Fishing Poles

By Steven Bradley

Published on Aug 22, 2012


This is a work of fiction. Any people, places, or events presented in this story are entirely fictitious and only meant for entertainment. Since this is story contains explicit, erotic, gay content, please do not read it if you are under 18, find this type of material offensive in any way, or live in an area where viewing this material is illegal.

Back on Campus

Donnie flopped down on the bed and lit a cigarette as the streaks of his cum that had landed on my chest and face slowly began to dry. I ran my thumb through one of the jets in my stubble and licked it off, taking in the briny flavor of Donnie's spunk. I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes, feeling just a little sleepy from the release.

"That was great," I said in a quiet, satisfied sigh.

"Yeah," Donnie said, exhaling smoke. "I just wish it wasn't the last time, for a few months."

"I know," I agreed, snuggling up next to Donnie; he put his free arm around me.

It was the end of summer, and we both had classes starting in a few days. Mine started before Donnie's, the Wednesday of the next week, so I had to move back in this weekend. I could have waited a little longer, but my parents wanted to help and they didn't want to take time off from work. Donnie's classes started the week after mine.

We had fooled around all summer. Meeting up every chance we could between ours jobs and our parents' absences. It wasn't very many times, but it was enough for us to know what each other liked, and enough for us to want it to continue.

The best part it all was that, even though we had had each other's cock in each other's asses, our friendship was still the same as it always had been. We still went to the movies, got drunk all the time, went comic shopping, and played video games together. The only difference was that, now we would sometimes get naked and fuck. And it wasn't like we did it ever chance we could, just when we felt like it. Sometimes we just felt like hanging, and sometimes we felt like fucking. We could even play games completely naked without getting too excited. It was all just whatever. But all of that was now coming to an end, for a while any way.

"Well, I'm gonna go," Donnie said putting out his cigarette, "I'm exhausted and you have to pack your shit, so... I guess I'll see you before you leave." He put his clothes on and left.

I couldn't help but feel a little depressed as I cleaned off and got dressed. Those few months of summer had been great, just me and Donnie hanging out, getting drunk, and having great sex. We had a great thing going, and now we were going to be hundreds of miles away from each other. I was just being stupid I told myself, it was like every other time we had been apart; no different, at all. I quickly put the thought out of my head and turned my attention back to packing. I had to be back at school soon, and that was no place to be sad over not being with another guy; I had classes to worry about after all.

The first two months of school had flown by, I barely even noticed that they had. Everything was going great; I was doing well in my classes, had been to a few parties, I had even managed to hook up with someone once or twice. I thought about Donnie every now and then, mostly when I was horny – the boy made good jacking material. My classes were proving to be extremely difficult. I had so much work that I had neglected to notice the upcoming break; and god did I need one!

I finally had a week long break, and I was just going to go home and chill out. That was the plan anyhow, until I thought about what Donnie might being doing that week. With a quick text I found out that he too had a break that same week, but it was shorter and he wasn't going home.

"Coach wants the team to stay and practice during break," the message read.

"That sucks man!" the reply message. "I really wanted to hang"

"Then how bout u come up here?" he suggested. "I mean, u have the whole week off and everything. U could just come up and we could hang here, I don't have anything to do other than practice 4 like an hour/two a day."

"R u sure that would b ok?"

"No one here would give a shit. You could come up this weekend and just chill until my break starts Wednesday. And I think my roommate will be going home for break."

"Sounds like a plan," I responded as I began to pack my things. I was so excited to see Donnie that I was packing the night before I could leave, that way I could head out right after class the next day. I of course planed to stop by at home; see the parents, drop off some laundry for mom (man did that need to be done), get a good, hot meal, and then head up state the next morning. I was packing so hurriedly that my roommate began to worry; he asked if anything was wrong. I told him that I was just going to see a friend that I hadn't seen in a really long time, and that I really needed this break. * * *

It was one in the afternoon on Sunday, my stomach was full of waffles, the laundry was with mom, and I was almost at Donnie's.

"You up ass face, I'm almost there," I texted.

"Barely. Do you know where you're going?"

"Of course I do," I said, also sending the address.

"In that case, I'm going to take a shower, but my roommate will let you in. c you then."

