Five Points

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jun 24, 2023



They were back at home. A glance at the mirror told Chen the forehead mark now read FAGGO. His whole skin crawled as he received the new mark.

His punishment required a bigger thing up his ass. When he saw it, he began to cry without shame. The dildo was almost the size of an arm. Again, the boy used the technique of distracting himself by jerking off. The attorney had removed most restraints for the time being, giving the boy back his normal range of motion.

Sitting down on the massive thing was surprisingly easy. Once the old dildo was gone, he felt strangely empty. Once he was all the way crouching and the new arm dildo was deeper inside him than anything had ever been, Chen cummed onto the living room floor. His load was absurdly big. He audibly splashed streaks onto the wooden boards until he had a true puddle in front of him.

Next came more restraints.

Well, first of all, the old ones returned. This time though, the anal hook did an even better job at pressing the dildo farther in. Chen had to arch a lot harder. Obviously, the attorney had shortened the chain.

Wishing he could call the man an asshole, Chen instead weakly said, "Th-thanks for helping me... sir."

The new restrains consisted of a bar running along behind his back, thought his arms, so that his taped elbows were now pointing back. Furthermore, a pair of cuffs tied his knees together. He could either keep his legs fully together or stand with his feet as far apart as the toe chain allowed, while his knees were still attached to each other. The latter was necessary to walk.

"After the fifth point, it's all over, right?"

"Pretty much. Everything will be reversed. Technically, it will only be suppressed, similar to the glamor, but you'll go back to normal."

The pain devices came back – or so Chen thought. They were bigger versions of the previous ones. Immediately his nipples screamed for mercy with sharp nerve signals, while his balls with their increased weights radiated a dull ache.

He didn't get his string thong back. Instead the attorney pulled a pouch like a tight tennis sock over Chen's hard dick.

"When your mark changed to `faggo' just then, did you feel a tingling everywhere?"

"Yes... sir. Um, why?"

It's a new effect added by the curse for failing. I call it `cloth allergy'. If you put any clothes on that cover more than this pouch, you'll get an allergic reaction. You'd be damned to nudity."

To demonstrate what he meant, the man took off his suit jacket and loosely draped it across Chen's shoulders. Right away, the boy felt a tickle, which turned into the pain of a bee sting all over his covered skin. When the searing pain rose enough to make him cry out, the man took the jacket back.

"I see. So I better break this curse, huh?"

"Actually, I think you did enough that you wouldn't die anymore, but if you want rid of it, you'll have to finish the pentagram."

"Okay... Where's the fifth spot, sir?"

"I'll drive you, but we're not done yet. Every failure brings an increase in the previous punishment methods but also adds one. This time, it's weight."

The man produced things that looked like extremely thick belts and bands in various sizes. Chen's wrists and ankles got one each and a big one as a belt around his hip. One over the collar completed the ensemble.

They were heavy. Unrealistically heavy. They had to be made from some sort of ultra-dense sci-fi material. The boy was sure his weight had just doubled.

Now he was ready. Chen resigned himself to his fate.

Five minutes later, the teen was at his destination and got the vibrating cock ring reattached. By that point, the pain inflicted by nipple and ball torture was blinding him to anything else.

With heavy breath, Chen left the car and instantly understood where he was.

While Chen himself wasn't much of a skater, he spent a lot of time at the skate park, since pretty much all his friends considered it their second home.

Naturally they would be there now, warming up for his birthday party.

Chen turned back at the attorney. "D-do I have to get to the middle again?"

"No, it's right at the entrance."

"Okay. ...And they will forget everything once I'm out of sight? Forever?"

"Pretty much. There's no way they'll remember it's you as long as the glamor is up – which will be permanent if the curse is suppressed."

Chen swallowed hard. Showtime.

With steps as big as his cuffed knees and tied toes allowed, he hobbled toward the gate on the metal fence. The sound of skating gave away that the place was stuffed with kids, who probably all knew him.

He was already nearing orgasm again, so he figured with some luck he wouldn't be more than a blur to them, jumping in and out.

The humiliated teen dragged his pathetic self around the corner to get inside. He was noticed the second he entered.

Everyone was there – the whole clique. Cody, Tom, Floyd, Noel, Frankie, Terence. Not a face was missing. And they laughed hard.

