Five days away

By John DkScorpio

Published on Apr 3, 2007



George sat back trying to get a better position in his hard chair. Looking out of the windows seeing the world rush by as the train rushed down towards London. He was on his way to a 5 day course for the department. Across from him was his new deputy only a year younger then George but extremely innovative and very good at his job. And now the new PC software at the firm was being implemented, George and Tom had been sent so they would be up-to-date with the new system. And both men felt happy about this, since this would be a regular occurrence paid by the firms every month until both men were the only super users of the new PC systems.

George just couldn?t get a good position on the chair, but then he always had this problem. They just didn?t make chairs to fit his type. George was a tall, more than 6 ?3?, and very broad over the shoulders, last measurement of his chest he was a little over 53 inches around. He was a very keen bodybuilder and you could see that he had been at it for the last 10 years. Almost no fat and extremely muscular. His broad chin always covered with a 5 o?clock shadow, even after shaving. His broad slabs of chest muscles covered in blond curly hair running down his 8 parted stomach muscles giving him that bearish look. At work they made fun of his by calling him the grizzly, and not just because he was hairy. His deep voice could most of the time complaining about this or that not been done properly. He was fair but had an extremely high standard of work. Which is why after 6 years at the firm he was now the head of his department. Tom, his deputy, had been a nice surprise for George. Tom was recruited so that George wouldn?t get bogged down with work. George had seen and talked to Tom a few times before, since the man only lived 3 doors from where George lived. But George had never expected that the man was a genius with organisation. By the time they were leaving for London George found himself feeling a deep respect for his new deputy. George wasn?t gay in anyway but Tom had touched George like only a friend could. The last few weeks before they left George and Tom had spent a lot of time reorganising the department and spent many nights working overtime. And just a few days ago the head of the firm had noticed the very positive change Georges department had made and was complimented. The compliment was passed on to Tom. Tom wasn?t like George, he was a slim swimmer type and always smart dressed. Like George he also loved coming to work in dark suits, but Tom looked like he had just bought his suit fresh each day. Tom wasn?t tall only 5?7?, but he had that air about him that made his presence fill the room and always with that cocky smiling. And a real women?s man, a smile he could get even old maggy to help him with a job, if the old crone didn?t just do it for him. And George must admit that Tom had the looks most men would love to have. Dark hair, bright blue eyes and a very manly face. The goatee giving him either the boyish look that disarmed the girls, or sometimes his face would change and the goatee made him look very serious. So it was no wonder every male hated him, except George who saw Tom for what he was. An extremely lucky handsome guy with brains. George thoughts turned to this morning when both men kissed wives goodbye and were driven to the station in a taxi. George thinking about how funny it was that this was the first time in 4 years he had to go away for the firm and his wife, but then it really didn?t bother him that much, the wife part. She was in one of her moods anyway. Well actually she started her mood a year ago and hasn?t seamed to come out of it. Giving George an excuse to train even harder which he liked since he now looked in top form and even more grizzly.

They arrived at the hotel where they were to have their course only to find that the secretary had made a big mistake. She had gotten them a room, not two rooms. And the hotel was packed to bursting with the games in town filling the city with tourists. Not only was it a room, but it turned out to be a room with a double bed that couldn?t be separated. The couch was a two setter. Both men looked at the bed. ?I?m sorry, Tom. I?ll have a talk with the office and find one of us a room in another hotel.? ?Well, if you don?t mind sharing it?s okay with me, George? George thought about it, and knew they wouldn?t find another room now. Ah, well they were grownups so why not. He just nodded. They got ready for the first introductory day. Which turned out to be semi boring, more a commercial about the new PC systems they were making. After a dinner at the hotel both men went op to the room, took a bath and made ready for bed. George in his white jockey briefs took the right side of the bed, Tom in his light blue short the left side. And by ten o?clock both men slept.

George woke that funny way you sometimes do. From the inside out. His first thought had been how great he had slept, then the rest of him woke and he felt something very strange at first, not quite remembering where he was.

