X-Andrew-WideReply: netnews.alt.sex.motss,netnews.alt.sex.stories X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;andrew.cmu.edu;Network-Mail Received: via nntppoll with nntp; Sun, 7 Feb 1993 06:33:00 -0500 (EST) Path: andrew.cmu.edu!bb3.andrew.cmu.edu!crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu!cantaloupe.srv.cs.cmu.edu!das-news.harvard.edu!husc-news.harvard.edu!hsdndev!stanford.edu!agate!spool.mu.edu!yale.edu!newsserver.jvnc.net!gmd.de!Germany.EU.net!mcsun!fuug!anon Newsgroups: alt.sex.motss,alt.sex.stories Message-ID: 1993Feb6.043301.22420@fuug.fi Sender: anon@fuug.fi (The Anon Administrator) Organization: Anonymous contact service X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.motss,alt.sex.stories Lines: 24 Xref: bb3.andrew.cmu.edu alt.sex.motss:316 alt.sex.stories:1101
Message #81 To: ALL Subject: First Time
This friend of mine finally turned 18 this weekend. He is a Star Quarterback in high school. We have been j/o buddies for 6 months now. Well, he asked me to pick him up at his house after his girlfriend left..We ended driving in a deserted storebarns....We made out as usual and started feeling each other. All of a sudden, he started tearing off his clothes and briefs and begged me to make love to him....I immediately started playing with his tight and beautiful ass....I put one...then two fingers and he started to moan. He beggd me to start fucking him and before I knew it, I was all inside him. I started pumping this young jock and made love passionately in my car. We must have been doing that for half and hour and then he started shooting him cum all over his stomach. In a few seconds, I was soming all over inside himm...We were both sweating and he begged me to do it again soon............That was his first time.......
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