A few minutes later I was heading up the stairs to the second floor of Donnie's dorm. I passed by the bathroom on my way to his room and heard the shower running, the thought of being in the room alone with Donnie's roommate wasn't that appealing at the moment, but the possibility of seeing Donnie half naked and glistening was. I swallowed my nervousness and knocked on the door.

"What did you do, forget your keys," I heard shouted through the door. "Next time just leave the door crack... Oh! It's you. I thought Donnie got locked out, sorry about that. Come on in, I'm Rick by the way."


Rick was wearing only a pair of long legged boxers. He was a tall, slightly buff man with a light golden tan. His hair was dark red, almost brown, which he had spiked, and his eyes were a deep emerald green. His face was slender and warm, lightly covered with freckles (not to many, but enough that they were noticeable from a distance), and clean shaven except for a small soul patch and long side burns, which came down to the bottoms of his ears. He was built, not in the way that Donnie was but it was clear that he didn't just sit around eating donuts all day. It was more of a runner or swimmer's body and lacked the freckles normally found on redheads' bodies, and instead had a dusting of that intense auburn hair. And to top everything off, his plaid boxers hung just below the top of his thighs, letting just a few pubes show.

"Hehe, sorry about that," he chuckled grabbing shirt and throwing it on. I happened to catch a glimpse of his pits as he put the shirt on; they were the only visibly pale part on his body, and had a thick coating of the same auburn hair. The guy was hot, and he was starting to turn me on slightly, but no more than any other hot guy that I would see every day. "I didn't have a chance to get dressed yet. Plus me and Donnie aren't that uptight about nakedness."

"It's cool, I'm really not that prudish either."

"Well don't just stand there being awkward, put your shit down and have a seat," Rick said, gesturing toward a small couch under the window behind me.

I took his advice and flopped down onto the couch. Their room was much nicer than my dorm. It was big for a dorm (about the size of a small one story home's living room), had excellent furniture, and really high ceilings. They even kept their room fairly clean for a couple of guys, with only a few clothes lying around, some vacuuming needed, and lots of trash to be taken out.

"So, you're from the same place as Donnie?" Rick questioned very comfortably, breaking the tension in the room.

"Yep, at least since junior high any way. Before that, he lived somewhere around here. What about you, where are you from?"

"California. I know, I know, a red head from California, unheard of. But it's true. I'm even from southern California. I came here to get away from all the Cali people, I just can't take the whole California lifestyle anymore."

"Com' ahn, Bar" I said in the most Californian accent I could muster.

Rick laughed and we continued talking; about college and the things we planned to do in life, getting more comfortable with each other. We talked until Donnie finally got out of the shower.

"Did you finally decide your ass was clean, fuckwad?" I asked as a naked Donnie entered the room. The residual water from his shower clung to Donnie's body and made all his rippling muscles shine and, with his tan, made his skin seem as though it was made of pure gold. My entire body longed for the meaty member that lay just behind the damp towel that Donnie had wrapped around his waist, but I restrained my urge to jump his bones right then; Rick was there and probably wouldn't have been too thrilled if some guy he just met and his roommate started to fuck like wild pigs in front of him.

"Hey dude, when did you get here?" Donnie asked, completely ignoring my remark.

"About twenty minutes ago."

"We were starting to get worried," Rick joked. "Five more minutes and we were going to send a search team."

"Haha," he sarcastically laughed, grabbing a pair of baggy cargo shorts that had been lying across the back of a chair, and pulling them on under his towel. He took off the towel, dried his hair, and hung it up on a rack on the back of the door. "Any way, who's hungry?"

Donnie and Rick finished getting dressed, and we all went out to eat. We ended up at a sort of pub; it was more like a restaurant but still had all the attributes of a normal pub (Loaded bar, bar games, dim lighting, those types of things). We all had a few drinks with our meals, chatted for a while, and had a few more drinks each while we played darts and pool. By the time we left, we were all much closers than we had been.

We got back to the dorm well after dark. Even though we were already pretty hammered at this point, we all started drinking again and playing video games. All the alcohol was definitely lowering my inhibitions, and as a result was starting to get a little flirtatious. The game was really the only thing that was stopping me and Donnie from ripping each other's clothes off right there; we were all but making out with our hands down each other's pants. I knew that the only thing between me and Donnie's cock was a thin layer of khaki cloth and Rick. In fact Rick was the only reason I hadn't torn off Donnie's short already, I may have been drunk, but I knew better than to start making out with some dude in front of his roommate. But to be honest, Rick didn't seem to even notice me and Donnie incessantly flirting right next to him.