Gina, his wife was laying under his right arm, up against his muscular chest. He could clearly feel her head on his right shoulder, one hand on his left breast, one leg rest on top of his right leg just touching the underside of his crotch. George sighed, it had been years since she had done that. His hand came up and lightly hugged her closer. She made a deep ?Mmmmm? That confused George, not just that her voice was now deeper, but she seamed to have something hard between her legs pressing op against him. Then his world remembered, he opened his eyes with a jerk. That sudden move woke Tom. Toms hand clenched Georges curly dark hairs, then his eyes shot open. Both men moved apart as if they had burnt themselves. ?Sorry George, I wasn?t?? I mean it wasn?t what it looked like?. I mean?? Tom sitting on the edge of the bed, back turned to George. ?No worries, Tom? George said in a confused voice. Got out of bed, locked the bathroom door. 10 minutes later George came out ready to get dressed. Tom moving passed him. Both men not looking at each other. The rest of the day was spent learning the basics of the system. George and Tom seamed very quiet through the whole day. George had thought about the morning until they were to have dinner. As both men sat at the table, they both knew they had to talk about it before they went up. George thought he better. ?Err? Tom, about this morning.? He started but was cut off by Tom replying ?I?m not gay George, and I don?t sleep op against people. Not ever, not even with Julie. I don?t know why I was op against you, I swear. I wasn?t trying to , you know?..? He sounded apologetic with a hint of panic touching his voice George thought, and that was a first. Tom never sounded weak. ?Calm down Tom, I?m not going to kill you. It?s no problem really, I?m used to having Gina op against me. But then again that was years ago.? He said blushing a little. Tom looked at him funnily his smile coming back. You could clearly see him relax, that?s when it dawned on George that even if he wasn?t thinking much about it the poor man had ate himself from within all day because of it. ?you well needed to sleep op again someone, nothing to worry about there. My god it wasn?t as if we didn?t both enjoy it? George gave a rye smile and a little wink that only Tom would see. That made Tom blush like a fresh tomato and look a little down. ?Don?t worry about, Tom!? His voice turning a little down in tone ?I really am comfortable about it, and like I said it was nice and Gina hasn?t done it in years. I missed it in a way, now that I think about it? Tom still blushed, looking like a little boy talking about sex for the first time. ?Let?s go to the bar? Georges baritone voice said.

