Fitting In

By That's The Way I Like It

Published on Jul 6, 2000


Hey everybody! Thanks for the responses on Chapter One. Just to clarify a few things, yes, it's supposed to be light-hearted and it's OK to laugh, and nobody is going to be a "bad guy" in this. And yes, you do have to really suspend your disbelief here. I want the characters to be three-dimensional, but the setting is a little weak ... think gay 90210 or something. :) You know how in most mainstream scenarios, everybody is straight, except perhaps when being gay is necessary for a punchline? My world is the opposite. ;) Hey, why not. It's more fun.

As always, please don't read this if you are offended by gay sex and remember that this is just fantasy and has nothing to do with the real-life people used as characters in the story.


Nick walked gingerly down the stairs, limping a bit as he went. To say that his ass was sore was like saying the Titanic had a minor mishap on the way across the Atlantic. But he had no regrets, painful as it was. He loved having sex with Lance. Well, frankly he just liked having sex. But he did really love Lance, or at least Nick had convinced himself that he did. The only problem was that he loved Kevin, too. Nick let himself daydream about his other lover while he made up a big plate of breakfast for Lance, still snoozing upstairs. It was easier with Lance; their parents knew each other and moved in the same social circles. They had more in common. They could spend lots of time together in the summer and on holiday. Besides, Nick liked doing things for Lance and feeling wanted and important; it was about the only time people didn't treat him like a baby. The routine of having a boyfriend to fawn over was one of Nick's great pleasures in life. But what drew Nick to Kevin was not only the spark of passion they shared, but also the illicit, forbidden nature of the relationship. He hadn't quite figured that out on that particular morning, and in fact Nick was in the middle of a nice little sexual fantasy, holding aloft a plump sausage with some tongs, when he heard a very familiar deep voice at one of the breakfast tables. Nick turned bright red and froze momentarily.

"Oh, hi Nicky," Howie chirped anxiously, tapping the blonde on the shoulder. "So what time is the shindig tonight?" There was no response, and Howie coughed into his fist and tried again. "Nicky?" "Oh, Howie," Nick said blankly. "I have to go. Lance is waiting for me upstairs." "OK, well, I was just-" "I can't talk. Bye." Nick padded quickly out of the room in his pajamas, clutching his plate of breakfast and leaving Howie standing there not a little embarrassed. Was he not invited after all? Was it bad that he mentioned it in front of the geek table? Thankfully, Howie was rescued from his palpitations by Joey, who nudged him to get to the pancakes. "Comin' through, D." They began chatting about the party, while Kevin shoved his chair back from the 'geek table.' "I better go check out my bike," he said to A.J. "I'm not going to be riding it for a while, so I want to make sure it's clean." "Cool," A.J. said with a grin, "next spring I wanna take it for a spin." "We'll see if I'm still here," Kevin said ruefully, and he was on his way. It was more painful than he thought it was going to be seeing Nicky Carter again, and Kevin wanted to be alone with his thoughts. A.J. cleared his things away and walked off at the very instant that Chris sat down. A.J. was oblivious to this sequence of events, but to Chris it seemed like a diss. Wonderful, Chris thought to himself, another year is starting out like this. He chopped at his pancakes irately and yanked his head up when he heard a chair being slid out from the table.

"Mind if I join you?" It was the kid from the basketball court. Chris flinched; he figured this must be some kind of hazing ritual. Somehow he was the butt of a joke. "Sure," he said sourly. "Be my guest." They chewed in silence for a few minutes before Brian timidly began some conversation. "So Chris," he said, "you've been here a couple of years, I gather." "Yeah?" Chris said defensively. "So who was the kid who came in a limo?" Brian's eyes were crinkling at him, and tiny laugh lines tugged at the corners of his mouth. Chris couldn't keep up his defenses, despite his best intentions. "That was Howie," Chris said in a low voice, and he gestured at the table where Howie, Joey and some of the other social elite were sitting. "He's a little bit spoiled. He has his own driver." Brian just shook his head and smiled wider. "Well, I had a driver too, but it was just a cab." Chris laughed softly. "Your parents didn't come with you?" "Me? Oh no," Brian said, and his face fell. Chris poked at his food nervously and decided to change the subject. "You'll get to know Howie and his crew soon enough," Chris continued. "They think they are real big shots, just because they're rich and popular." "I thought everybody around here was rich," Brian said lightly. "Well, there are a couple of scholarship cases," Chris said. "I think your roommate is one of them." "So everybody knows each other's business." "Oh yes," Chris nodded. "There's not much else to do here, except mess with each other's minds." "Well, that should be real interesting," Brian said cryptically. "Good morning," Justin said as he joined the two of them. He had realised as soon as he entered the dining room that he would be making a social statement based on who he ate with. It's too early for me to worry about that kind of stuff, Justin told himself. Besides, that cute guy Lance wasn't around.