"Well... I thin... I think its... time for bed," Donnie drunkenly said, getting up and stumbling at around 2:30.

"Yeah, classes strat perttyhic early in the morning," Rick agreed, taking off his shirt and climbing into his bed on the top bunk.

I went to the bathroom and came back and passed out on the couch.

"Hey dude, DUDE," Donnie woke me up. "I'm going to class, and I won't be back until later. I'm going to leave the door unlooked so you won't get locked out, but don't go out for too long. There's food and drinks in the room, help yourself."

He left, and I went back to sleep. I woke up several hours later, totally hung-over. When I got back from a much needed piss, I noticed that Donnie had left a bottle of aspirin out on his desk. I took three for the pounding headache that I had, grabbed some food, and watched a little TV. My hangover was almost gone by time Rick got back.

"Hey, man. How was your day?" he said, dropping his books on the floor next to his desk.

"Oh, not too bad, except for the hangover."

"I hear ya," he said as he began to pack his things. "I've been nauseous all day."

"Are you actually going all the way back to California for five days?" I asked noticing him packing.

"No," he laughed. "I'm just going to stay at my cousin's place a few hours away. I haven't seen him in a while, and I really want to catch up with him."

When he was done packing, he changed his clothes, stripping down to just his boxers. He bent over to pick something up, and boxers rode a little low; I could have sworn that I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on the upper right part of his ass, but I couldn't be really sure. He finished dressing and got the remainder of his things together.

"Well, I had a blast last night. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"Yeah, I totally agree. Maybe we all can get together over the next break or something."

We finished saying our goodbyes, and Rick finally left. Not that I didn't like being around Rick, or didn't want to hang out with him like I said, I just came up state to be with Donnie alone for a few days. Now that we could be alone, I removed everything but my boxers in preparation for Donnie's return. I was horny, and from all the flirting he had done the night before, I knew Donnie was too.

By the time Donnie got back, I had gotten even hornier. As he walked through the door, I gave him the most sensual `Hey' that I could muster, but he didn't seem to get my hint. He almost seemed as though he was still hung-over as he greeted me. He threw his bag, and took off his shirt (more in an effort to get comfortable than anything else).

"Is something wrong?" I asked as he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"No, I'm just tired, and I never want to see a drop of alcohol ever again," he complained as he walked over to the couch, stopping about a foot in front of me.

I grabbed the waist band of his shorts with my index finger and pulled him closer. "Maybe we can do something to fix that," I said as I unzipped his fly. He gave me a lazy smile, took hold of my hands, and knelt on the couch on top of my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and his tongue found its way to my lips. I rubbed his sinewy back while we made out, causing his growing erection to stick out of his zipper slightly. We lay over on the couch to get more comfortable; the button on my boxers was under great strain and threatened to pop off. He turned his attention to my ear, our legs intertwined, and my hands went down the back of Donnie's shorts.

"God I've been wanting this for months," I passionately said while squeezing both of his furry checks.

"I know what you mean," he whispered between nibbles. He lifted his hips in suggestion, so I moved my hands around to the front of his pants and unbuttoned them. He shimmied them down to his knees, I pulled them down the rest of the way with my feet and he kicked them off well across the room. The tip of his hard cock slid upward across my abdomen as his manly weight returned to my body.

I place a hand on the top of his head and gave a gentle push. He understood my intention and slowly kissed and licked his way down my neck and to my nipples. I sighed and put one arm behind my head and the other on the back of Donnie's head. He circled them with his tongue, and sucked them each in turn, making them hard before biting them and moving on to the next one. The pain flew though my body, all the way down to my toes making them curl; I bit my lip, smiled, and let out a small moan. Satisfied with his job so far, he made a move toward my exposed pit. His dick pulsed against my stomach, mine against his thigh, as he tore through my pit hair.

Quickly growing bored with my pits, Donnie moved further down my torso. Midway down, he noticed the pool of precum that he had leaked onto my stomach.

"God I have missed the taste of this stuff," he said, running his tongue through the pool.

