First Suck

By dicksucker

Published on Oct 18, 2022



First Suck!

I had just graduated from high school and had taken a job at a local grocery store. It was tough work with long hours. One hot, balmy Friday afternoon, I was working the checkout stand and Tom, a hot stud that I had noticed from time to time on the sly, was bagging for me. We had been there for about four hours when it became time for us to take our break. We went to the back room and sat down at the table and began to talk about the usual guy stuff like how much he was getting and who was in his so called "stable". Tom began to talk about this girl who was supposed to have work with us that night but had called in sick with a cold. I think that she was probablly out doin the nasty with some other guy.

"I wish Crystal would have not called in sick," Tom said as he gulped down some of his drink.

"Me too," I added, thinking about the extra work load I had to take on because of her absence.

"Did you know that she was married, and that I have been fucking her for the past few weeks?" Tom said as he smiled with delight. "If she were here tonight, I would bust a nut in her after work." Tom had a way with the girls.

I said, "Is that so?"

He replied, "Yes. I would bust her crotch wide open. I have not had any for the past few days, and my jock is aching for some attention." He paused for a short time and continued. "I sure do need to find something to sweat this cock in tonight." He looked over to me. I could tell he was judging my reaction.

"You need to get off real bad, do you?" I asked as I looked down at his basket and quickly looked away, hoping that he did not notice.

He exclaimed, "Yes, I was going to try to put it in her ass tonight. You know what I mean?"

"I sure do." The sight of her nice, small ass with a gorged dick in it was running through my mind. I could almost see the pain on her face.

He began to laugh and said, "How about you bending over for me after work?" He was laughing like it was a joke.

I laughed along with him, trying to play it off. I said, "We need to get back to work." I knew that deep down he had meant what he had said as he stood up with me looking him up and down. He truned toward the side I was sitting on threw his leg over the bench. Tom looked down at me as i took a glimpse of his basket. I allowed him to walk in front of me on the way back to the front of the store. His ass looked nice and firm in his tight blue jeans. Tom was a little taller than I was and just about a year older. The thought of his words 'bend over for me' kept running through my mind as we worked for the rest of the evening.

At about 11:00, the business came to a halt, and Tom and I were freed up from the front. We had to mop the huge sales floor, usually working up quite a sweat from the steady hour of mopping and re-mopping, especially after working 8 hours checking and bagging and pulling in carts. It had been hot and humid all afternoon and the sweat was poring down my face by the time I finished my mopping. As I said, they were some long days. After the floor was clean we both went out to clear the carts from the parking lot. The hot July Carolina heat wave hit me like a tone of bricks when I stepped out the sliding doors. The heat of the night was accentuated by the heated thoughts that were in my mind about that sweating jock that Tome had under his belt. I watched him pushing in a row of carts. He had to lean his firm body into them to get them to move. His pants adhered to his muscled fram, accenting his features. He noticed me looking in his direction. "Sure you don't want to bend over for me?" He laughed out loud and added, "It won't hurt long."

After we had spent over an hour scrubbing the floor and pulling the carts, we met up at the time clock and punched out. The manager locked the door behind us, and he was gone like a shot. I Guess he had some where to go, because he had pulled his car into the fire lane and it was running when the three of us exited the store. That left only Tom and myself standing alone outside of the store. The stop light had started to blink the yellow color as it usually did in the early morning hours. Tom and I were parked at the upper end of the lot, so we walked toward his truck and my car together. We were worn out from the day's heavy work load.

Approaching his truck he said, "Sure you don't want to bend over for me?" He had a smirk on his face as he asked the question.

I said, "I bet if you were to fuck a guy, you would tell all of your friends."

"No I won't! HONEST!!" He paused and added, "Like I am not ging to tell them that you have been checking me out all night. I know that you want it. I could see the lusting hunger in your eyes when we were on break." He walked over closer to me. "How could I tell my friends that I fucked a guy in the ass?....Think about it."

I was nervous, but I found the courage to say, "I won't bend over for you, but I will get on my knees for you." My face blushed. I tried to play off my statement by giving a slight laugh.

"You serious! You know I won't tell," Tom got excited as reassured me.

"I....." he interupted

"Why don't you get into my truck, and we can go around back and talk about it." He rubbed the bulge in his jock like he was presenting it as a main course in a banquet. "I know you want it." The heat of the night and conversation caused my brow to prespire. "This may be my last offer to you." He paused. "You know that I could just go over to one of my girl's house."