"Justin, this here is Chris," Brian said, "he might try out for the basketball team with us." Chris nearly choked on his sausage, but he managed to just nod politely at Justin. "Cool," Justin grinned. "Chris was also telling me about who the popular crowd is," Brian said with extreme disgust in his voice. "Aw, we don't have to start worrying about that, do we?" Justin replied, although there was a slight catch in his voice as he realised how hypocritical he was being. Part of his fantasies about going to this school was hooking into that impossibly wealthy world which lives in every TV show and movie in America, taunting the rest of us with our inadequate lifestyles. "That all depends," Chris said. "You'll know pretty soon if they are interested in you or not." "Sounds like Big Brother," Justin chuckled. Was Lance part of that crowd, he wondered. It sure seemed like it. Justin would love to find out that Lance was interested in him! "So what does your family do?" Chris asked. "Well, my dad is a desk cop, and my mom works at an electric company, doing dispatching." Justin glanced up as he responded, wondering if Chris was adding up those incomes in his mind and figuring out that he was one of the handful of kids at the school who was on a scholarship. "That's cool," Chris shrugged. "My dad used to be a biochemist, but he quit. Didn't like industry work. But he could retire after working out some deals on his patents with Dow." Now, Chris thought, he's free to indulge himself in his petty tyrannies. "What about your parents, Brian?" There was an uncomfortable silence as Chris remembered that was a delicate subject. "Well, I wouldn't really know," Brian replied casually. "I live with a foster family now, or at least I'm being sponsored by one, I should say. I used to live with my grandma. It's a long story." "I'm sorry," Chris said sincerely. "Don't be," Brian replied. "After all, I'm here now, aren't I? Got all the money I want, too." "And exciting new friends," Justin threw in, trying to lighten the mood. Brian caught his eye and gave him a warm smile; it felt like a tight hug, and Justin beamed back at him in response.

"So did you miss me?" The little room was completely dark after the blinds had been drawn, and Nick let Kevin's strong arms wrap around his body, taking in the scent of the leather jacket he always wore. "Yes," Nick whispered reverently, letting his lips brush against Kevin's earring. "But you're still with Lance, though, aren't you?" Kevin backed away from Nick and lifted the blonde's chin so that they looked each other in the face. Nick kept his eyes focused on the floor. "Look at me." Nick shook his head. "Why not? I want to see your eyes, baby." Nick slowly raised his big blue eyes, which were shiny with tears. "Don't cry, Nicky. Everything will be okay." "I'm so crazy about you," Nick whispered, his voice breaking. "Shh," Kevin said, walking Nick backwards toward the bed and laying him down on his back. The young blonde was trembling slightly, partly from emotion and partly from arousal, and Kevin kissed him sweetly on the forehead before lying beside him. "Do you remember when I took you up to the peak of Friar's Mountain last year?" "Of course I do," Nick said, gazing at Kevin. "In the moonlight ... we could see thousands of stars, and the little purple clouds... it was so romantic." He broke into a smile at last. "Do you remember what we were talking about that night?" "Oh man," Nick sighed. "Everything. You made me feel like... I don't know. Like it was the first time I was speaking from my heart, and coming up with my own ideas about the world, and ... and stuff..." Kevin's heart warmed at Nick's shy way of expressing himself. "Don't sell yourself short, Nicky. But what I meant was, when we said that we found each other for a reason. Even though we're different." "Uh hmm," Nick sighed, one finger tracing a circle on Kevin's chest. "It was a beautiful night." They both remained silent for a minute, remembering how much went wrong when they returned from that little trip. "I guess I should let you get back to Lance," Kevin said abruptly. Nick sat up; the mood had turned suddenly chilly, and he wanted to leave before he forced something to happen which Kevin didn't even really want. "Okay," he mumbled. "See you around, I guess." Nick buttoned up the front of his shirt and grabbed his keys off the dresser as he made his hasty exit.