"I know where more is if your thirst hasn't been quenched." Donnie looked up from my bellybutton and smiled wickedly. He grabbed the legs of my underwear, sat up, and pulled them down to my ankles. He slid off the couch onto the floor. I sat up, faced forward, and slid down on the couch so my ass was on the edge of the cushion, my balls hung over the side and my cock stuck straight out. I spread my legs a little so that he had enough room in kneel in between them.

He put his hands on my knees as his mouth rushed to my cock to catch the precum that covered it before it dripped. Once clean, he turned his attention to my hanging balls (the suction that he applied while doing so sent my head spinning). He inhaled my right testicle, pulled back on it slightly, a let it fall back and whack the sofa, grazing it a little with his teeth as it left his warm mouth. He immediately did the same to the left one. I could feel his hair brushing against my shaft as he juggled my nuts with his tongue, it tickled and made me giggle.

"Hold your legs up," Donnie commanded between tongue strokes.

I quickly complied grabbing a hold of my ankles, exposing my anus to Donnie. He pressed his tongue flat on my hole and licked across it and my taint, all the way up to my balls, lifting my scrotum a bit with the tip. He ran around my hole in circles and lapped at it for a few minutes, making it completely wet with saliva. Once it was dripping, he wet his middle and ring fingers and gently forced them into my ass.

"That feel ok?" he asked making sure they were in comfortably before moving on.

"Hell yeah," I said, moaning. "What are you waiting for," I urged.

He slowly began to move his fingers in and out of my ass. Each push in sent a shiver up my spine, each shiver made me moan, and each moan made Donnie smile more. Soon after, and without removing his fingers, Donnie ran his tongue up the shaft of my drooling cock, and started to suck my dick.

"God damn!" The feeling of pleasure from being fingered and sucked off in unison was intense.

"You like that huh?" he asked, only pulling off my dick enough so that his question was audible, letting his hot breath cascade over the shaft.

"Hell yes! Don't stop!"

He returned to sucking, flicking his tongue at the base of the head as he nearly pulled off at each pass. And as if that wasn't enough already, he began to separate his fingers at the apex of each thrust. I let out a load moan as both sensations sent me over the edge. With a final thrust into my ass and a little suction on the tip of my dick, and I felt my nuts retract. I grabbed a tuft of hair on the back of Donnie's head and pushed his nose into my pubes and trusted upward as I unleashed a hefty load into his mouth and throat. He pulled up a little, and removed his fingers from my ass to better handle all the cum. I wasn't sure how many times I shot, but it must have been quite a few, as I felt a stream of hot cum run down my cock.

"I'm sorry, dude," I wheezed breathlessly, dropping my legs as Donnie swallowed and licked up the remainder of the jizz. "I know you wanted it to last longer, but I just couldn't hold it off."

"s'Alright, I was feeling a bit famished anyway and that filled me up, but you're starting to look a little hungry," he smirked. He wiped off his chin and stood up on the couch, his legs straddling me, and his thick, throbbing meat dangling in my face. He cupped his balls while holding the base of his cock; he brushed my cheek with the shaft, I could feel its soft spongy head and smell the meaty goodness that I had been longing to taste for months. He placed his free hand on the wall and held his cock firmly in front of my mouth, I licked and kissed the head then licked the underside. Donnie exhaled deeply and slid his dick passed my open lips. Old summer memories flooded back to me through my taste buds; his cock was meaty, musty, and slightly sweet and salty from the leaking precum. His hard cock pulsed with each thrust as Donnie slowly fucked my face. My flaccid dick began to re-enter a semi-soft state.

"God... your mouth is just as good as ever," he moaned. "Better than anything I've had in a while."

"Wha' eww mean by tha'?" I mumbled over Donnie's dick.

"Just that I missed you, you ass!" He slapped the side of my head and braced himself on the wall with both hands. He started to thrust a little harder, but I wasn't going to let him dictate the way this was going to go.

Before he had a chance to get up some speed, I pulled off his dick letting it slide across my face as I went for his hanging balls. I nibbled the soft skin in between his nuts a little then placed my tongue as far behind his sack as I could get it. I ran my hands up his hairy legs and ass, across his toned abs and up to his hard nipples as I slowly dragged my tongue over the underside of his balls. I tweaked his nipples as I coated his sweaty nuts in a hefty layer of saliva, covering every inch, digging my nose deep into his crotch (His manly smell was just as intoxicating as ever). Donnie was clearly thrilled with what was happening between his legs as he laid his head back and let out a low whistle, his knees trembling slightly.

