started pulling down Scott's shorts. He threw them into the corner and looked at Scott's undies. They were white and Scott's hard penis was a prominent outline. Gord could also see the outline of Scott's soft balls.

Scott looked up and grinned. "You better take off your shirt too. Just in case I shoot all over it."

Gord nodded and pulled off his shirt and threw it in the corner where Scott's shorts were. He looked at the bulge in Scott's undies and nearly lost all control. He nearly pulled down his own pants and jumped on top of Scott but he didn't. There was Lauren to think about.

He slowly began pulling down Scott's white undies. Once Scott's blondish pubic hair started appearing Gord got excited and pulled them down the rest of the way. Scott's circumsized penis sprung out and looked Gord in the face. He wanted to devour it.

Scott raised his ass and let Gord pull his underwear down the rest of the way. "Like it?" he asked.

"Oh... yeah!"

Scott's pubic hair was darkish blond and fairly short. It only covered a small area around Scott's cock. His balls were soft and Gord spotted a brown freckle on Scott's right testicle. Scott's penis was of average length and his foreskin was fairly tight. In comparison to the rest of Scott's small body Scott's penis looked out of proportion. It was manly while the rest of Scott's body appeared to be that of a boy. For a fifteen year old this wasn't that uncommon.

Scott leaned back and closed his eyes. Gord made a loose fist and started pulling on Scott's foreskin just like he did on his own. Scott let out a tremendous groan after the first couple of strokes and then seemed to settle down to conserve his orgasm.

Gord made the strokes faster and faster and Scott began to arch his back. Gord would gently squeeze Scott's balls and then return to his foreskin which was aching for more and aching for an orgasm. Scott could feel his orgasm coming. It was an itch that NEEDED to be scratched now and he opened his eyes wide and shot his semen in Gord's general direction. He squirted out four powerful shots and all of them landed on Gord's hairless belly.

Gord paused and looked down at the semen which was running down his stomach. The four gooey blobs merged when Gord sat up and ran down his belly and on to his shorts. He smiled and leaned over and kissed Scott who hadn't lost his erection for a moment.

"Thank you," Scott groaned. "thank you."

That night Gord went over to Lauren's house with the intention of telling her that he now had a boyfriend. He went up the steps, rang the door bell and listened as someone answered the door.

Lauren's brother Devin answered the door. He was a cute brown haired, brown eyed boy of thirteen who Gord had been after ever since he'd started dating Lauren. Just looking at him Gord thought: I want to fuck you, I want to pull down your pants right now and suck your cock. He'd masturbated three times after jerking Scott off but he was still horny.

"Hey Gord, Lauren's upstairs." Devin walked away and Gord smiled, looking at Devin's cute little ass. He wanted it bad and had nearly made his move on Devin the week before he'd met Scott. Now that he had a boyfriend Gord had no intentions on moving in on the hot thirteen year old. He decided he would still admire Devin from afar.

He went up the stairs to Lauren's room and knocked on the door and said who it was.

"Just a minute," she called back.

Gord imagined Lauren with her shorts and panties down frantically fingering her pussy, trying to get in a good orgasm before she let her boyfriend in. He hoped she would let him fuck her soon.


Gord opened the door and hugged Lauren; letting her perky breasts press up against his chest. It was the closest thing he got when she didn't let him feel them.

She stepped back. "You have a really big hard on." She smiled. "Ah, you guys are all the same... but I like it."

"I have some news," Gord said closing the door. He explained how he had met Scott who had already told Lauren all about. So far she had only know that Gord and Scott had engaged in net sex dozens of times.

"That's great. I knew you two would always get together. So was today the first time you met?"

"No. It was on Monday."

"Oh. But you haven't had sex with him, have you?" She showed her usual concern with her eyebrows.


She looked down at the stain on Gord's shorts from when Scott had shot his load all over Gord's chest.

"I jerked him off okay. He was horny and he was begging me. That's all we did though. I promise."

"I believe you honey. Look, you can make love to your boyfriend as soon as we have sex. I just want you first, you know that."

"Yeah." And when will that be, he thought? When do I get to fuck your brains out?

"We'll try it in a couple of days, okay? We're both virgins, there's not that big a rush."

"I've been good," Gord said pathetically. The pathetic 'I've been good' thing used to be a game but he wasn't sure what it was anymore.

"You have been," she said slipping off her t-shirt. She was just in her white bra now and she removed that rather quickly. She removed Gord's shirt and hugged him close so he could feel her breasts against his bare skin. She knew it drove him wild and she used it as a treat for when Gord was good.

They kissed. "Soon we'll have sex, I promise." Their tongues met and Gord pressed his hard on into Lauren. He wasn't sure how long he could wait.

Part 2 will be written if there is enough response...

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