"Where have you been, pumpkin?" Lance wrapped his arms around Nick and hugged him tightly, rocking him gently from side to side. "Just to the bathroom," Nick said, shuddering as he felt Lance's breath on his neck and ear. "You're tickling me ..." "I know," Lance whispered, and he licked Nick's ear. "Ah!!" Nick laughed and wriggled out of his lover's arms. "Brat." "Are you ready to have fun tonight?" Lance asked, tackling Nick on the bed and wrestling him down so that he was lying on top of him. "Of course I am," Nick grinned. "You know me, party animal." "Oh please!" "I am! I am a party animal." "No you're not. You're a closet nerd." "Shut up!" Nick laughed and licked Lance's face. "Ewww!" Lance began tickling Nick in retaliation, getting an "uncle!" and then a "god, please stop, you're going to make me pee!" in quick succession. "I found us a new toy," Lance said, snuggling closer to his lover. "Oh, really," Nick replied, frowning up at the ceiling. "Baby? We should do something a little different this time, don't you think?" "What do you mean, honey lump?" Nick bit his lip. He didn't want to say, because the last time, you almost left me for him, the last time, it almost broke my heart, it made me want to die, you lied to me, you hurt me, I hated every second of it. Instead, he began unbuttoning Lance's top. "What are you doing, Nicky?" Lance laughed, just as glad that the subject was dropped. "I'm just looking for something," Nick said, making an innocent face and humming to himself as he continued removing his boyfriend's clothes. Lance laughed lightly and stretched out on the bed, letting Nick's soft hands roam gently over his stomach. One hand slipped into Lance's boxer briefs to cup his balls, while the other tugged them off the underwear and flung them on to the floor.

"Did you find what you were looking for, Nicky?" Lance said quietly, stroking Nick's beautiful blonde hair as he felt his lover's hot breath bathing his cock in moist warm vapours. Nick held one testicle and then the other in his mouth, sucking them lightly as he massaged his boyfriend's strong thigh muscles. He then sucked on his own finger, looking up into Lance's sparkling green eyes, before sliding it carefully into Lance's ass. By this time, Lance's cock was very stiff, standing up on its own accord as Lance shut his eyes and savoured the feeling of Nick's fingers probing his ass. Nick began to go down on his boyfriend, revelling in the scent of Lance's cock and balls, the firmness of the ridges standing out, bulging with the blood pumping through in waves of pulsing heat, throbbing larger and stiffer still as Nick released his jaw further and let Lance's cock rub against the back of his throat. "Ahh, yeah baby," Lance moaned, thrusting his hips up as he felt his orgasm begin to build rapidly. "Suck me... yes, Nicky..." Nick sucked harder, but in his mind, he was tasting another cock. He had Kevin's cum smeared on his face and he licked at the corners of his mouth, his eyes screwed tightly shut, grasping the head board with his hands as Kevin slammed harder and harder into his ass. Nick remembered the way the bed squeaked, and banged lightly into the wall with every thrust. He remembered the way Kevin's cock felt, longer than Lance's but not as thick, just slightly curved, which felt incredible sliding in and out of his ass. Kevin's dark, rough patch of pubic hair chafing his bare ass cheeks ... Kevin's cum dripping slowly down his leg ... Nick was so wrapped up in his daydream that he almost forgot what he was doing, and was surprised when Lance suddenly grabbed at his hair with both hands and thrust hard into his mouth, practically choking him, as he began to spurt his hot cum down Nick's throat.