"Damn, Jus! You've learned some new tricks in the last couple months," he dropped his chin down into his chest and gave a little smirk. "Was he as sexy as me?"

"He was a she actually," I retorted. "But... to answer your question... no, she was not, and not nearly as good in bed."

"Is that a fact?" he asked, his wet meat pulsing against my cheek as I massaged his hard nipples.

"And for that matter, where did you pick up that little ass fingering technique you used earlier?"

"A guy I met at a party. And before you stop to ask, no he was nowhere near as good as you, or as cute."

"You're damn right he wasn't," I boasted, moistening Donnie's long shaft. I paused before wrapping my lips around it to wet my finger with spit. With my mouth firmly on his dick, I moved my hands down to Donnie's ass, spread his cheeks apart, and worked his hole with the wet finger tip. It wasn't long before his dick throbbing and longer moans warned me of approaching jiz.

Quickly searching for a solution to the problem, I noticed the small coffee table in the room. "Hey, pull that table over here." With the table in place, I laid down on the couch so that my head and shoulders were resting on the table. He got the idea and stood over top of me, his cock held straight down, in an instant. It certainly wasn't the most comfortable method for dick sucking, but it sure did have a great view. Only about three or so inches of Donnie could actually enter my mouth, but with balls dangling on my nose and Donnie exposing his tight anus on every squat, it didn't really matter all that much, at first anyway.

"This really isn't working, Justin," he complained standing off to the side, pushing the table out of the way. I sat back up on the couch, "How `bout you just kneel on the floor? Yeah like that but lower," he corrected. I was so low on the ground that I had to arch my back and support myself with arms behind me to just be stable (much less comfortable), my semi-flaccid cock brushing the rug. Looking up at him, he placed one hand on the top of my head and guided his member down the middle of my face with the other into my waiting mouth. Mumbled moans told my agreement that this was a much more effective means for eating a dick; with a simple tilt of the head and a relaxation of the throat and all seven and half inches of meat easily went down. "Oh yeah!... Now that flows soooo much better. Suck that dick!" he approved, bobbing up and down. Getting his groove, he grabbed a clump of hair, dug in, leaned back, put his hand on his ass and went to town. His cock flew down my throat, his head rolled and jarred, him sighing, me grunting; it wasn't long before nuts drew up and his knees quaked. He brought his hand up to his chest (Donnie really enjoyed having his nipples rubbed, even if it was his hand), thrust down one final time, letting just one shot of hot spunk hit the back of my throat before pulling back out and letting the rest flow onto my tongue. His jiz flew out like water from a fountain; he popped out once (his knees twitched so much that it was all but impossible to stay in place), but had enough control that he got back in with only a single streak of cum on my chest.

He pulled out finally, a look of complete satisfaction on his face. Without swallowing, I stood up, embraced Donnie, and rammed my tongue into his mouth, giving him a taste of his own cum (I, of course, keep some for myself). We pulled apart and swallowed, a thin gossamer strand still connecting us.

"Damn dude, that was well worth the wait," I sighed, wiping the jiz stain off my chest and picking my boxers up off the floor with my foot.

"You said a mouth full," Donnie smirked, returning from picking up his shorts with his deflating dick in hand. "Let's go get some food." We got dressed, went out for a quick bite, then came back, undressed again and passed out on the bed.

A sudden blast of noise from Donnie's alarm clock, and the quick movement of his arm from around my chest startled me awake. Wood squished between my ass cheeks told me that Donnie may have been awake, but he hadn't moved around too much yet. Stretching, I wrapped my arm around him and his bubble butt a firm squeeze.

"As much as you know I would love to stay and fuck your brains out, I can't," he leapt out of bed. "I have practice. I'll be back later this afternoon, around... maybe fourish. See you then!" he had gotten dressed and was out the door with that. Not wanting to move (it was quiet early after all), I rolled over, feeling Donnie's warmth lingering, and fell back to sleep.

