Fishing Poles at the Farm

By Brian Johnson

Published on Jul 30, 2016


Fishing Poles at The Farm

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This story is based on some actual happenings, but the names and places have been changed.

I first met Tom when we both entered the 7th grade. We happened to be the new students that year. The fact that we were your typical All-American Boys and that we were both athletes, helped. Maybe because of that, we became good friends. Our parents also became good friends.

We did the things that boys did, and we did them together. We were good athletes, we weren't the star quarterback and neither of us hit the homerun that won us the state championship, which we just enjoyed sports.

Tom's family went on vacation every spring break. The only thing that he would tell me was that they went to a resort. Each year it was always somewhere different. However, in the summer, they spent time at the farm. They had inherited a farm about 3 hours north of the city. It was 1,800 acres and there was a big lake on the farm. Now Tom's dad wasn't a farmer, he was an engineer, so they rented the farmland to others, but they kept the farmhouse and lake.

The house was updated regarding heating and air conditioning and they put in a gravel road to the lake. They also built a small shed at the lake so they could store needed items there. Because of the distance, they generally went for a week or sometimes two weeks. During the summer between 8th and 9th grades, I was invited to join them for a 2-week visit. During that time, Tom and I lived in our swimming suits. Besides swimming, we also fished and caught a lot of fish. In fact, I brought some home with me. During the ensuing years, even my parents spent sometime at the farm.

Between the 7th grade and our senior year, we did the things that everyone did. We dated girls, but for some reason never dated someone steady. Maybe because there were so many girls to date. Tom and I both lost our virginity on the night of the Junior Prom. We double dated and after the post prom party, we, like s few others, drove to the lake in town and watched the submarine races. In our junior year we began to think about a university. Tom had several in mind but kept thinking about MIT, where is dad had gone. In my case, my dad kept talking about his school, Stamford. I liked the idea of California, but we had time before we made our decision.

As we got close to graduation, we talked about spending some time together just to relax before we left for the university and became grown-ups. With both parents' approval, we decided to spend the last two weeks of July at the farm. Just the two of us. Just swimming and fishing with no decisions to make, just take life easy.

The day of departure was going to be July 15th. The time of departure was going to be 8:00AM. Well, we left on the 15th, but for some reasons beyond our control (think of mother's worrying about their little boys growing up) it was almost 10:30 before we left. We stopped at an A & W Root Beer for lunch about 1:30. And got to the farm just before 3PM.

After bringing in our luggage, Tom checked out the food in the freezer and the pantry. We decided that we needed to add something's to the supplies and drove into town. For the most part we bought some snacks, drinks and some charcoal for the grill. Tom then happened to see someone that he knew and they talked for a few minutes and I was introduced to Kurt. Kurt was a handyman that had done some work at the farm. We, I should say, Tom decided that he did not feel like cooking dinner that night, so we went to the local pizza place and had a pizza. We tried to order a beer, but the lady knew Tom, so we got a couple of root beers.

When we got back to the farm and put away our purchases, Tom said that we should use the downstairs bedroom even thought there was just the one double bed because that would mean that we would have less laundry to do. Tom's mother had made it clear that we would have to clean the place when we left. Tom said, "Just what we use, right?" So the less we used the less cleaning we would have to do. Tom's dad and said that there was some beer in the pantry and that he knew how many bottles were there, but we could each have one bottle each night. That meant we could have a total of 14 beers or basically one each night. We put 6 in the fridge to get cold. We made some lemonade and each took a glass and went out to the front porch and enjoyed the evening. It is remarkable how many stars you can see when there are no city lights to distract. It was about 11:30 when we went to bed.

When I woke up, I could smell bacon and I could hear noise coming from the kitchen. I went to the bathroom and took a leak and brushed my teeth and splashed some water on my face. I pulled on a pair of shorts and went to the kitchen. Tom was in there making breakfast. He said, "Good you are up, make some coffee." I obliged and then set the table. That is when I noticed that he wasn't wearing any clothing. In a few minutes we sat down to eggs, bacon hash browns, toast, oj and coffee. We are going to have a busy day. We cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes.. We then loaded two coolers with whatever food and drink that we thought that we would need at the lake. That is when Tom looked at me and said, "What the hell are you wearing?"

"Just a pair of shorts," I replied.

"Don't you remember that I said 'NCA'?"

"Well yes, but you never said what that meant."

"It means No Clothing Allowed!"