Drink in hand both men just sat there looking at the room filling with people. Tom had turned back to a normal colour, George smiled over at Tom not knowing really why he was doing it. Suddenly Tom asked ?What did you mean when you said I needed to sleep op against somebody ?? George looked over, but didn?t answer at first. Tom could see he had to think about it. Then George in his deep voice replied ?Well, Gina said that she never slept op against people until she meet me. She once said that I made her feel safe, she and I meet as she was going through the last of her exams at university and with all the stress she said that in my arms she could feel safe and forget all her problems? Tom looked strangely at George as the words sank in ?And we have been working hard to make everything ready for this trip, you must be stressed without showing it. But then that?s my opinion on this morning, so no worries!? ?Maybe, George, but still you?re a guy and I don?t feel stressed. Actually these last couple of months have been great. What with the restructuring and the implementing of the new software I could be stressed, I just don?t feel it. I would say I feel alive, but then again you?re the first boss that has actually been listing to me and letting me work my theories? George cringed at the word boss. He didn?t feel like Toms boss, more like an equal at work. Tom lowered his voice ?George I must admit I didn?t feel awkward sleeping next to you, or should I say op against you? the deep red blush returning to his face. ?Me neither, but then like I said I?m used to it. It felt actual really nice? George replied back in a low tone ?err.. George not to pry but you said that it had been years, why has she stopped ?? His smile making George feel like he could open op to Tom. Damn the boy is good with that smile George thought. George needed to talk to someone he thought and why not Tom. ?Actually Tom, if your going to be this frank I?ll tell you, but you breath a word of this to anyone?.? Tom shook his head. ?Gina and I seam to be in a patch right now, or should I say for a year. Which means our intimate usuals have virtually dwindled to nothing.? Tom looked like I just stepped over an unseen line. ?You mean no?.. you know?? George nodded, Tom looked at George who was now the one blushing. Tom opened his mouth but hesitated for a second then said ?Well Julie and I more or less have none of that. She feels it?s dirty? Both men drank in silence letting the silence sink their new knowledge in, they were now committed to each other as friends with secrets. ?So have you been getting any?.? Toms voice asked in almost a whisper. ?Not the last 8 months now, And I have no idea why. I?ve talked with her about it, but she just doesn?t want to? Tom sat back replying ?6 months here.? ?Well, then this morning was nothing other then us needed the presence of another human, That?s perfectly normal isn?t it?? Tom looked surprised because George was asking not telling. And it sounded perfectly logical to him. ?Ye must be that? Both men relax even more now and enjoyed the rest of the evening drinking and talking about the new things they had learnt and how to use them at work. By nine both men decided to go up. They got out of the suits. One showered while the other watched TV. Calling home to check with their wives. When both men crawled under the covers, George wearing clean white jockeys again, Tom in white shorts. George switched the TV off, then the lights. They lay next to each other, after 10 minutes both men knew the other hadn?t fallen asleep. George didn?t know why he did it, but he lifted his right arm, placing his hand behind his head. George could see in the dim light from the windows that Tom had turned to look at him. Both men looked at each other, then George nodded. Tom crawled op to George laying his head on the hairy chest, one hand came up to rest on Georges left chest muscle. Georges right arm came down and he hugged Tom closed. Both men literally relax and sighed. George hadn?t even noticed that he had been tense. Toms right leg came up again to rest on Georges legs and again touching Georges balls. Both men lay, relaxing so much that it seam that both slowly melted into each other finding a perfect position. Some 10 minutes later George found himself slowly caressing Tom, somehow a small movement hear and there had turned into a slow caress of Toms arm. He hugged Tom a little tighter. Tom reacted by curling his fingers a little on Georges chest. Hands kept caressing while both men didn?t say a word. Then George felt the leg that was resting op against his balls move op so that his semi hard cock was pressed into Toms leg. Tom moved his hips so that George could clearly feel the hard stiff cock pressing on his hips. George placed his left hand on Tom leg for minute before it slowly ran the length op to Toms ass and then down again. Toms hand moved now more across Georges chest, fingers touching his nipples every now and then as the hand travelled the expanse of his hairy chest. Georges hand now caressed Toms leg and back and forth. Slowly there was a grinding of Toms cock into Georges hips and Georges swelled meat into Toms legs. Then slowly George felt Toms hand travel downwards. Tom looked up, Georges eyes didn?t know what to say, then hand travelled down his stomach the hairs tickling Toms senses. Then over this blond bodybuilders mound and Tom cupped what he knew to be he first male crotch, then he pressed hard downward. George moaned as his cock in Toms palm was pressed downwards and his balls were squeezed by strong fingers. Tom released then squeezed again. A low moan escaped George each time with a slight upwards grind of his hips. The hand travel the length of Georges manhood which was laying to his left. Toms hand followed the full 8 inches of tubular man sin before closing on his helmet of flesh. George turned towards Tom his left hand crawled under the covers to find the 6« inches thick pole of this little business colleague. As Georges hand grasped the shaft Tom moaned. Both men groped each other for a long time before George lifted his hand to slip the underwear off Tom. They looked into each others eyes then George slipped the shorts off and down Toms hips.