The afternoon sun had crept in through the window, landing across my face and waking me around one. I got up, stretched, popped a few various joints, scratched my bare ass and went over to Donnie's desk to check some email. As I sat down I noticed a sticky note attached to the keyboard of his laptop. `hey bro, no food in fridge. left door unlocked. DON'T BE GONE TOO LONG. penis (he had dotted the i with a heart)' When my inbox was cleaned out, I put on some clothes and headed out to grab some lunch.

I got back to the room after a short post-lunch walk around campus, with so few people around I was able to take in all the fall scenery. It was a rather warm October day, the walk had made me sweaty, and as such I lost my shirt the moment I entered the room. I dicked around on the internet for a bit, then watched a little TV, but after a couple of hours I was getting bored. Restless, I decided to look through some of Donnie's things (I'm still not sure why I did, it just seemed right or something). All of the drawers in his dresser were packed with tee-shirts and shorts, underwear and socks, and even a few dressier clothes. I rummaged through a few things, admiring his collection of graphic tees and boxers. I brushed some socks out of the way and caught the corner of a DVD case. I pulled it out and chuckled a little (mostly at the horrible cliché I had just stumbled upon). Donnie had hidden porn under his socks, and not just any porn but hardcore, ball-slapping, gay sailor porn. I threw it into the player, and flopped down onto the couch. I watched in amazement, questions racing through my head: Why does he have gay porn? Is he that into dudes? I thought it was just something to keep him going through the summer.

Haft way through the movie, the high quality of the film had me bonered up pretty good. I unzipped my fly, letting the little guy poke through. It was well after four, and I was getting way too horny. I wanted to wait for Donnie, but I couldn't hold out any longer. I unbuttoned my shorts and started to play with my ball sack. I nearly shit myself when the door suddenly burst open. I turned to see Donnie standing in the doorway, hair dripping wet. He smiled, threw his gear down, and dashed over to the couch without closing the door. He pulled me up by my neck and rammed his tongue into my mouth.

My pants slid down to my ankles, "aren't you going to close the door?" I asked as audibly as I could with him licking the roof of my mouth.

"There's no one here, and I don't give a fuck," he retorted, walking us over to the bed. I laid down sideways and propped myself up on my elbow (I had lost my shorts on the way to the bed), as Donnie muted the TV (leaving the porn on), and selected a playlist on his computer. I laughed for the second time that day at his cheesiness. The music was stuff that I listened to on a regular basis (not like make-out music), but I could tell that he had chosen these songs specifically for their suggestive lyrics.

"What's the matter, don't like my music?" he asked turning around and tearing his sweaty shirt off over his head.

"No, actually this is one of my favorite bands, it's just... the lyrics. It isn't the usual fucking music, yet it still works."

"Well I glad that you approve. Now lay back and relax." He dropped his gym shorts, revealing his soaked jock strap; his meaty cock straining to be freed. He knelt down by the bed, reached under, and pulled out a small box. Curious, I sat up on my elbows to see what was in the box. I couldn't really see into the box that much - he was trying to hide what was inside – but I did notice a few DVDs and from the looks of it, they were more pornos, but this time straight porn (Why did hide the gay on in his socks, I wondered).

Finally finding what he was looking for, Donnie stood up revealing the item in question to be a length of cord. He stood by the head of the bed and threaded the cord around the support bar. He gently pushed me back down onto the bed.

"W-what are you are doing?" I worriedly asked, my voice trembling slightly.

"Don't worry Justin, I'm not going to hurt you at all. I'm only going to tie your hands together... loosely. I just want to try something out." This was weird. Donnie had never taken this kind of inchoative in bed before. I had always been the one to suggest new things, and it had never been anything like this. I didn't like it too much, but I trusted Donnie, so I let him do what he wanted.

"There. Comfortable?" he asked knelling over me, his task complete.

"As much as I possibly could be like this I guess."

"Good. Now, this is going to go how I want it to. You good with that?" He was demanding and firm, but compassionate at the same time.

"I guess..." a cruel grimace crossed his face. "I mean... y-yes? ...Y-yes sir."

He smiled and ran his hands up my exposed sides, leaving streaks of filth in their wake (a product of a dirty rugby practice). He pressed his hot, sweaty body against mine; each muscle was moist and stuck to my skin. He nibbled at my ear and ran his dirt encrusted hands through my hair.

"Uhm... so what brought this on?" I asked as Donnie ran his tongue down around my neck and up to my lips.

