Fishing Poles

By Steven Bradley

Published on Jun 22, 2009


This is a work of fiction, if: You are under age, please leave this site you dirty little pervert. You find this type of writing is offensive to you, what are you even doing on this site. Or if you live in an area where viewing this type of material is illegal, then please think of leaving this site, and don't get caught. Now stop reading the disclaimers and get to the good stuff. This story also contains underage drinking. Please do not follow my example. Underage drink is hazardous to your health, and has long lasting consequences.

Fishing Poles

I threw all my gear into the back of Donnie's dinky little pick up; both of the fishing poles that we would need, the tackle box, the camping stove, and the smaller cooler that I had packed full of a few different types of food that we could fix once we got up to the mountain site. And with only those few items, the truck was now full since Donnie had almost over filled it already with his stuff before he had got to my place. From half of the bed up to the cab of the truck was full of wood (way more than we would be needing for the ten days that we would be spending on the mountain). He then had the tent, several tarps, and finally the giant cooler the he had no doubt stocked with all the beer and liquor that our poor livers could handle.

"Is that it dude?" I shouted the question to Donnie as he came out of the house and locked the door (he had used my bathroom as I loaded my stuff).

"I think so. We just need to stop to gas up and fill the coolers with ice."

"Let's hit the road then!"

We both hopped into the truck and head over to a nearby 24 hour gas station. Donnie parked the truck at the pump, and got out the truck. "You pump, and I'll pay. `Dyou want anything to eat or drink, Justin?"

"A cold soda would be great, thanks," I yelled back as I headed around the truck to pump the gas.

"Kay. Oh, if you finish pumping before I get back out, start filling the coolers. I'm gonna get like ten bags of ice."

The pump clicked off, I put the nozzle away, and, since Donnie wasn't out yet, got a couple bags of ice and started filling the giant cooler of cirrhosis. By the time that Donnie had paid for everything, I had filled his cooler with seven bags of ice. I motioned to Donnie that we only need three more bags; he nodded and garbed all three. We placed one in the drink cooler and the other two into the food cooler.

"Alright, here we go! Five and half more hours and we'll be there," he said as he got into the truck and cranked it. "Oh, Yeah! I almost forgot, here's your drink."

And with that we were headed into the wilderness, just as we had done many times before back in high school. We were going to our favorite fishing spot up in the mountains, and while it was really far away, it was the only place either of us was ever able to actually catch any fish.

During most of middle school, and all throughout high school, our parents would take us that spot at the start of summer. But since we started college a year ago, our parents had been less enthusiastic about making the long journey just for us to catch and release a few fish.

But this year, Donnie and I knew that we had to keep up the tradition alive, so we were going without them. Both of us still wanted to keep the go every year, it was how we had become friends after all.

During my first year in middle school, Donnie's family had moved here from up state. Donnie was in my science class, and for the first pair assignment, we were paired together. We were both very shy at the time, and neither of us had many any friends, and we also weren't making friends with each other very well. Lucky for us, our parents soon became good friends when they would take us to each other's houses (Donnie lived almost ten miles from me, and we had to meet outside of school to complete the project). As our parents became better friends, they began to talk about different vacations that they would like to take in the coming summer. They ended up agreeing that they wanted to go fishing, so the following summer the six of us went to the mountain river (the same place Donnie and I were currently headed to). During the vacation Donnie and I realized that we had a lot in common, and quickly became friends.

The drive was long and exhausting. Donnie's truck was small, too small to even stretch out my legs. Plus the AC was busted, which was why we had decided to do all the driving at night. But even then not having AC was brutal, it was summer and it barely got under 80 degrees at night. But going 75 mph with the windows down made things a little better.

With the high humidity making the air horribly sticky and the two of us tired and irritable, we had to do something to keep ourselves awake, so we talked. We talked about all the fun that we had back in high school, all the things that we each had been doing in college, and all the girls that we thought were hot back in the day and the ones that we found hot now.

