First Time

Published on Jul 11, 1995




o o More of the good stuff from o o .... M e r c u r y .... o o This story is dedicated to my cyberlover, Mars! o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o MERCURY & MARS o o One night, the planet Mars, o Bored of wanking amidst the stars, o Took off from his accustomed place o In route 'round the Sun through space o o To meet a likewise inclined planet o For making love (that's how he planned it). o First he tried the closest, Earth-- o Rumored gay, for what that's worth. o o Though Earth was known as Gaia, o Mars found it not quite gay-a, o And squelching finally any mirth, o A Dowdy Mother, tired old Earth. o o Mighty Mars, his pace now hastened o To find his mate 'fore being chastened. o He propositioned stormy Venus, o Reciting Poetry (and stroking penis). o o Venus, although female, proved o From love's ardour quite removed o And Mars despite her charming power o Found her tempestuous and sour. o o Almost colliding with the Sun, o (Had he, the story would be done) o Mars discovered none other than he: o The quick and hot one - Mercury. o o Mercury in a.s.s we know o Has forever ruled the show o By posting more erotic story o Than Penthouse's Bob Guccione. o o The mass of Mercury and Mars o Caused gravity waves felt from afar o Together they could bend the light o Or firework the darkest night. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Notes : o o 1. I did not write this story and do not know who did. o 2. If you're a biW/A m/f 18-24 looking for friends, write. o Msg#: 6513 Gay-Stories-Fantasies 05-02-94 15:42:00 From: DEEP THINKER


The First One

My "first time" probably doesn't seem that special to anybody else, but it is still the most exciting thing that ever happened to me.

My mother died in a car wreck when I was 4. While I don't remember much, I remember she was a great lady, but it's hard to say that I miss her, because I just don't have much memory of what it was like for her to be around. My grandmother was a widow and she moved in to take care of us, because my dad's a surgeon and works long hours. Grandmother and my dad never did get along well, but she lived with us until I was 11, when she went to live with my aunt.

My dad never really "dated" much, that I knew about, anyway. Right after my 18th birthday, he said he wanted me to meet a friend and her 14 year-old son. He said they were coming to a barbecue at our house that night, and I thought it unusual that a 14 year-old guy was going anywhere with his mom, but I knew Dr. Parker had just started working with the surgical group my dad's part of, so I didn't think much of it. When I met Liz, she seemed real nice, but she and Dad were talking medical stuff, so Terry and I talked, played video games and watched TV until supper was ready. When we had eaten, I was sitting there, trying to wait a polite length of time before asking to be excused when Dad said he and Liz had something to tell us. And just like that, out of the blue, we found out they were getting married.

I didn't have a real problem with it, but it had been kind of nice, just me and Dad. But Liz isn't an evil stepmother, and Terry was a cool guy, so it really wasn't that big a deal. They got married at the very end of May, on Saturday after school was out. They were going to Europe on their honeymoon, and they had arranged for Mike, the son of another one of my dad's partners who had just finished college to stay with us while they were gone for a couple of weeks. It kind of pissed me off to be treated like a kid, having a baby sitter and all, but Dad said Liz wasn't comfortable leaving Terry there without someone he'd consider an adult.

Mike was cool. He didn't treat us like kids, or try to impress us with the fact that he was older. I knew that sometimes guys turned me on, but Mike was the first guy I ever met that just looking at him made me hard. He was extra good looking, about 6 feet tall, with this broad, smooth chest that seemed to go on for miles, short light brown hair and green eyes that seemed to twinkle. He wasn't at all shy, and there were more than a few times when I had to run to my room to jack off because he'd been walking around the house in tight-fitting jockey shorts. It made me feel weird that another guy turned me on that much, but I didn't analyze it or anything -- I just enjoyed it.

On Thursday, after the folks left on Saturday, Mike, Terry and I had decided to have pizza for supper. Mike had called the pizza in, and we were about to leave to go get it when one of Terry's friends called to ask him to spend the night. Mike was pretty much in charge, but Dad and Liz had said that we couldn't spend the night with friends and we couldn't have overnight company. Still, for some reason, Terry asked Mike and he said yeah, he'd cover for him this one time; he could go, provided he kept his mouth shut. He said we'd drop him off at his friend's house on the way to pick up the pizza.