"Like I said, just wanted to try something new. Now, get to work." He sifted and shoved his arm pit into my face. I nearly suffocated from all the hair and the putrid stench, he knew that it reeked, but he also knew that it would turn me on like nothing else. I kissed and licked at his pits taking in the musky odor from his work out, my dick growing hard with each passing second.

"Hhmmm... you're doing a good job, but your talents could be put to better use in other places." He sat up, his skin peeling off of mine, and squatted over my face, cotton covered balls at my chin. "Now rim me, get my hole wet with more than just sweat."

His sexy ass hung above me, barely spread apart from the way in which he was squatting. I strained my neck against the restraints, pushing Donnie's cheeks apart with mine. With my tongue extended as far as possible with my neck strained, I began to spread Donnie's ass sweat around, savoring the salty flavor and musty stink.

"Umm, yeah Baby. Use that tip. Get in that ass."

Unable to do any better, I circled Donnie's anus with the tip of my tongue, flicked back and forth, and pushed into him the few millimeters that I was able. A drop of something cold and wet, whether it was sweat or precum, fell on my chin from Donnie's jock.

He moaned softly and, without saying anything, got up from the bed. With only a smile, he quietly removed the soaked jockstrap letting it fall with a moist thump to the floor, his raging wood springing forth. Taking a knee, he rummaged through the box. He removed a few items from it, keeping them out of my field of vision, and quickly knelt at the foot of the bed.

"Legs up," he commanded.

As I lifted my legs, he moved under them, let them come to rest on his shoulders. Craning my neck, I was able to see Donnie holding a small rubber ring and smile.

"W-what do you think you're going to do with that?" I asked in a shaky tone.

"I'm just going to place it around your balls. And no talking!" he bellowed. He placed the ring over my hard dick, pulling the ball sack and both testicles through the ring carefully. The tight ring constricted my manhood, effectively making my hard-on ever harder and almost painful.

"Damn this hurts," I exclaimed, pain shooting through my dick. "Why do I have to ware this thing?"

"There really is no stopping you from talking, is there?" I flashed a smile through the pain. "So be it, and I've told you, trying some new things." He ripped open a condom and rolled it over his stiff dick.

"What are you doing that for? I may have been with a few strangers, but you know that I always wear condoms with strangers."

"Yeah, but so have I. And I may not have been as careful once or twice," he admitted. "I just want to make sure that we stay safe, together."

Donnie reached back down between my legs. Click. I heard the opening of some type of tube. I stretched my neck even more to see what he was doing, but unable to catch a glimpse I relaxed back down. Then a cold, wet sensation on my anus sent a shiver all through my body. Quickly looking up, I saw Donnie rubbing the cold lube into my ass with his index and middle fingers, and then applying some more to his protected cock.

"Great, now I'm going to be farting lube for a week," I exaggerated.

"Oh, Shut up! Its water based, so only two, three hours tops," Donnie joked with a chuckle. He wiped his hand off on a nearby dirty towel and gave my ass a hard slap, causing the cock ring to send a wave of pain through my body once more.

He grabbed hold of my ankles, forcing them higher, my toes pressed against the top bunk. Lining himself up, Donnie's seven and half inches slid into my lubed ass. The lube only made it easier for the stud of a man to enter me fully; I could still feel every pulsating vain pressed against my anal walls.

He bottomed out, his thick pubes intermingling with my lube covered ass hair, he took a couple of quick strokes, bottomed out once more (my cock throbbing in unison with the member in my ass), his gorgeous green eye's lock onto mine and he smirked.

He leaned forward, leveraging on his knees, and started to his work. Thrusting his hips at break neck speed, Donnie rammed his manhood balls deep into my hole, nuts creating loud slapping noises on the slick lube with every thrust. Cock ring seemingly growing tighter with every passing second, my mind drifted to the thought of the open door. I wanted to scream out, but also not wanting to be caught made me resist. Biting my lower lip in both pleasure and pain and grimacing, I moaned as quietly as I could.

"Just fucking scream dude!" Donnie barked, obviously noticing the pain I was in. "We're the only ones here! You can be as load as you need to."

The primal scream filled the empty hall, echoing down every hall and empty stair well. "God Damn! This thing hurts! But your fucking hot cock feels so fucking good! Hell yeah! Ram that Ass!"