Chen's emotional pain was enough to drown out the physical torture for a moment. One after another the boys recognized him. As did the other ones present who he only knew tangentially.

Already the first few phones were aimed at him. He could only hope the glamor worked as advertised.

His friends came toward him. Chen tried to hobble away.

Oh right, they had skate boards. Even unbound, Chen wouldn't have stood a chance.

Finally, the shaking teen orgasmed, just a few steps from where he was supposed to be.

The first cumshot's strength tore his pouch off. Two dozen skater jocks shouted with the unhampered amusement only dumb, straight, masculine high school boys could show when they were among themselves. And when they had a destroyed fag cumming in front of them.

More and more cum sprayed from Chen's erection after his orgasm had already passed. The boys liked it. Chen was the most hilarious thing they had ever seen. Fortunately they would `unsee' him in just a second.

But they were already surrounding him on their rides.

"Hey there, Chen," said alpha jock Floyd. "Or should I say Faggo? It's really you. Amazing. What are you doing here?"

On no, please not these, too.

"I came here to jerk off," Chen's mouth said automatically. "But with my arms tied like this I had to use a vibration ring to get the cum out of me. I had a lot of orgasms today already, but I still cummed near instantly once I was here."

"Holy fuck," mumbled Terence. "He's not only a fag, he jerks off to us."

"So," Floyd continued. "Why the rest of all this?"

Chen tried hard to keep him lips from moving but failed. "I spent all day humiliating myself. The restraints are obvious but here I have nipple clamps, too, which give me immense pain. Plus the weights on my balls which keep stretching my sack with unbelievable force. Most humiliating, though, is the dildo in my ass, splitting me apart. It's the size of a forearm as you can see. Took a lot of practice to get it in."

Once the speaking stopped, Chen continued his slow flight.

Of course the boys followed. Since they didn't ask more questions, the naked teen made it back to the car. He got in, with his friends still shouting slurs at him.

The attorney drove off.

"There's only one thing left to do," said the man once the skate park was out of sight. "You go to the center of the pentagram and receive the final punishment since you failed by a distance of a few steps. Then I can block the curse."

"Okay. Thank you sir."

Back home, the teen was not freed from any restraints or devices. Instead the attorney pushed him onto all fours. With Chen's arms subjected to the tape and spreader bar, it was impossible to actually go on all fours, so he dropped with his strongly arched back onto the ground – his cuffed knees resting on the cold floor, as did his toes.

In the reflection of the window he could see the mark on his forehead change to FAGGOT. It didn't matter. He'd be rid of it in a few minutes.

The attorney removed the dildo, which slid out with an embarrassing slurping noise and left Chen's guts chillingly empty.

The anal hook went back in, however.

After a while the boy heard the man undress and apply lube. He couldn't look behind himself without great difficulty so he kept quiet and waited.

Unlike what he had expected, he didn't get to feel the attorney's dick in his loose hole, but the man's hand.

With no warming, the adult slipped his lubed fist into the teen's guts. It should have been like a slightly bigger dildo, but as the intruder was a living object it moved around in ways that made Chen cry out with despair. Getting violated by a human was totally different from a simple plug.

"Relax, boy," said the attorney. "Fisting is the final punishment. You've done well, showing me gratitude and respect so far. Keep it up for five minutes. Go on."

Chen swallowed back his tears. "P-please sir, I'm ready to get fisted. Please shove your arm inside me and give me that relieve."

The fist slid father in and was followed by the wrist, past the anal hook.

"Get it all the way in, sir. Only you can get me what I need. I'm so grateful. Th-thank you sir."

The fist wandered farther and the attorney grabbed Chen's collar to keep the slippery boy from sliding away. Half the lower arm was in now.

"Good boy," man whispered. "We'll stay like this for a moment. Just until I'm sure the effect has applied."

Chen's first fisting ended with the boy crying in relieve.

Getting rid of the restraints, weights and torture devices made Chen feel as if he could fly. He showered for an hour until he felt a tiny bit less filthy.

Once he left the bathroom, the forehead mark was faded. It was vanished entirely by the time he had slipped into some jeans and a sweater. All that was left of his adventure were the piercings on nipple, navel and earlobes.

When Chen entered the living room, even his hair had reappeared. There was still the pain in his balls and nipples and where the restrains had cut into his flesh and also some ache from the awkward position his body had been forced into.