As Georges hand cupped Toms Kiwi sized balls, Tom slipped his hand into George jockeys wrapping the thick shaft in his hand. George played with the balls of the first man he ever had touched. Tom ran his hand op and down Georges massive manhood. George slipped the jockey off and both men went to jerking each other off with slow strokes. After a while George took his hand op, spat into it and slide on Toms meat, ?Aw, god??Fuck ye?..Damn that?s hot? Toms whispered groaned as the slick hand travelled his length. Tom did the same. It wasn?t long before both men groaned and moaned. Georges right hand forced Tom against him as they still fisted each other off. Then cock touched cock and Georges strong big hands wrapped both meats into his fist and Tom Moaned loudly. Both Toms arms came around George hugging him tighter. He then rolled into George his head came down to rest in Georges neck crook. George brought his hand up his right hand grabbed Toms head by the neck hairs. Georges licked his hand in front of Tom, then turned his palm towards Toms mouth. Tom complied and lick the spit slick palm tasting Georges spit and sweet man muskiness of cock. Tom lifted himself by straightning his arms. Both men looked down as the hand came down to the two hard cocks resting against each other. As the hand wrapped itself then both moaned. Looking at the meats as the hand travelled up and down. Toms Dome shaped cock head drooled pre-cum onto Georges big mushroom shaped cock head. Tom slowly fucked Georges fist relishing the felling of grinding his meat into another mans hand. George slick hand movement and hard cock making Tom buckle so his head rested against Georges neck. He lost control and began kissing the crook of Georges neck running his tongue against the thick muscular throat. That made George groan like a bear,grinding his meat op into his own fist and against Toms thick flesh pole. The more they ground their cocks into each other the harder their balls slapped sending electricity into each mans mind. Tom bit and sucked Georges neck and with each show of passion was driving this muscular monstrosity of maleness wild. Suddenly Tom was turned in the bed by the shear force of Georges huge hairy body. Now with Tom on his back George fuck hard against the little hot swimmer stud. His slick hand still wrapped around the two poles of flesh he fucked harder. George bent down and gave Tom the same neck experience. Tom conscience mind was forced by instinct to mind it?s own business, Tom moaned even louder then before. A guttural groan escaping his throat each time George bit deep into his neck muscles. Cock sliding against each other the slickness of both men drooling their pre-cum on each others cock heads making them moan and sweat. George released the cocks placing a hand on each side of Tom, then started grinding meat against meat. Balls making a slapping sound. Toms legs spread to give George better position. George stretched his arm so he towered above Tom, still grinding pre-cum slick cocks. Tom ran his hands on Georges hairy chest, then played with the dark brown nipples especially when he found George groaning and fucking harder each time he touched the circles of flesh. Suddenly Tom grabbed George back and shoot his head op taking Georges left nipple in his mouth. Biting, sucking, chewing and driving George into a sexual sweat frenzy. Suddenly George groaned hard forced himself hard into Tom. ?Aw Fuck here it comes?..arrrgghhhhh!? Tom looked down as the first glob of man cream shot op towards him. The first blob of white hetero sin landed on his chest. Tom attacked Georges nipple , George wrapped his muscular hand around their cocks pumping the next 4 shots out covering Tom chest, stomach and cock in slick ball juice. Georges jerking and his hot semen was to much for Tom. Cum exploded out of him hitting chin, both mens chests, stomachs, cocks and curly pubs. Toms Head fell back as the last 3 shot were stroked out of him. George let go and fell on Tom breathing hard. ?Fuck that was intense!? George deep whispered into Toms ear. Toms hands ran up and down Georges back, only when they came down to his ass did he chance it and grab the cheeks, pulled up forcing George to grind semi hard cock against semi hard cock. Both men groaned. Cum slick bodies ground into each other sending sensions into Tom as the hairy chest stimulated his nipples. 10 minutes later George got up and turned to shower. Tom joined him as he was finishing rising the water off his body. Afterwards both men lay in bed. Tom wrapping his naked body against Georges naked hairy bodybuilder frame and soon the room was nothing but deep steady rhythmic breathing.