"That's what I fucking like to hear!"

Donnie quickened his fucking now that I was fully into it. My rock hard dick flailed in every direction with the force of his fucking, sending pre cum everywhere, and even smacking into Donnie's abs every so often as his dick blitzkrieged into my ass.

Screams now a constant roar, I barely heard Donnie give his command. "Shut that shit up and get on your knees," he demanded, pulling out and placing a foot on the floor.

Panting, I rolled over and up onto my knees. My bound wrists pressing my face into the pillow; I moved my face up as best I could so that I could breathe more comfortably through my nose. Donnie saddled up close to ass and pushed down on my hips to better align my hole with his dick. He re-entered me in one quick motion. Not wasting a second, Donnie rhythmically pistoned in and out, up and down to the beat for the music (I didn't really catch what the song was, there was a lot on my mind). As his rhythm changed with the song, I moaned more deeply, the pillow muffling them to dull fragments of passion.

"You like that, man?" he asked, seeking approval. I moaned more deeply in agreement, but it must not have been enough for Donnie. "I asked you if liked it!" he bellowed, delivering a harsh slap on the ass.

"Fuck Yes!" I grunted out as loud as possible into the pillow.

"That's better!" another slap. "You answer when I ask you a question."

The tempo changed, and with it the frequency of his strokes; he continued to slap my ass every now and then. With the cock ring on, my junk was swinging wildly back and forth to his rhythm, long threads of pre cum landing where they may on the bed below. Donnie shifted his weight forward and suddenly my dick stopped swinging; his dick moving in and out of my ass side to side, and his hand moving up and down on my dick sent me into new realms of pleasure, even the cock ring was beginning to feel good.

"Fucking God Damn It Shit Bitches! Work those dicks"

"You like that, Babe?"

"I fucking love it!" I pulled up on the restraints, causing great pain but freeing my face from the pillow, and let go of another primal scream.

Body trembling with waves of... everything, I knew I wouldn't last must longer. Donnie, sensing my need to cum, pulled out.

"On your back!" I quickly flipped, lifted my ankles, and he dove back in his weight still forward. All rhythm was gone we were both ready to bust. Donnie tensed, and reached back for my dick. I felt him cum into the rubber moments before his jacking sent my hot load across my torso and face.

He pulled out, lick every drop of white jiz off my quaking body, and came up for one final passionate, cum soaked kiss. Unbinding my hands, he collapsed into me. I wrapped my swore arms around him and we kissed once more.

Rising from our embrace Donnie spoke, "I love you, Justin."

I responded quickly, although a little taken aback, "I love you too."

"I don't th... I don't think I ever want to be with anyone else, ever. You are all I need."

"What are you saying?"

"Are you that dense from the fucking? I'm saying that I want to be your man and you mine. Like a relationship... or something. Is this too gay?"

"You mean... you mean to say that you're gay now? Is that why you have the hidden porn and have been having sex with guys at parties?"

"Ever since that fishing trip during the summer, I've been way more in to guys. I thought it might have just been something with you, but I've been notice guys more around campus. Not that I'm not still into girls too, you know." He sat up on one knee. "I just don't think I want to be with someone other than you"

"I can't say that I haven't thought about ever... And really it wouldn't be any different than what we have now. We would just be open and exclusive. And really, who better to have for a boyfriend –fuck does that sound weird talking about you – than your best friend?"

"Man will we have a lot to explain back home," Donnie half joked.

"Well, my parents already know that I'm gay, but yeah this will be big."

"We'll worry about that later. Fuck am I hungry! Let's get showers and get some dating on," he chuckled and got up for a clean towel. We took a shower (yes the same stall), and went out for some food, awkwardly holding hands while walking and during the meal.

Rick came back the next day before I left. We all hung out for a couple of hours before I had to be off. I regretted leaving my new beau, but I had to be back in class on Monday. I gathered my things and said bye to Rick.

"And I'll see you on the next break, babe," I wrapped Donnie in a big hug (he was shirtless, one last ogle for a while) and planted a big kiss on him. "Talk to you soon." I caught a look at Rick's expression as I left, pure shock. I knew that they too would have a long talk.

Sorry this took so long to get done, major writer's block. I hope it's still good.

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