"We said that we wanted not to have a tan line, didn't we."

"Yes but I thought that meant no suits when we were swimming."

"No, that means no clothing at any time, so lose the shorts."

I did and we carried the coolers out to the car and drove the ? of a mile or so to the lake.

Tom unlocked the padlock on the doors and opened the double doors. He hung the keys on the hook to the right of the door. I remembered that is what his dad did because that way the car keys would not get locked into the shed or lost somewhere. He then wound the alarm clock and asked, "Should I set the alarm for 6PM."

"That would be ok" I said. I remembered that they always set the alarm clock to remind them when to head to the house because no one ever wore a wristwatch.

Tom made a comment about us being like Lewis and Clark exploring the West. I added, "Yes, naked Lewis and Clark."

We both got into the lake and swam. I think swimming is what I like to do best. Now even though we were high school graduates, when you get young boys or men into a lake, there is bound to be some splashing and fooling around. We eventually got tired and came out of the water. That is when I noticed hat Tom had a stiff dick and he said, "Lewis horny, needs woman." I said, "And Clark says no women here so go into the woods and jerk off."

"If no women here, Lewis will use what is available, Clark, bend over." Just for the fun of it, I bent over. All of sudden I had his hands at my waist and felt the tip of his dick pushing against my backside. He adjusted his dick and before I knew it, he was inside of me. It hurt like hell and I told him so. He said just relax and it will be okay. I told him no, to pull out. He just pushed in further and started moving his dick in an in and out motion. I was pissed off, at first, but them it started to feel good.

Tom said, "I have wanted to do that to you since we first showered together after gym class in the 7th grade." Well I heard a car and said that he had better stop.

Before he could completely pull out, the car had appeared and a sheriff got out. My thoughts were "Oh, what's going to happen now.

"I am Deputy Sheriff Jim Taylor and we had a report of lights on in the farmhouse and I came to check it out."

A now naked Tom with a still stiff dick said, "I am Tom Graham and my parents own the farm. This is my friend Brian and we are spending two weeks here to fish and swim."

"Well public nudity is illegal," said the deputy.

"We may be naked, but it isn't public as this is private property," added Tom. "Well, when you come to town, just put on a pair of pants."

"We will."

"How is the fishing?" asked the deputy.

"Usually it is pretty good" replied Tom.

"Well if you do that in the lake, you will scare the fish," added the deputy.

"Even if we do, the fishing will always be good as my dad has them stock the lake every year."

"In fact, deputy, since we will be here for two weeks, why don't you come and join us?"

"You mean fishing, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, fishing" replied Tom. "Well, I'm off the next two days, so maybe I will."

"We hope to see you, we get here about 9:30 and we have poles and lures, everything you need. And since this is a private lake, you don't even need a license."

"Well, I'll see, go back to what you were doing. Good day."

"Tom, I am so embarrassed to have him see me with your dick up my ass, and what did you mean that you wanted to do that since we were in the 7th grade?"

"It means that the first time I saw you in the locker shower room, I had thoughts of doing what I just did."

"You never said anything."

"Well would you have let me if I had?"

"Probably not," I said. Why would you even think about that?"

"Well, I heard some of the guys talking about doing it and I wondered what it felt like and since you were my best friend, I thought that we could do it sometime and see what it felt like."

"What did it feel like", he asked. "It hurt, really hurt until you got most of the way in and then you must of reached or touched a spot and it felt good."

"Well, Brian, if it felt good, can I do it again?"

"I don't know, let me think about it."

"Okay, it is time to start lunch, cheese burgers and chips, okay?"

"That's what we planned on" I said.

After lunch we thought that we would try fishing so we got out the poles and some lures. We moved away from the beach area and cast in our lines. Nothing happened for a while and we were about to give up, when I got a bite and landed a nice Walleye that was big enough to keep. Soon after that, I got another one and then Tom also began getting bites. Soon we had a total of 8 fish so we stopped.

It was a good thing that Tom's father had taught us how to clean and filet fish. We wrapped the filets and put them in a cooler and Tom got a shovel and said that we had to bury the remains so we would not have bears coming around the shed. We swam a little and then Tom asked if I had thought about letting him do me. I said that I wasn't sure, but asked if I did, could I also do him? He said of course, as that would only be fair. Well it was getting to be 6PM and the alarm clock in the shed began to ring, so we knew that it was time to pack up and head back to the house.

Next: Chapter 2

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