First Taste

By Slick

Published on Aug 29, 1997





My freshman year in high school was all new for me. My family had moved from the city to a rural area and I didn't know anyone. Not only did I have to deal with the usual insecurities of being a teenager, I had to make all new friends.

The class work wasn't too bad because I was pretty smart and the teachers were good, but I do remember dreading one class. Gym. I was never any good at team sports. No one ever bothered to explain the rules of football, basketball or baseball to me and I was too embarrassed to ask. The coaches in school always seemed to just assume everyone knew how to play these sports. It wasn't that I was physically inept or anything, I just didn't know how the damn games were supposed to be played. Then in gym one day they announced we were going to learn soccer and would be playing it for two weeks. Everyone groaned. Even the coaches seemed unhappy with the news. Soccer had suddenly become an acceptable sport in the USA and was now to be a part of school gym courses. I quickly realized that for once the coaches were actually going to have to explain to us how to play the game. I was overjoyed. As it turned out, I was the best soccer player in the class. As I said, I was not physically incapable, I just needed to know how the rules worked. It also helped that the other guys didn't have years of practice over me. It was a new experience for me to be the first picked on a team and I saw the sneers I'd been getting from the other guys change to back slaps and grins.

I felt really bad on the third day of soccer when I nearly beheaded one of the guys who had begun being really friendly with me. I was going for a goal and kicked the ball as hard as I could. Unfortunately, Brent was in the way and the ball hit him in the head. He went over like dead weight, out cold He was hauled off to the nurse and I got some pretty cold stares. So much for my moment of glory, I thought.

The next day Brent was back in school, but he was supposed to sit out gym for a couple of days. He sat on the sidelines with his black eye. When it was time to head inside to shower and change, Brent came up to me.

"Sorry about yesterday," I mumbled, thinking he was going to let me have it.

"Don't worry about it, I should have used my shoulder instead of my face to block your kick." He laughed and rubbed his cheek.

"So you aren't pissed?"

"Naw. And now I don't have to play this stupid game anymore. I get to sit out for all of next week too." Brent wasn't big on gym. He was too busy being cool.

I started going in towards the locker room. Brent started off towards the track. I got confused. "Where you going?" I yelled after him.

"To have a smoke. You want one, you can come along."

Fuck. I did smoke, but I'd told myself I never would at school. The dean had made it very clear that she would send anyone caught smoking on campus to the "continuation school". You got one warning and the next time you were out I was determined I was going to college and there were no college prep courses at continuation. I knew of three guys who had already disappeared off campus thanks to the dean's rabid anti-smoking policy. "Uh, yeah, sure. I've got to change though." So much for my resolve.

"Go ahead. Meet me out in the woods just past the track. See ya."

I ran to the locker room. I figured since they gave us twenty minutes to change and shower I'd have plenty of time before 6th period started. I changed clothes in a flash and glanced over to make sure the coach was in his office. The guy never paid much attention to what was going on and was usually in his office talking with the jocks after class. I slipped out the door and headed for the track.

The school had been built only six years before and the track was even newer. At the far end was a wooded area where a swimming pool was to be built in the future. It was there that I was supposed to find Brent. I found what looked like a path through the brush and pushed my way through.

"Hey, over here," I heard. I looked towards the voice and saw Brent. I went over to where he was leaning against a tree. He took a drag off the cigarette he was smoking and then offered it to me. I did the same.

I was nervous as hell, but I was determined to have this guy like me. I still hadn't really made any friends at school. I knew he and his family had moved to the area from the city too, so I took that as my line of conversation. "So how's it been for you, you know, being new here at school?"

"O.K. I guess." He took another drag on his smoke and passed it back to me. He was grinning at me a lot and I was feeling uncomfortable. I had to take a piss.

"I probably should go back, I really need to take a leak." I was practically hopping from foot to foot I had to go so bad. It always happened when I got nervous.

"So take a piss. Who's looking?" And he gave me another big smile.

I knew it would be too far to make it back to the school buildings anyway without pissing my pants, so I figured I might as well pee there against a tree. I turned my back to Brent and unbuttoned my jeans, hauling out my dick. It felt great to let loose with the piss and I moaned at the relief. I jumped when I heard Brent right in my ear.

"Nice one," he said.


"Your dick. Its fucking huge."

"Oh, yeah. Um, thanks." What was he doing checking out my cock? I looked over my shoulder to see him take another drag off his smoke and give me that knowing smile again.

"Mine's pretty big too, wanna see?"