Donnie and I went to different colleges; he went to a larger university up state close to where he use to live, and I went to a smaller college closer to home. We were both going into our second year, were nineteen, and neither of us had girlfriends. He was shorter than me, about 5'6" I think, had short straight dark blonde hair, dark green eyes, and was clean shaven. He had a nonchalant, in your face, slightly offensive attitude that came from his Irish heritage. He was on the rugby team, and was very popular on campus. I was about 5'10" then, had mostly short light brown curly hair, hazel eyes that were green most of time, and had a five o'clock shadow. I was quieter than he was, kinda gloomy, and shy around everyone that I wasn't too familiar with, but I had a bit of a wild side. I was focused only on school, and therefore wasn't a part of any school groups or teams. There was also one other major difference between Donnie and me, He was completely straight (he had made this very clear on many occasions), and I was bisexual.

The Sun came up before we were able to make it to camp, this was something that we had hoped wouldn't happen. It would be another hour before we would reach the camp site, it was already over 70 degrees (plus the scorching morning sun beating down on us), and the tiny truck was moving slow and getting hot. The heat, plus the ups and downs of the now mountain roads, made the final hour unbearable, but we finally made it to the tiny camp at around eight in the morning.

It wasn't a camp site in a normal camp ground, just a small little clearing in the middle of the woods, next to a stream. There wasn't anything else around; no other camp sites, no towns, and no people, there was only a small convenience store about twenty minutes away. The spot was nice and shady from the abundance of tree coverage around it. A gentle breeze that was coming off of the stream even made the camp about five degrees cooler than the rest of the mountain, but even with that it was still really hot.

We quickly hopped out of the truck and got to setting up camp. The tent was placed between two large trees on top of a tarp off to one side of the camp facing the stream. We then threw a large tarp over the tent, fastened the end in the back of the tent to the ground, and tied the front end of the two trees, creating a makeshift porch that would protect us and the tent from rain. We unloaded all the wood onto a third tarp a few feet from where we planned to have the fire pit; this tarp could then be folded over the wood to keep it dry. All the clothes that we had brought, we placed in the tent along with our sleeping bags and pillows. The fishing gear went next to the wood pile, and the coolers were placed under the porch where they would stay cool all day. We gathered some medium sized rock from the edge of the stream and placed in a large ring for the fire pit. We finally placed two collapsible camping chairs under the shade of the trees the porch was tied to.

It was past noon when we had finished setting up. The two of us were exhausted, and our shirts were coated in hot sweat and clung to our torsos. Donnie collapsed into his chair, and I went a grabbed us each a beer from the cooler. I handed Donnie his beer and plopped down into my chair.

"Thanks, dude," he said over the crack of his can opening. He slurped down a huge gulp, "Ahhhh! Now that's what I needed."

"Nothing like an ice cold beer after finishing four hours of hard work," I said as cold alcohol slid down my hot throat. Normally I wasn't a big fan of beer, but this brand mixed with the heat really hit the spot.

"Fuck, its hot," wheezed Donnie, rubbing a large amount of sweat from his hair. "This shirt has got to go." And with that, he removed his sweat stained shirt and through it back behind us onto the tarp, leaving his upper body completely exposed. My mind was blown at that moment. Donnie had a small frame, but his muscles where those of a Greek god. His abs were toned and flat as a washboard; his pecks seemed as though they had been chiseled from a perfect slab of marble and had small yet hard nipples; his arms left nothing to be desired, they were toned yet smooth, and not overly bulky. And to top the package off, he was perfectly tanned and completely hairless, with only a small amount of his blonde pit and pube hair visible. This perfect bod was no doubt a product of his two years on the rugby team. "Whew! That's so much better," he sighed, rubbing is body with one hand and continuing to drink with the other.

The sight of a shirtless Donnie was starting to get me excited, and I had no idea why (I was even starting to picture what he would look like naked). I had never really been turned on by one of my male friends before.

I knew that I couldn't simply sit there like a prude with a soaking wet shirt on while Donnie let the wind caress his body. I quickly followed his lead and threw my shirt on the tarp behind us, letting him see my bod as well. While my fame was slightly bigger than Donnie's, it was not as impressive in the muscle department. My abs were much less toned, not as defined, but still nice; my chest was smoother, not as chiseled or buff; I had almost no arm definition. I was also slightly hairy, with a dusting of short, light, fine hair covering most of my chest, which led down into a broad treasure trail that got darker as it went down. But I was just as tan. "mmmm... You're right, that does feel much better," I commented as I took another gulp of beer.

The two of us continued to drink beers and talk in nothing but our shorts. We talk about mostly all the thing that we had yet to about what college had been like so far for each of us. As we shared a few laughs, the day got much cooler and we abounded the hope of starting to fish that day. We were just too tired, and had too much to catch up on to care about fish that day.