Well, we dropped Terry off and got the pizza and headed home. Just before we got home, Mike stopped at the 7-11 and bought two sixpacks of beer. When he got in the car, he said he hoped I'd be cool about it -- he knew my dad wouldn't like it, but pizza and beer, according to him, was the world's best combination. I told him I knew how to keep my mouth shut and was feeling kind of cool that he trusted me.

When we got home, Mike sucked down one of the brews before he had eaten two bites of pizza. He opened the second one, looked at me kind of hesitantly, then asked me if I wanted a beer. Unlike almost all my friends, I never drank. Oh, I'd slipped a taste of beer before when my dad wasn't looking, and I knew I didn't like it, but I wanted to be cool, so I said sure. I drank it pretty fast just to get rid of it, and it wasn't long at all till I had a pretty good buzz on. I reached for another one, but I already had the giggles, and Mike said that wouldn't be a good idea, so we just polished off the pizza, I washed mine down with Coke and we headed to the living room to watch the baseball game. I turned the TV on, but he went on to his room.

He came out in a little while, dressed like he was headed to bed. He was wearing his favorite gym shorts, the old gray nylon ones with the St. Andrew's High School logo on the leg. They'd been washed so many times they were almost transparent, but there was one big difference about tonight from other nights. Mike didn't have any underwear on under them. When I realized I could damn near count his dick hairs, I sprang a boner big time, and quickly rolled over on my belly on the couch, pretending to be deeply involved in the ball game. He sprawled out in the recliner across from me and opened another beer.

I was trying not to be obvious, but I was looking at Mike's body a lot more than the TV. After about ten minutes he shifted positions, so his legs were spread wide and I realized I could look straight up the leg of his shorts to see most of (what seemed like then) a huge, fat cock. I was about to freak.

Somehow, I kept a line of bullshit going for a while, but after a bit, I couldn't help staring. I guess Mike picked up on it, because he started getting hard, and I was nearly going ape shit. When he was 90% hard, the very, very tip of his dick was sticking out the leg of his shorts, and I couldn't even pretend not to stare anymore. It was like that dick was a magnet and my eyes were steel. After a minute he said "Guess I have a problem."

I didn't say anything, and I think if my life had depended on it, I couldn't have. He looked at me, grabbed his cock through the shorts, sort of wiggled it at me and grinned real big. "Like what you see?"

Naturally, I didn't say anything, but I guess he knew the answer anyway. He just smiled even bigger, dropped his gym shorts, stroked his dick a time or two till it was rock hard, and said "It's easier to look at like this." He walked over by me, slowly stroking that luscious looking cock. While I later found out his dick was only slightly longer and fatter than mine, it seemed bigger than life to me then, and I was sure it was the sexiest thing under the sun. "It's more fun to touch than to look," he said, and put my trembling hand on his dick, moving my hand up and down the shaft in the rhythm I knew all too well. I'd stroked it maybe five times when he surprised me, leaned over and rubbed the head of my dick through my jeans. It was like my body went into overload, and I creamed my shorts on the spot.

For a few seconds, it seemed like time stood still, and I couldn't breathe. I actually thought I was going to pass out. Then, when I could think again, I was about to die of embarrassment. Here I was with the world's hottest guy's dick in my hand and I'd creamed my shorts. I ran to the bathroom and started cleaning up. Mike waited just a few seconds, then came on in, still hard and still naked. He took the washcloth away from me, carefully washed my cummy dick and crotch, then said "We can have a lot more fun than that if you're cool about it."

I don't think I ever said yes; in fact, I don't think I ever said anything. I just followed him to his room, let him undress me, and climbed in bed with him. We didn't do anything exotic... he showed me the joys of having my dick sucked, and taught me how to suck a cock the way it feels good. We made each other cum so many times before daylight we both lost count. And all I knew was that I was hooked. Totally, absolutely, completely hooked. We had a couple of short naps that night, but most of the night was spent either having sex or stroking and exploring each other's bodies while we waited for new hardons. I've had experiences that were much less "vanilla," but never more exciting and fun.

Mike and I had sex every time we could get rid of Terry for the rest of those three weeks, and as often as we could that summer after the folks came home. My dad even said it was good that I had a "responsible guy" to hang out with. Little did he know just how much was hanging out!

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