I'd compared cocks with my cousin before. We'd even sucked each other off a few times, but was this dude into it or was he trying to peg me for a fag? I felt my dick starting to get stiff. What the hell. "Sure, let me see."

He passed me the cig and undid his pants. I'm sure my mouth dropped in disbelief when I saw his cock. It was incredible. No wonder this guy was so cool and cocky. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed him in the locker room before. His dick was thick and long and was halfway hard. "Pretty neat, huh? Wanna touch it?"

This guy was too much. But I couldn't resist. I took a final drag off the cig and stamped it out on the ground. My hand moved to grab his cock before I'd even thought about it. "Wow," I said. It felt super smooth as I ran my hand up and down the shaft. "You've got a great cock, man."

He was breathing kind of fast. "How about sucking on it for me. I'll suck yours. It'll feel great, really. You'll like it."

I only hesitated for a moment. Then I was down on my knees and had that dick in my mouth. My own dick was rock hard. He started thrusting in and out of my mouth. I was fucking loving it.

"You ever take it up the ass before, man?" he asked. I looked up to see him staring down at me. "I really like fucking ass."

My cousin and I had done that once too. But my cousin's dick wasn't so fucking huge. "I don't know if I can take your cock. Its pretty big."

He obviously took this as a go ahead because he reached down and started pulling at the back of my pants. "Don't worry, I'll make it feel good. You'll like getting this up your ass."

It didn't feel good and I didn't much like it. He shoved his dick in me with a little spit for lube and I howled in pain. "Take it out!"

"Just relax and get into it. Just take it." And he started pumping his cock in and out of my asshole. I felt like I had a tree log jammed in there. He was really slamming his nuts against my ass. "You want my cum up your ass or you want to eat it?"

"In my mouth!" Anything to get that thing out of my asshole. He yanked out and came around to my face. In the split second it took, I saw his dick covered with shit before he shoved it in my mouth. There was shit packed in solid in the crevice around the head of his cock and it was streaked all down the shaft. I hadn't taken a crap yet that day, so I guess my butt was full when he plungered in.

He grabbed my head and held his dick inside my mouth as he came. I started swallowing his squirts of cumjuice and felt my own dick shooting without even having my hand on it. "Eat it, eat it, eat it!" He was panting and gasping above me.

We separated and looked at each other, both laughing from the intense pleasure. It was then that the bell for 6th period rang. Fuck!!!! I jumped up and started yanking up my jeans.

"Hey, your face is a mess, man." Brent came over to me and ran his finger across my lips. He held it up to me and I saw his finger covered with shit and cum. He gave me another one of his grins and popped that finger in his mouth, sucking off the crud. Then he leaned over and started licking my face. I'd never kissed a guy before, but his lips clamped down on mine and I felt his tongue in my mouth. I could taste the shit and his cum and it started getting me homey again.

I pulled back. "I've got to run for it. I can't be late for History."

"See you after school out front?" He called this after me as I took off.

"Yeah!" I shouted over my shoulder. I made it to my locker just as the second bell for class rang. I came in the door to class with a half assed excuse about my locker door being jammed. The teacher bought the lie. And unless she smelled my breath, I'm sure she never knew I'd really been out in the woods having a smoke, eating cum and sucking shit off my buddy's dick.

Later That Afternoon

Brent and I did meet after school that day. We took the same bus home every day and he decided to come over to my house. We went for a hike up the hill behind my parents house. I'd always done this by myself before and it was nice having him along to talk with. After making our way up the trails, we got to the top of the hill and flopped down. As we looked out over the farmland below I took out a pack of cigs I'd tucked in my pocket and offered him one. We both lit up and watched each other.

After a while he nudged my crotch with his foot. "Feeling horney again?"

"Yeah. You suck me, I'll suck you. You know, at the same time?"

Sounded good to me. We took our time finishing our smokes, grinning and feeling each other up. Then we took off our clothes, laying down on top of them. We quickly had each other's dick in our mouths and were going at it. After a while he started licking my nuts and I did the same to him. I licked down around his asscrack and my nose caught the smell of his shit. I still had the taste of my shit and his cum in my mouth from earlier that afternoon up at school and it turned me on. I liked the nastiness of it. I guess he did too 'cause his tongue was working up inside my crack as well. It felt really good and I pushed my ass out, opening up my hole so his tongue could get in deeper. Then I cut a fart. Right up his fucking nose.

Brent moaned. "Oh, yeah, man. Stinking, fucking hot fart."