I thought for a moment, and decided to walk around to the passenger side of his small Toyota truck. I opened the door and got inside. "I..." I was trying to say that I was not sure about this, but could not get the words out. My entire body had a trepidation about it.

Tome said, "We will talk around back. Don't worry, I will not tell a soule and you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do." The engine came to life, and he pulled around to the back of the store behind a row of large waist bins.

I was a bundle of nerves as I said, "I...I don't think I should do this." There was a catch in my voice.

He assured me and said, "Nothing is going to happen that you don't want to happen. Just get out and come around to my side of the truck." He paused for a moment and added, "If you don't want to after you are around here, we will forget the whole thing. You ought to come and take one good close look. After all, you have been looking all night." A few seconds ran by as Tom found other words to encourage me. "I will open my legs wide for you and let look at my crotch as you want.".

Seeing no harm in that, I opened the passenger door of the truck and walked around to the driver's side. I was sweating like a dog and Tom was to.

Tow was sitting with his legs out of the door and spread wide. His blue jeans were stretched tight over his legs and hips. "Just look at it. You know you want it! You know you can't pass this up!" He looked at my facial reactions. He could see my eyes focused on his jock.

I looked up at him. My stomach was full of butterflies, and I knew that he wanted to fill it with cum. I tried to say, "I.."

Tom interrupted me and said, "Now, just drop down on your knees. Hey, my pants are up. There is no harm in that. Take that good look you have been hungering for." His hand was rubbing over his bulging jock. It looked more swollen that before.

"I don't think I should."

"Okay." He began to bring his legs back into the truck.

I took a deep breath and, slowly, I went down to my knees.

He put his feet back on the ground and spread his legs. His crotch was well lighted from an over head security lamp. The bulge in his tight jeans looked so inviting.

"Move in closer. Take a good look."

I cautiously moved in closer. My face less than a foot from his bulge.

"That's it. Take a good long look."

My eyes were fixed on his jock. I became comfortable on my knees as I looked his jock over.

A few seconds later Tom said, "Feel it." He pushed the bulge just and inch or so from my face and pulled back.

I reached up with my hand and rubbed the course fabric. I could feel his sim hard cock through the layers of his clothing. His legs were spread wide.

"Look up at me and make a large O with your mouth."

I did what he said. Some of my inhibitions were fading and Tom knew it from the expressions on my face.

"That's right. You know you want it. That mouth looks like it was made to suck cock! Now, Unbutton my shirt!" He pulled his shirt tail out of his pants. I want you to see my stomach muscles.

Reaching up to the front of his shirt, I undid all of the buttons and folded the sides of his shirt back. His body odor flooded into my face. He kicked his shoes off. His stomac muscles were tight and a trail of hair went from his bellybutton down below his button in his pants.

Tom looked down and said, "Now, Cocksucker, my fly!"

My trembling hand went up to his buckle. I got it open and paused. I thought abot what he had called me, 'Cocksucker'. I backed away from his growin.


Tom said, "Okay. He began to reach for his shoes. I moved back toward his basket and he settled back down. "The zipper. Give it some room to grow!"

My fingers found the zip. His dick was hard through the blue jeans. I pulled the zipper down. The white fabric of his underwear peaked through. A profuse odor spilled forth from his basket. Tom put a hand behind my head and pulled my face into his open fly. I pulled back but not before i got a good wiff of his man scent.

Tom grabbed the side of my head and looked down at me and said, "If you stop again, I am going to get my shit and leave you here on your knees and never give you another shot at sucking this cock again. You got it?

I knodded up at him in understanding.

He sternlly asked, "YOU GOT IT?"

"I got it." My voice trembled in response.

"GOOD! Now reach inside my fly. Feel my throbbing dick, baby."

I did what he said. His cock was rock hard.

"Pull my pants down."

He closed his legs, and I pulled his jeans down to his ankles. The odor, emitting from his groin, got very strong. I could make out the fullness of his cock in his underwear. Tom got his pants from around his ankles.

"Reach under my BVDs and feel my cock!"

I paused.

"Do it, baby! DO IT!! Feel my ridgid man hood!"

My hands went under his shorts. His fleshey cock shaft and throbbing cock head fondled in my hands. I pistoned his fat dick a few times under his shorts. his shaft was pointing straight down, caged by his shorts.

"I bet that you could give a good hand job, but I want more! Pull my shorts down and free that big dick!" He closed his legs and my hands pulled his underwhear down. His dick sprang up at attention when the elastic band cleared his cock head. I pulled his underwhere down his hips. The crotch in his shorts kind-a stuck as I pulld them further down.