The next morning both men woke got out of bed naked, semi hard dicks swinging back and forth as both men went through their morning ritual. Both men stealing looks at each other as they dressed. When they had dressed, which had taken quite a bit longer then normal they went out the room ready to start the day. They didn?t mention the night before the whole day, not even at dinner or in the bar. They just talked and enjoyed themselves, relaxing and talking about this and that. It wasn?t until after they had showered that both men could feel the tension in the room rise. Tom was the first to show the night before wasn?t forgotten, he slipped his shorts to the ground and threw them on the chair. Crawled under the sheets so his chest was uncovered. George standing next to the bed looked down at Tom. Tom thought he had gone to far, then George slipped his jockeys down. 7 inches of semi hard cock came to view the cock head big and mushroomed shaped hanging down. George looked down then slowly crawled onto the bed. On his knees he moved across the bed looking extremely huge to Tom since he was laying down. As Georges knees touched Tom he bend a little and his cock head was millimetres from Toms lips. Both men looked at each other. A full minute passed and then Tom opened his mouth to say something, but George thought he had submitted. The cock head touched lips and sliding between the parted lips. The cock head was only halfway in when George suddenly realised that Tom had only wanted to say something, but then he felt the tongue touching the tip of his mandhood. George pushed his hips forward slipping the now fast hardening meat into Toms hot wet mouth. When half the meat was in he glided it out again, then back in before the cock head slipped out. Slowly George fuck 8 inches of cock into Toms mouth. Tom had gagged a little when the mushroom head had hit the back of his mouth, but he had relaxed after a while so the head slipped deep into him. Tom moaned when Georges blond curls tickled his nose. George saw himself pounding 8? of cock to the root into this hot little heteros parted lips and his mind reeled. Then George threw the covers to the ground, seeing Toms very thick cock pointing at him. George obliged and both men found themselves in a 69er. George took Tom into his mouth feeling his mouth open to an almost painful point by the shear thickness of Toms tool. Fuck a thick meat he has George thought. In minutes the room was a whirlwind of slurping, moaning, groaning as each man faced fucked the other. After a while Tom slipped off Georges meat and then next thing he did made George gasp and groan as his balls were licked and sucked. Tom cleaned all of Georges genital area. George had never felt anything so hot and intense and he lost what morals he had. He almost couldn?t concentrate on sucking Tom. The more Tom sucked on his balls the wilder George was groaning. George just had to give Tom the same treatment, and luckily it had the same effect giving George just a little pause and decorum again. But that still period was short lived as George on top of Tom was forced to spread his legs further apart as Toms hot tongue licked the area right behind his balls ?AWWWW ! sweet Jesus that HOT!? George bellowed. Toms mouth went wild in the area. George forgot every thing letting Tom suck, lick, bit (that was the hottest making pre-cum drool out of George) tongue the flesh behind his egg sized balls. 5 minutes later George in a dazed never felt before remembered, actual hungered, for Tom thick meat. Tom Pre-cum surprising George with its saltiness but George was beyond heterosexual disgust now. Tom sucked and played with Georges balls and flesh behind them. The wilder Tom was the wilder George faced fucked himself. ?Oh, sweet marie??. I think I?m going to cum?..of fuck??..YYYYEEEE!? Tom flooded Georges mouth with 5 spurts of thick salty cream. George reacted back by letting his white hot liquid exploded out of his big round mushroom cock head as his mouth clamped around Toms cock root.

Tom bit deep into the flesh feeling the cum through the muscle. Spurt after spurt. George just stayed with the pubic hairs tickling his lips balls pressed against his newly shaved chin. Tom bit harder into the flesh as George swallowed every last drop from Toms thick shaft. Both men bucked as the sweet fire of their orgasms to over. George had been so surprised that he had cum without Tom having stroked his meat. After Tom had emptied his load George had to get off the thick shaft for air. Never had ever thought anything could be this hot and intense between men. And soon both men stop panting ?Sorry about that!? Tom was saying ?Sorry about what?? George looked down at the man in his arms. ?Cumming in your mouth, but you were so fucking good? he said and giggled like a little girl. George smiled at Tom thinking this hot stud had giggled like a young maiden. ?My pleasure, Stud. You do know I never tried anything remotely like this, not even with Gina!? ?Same here! Not that I?ve ever been with Gina? he grinned back at George making the big hairy bodybuilder laughed. And with that George switched the light out and soon both men were sleeping in each others arms a feeling of rightness flooding their dreams.