"Man have I got to piss," was Donnie's reply after crushing is fifth can and tossing it into a bag on the ground.

"Me too," I agreed throwing my fifth can into the bag.

"How about we have race?" suggested Donnie, standing up. "The first one to finish pissing wins, and get to chose what we drink next."

"Your on!" I shouted, jumping out of my chair.

We walked over to edge of the stream, starred each other down, unzipped our shorts, took out our cocks and started peeing. I was unable to focus very well on just pissing, much less winning the contest. All of my attention was locked onto the sight of Donnie's cock. He had is right hand firmly holding his cock, with is left hand on his butt and his back arched. He was pulling his foreskin back just enough to expose his piss slit. His dick was just as tan as the rest of his body with its head having a deep purple tone, and looked as if it would expand to be about seven and half inch when fully hard. Unlike mine, which was about 6 six inches erect, and less tan than the rest of my body, but mine was also uncut.

I turned my head away, and began to imagine Donnie' jacking off his awesome manhood. I didn't know if I was still peeing or if I had started to cum at the sight of this glorious dick.

"Looks like we're gonna be drinking rum tonight, loser."

Huhn. My eyes snapped open, and my head turned toward to the voice, to see Donnie shaking the remaining droplets of piss from the head of cock and returning the prized specimen to its khaki cage. My thoughts returned to pissing as Donnie went and took out cups and one of the bottles of Caribbean rum.

We continued to trash our livers until the sun went down. And when half of the bottle was empty, it was decided that we should get some sleep, so we made sure that nothing would get wet if rained, and went to sleep; ready for an early morning start on fishing.

I woke up a little after the sun came up the next morning. Donnie had yet to get up, so I woke him and started to dress. Donnie unwillingly rolled out of his sleeping bag, and stood up and stretched. I turned around to say good morning, and received an eyeful. Donnie was up on his tip toes with his hands clasped above his head, and his dick fully erect inside his boxers. It seemed as if I had been right the day before, as his cock was at least seven inched even with the boxers holding it down.

"Oh, oops. Sorry about that, dude," he said noticing me gazing at his massive boner. "I forgot to warn you of my morning wood problem. This happens every morning, even if I've had sex the night before."

"Not a problem at all," I said, pulling my shirt down over my head. "I've seen a penis before, but it would have been less of a shock if you had mentioned it before hand." And with that I finished dressing and exited the tent leaving Donnie to get dressed in private.

It had rained that night, making the morning much cooler than the one before it; this meant that the fish would be plentiful and in eating mode, making them much easier to catch. I got a small fire going while Donnie was preparing to make breakfast. We ate a small meal, and set to the stream for a day of fishing.

It was slow at first, mainly because it took a while for us and the fish to wake up, but after about noon they really started biting. We threw most of what we caught back, but kept a few of the larger ones for dinner that night. We stopped casting at dusk, cleaned the days catch and deep fried them in beer batter (it was a noble use of a beer), had some drinks and went to sleep around midnight.

The next three days were exactly the same; nothing but fishing, eating, drinking, laughing, and catching up with each other. But the sixth day of our vacation was completely washed out by torrential rain. It poured buckets of water all morning, making fishing impossible. The rain finally let up at around three o'clock, and it was quickly replaced by another heat wave. With every passing second the air grew more and more unpleasant.

"Well, we can't catch anything now, and I'm fucking hot just setting here," Donnie said removing his shirt and wiping his face with it. "So let's go skinny dipping."

"Skinny dipping!?"

"Yeah! I mean, why not? There's no one around to see us, and we've pretty much seen each other's cocks, so..."

"When the hell did you see mine!" I interjected.

"The other day when you lost to my awesome pissing skills (Here he made a ridiculous pose), and when you had a boner yesterday morning. Now come on and get naked, you look like you need to cool down a bit," he said removing his shorts and sandals.

"Well if you're fine with it, then so am I," I replied as I quickly striped down.

I grabbed a bottle of Russian vodka and followed Donnie out into the water. On the other side of the stream there was a cluster of rock that formed a small, calm pool of water, just big enough for maybe four people. I sat down a few feet to the left of Donnie, facing camp, and set the bottle of vokda between us. The water was slightly deep, and came up to our chests; it was shaded by the trees on the banks of the stream, adding to the cooling effect that the pool had (which keep the boner that I got from being next to a nude Donnie down).