"Just look at it, baby." He was hissing down at me. "You know how many chicks I have had down where you are right now?" There was a pause. Tom continued, "PLENTY!! Now, it is up just for you!"

I looked at the flared head of his dick. The shaft was a vined eight inches or so. Tom's balls and groin were covered in a light frosting of black pubic hair. I could tell that his nuts, in anticipation of release, were pulled tight up against the bottom of his fat, engorged cock shaft.

Play with it!"

I caressed his cock. His full rigid cock was in my hands. Pre cum formed at the tip. It glistened in the light.

"You know that fellatio is just a mouth touching a cock. You have come this far, baby, be a fellatrix and lick my cock head. Taste that pre cum!" Tom pistoned his dick in his hand a few times. His full throbbing ridgidness was just and inch from my face.

I trembled and put my tongue out and licked the eye of his bursting cock. His hands grabbed the sides of my head and pulled my face onto his pulsating shaft. His cock head hit the back of my throat. I backed off. Salty pre cum taste mingled all in my mouth with the sweaty taste of his throbbing dick.

"Now you are a real cocksucker! Do you know what good cocksuckers are supposed to do? They make cocks cum! You want to be a GOOD cocksucker don't you?" There was a pause. He grabbed the side of my head and made me look up to him. "DON'T YOU?"

I looked up to him and exclaimed, "YES!"

"That's my baby. You just be a good girl and do what I say. I will have you trained in no time at all!."

I looked back at his throbbing cock. I knew some of the girls Tom had dated and wondered how many of them had been in my position. I thought about the pussy that this dick in front of my face had popped.

"Open wide and suck down hard on the head and jerk the shaft with your hand at the same time."

I looked up and said, " Please don't cum in my mouth."

"I wont, baby! Just get me cloes!" After his hand had jerked on his thick rod a few more times, he presented it back to my lips. "Just suck the head!"

I sucked his cock head in and jerked the shaft in my hands.

"YES!! Baby, blow my dick!"

I sucked down hard and suck sounds permiated the air. My hands work his shaft up and down.

"I KNEW YOU WERE A COCKSUCKER! Now twist that head from side to side! SUCK IT HARD!!!

I jerked him hard and fast. My suction was vigorous on his cock head. The suck sounds hinted at the power of the sucking action. After about a minuet, his cock slipped out of my mouth. The head was discolored by my suck action.

Tom looked at it and said, "YES! that is the way a dick head is supposed to look, just like a whore got off of it! Now, run your tongue up and down the eye."

I did as he said and continued to piston his huge, thick shaft.

"Take it deep, baby. All the way down!" His hands found the back of my head.

I opened wide and pulled his cock down as far as I could get it to go and backed off.

"I am going to fuck that hot mouth! Just like pussy!!" His hands forced my face down to his pubics. His balls hit my chin. his cock head went deep intomy throat. "I AM GOING TO SPEW!!!"

I pulled back off of hid crotck. The tip of my tongue walked up and down his cock eye. My hands never stopped working his shaft. I tried to pull my mouth off but his hands were tight against the back of my head.

"SWALLOW IT!" He pushed his cock head back to the bottom of my throat. I felt him tense up. Some cum flew out from the tip. A drop ran down my throat. "SWALLOW!!!! BE A GOOD PUSSY!!!! SWALLLLLLOW!!!!!"

He pulled back just a little. My hands continued to work his shaft, SUDDENLY --- SPLASH --- his main wad flew into my mouth. "SWALLOW, BABY!!!!!!!! Be a pussy!"

His man wad began to accumulate on the back of my throat. My thumb milked the bottom of his shaft. A few more drops joined the main load. His dick began to subside in my mouth. He pulled his spent dick it out.

"Take a deep breath and just suck it down." He was looking down at me, satisfied at his conquest. "Only one more step, baby and you will be one hot cocksucker! Satisfy my desires and swallow that load!"

I inhaled through my nose and with a giant gulp, all of his load except for a drip on my lips and chin was gone. "You promised not to cum in my mouth."

"I lied, cum breath!"

"Put my underwear and pants back on."

I did what he said, and zipped him up. I held out his shoes for him and he quicklly yanked them from my hands. "Don't get cum on my stuff."

He pushed me back out of the way and slamed the door on his truck he spun his tires in the rocks. I got pelted as I sat on my ass and watched his tail lights turn around the building.

I went home with the taste of his dick and cum on my tongue and his load in my stomach. I could only think of how he lied to me and shot a wad in my mouth. I felt humiliated.

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