The next morning George woke to a hand wrapping around his meat, which was swelling at a fast rate. Tom jerk slowly the thick 8 incher. Then when he saw George was awake he threw the covers off and lower his head. In seconds Tom wet hot mouth was blowing Georges meat. In minutes Tom was face fucking himself right down to the root og Georges morning problem. George held the head giving himself a little control of the situation. Suddenly George got up, laying Tom on his back head over the bed edge. The cock slipped back in and in seconds George seriously face fucked this hot little number. Tom jerking his cock madly. George bent a little while fucking Tom, wet a finger and only wanted to stroke the same spot which had driven him wild the night before. Tom moaned as the finger stroked the flesh behind his balls. Toms mind by now had lost any form of respect and he moaned, groaned like a bitch in heat George wet the finger some more. The more he fucked and stroked the wilder Tom sounded. Suddenly George felt Toms asshole. As his finger circled the little pucker Tom hips bucked and he lifted his legs more opening the secret little place. George wet the finger again tasting man ass. He just wanted to finger the ass some more then Tom bucking was forcing the tip of the finger into the warmth of his body. George slipped the wet digit into Toms hot ass and Tom obliged by lowering himself harder down on it. The whole finger slid deep into Tom. The groan that came out of Tom was primal. George was fast loosing it. The more his finger fucked Tom the more primal the sex became. ?I?m?.. gonna??blow!? He groaned and Tom grabbed Georges ass with both hands forcing the meat deep down Toms throat. George shoved two fingers in and exploded 6 spurts of salty morning cream into Tom. Tom thick cock pointing at George fired white globs of man juice high into the air, landing on Toms chest, stomach. 5 Spurts of cum glistened in the morning light. Georges head came down to lick the salty globs from Toms chest and Stomach as his body bucked, before collapsing on to Tom. It took minutes before both men were able to separate themselves, taking fingers out of a wet asshole with a groan and semi-hard cock out with slapping sound as it hit Georges leg. Both men were totally weak, or so they felt. But they decided they could take a shower and skip breakfast. The smell of sex was very heavy in the room as they came out of the bathroom and both hurried getting into their suits. As they were leaving Tom turned to face George ?OK, we both know that that was the hottest sex in a millennia? George nodded ?So tonight I think I want to go all the way, not this half shit. I want sex, kissing, licking, sucking the lot. How about you, op for it?? George shoved Tom slabbing against the door, Tom looked scared (that?s it he thought, I?m dead) But George ground his body against Toms, crotch to crotch. Tom spreading his legs being lifted by Georges hard muscular body. At that moment Tom knew that George would always be the true stud in this game. George lips almost touched Toms lips, the hot breath separating them.

George whispered in a husky voice ?Always !? George let Tom go. Tom almost fell. And as they left Tom just knew that George was probably the hottest thing in the universe. Never had he felt so helpless and yet supported as when George had him at the door. And the swell in Georges pants confirmed Toms thoughts that he wasn?t powerless when it came to George.

