First Touch

By Mark Pennington

Published on Dec 23, 2002


Disclaimer: If you are not of legal age to be reading material of an erotic nature, stop now and head over to a more appropriate site. I am a 42-year-old bi-sexual man living near Seattle. I'm overweight, impotent and almost always horny. I do not want to hear about your cures for impotence. I do not keep stories archived to share with you. Everything of an erotic nature I write, I send to Nifty. I do enjoy exchanging erotic email and enjoy exchanging erotic times as well. On with the story =============================================================== There's something about that first touch. I can't describe it, it just turns me on. Making that overture, not knowing if you're going to be rejected or worse, adds to the excitement. I consider myself gender neutral. I enjoy sex, I enjoy lovemaking. It really doesn't matter to me if the person I'm with is male or female. It just so happens, it seems, that males are more likely to engage in casual sex. I know I've never found a woman in a XXX theatre or, to my knowledge, in a video arcade. Before I was really old enough, I'd bluff my way into XXX theatres and video arcades whenever I could find them. I'd make the trip into Seattle or - if I was visiting friends there -- Spokane and spend an afternoon jacking off in a video booth or theatre seat. If approached by someone I would usually move. I'd had a couple of jerk off sessions with a friend but wanted to consider myself straight. But there was a time I was visiting a friend in Spokane... She was a very close friend. More like a little sister, really. I was on leave in the Navy and had gone home where my girlfriend and I had broken up. No sex for me! So I changed my travel plans and decided to visit Karen in Spokane. It was nice just talking with her. There was no sexual tension, no wondering if the evening would end with a kiss or something more. I arrived on a Wednesday and she couldn't get any days off until Friday. So I had all day Thursday to myself to unwind. I got up late; long after Karen had gone to work. Angel that she was, she had left me the bus schedule and a bus pass next to the coffee machine. Since it was still the Christmas season (after Christmas, though) I decided to go into town to do a little shopping. The ride into town was uneventful, until I spotted the "adult entertainment" section of town. Realizing how horny I was, I pulled the chord to get off the bus. On one side of the street was a porn arcade, on the other a theatre. On a whim, I decided on the theatre. After forking out the ticket price, I made my way into the darkness. The light from the screen did very little to illuminate the seats. I stood there in the back for a few minutes to give my eyes time to adjust. I knew I wasn't alone there, I could feel a man standing to my right. As I started to head towards a seat, I slipped on the melted snow. As I began to fall, the man standing next to me snagged my arm and held me upright. I quietly thanked him and made my way to a vacant seat. I had my cock out and was just starting to stroke it when I noticed that my friend with the quick reflexes had sat down beside me. I thought about zipping up and moving on, but honestly didn't want to appear rude to a guy who had just saved me from a nasty fall. So I concentrated on the movie for a while. I glanced over at him a couple of times and saw that he was rubbing himself through his pants. Meanwhile, his leg was now pressing against mine. I thought it over. Did I want to make a pass at him? I knew that someone else's hand would feel a lot better on my cock than my own. After all, a hand-job wouldn't make me gay. Finally, I slowly reached out and put my hand on his thigh. I heard him sigh and he pressed his leg harder into mine. My heart was beating so fast at that point, I thought it would burst. Then he reached down and grabbed my hand. Thoughts raced through my mind. I immediately thought he was a cop and I was under arrest, or I had misread his signals and he as going to make a scene or hit me or something. But then he simply raised my hand to his lips, kissed it and turned to face me. I looked at him; he was a nice-looking guy in his early 30's; Smooth feature, well kempt. Then I realized that he was leaning closer, he wanted to kiss me! I almost pulled back but decided to give it a try. Our lips met, it was a nice kiss, very gentle. He kissed me again. I was surprised how soft his lips were. His lips pressed in against mine. I pressed back. His tongue entered my mouth and I met it with my own. We made out in that theatre for the remainder of that movie! By some silent, mutual consent, we held each other and kissed. We touched each other's cocks but we didn't cum that way. We just kissed and kissed. The lights came on at the end of the movie and we saw each other in the light. He then said his first words to me, "I've got a car parked outside. My hotel room isn't far from here. Would you like to continue this in private?" After I nodded, we both zipped ourselves up, rather painfully, I must add. I followed him to his