"You like sniffin' on my farts, man?" I was relieved he wasn't freaked out by it.

"Yeah. I like lickin' your shitty asshole too, knowing I had my cock up there just a little while ago. I wish I'd shot cum up inside there, you could shit it out now in my mouth and I could eat it." He really started in with some suction on my hole.

I turned and straddled his face then, not breaking the connection between my shiter and his lips. "You like the taste of my shit in your mouth?" This was pretty bold for me. I think it was my dick doing the talking. I got a real nasty idea in my head.

I heard his muffled reply from under me. "Yeah, I love it. Fucking hot eating you out like this."

"Then you'll probably love this too," I said, and pushed out. He started squirming under me, but his hand was pulling on his dick a mile a minute. I stood up and looked down to see my effort. The end of my beautiful, fat, dark-brown turd was sticking up between Brent's full, pink lips.

"You like that, don't you?" He nodded in reply. I squatted down next to him and poked at the turd in his mouth with my finger. On impulse I bent down and kissed him, feeling my lips rap around that shit log too. We sucked it back and forth for a while, then I bit half of it off and kept that in my mouth.

I chewed on the shit and he started doing the same with what was in his mouth. We were both getting off on being so fucking rank with each other. I guess he decided to outdo me 'cause he gave me a wicked look and I watched as he made a gulping motion. He'd swallowed my shit! He opened his mouth wide to show me. His stomach heaved a few times, but he kept it down. I stopped in mid- chew and just stared at him.

"Go ahead. Do it. Swallow it. Eat that shit, man," he said, giving me a challenge. "It tastes real good. You'll like eating mine too."

I closed my eyes and swallowed. I thought about some of the things I hated to eat and how I'd learned to hold my breath and just gulp them down. I applied the same formula to the shit in my mouth and before I knew it I had my first shit eating grin.

Brent locked lips with me and we passed our shit covered tongues back and forth, swapping brown saliva. He pushed me down on my back and brought his ass down over my face. "You ready for a taste of mine now?"

I grunted yes and sucked at his hole. It opened up and I caught a whiff of shit as my mouth filled with a massive turd. Brent reached around, pulling it out of my mouth with his hand. He sat back down and shit out another log between my eager lips. He stood up.

He sat back down facing me and I sat up with the second log hanging out of my mouth. My head was spinning from amazement at what we were doing.

"I wanna see you eat my shit while you're watchin' me eat this turd, man." Brent still had the first turd in his hand and he brought it up to his mouth, all the time looking me right in the eye. He fucked his mouth in and out with it for a while getting that log wet and slimy, then he started chowing down on it.

I took the turd in my mouth out and held it in my fist. I began matching him bite for bite, swallow for swallow. It became a contest to see who could finish eating their turd first. He beat me by about an inch.

We kissed some more. I was loving it. Kissing his shitty mouth was just like sucking on his asshole.

Brent suggested, "How about we eat each other out at the same time like we did sucking dick? You got any more shit?"

"Yeah, my butt's packed. You got some too?" I was really hot on the idea of eating more of his shit while he was eating mine.

"Sure. Let's do it."

We got into position and were soon feeding off of each other's hole. He ran out of turds to eat before I did. I sat on his face and pumped the rest of mine into his mouth all at once. As he sat up, I said, "I want to fuck your mouth while its full of shit."

He opened his lips and I could see his mouth was packed completely full. I took my cock and slowly pushed it into the warm brown mess. I knew I had to be pushing the shit down his throat and that turned me on to the point of cumming. I blasted my load into his shitty mouth.

Brent was beating on his dick real hard so I kept my cock in his mouth. As it started to go soft I felt I had to piss. I figured he'd get off on it, so I let it start to trickle out. He sucked all the more on my cock, drinking the piss out of me. As I increased the flow, it washed down the rest of the shit in his mouth and he gulped faster and faster. He blew his load. Ropes of his cream hit my leg and he fell back breathing hard.

I sat down and lit a cigarette. I inhaled and passed it to Brent. Brent looked at it and said, "You got shit all over the end of it."

"Yeah, well you've got the same shade on your lips too, faggot."




"Turd lover."

We kept up this game of insults as we got dressed, stopping only when we'd run out of new ones and were laughing too hard to continue. We made our way back down the hill to my parent's house as it was getting dark and sneaked into the downstairs laundry room to clean up. He stayed for dinner. We both got a kick out of burping in each other's face afterwards when we went outside for a smoke before his Mom came to pick him up.

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