The whole day both men teased each other. They were like teenagers in love, and they felt something deep for each other with each passing hour. As the feeling for each other was suffusing their senses both felt like something that had lost was returning filling that empty place inside with life. George would sport a hard-on which only Tom could see under the table teasing the little guy. Of that days lessons both men couldn?t remember more than a few sentences. Tom had teased George by caressing his leg or nipple during the break. By dinner both men had driven themselves into a frenzy their eyes kept seeing heaving chests or swelling cocks in chinos. George even teased Tom more by opening his top button of his shirt revealing curly hairs. They skipped the bar going straight for the room. When they came in. George said he wanted to have a drink first. As he bent down to take the only bottle out of the fridge Tom hand shot forward caressing the hidden cleft of George ass cheeks. George took a minutes deciding which of the only bottle in there to take, was going to be gin or gin. He took a minute to decide that Tom has had his fun. The gin came out as Tom started caressing harder, George straightened himself. He poured a drink for each of them. Tom was getting impatient. So he help George out of his suit jacket leaned on his back wrapping his arms around George wide torso. The hand caressed the broad chest. George tried to ignore Toms skilful hands as he poured the alcohol and waited some minute before turning in Toms arm to give him his drink. Tom just grabbed Georges ass. ?slow now my little horny sex fiend!? George groaned, but both knew that Tom was winning and they loved it. George took a swig of his drink then said ?well that must be enough to legally count!? Tom looked strangely ?Well were heteroes right, can?t be gay right. Must be the alcohol that?s doing it!? Tom laughed a magical laugh and said ?actually, I don?t think so. Maybe you worked me so hard that I can?t think straight anymore and all I want is to pleasure my boss in anyway I can!? George cringed at the word boss again. Slowly Tom grabbed George on either side of the head an force the tall hairy hunk to bend down. Lips touched lips. Tom goatee teasing Georges lips. Georges tongue slipped into Toms hot wet mouth both men moaned. Tom kissed back and George almost lost the two drinks. He broke the kiss to get rid of the glasses. Grabbed Tom and kissed him back. Hands were everywhere and mouths never left each other. They bit and sucked and licked. Crotch grinding each other. Minutes later they were laying on the bed eat into each other. They kissed for 20 minutes before Tom came op for air forcing George down with one hand. And slowly began to undress George. When the first nipple turned op Tom went for it. He tongued it first and when George moaned he sucked and bit lightly. Tom made sure both nipples got what they needed. As his mouth tongued the wide expanse of hairy chest rubbing his face against the rough touch of man hairs he unbuttoned the rest of the shirt. This huge tall hairy bear had to live with the fact that Tom was holding him down with a tongue. Tom kissed and licked his way down leaving a wet motorway from nipple to crotch. No part of George torso would be left unchecked by Toms lips. As Tom tongue touched the belt George grabbed him and with pure muscle power flipped Tom on his back George had a wild look to his eyes, grabbed a piece of shirt in each hand and pulled the material apart by force. Tom groaned arching his back as buttons went flying. Tom loved the shear feel and look of strength George was showing and George knew it. The grizzly spread Toms legs apart with his knees crawling between them attacking Tom mouth grinding stubble chin to stubbled chin lips parting to receive another mans mouth juices with tongue play. Minutes later George attacked then the throat while grind his 8 incher against this little studs bulging crotch. Tom lost it and was just living in ecstasy. The George attacked the nipples next and Tom went wild. Wanting to attack George back before losing all his defences, but now George held him with pure muscle force. Georges mouth reach the pants he unbuckled the belt and trousers, slipped chinos and shorts off holding Tom down with his eyes only. Tom lay naked hard cock laying up against his stomach. Then George stood at the end of the bed waiting, Tom got to the edge placed his hand on Georges belt and ever so slowly undid the belt, then the top button of Georges pants. The zipper was pulled down slowly George suppressing the urge to rip his pants to the floor. Pants then fell to the ground. Then Tom grabbed the very filled jockey seeing a wet spot at the end of the manhood hidden under the cloth and slipped them down over the round butt cheek. 