"That was amazing, Nicky," Lance sighed, lying on his side as he recovered from his orgasm. Nick snuggled up close to him, feeling rather guilty and extremely turned on. His own cock was throbbing hard and aching for its own release, and Nick began to grind himself slowly against Lance's crotch. "You sure do love giving head," Lance smiled, kissing Nick on the lips with a closed mouth. He lay back and shut his eyes, and Nick knew that he was going to be asleep for a few minutes at least. As soon as Lance's chest began to rise and fall, Nick got out of bed, and fetched himself a tube of flavoured lube from the desk. He lay back down and coated his hand with the warming liquid, wrapping it around his cock and slowly massaging it, letting the slippery sensation give him a huge erection. Nick slid his hand up over his nipples and tugged at them gently, lifting his ass up in the air almost without realising it. Nick dug his heels down into the bed to plant himself and began to jack himself off firmly, imagining himself back with Kevin again. Kevin fucking his ass hard, but this time they were face to face, watching Kevin's expression contort as they had sex, Kevin wrapping his hand around Nick's hard cock and pumping it as they fucked, in the same rhythmn, hard, firm, faster, faster, and ... "Ahhh, oh, fuck yeah," Nick moaned, "Ke- ohh, yeah," he managed to catch himself as Lance opened one eye, watching Nick shooting several loads of cum on to his lubed up body. It was an enticing vision, but Lance had plans for the evening and he shut his eyes again, avoiding temptation.

Justin was walking quickly through the darkened part of the school grounds when he realised somebody was following him. It was Howie. "Where are you headed?" the smaller kid asked amiably enough. "To the party," Justin said, confused. "Oh, you were invited?" "Yes, by Joey. And Lance." "Oh, cool," Howie said quickly. "I just didn't know, since we haven't been formally introduced yet. My name is Howie." "Justin." They shook hands and continued on their way. "So does Lance have parties a lot?" "Yes, you've pretty much met the social committee of Clarkville," Howie said, "that is, Lance, Joey and myself." "Great," Justin nodded. "And Nick too, of course," Howie said wistfully. "Nick? I didn't meet him." "You didn't? That's surprising. Usually you don't see Lance without him!" "Oh, I see," Justin said, feeling more and more out of the loop. "They're best friends?" "I'll say!" Howie laughed. "Come on, here we are." Howie moved aside what appeared to be a small bush to reveal a cellar door. Once lifted, the familiar sounds of a teenage party could be heard. "This is our secret party headquarters," Howie said proudly. "After you." "Thanks," Justin said, and as soon as he had made his way inside, he wished even more fervently that Brian had agreed to accompany him. Joey was busy chatting with a little group of people, who Howie immediately scampered over to, and Lance was nowhere in sight. Brian had refused; he said that he wasn't feeling up to it, and Justin knew that he was being forced into making a decision he didn't want to have to make. He resented Brian for putting him in that position. After all, Justin thought, it was just a party, just one night. It didn't have any special significance.

The tall, curly-headed boy was standing meekly by the food table, picking at a tray of chips and dip, when Lance and Nick made their entrance. "That's our toy," Lance whispered to his boyfriend, "isn't he cute?" "I guess," Nick said. "I'm going to go make myself a drink." "Good idea," Lance said, "I don't know if he knows we are together yet. Let's keep it on the downlow as long as we can." He smacked Nick lightly on the butt and walked over to Justin. "Hi there," Lance said. "I'm so glad you could make it." "Oh, hi," Justin replied, blushing furiously. He started to say several things, but they all sounded stupid, so he just didn't say another word, and instead he peeled off another serving of cheese-laiden tortilla chips. Lance watched him idly. To say that he was taken with Justin was quite an understatement. He reminded Lance of Nick in some ways, but perhaps even more nubile. Nick had a certain worldly sensuality about him which was always in a battle for supremacy with his innocent looking features. Justin looked more purely sweet to Lance, perhaps more naive. He had that cute little accent. And those cute little buns... Lance inched closer to him until he could smell the cologne that Justin had slapped on. The kid didn't seem like the cologne type. Must have put it on to impress me, Lance smiled to himself. How sweet! "So how are you liking Clarkville? Do you feel like you're fitting in?" "Well," Justin said, looking up shyly, "I am doing my best..."

Kevin had crawled into a comfortable seated position and was brushing a bit of dirt off his tight fitting jeans when he caught a whiff of Clove cigarettes. His dark brows were furrowed as he ran through the short list of names of possible culprits, and Kevin had just struck upon the only likely candidate when he heard someone speak out from right behind him. "Checking out the festivities, I see?" "J.C.," Kevin chuckled, turning around as best he could in his cramped berth. "I should have known it was you." "Of course. I wouldn't want to miss Lance and Nick's welcome back soiree." J.C. laughed quietly and took another drag off his cigarette. "I thought it would be more fun if I surprised everybody. Don't you think?"

Next: Chapter 3

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