"God damn, that feels better," Donnie said as he grabbed the bottle and took a swig.

"Thankfully there aren't any fish, they may have wanted to taste my worm," I joked as Donnie passed the vodka in my direction.

"I wonder what it would be like to have your cock sucked by a fish."

"Probably not very good, I don't think fish have tongues."

We joked around, laughing and drinking, for a couple hours, having a meaningless conversation, until Donnie asked, "So what was the best piece of pussy you ever got, bro?"

I answered his question, and then listened to the description of his best piece. The vodka running throughout my system had effectively lowered my inhibitions, which had got me to thinking that I should stop lying to Donnie. Finally, after a moment or two of thought and silence I calmly said, "Donnie, I'm bi."

"Uhhh... You mean... you're... you're into guys?"

"Yeah. I don't know why, it's just what I am. It's not an issue for you, is it?"

"Shit naw, dude! You know, just as long as you don't try to penetrate my sphincter or anything," he joked. "Man, I never pegged you to be a fag, but it's cool. I'm not gonna stop being your friend just cause you like to deep throat guys."

The air was clear between us, and there didn't seem to be any change in Donnie's mood, so we continued with our jovial conversation until the sun was well on the other side of the Earth and the vodka was gone. At that point we decided to dry off and head to bed.

During the next three days of peaceful fishing, Donnie was a little less talkative. He stayed mostly to himself and made less jokes. It seemed like he had something on his mind, I took this as him actually having a problem with me being bi. I thought that I had ruined the friendship and that we would never see each other after this trip was over. That then changed on the ninth day of our trip.

The ninth day started just like the rest. We woke up, ate, and started fishing. It was the last full day we had and we wanted to get all the fishing done that we could. The day had grown hot by mid morning, and as such we were only wearing short, not even underwear (we had both run out of clothes).

Donnie reeled in his line, "I'm gonna go get a beer." He walked off and I continued fishing.

Donnie grabbed me from behind and began to kiss the back of my neck. I dropped my pole in surprise, and pushed Donnie off of me.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I was trying to turn you on," he said, trying to make an advance on me once more.

"Donnie, Donnie, stop. Why are you doing this?"

"Well, since you told me you're bi, I got to thinking. And now, I kinda want to give it a try; if you like being gay, maybe I would. And besides, I've seen how you've been looking at me with my shirt off since we've been here."

"It may be true that I have begun to find you kind of attractive while we've been here, but you're my friend, and I don't want to jeopardize the friendship."

"I've thought about that too, and I think that I'm willing to take that risk to try it. So, do you want to fuck or not?"

I lunged forward slightly and locked my lips onto Donnie's. Our tongues intertwined, and I shoved my hands down the back of his pants and squeezed his ass cheeks hard. "Is that a good enough response?"

We sloppily kissed our way back to the tent and inside we sealed the window flaps, creating an kina of oven. We resumed the make out session, nibbling on each other's ears, necks, and throats, coating our faces in a layer of saliva. I unbuttoned and dropped my shorts, revealing the growing erection that they had been concealing; Donnie followed my lead and did the same, and it seemed that his cock was also enjoying the experience.

"You think... that you can... handle going... a little further?" I asked through a barrage of kisses.

"Un hun," was the only reply I got.

"Then sit down over there, and spread you legs."

Donnie followed my command and sat down on his sleeping bag. I pulled over my bag and pillow and settled down between his opened legs. I let my tongue explore Donnie's groin, wetting his silky ball sack and hardening cock, but I didn't stay long. I moved up his body, attacking his nipples. I swirled my tongue over each of the hard structures, getting sighs of gratitude in return.

"Put your hands behind your head," I commanded. Donnie immediately moved his hands back, exposing his pits covered in blonde hair. My tongue set to work. As I licked I took in the musky odor that we had both accumulated over the last nine days without bathing. His musk only added heat to fire in my dick, making my tongue move even faster; causing Donnie to moan with pleasure.

"Is there any.... thing that you... would like me... to do?" I asked moving back to his ears and neck.

"You're the... mmm... expert. Just do what you... oh... think I would like."

"You got it. You can do whatever you like with your hands now," I said as my head moved back down to Donnie's cock. I warped my lips around its throbbing purple head and ran my tongue around its rim, eating up all the sweet precum he had leaked.