8 inches of meat popped out hitting Tom on the chin. As George was slipping out of his last vestige of impropriety Toms mouth shot op between hairy trunks of muscles and George almost buckled as Tom tongue wet the flesh between his big balls and asshole. The sensation was electrifying. He only just managed to get out of jockeys and trousers before Tom turned around pushed him on the bed and attack the area again. George was defenceless on his stomach against Tom mouth work. Georges but just rose as Tom worked him. In minutes Georges universe consisted of Toms tongue, teeth and now his own rimming sensation. The tongue on and in his ass was a cosmos in itself and George was seriously lost in its throws. Time lost its place in the room at that moment. A thousand moans and groans later George felt a finger work itself into him and opening op to Tom was his only wish. If George had thought that nothing was better then being rimmed he soon learnt that this little cosmos had many more sensations to show him. The finger pumped in and out of him and George was nothing but putty in Toms world. Then two fingers and George felt the fire of passion driving him wild. This was so fucking hot his mind screamed every thought out of George. Tom pushed George so he was laying on his back. Then Tom was kissing him again, deep while two finger penetrated him right down to the last knuckle. The sensation was just too much making George breath catch and groan. Toms fingers kept hitting a button sending fire to the muscle mans mind and suddenly George exploded screaming ?AAARRGGGGHHHHH!?. Cum hitting Tom and himself on the chin. The escape of his white hot globs intensified Georges orgasm. Tom looked down totally awe at what he had just done to this huge man as 6 spurts of cum flew in the air. Bent down and licked cum from chin to cock head. George grabbed Tom hips as lips touched cock head and placed him in a 69er. Toms cock pounded into George. But George soon found himself growing hard again, so before Tom could drive himself into a frenzy George started licking Toms balls, then his asshole. Tom moaning as George pussy licked Toms virgin asshole. Tom was serious moaning and drooling into George crotch. Then George lay on his back flipped Tom around, lifted Toms hips in place. Georges cock head touching Toms wet hot virgin hole. Tom looked a little panicked. But George just slowly force Toms hips down. At first the cock head just couldn?t get through and both men started to worry if they would have to abandon it. Tom lent forward for a kiss. As they kissed the cock head forced itself in. ?AWWW! FUCK? Tom screamed but didn?t get off. They waited, George spit on his hand greasing his saft for action. Slowly Toms slid down groaning with each inch. Minutes later George was buried deep in Tom. Tom started moving slowly, but it didn?t take long before pain turned to pleasure. After a while Tom moved op and down Georges thick hard 8 incher with a thick hard-on pointing at George.They fucked for maybe 15 minutes like this George thanking the gods for cumming before. He would never had lasted more then minutes with a tight asshole like this around his cock root. Then George lay Tom on his back, cock never leaving the new puckered hole. Tom spread his legs, resting them on Georges extremely meaty arms. George started fucking hard now. Stroking the full length in and out of Tom Thank fuck the neighbours weren?t in because Tom moan so loud that everybody in the hotel must know what they were doing, George grunting like a bear while his meat piston the little loud mouth man whore. George lay closer to Tom, his arms forcing Toms legs right op to his chest so that he could slip his hand under Toms arms and grab the shoulders. Pinning Tom in such a way that his ass was perfect for deep fucking and George could bite deep into Toms neck. George fuck mercilessly. His cock turning Toms ass into nothing more then Georges fuck hole. The harder he fucked the loud Tom got. The closer George got to cumming the more Tom screamed into Georges ear. Suddenly Tom scream ?AAAARGGGHHHH!? cum shooting out of Tom like white cannon balls. Bullets of sweet salty man juice splashing between them. The tightening of Toms ass around Georges thick shaft giving him that last push.

George blew 5 shots of bodybuilder deep into Tom. 5 minutes later two sweaty muscle men lay kissing, one still had a semi hard 8 inch manhood buried in the other newly de flowered virgin asshole. Tom spoke first in gasping whispers ?I think that you and me are going to have a wonderful time with this course!? They laughed and kissed some more. Then next load George emptied into Tom took more than an hour to make and at a very slow loving pace. But still they just couldn?t keep the noise down by the end of their pleasure trip. Both men fell asleep around midnight exhausted and emptied of cum for at least 3 weeks they thought as the deep darkness took them to a world of sweet dreams .

When George was back at the firm he went ballistic over the little mistake the firm had made with their bookings and said that from now on he would personally make the bookings. No-one argued with George on this point, anything so they wouldn?t have to do more work then necessary. The rest of the year Tom and George made sure to get extra days away from home and by the end of year both men filed for divorce sending 4 and 5 years of marriage out the window. For some reason they never could figure out what had made them think they were heterosexuals.

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