car and we rode to his hotel, a rather nice one. We chatted along the way. I found that he was from Texas, his name was Kevin and he was visiting friends for the holidays. I told him that I was due to transfer to Texas to complete my training. He promised to give me his address and phone number. We got to his hotel room and he smiled as he hung the "Do not disturb" sign on the handle. We sat on the bed and began making out again. He was such a good kisser! Soon, my pants were very uncomfortable again. I confessed that I hadn't had much experience. Kevin told me that I made up for that in passion and began to undress me. His touch was warm, soft and very arousing. I'd been with women before and, as I said earlier, had a mutual j-o session with a friend a couple of times. Nothing prepared me for this, however. As he stripped me, he kissed the areas he uncovered. He sucked on my nipples, traced kisses down to my naval, kissed me all up and down my legs before centering on my brief-covered cock. He teased me for a while, kissing and nibbling at my cock through those briefs. They were already wet with pre-cum but he soon had them soaked. Finally, he took them off me and tossed them on the floor. My hard cock spring into the air like it had a mind of its own. He took me in his mouth then and began to bob his head as his tongue swirled. After a few minutes of that, I was nearing the point of no return. And then he stopped, got up from the bed and quickly stripped. He was a little plump, a little out of shape but he looked great to me. He got on top of me and we started kissing again. We rolled around a bit and our cocks were doing a similar duel as our tongues. Kevin reached down and got both our cocks in his hand. Neither of us was hung like horses so this wasn't difficult. He proceeded to stroke us together as we kissed. We both got pretty vocal as we writhed on that bed. He encouraged me and coaxed me to cum, calling me "darling" and "lover." I called him my sweetheart and told him how good his cock felt next to mine. We shot our loads together in the most intense orgasm I'd had to that point. Afterwards, we held each other and rested a bit. Soon, we decided that a shower was in order to wash off the copious quantities of sperm. Of course, we showered together. I was fascinated with his uncut cock. We soon had each other hard again and adjourned to the bed for the next round of lovemaking. By this time, obviously, I was no longer thinking in terms of straight and gay. All I knew was that I was enjoying what we were doing and wanted to do more. Specifically, I wanted to suck him and have him suck me! We settled into a 69 position on the bed. I examined Kevin's cock closely, pulling back the foreskin and pushing it over the head. He moaned as I did this so I knew it had to be feeling good for him. I leaned forward and kissed the exposed head. I ran my tongue over it. It tasted clean and good, actually. I slipped it into my mouth and ran my tongue all over it. Kevin moaned and then took my cock in his mouth. He wasn't too large so I was able to get his entire cock in my mouth. As I went down on him, I massaged his balls. Meanwhile, Kevin had my cock buried in his throat. The only sounds in the room were our groans and slurps. Ever the gentleman, Kevin let go my cock long enough to warn me of his impending orgasm. I had already decided that I would try to take his cum but would spit it out if I didn't like it. When he came, I had little choice except to swallow or let it run all over. I swallowed and kept at it, rewarded by his moans and groans. Just as he was finishing up, I shouted out that I was cumming. Kevin greedily slurped it all up. Soon, he had milked me dry. We lay in bed together after that. I think we both dozed off for a bit. I awoke and was famished. I hadn't had much of a breakfast and only cum for lunch! My stomach growling made Kevin laugh. He offered to phone down for room service and told me that the bellboy had been flirting with him. He asked me to stay for a late lunch and to see if the bellboy might be interested in joining us. He called down and ordered lunch for two. When the bellboy brought it up, he had me remain in bed and he put on a towel. The bellboy's eyes got quite wide as he carried the tray into the room! He looked from Kevin to me and back again with a look of open lust and not a little jealousy. And then Kevin asked him when he went off duty! "In about a half-hour...Sir" Andy, the bellboy replied. "Why don't you come up here and join us then, Andy?" Kevin asked. "I'm sure Mark wouldn't mind." With that, Kevin pulled down the sheets covering my naked body. Andy just stared at my cock, which started to get hard again from his attention. He licked his lips, silently nodded and left. "Think he'll come back?" I asked, laughing. "I hope so." Kevin said. "I've been wanting to fuck that cute ass of his since I saw it in those tight pants."

We sat down to eat then, as we were finishing our meal, there was a knock on the door...

More, if interest dictates.

Next: Chapter 2

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