His permanent erection had become reduced to a semi and would go down completely by nightfall once the rest of the meds effect wore off.

Where was the attorney?

Seconds later the man left the basement. What had he done down there? Oh, he carried a soda bottle. Well, the man could surely take one of the drinks prepared for the party. Chen wasn't going to object to this.

"Now it's goodbye, Chen."

"Yeah. Finally."

"Remember. If something triggers people to recall what they saw today, the glamor will fail and so will the block on the curse. Don't say or show them anything that could reawaken those memories."

"I won't."

"And here's my card. If you run into trouble and the curse returns, you are welcome to live at a place that belongs to a friend of mine. An occasional fisting by the owner and sucking off some truck stop guys will be all you need to pay your rent."

"Um, thanks but no thanks."

"Well, keep it in mind in case the spell breaks and you get in trouble."


"Goodbye, Chen."

"Goodbye sir."

The party was a success. Chen hadn't been sure if he could take the stress of hosting his own eighteenth birthday but in the basement brimming with jocks and cheerleaders he felt at home again. It was weird to see his friends who had humiliated him at the skate park but things were back to normal and he'd get over it soon.

Maybe he could forget all that had happened today. Maybe it would soon feel like a bad dream.

"Hey Chen," said Floyd. "What's this?"

The tall boy held up DVD, which said "sick skate tricks" in handwriting.

"Dunno," Chen said. It was probably a video he had made ages ago and forgotten about.

Floyd put it into the player and a projector threw a huge bright rectangle at the wall. The music stopped as the DVD's sound took over.

Chen stood in the back of the basement, leaning against the wall. Of course Floyd would just put it in without asking. He hoped the video wasn't too embarrassing. Anything his ten year old self considered a sick skate trick was probably not any fancier than staying on the board for ten seconds.

The projected Chen on the wall spoke. "P-please sir, I'm ready to get fisted. Please shove your arm inside me and give me that relieve."

The rest drowned in laughter.

The DVD had been prepared by the attorney who had filmed the violation.

Chen's forehead tingled. He looked to the side and realized his reflection in the window had writing appear. It said FAGGOT again. At the same time, his hair was vanishing except for the small strip on top.

A sensation in his throat was followed by the same one all across his outside. Right away, every piece of cloth on his body felt itchy, rapidly tending toward bee sting level.

He had no choice but to strip on the spot.

By the time he was naked, everyone from the skate park remembered. And so did dozens of people all across town, many of whom had a video to prove it.

It hadn't quite been true. Earning his rent was significantly more involved than promised. First of all, a lot of customers wanted to fist him once they heard it was an option.

That would have been bad, sure, but what really wrecked Chen was that he said yes to everything. The curse force him to blurt out the answer to any question and a positive response to any inquiry about his sexual humiliation. On some days, he drank more piss than water.

When the owner of the apartment had seen the videos, he had insisted on reinstating some of the restrains like the chains and the collar.

Chen's life consisted of eating, working out, getting fucked, eating again, working out again, getting fucked again, eating once more, working out a bit still, getting fucked a good deal, and sleep.

It was a rare occasion for the attorney to visit.

"Hello Chen."

"Hello sir," the boy said and dropped to his knees. Most customers wanted to be welcomed this way.

"Did you watch the video I sent you?"

"The one with the twin brothers?"

"Yes. How would you like to be introduced and get in on the action? Porn pays a bit better than sucking off men for five bucks per job."

"I... actually, last time you said something about turning me into a real fag, who would enjoy all these things I do instead of hating them."

"Oh, did I let that slip? Honestly, I don't think you need it. You seem to be settling into your new life just fine. Now turn around and show me that hole. You keep it tight, yeah?"

"I exercise it daily to make it as tight as can be. Which isn't very tight with all the fisting I get."

"I'll see for myself. Stand up and spread, I'll go in from below. Last time your fist riding skill was mediocre. Let's see if you can do better. I expect you to be noisy, understood?"

"Yes sir!" Chen said and started to moan convincingly as soon as he felt the fingertips enter him.

The man was right. Chen was getting used to his new life. Most of the time when his guts weren't getting shredded, he missed having something huge in there.

NOTE: This story the third (and final?) installment in the attorney-verse. The other ones are "Thirteen Marks" and "Ten Rings". Hope you're having fun.

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