"God Damn!" was Donnie's response. He took charge of the freedom I had given him by pushing me further down onto his cock. I took the suggestion and began to vigorously suck his dick, and Donnie's moaning grew more intense in response. I bit down slightly midway down his shaft, and dragged my teeth over his cock on the way off, Donnie moaned louder with pleasure. I slowly slid back down on his cock, this time taking the all seven and half inch in, letting its head feel the inside of my throat. His thick blonde pube tickled my nose as I deep throated him.

"AH, Justin, you give... umm... way better head than any... God!... girl I've ever been with," moaned Donnie. "Is it really all that good, dude?"

"Did you want to give it try?" I said pulling off his dick and spinning around so that he could look my now six inch erection face to face.

"I... I guess I do, but I don't know what to..."

"Just follow your instincts, I'm sure you'll figure it out real quick," I encouraged.

He breathed in deep, licked the head lightly, paused for only a moment, and then took my cock into his mouth. I dived back onto his cock, and the two of us 69ed. Our sucking synchronized, when I went up he went down, and our moans combined, and grew louder and more passionate. I knew that if we didn't stop soon, we would both cum, and I didn't want that. I wanted Donnie to get the full experience, so I stopped and got Donnie to stop.

"How was that?" I asked moving off of Donnie and lying next to him.

"It was great, I loved it! But, I really hope that isn't all."

"So, you want to go further?"

"You can take this as far as you like."

"That's what I like to hear! Now flip over."

Donnie did as I asked, and I moved back down between his legs and spread them slightly. I placed his stiff cock up under his stomach, pulled his balls out so that I could see them, and set back to work. His balls were still silky smooth and tasted salty as I cleaned them. Donnie moaned as I moved up and began to lap at his taint. I spread his soft ass cheeks, exposing his tight pink hole, and ran my tongue up from his taint all the way up his crack and then came back. I made a third pass, this time stopping at the entrance to his cave. I rimmed his hole, taking in the same musky smell that I had discovered in his pits; it had the same effect here, driving me mad, making me lick with ferocity. I jabbed in and out of his ass, making him cry out with immense pleasure. I stopped licking and wetted my middle finger with spit.

"Wha... What are you doing now?" Donnie asked in a scared voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just loosening you up so that it doesn't hurt," I reassured.

I slowly inserted my moist digit into his ass. I gently moved my finger in and out, letting the moister on it and in Donnie's ass do most of the work. I told him to just relax as he gave some resistance. I continued to finger Donnie with only one finger until his moaning took on a pleasurable tone, at which point I added my index finger. Donnie met this intrusion with complaints and he tightened his sphincter.

"Just relax, dude. You're almost ready for the next part," I said this as I pulled out my fingers. "Now, I want you to get on your hands and knees and relax you ass. This is going to hurt at first, but you'll get into it."

Donnie did as I requested, and breathed in deep, he knew what was coming. I got up on my knees and spread his legs apart so that I could get into position. I spit on the head of my dick, placed it on his wet hole, and grabbed onto his hips for support. I gently push into Donnie, who yelped a little. I ignored this, and pushed a little further in. he yelped again, and I pushed the rest of the way in. I left my cock in him for a second and then pulled most of the way out, and then slowly reentered. I fucked Donnie slowly, as he moaned in pain.

"This hurts like hell."

"Just give it some time," I said, still fucking his insides slowly.

After about five minutes of slow pounding, Donnie's moans became more pleasurable. "I think you can go a little faster."

I obliged him and picked up my pace. I went faster, and faster, and faster, having Donnie moaning with each thrust, until we had a good rhythm going. I pounded his hole harder and faster, slapping his ass every so often; I even grabbed the back of his head and pulled back hard, causing him to grove back on my cock as I pushed in.

We continued this until I felt that I was going to cum, this could happen yet, so I pulled out. Donnie turned around to find out what was wrong.

"I want this to go on, dude. So just lie on your back and let me do my thing."

Donnie was definitely getting into this now, because he lied on his back and put his hands back behind his head. I kissed all over his torso, his abs and pecks, and his nipples and pits. He warped his arms and legs around me and pulled me in for some more make outs. We were very sloppy, getting saliva everywhere, and having tongue battles.

"Hold your leg up." I said after I had regained my stamina.

