First-time story #159

Published on Feb 12, 1993



X-Andrew-WideReply: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Received: via nntppoll with nntp; Mon, 15 Feb 1993 21:10:13 -0500 (EST) Path:!!!!!!!!!!!usc!!!!csn!

copper!!!nowhere!nobody Newsgroups: Message-ID: Reply-To: Sender: Followup-To: Organization: Nobody's Home Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 25

Message #159 To: all Subject: cock

i was thinking about the guy in the john who gave me his phone number and the size of his cock and i began rubbing my cock got hard and i thought it felt alot bigger....i got out of bed, and looked at myself in the mirror of the dressing table . i sat down and tilted the mirror and put both hands on my cock....the head stuck out over my it was bigger....for a guy my was huge....i started to jack it off with both hands and thought of that big dick i sucked off in the john and how he came in my face and all over my t-shirt and chin....and how i licked it off....i shot so much i doubled over and the cum shooting out ofy cock went in my face and on my lips and man i got so hot i thought i was with that guy again and i licked my own cum off my lips and had my tongue out while i shot off.....i couldn't wait until tommorow when the workers were comming back to finish the house....what would happen to me then....i layed in bed and fell asleep thinking about Bob the supervisor telling me that he would have sex with me again tommorow... there was a huge cock....the skin came over the tip of the head and hung down about an inch...his cock when it got hard would push the skin back...he had about a nine inch cock and was so fat, the skin would roll back and expose the head....i fell asleep thinking about chewing on all that skin.....

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