Donnie did as told, I placed the pillows under his ass, lined my dick up with his hole, and thrust in with the same ferocity I had before I stopped. Donnie yelped in pain, but met my cock with a warm, moist, relaxed hole, and all the opposing thrusting that he could muster from the position he was in. I pounded and pounded, going harder and faster every time Donnie moaned.

"God Damn! I don't want this to stop. Harder! Harder! Fuck me, Justin!" he pleaded. "Yes, oh fuck yes!"

"You like that do ya, bitch. Then this is going to drive you insane!" I paused for a second and, without pulling out complete, stood up and straddled Donnie, with my left leg on the other side of his legs. In this position, I resumed fucking him, swatting to penetrate deep inside him. Donnie's moaning became orgasmic, so I slowed down and pulled out. He put his legs down and sat down on him facing him crotch.

"Eat my ass, babe," I said, leaning forward so that he could get to my hole and I could lick up all the precum that he had leaked thus far. "Mmmmm... that feels great, you're doing great, dude."

He rimmed me like a pro, all the while I tried not to excite him any further, letting him come back down from ecstasy. His tongue darted in and out from my hole, he was really doing a great job; maybe he had rimmed a girl before. I didn't know, and I didn't care. I lied down on his abs and rubbed the backs of his legs, just enjoying the rim job.

When I thought that he had lubed my ass sufficiently, I removed my ass from his face, and turned my body around. I lined my hole up with the end of his massive cock.

"You want this ass?" he nodded in response, and thrust his cock forward, entering my ass just slightly. I slowly sat down, taking all of dick in my ass with one fluid motion. His throbbing wood pulsated in me as I pulled back off slowly, and I moaned loudly.

"Why you going so slow, dude? Speed up some, I can handle it," he commanded while I moved back down on his dick.

I quickened my pace, tightening my ass at just the right moment to increase the pleasure. Donnie started to thrust his hips along with my bouncing. I moaned deep as his cock moved and pulsed in my ass, and my cock leaked precum all over his abs as it slapped into them on the way down. I leaned back, supporting my body with my hands placed next to Donnie's legs. "Fuck yeah! Your cock was made of my ass."

"Its way better than any pussy. So warm and tight, but this isn't what I want," he said slowing his pace. "I want you cum in me, Justin."

"That can be arranged," I said, lifting off of his cock. "Turn over on your side and hold your leg up."

He did as asked, and I lay next to him. I spread his cheeks and guided my cock up to his hole. He reached his arm around my body and craned his neck so that he could kiss me. I forced my dick into is tight ass, and held his leg up, both for support and to keep it out off my way. He couldn't keep up the kissing once I had entered him, so I suckled on the back of his neck while pounding into his ass. As we moaned he wiped up the precum that he had leaked out and tasted it. I forced my cock deeper into his ass, hitting him harder. The heat of tent had been collecting the entire time, and now made us sweaty, causing our intertwined bodies to glisten as we fucked. Our moaning turned in to passionate screams that echoed off the mountains and ringed in the air. Donnie turned his head back around and moaned into my mouth as our tongues danced. I fucked his ass harder and harder while sweat from the back of his ass rolled down, hitting my thrusting cock and adding to the sticky lube between it and his ass.

"Fuck me! YES!... OH, Yes! Cum in me! I want to feel it! God Damn!" Donnie shouted.

"Your ass... Ahhh... God Damn! So tight and warm. Fuck!"

Our hair clung to our faces with sweat, and our bodies glided against each other. Our scrams grew louder and louder, and I thrust harder and harder into Donnie's hot hole. Donnie's cock twitched and mine throbbed in his ass. I felt the cum well up in my cock as it pulsed in side Donnie.

"Here I am!" I shouted and I rammed my dick deep into his ass a final time as the cum shot out of the head. Donnie unleashed a primal scream and huge load of cum onto the sleeping bag as seven ropey shots filled his ass. We both panted as we kissed. We fell asleep as my cock became flaccid in his ass, the sun had set a long time ago.

We woke up late the next morning it the same way that we had fallen asleep. We got up, made out a little, and started packing after Donnie's wood had gone down some. We put everything back into the truck except for the large cooler and the chairs. We moved down next to the stream and shared a few final drinks nude. We finish loading the trunk mid afternoon, put on just some shorts, and hit the road. We headed back home from the best time we had ever had together with our cocks out and smiles on.

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Next: Chapter 2

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