First Steps

Published on Apr 1, 2021


First Steps 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

Carl called me the next day and asked if I was okay. I said I was fine; it had been good. He said it had been good for him too. We chatted a little and he said he hoped to run into me again. I said I would like that and that I hadn't expected it to enjoy it so much. We said goodbye and hung up.

For the next few weeks, I was busy setting up the labs for the new research project. One of the other assistants hadn't shown up and the University janitorial staff was not good with expensive scientific equipment. I am a hard worker and had no problem working at nights and on weekends. By the time the rest of the students came back, I was indispensable.

It was Labor Day weekend when Carl called me and invited me to a get together at his house. "I have a few friends I think you might like. I'm afraid the conversation might not be up to your standards, but we all share common interests."

"I sure had a good time with you and Tony," I said.

"I loved it," Carl replied. "If I told you it's unlikely that we would spend much time talking, would that bother you?"

I told him that was not a problem.

"You can spend the night. I'm not into impaired driving," he added. "Don't worry about pajamas."

"I don't own any," I replied.

At 8:00 Friday night I was at Carl's door. He lived in a large home in the best neighborhood in town. I realized Carl was a successful man. He greeted me at the door. He introduced me to two men in the living room, Dr. Daniel Metcalf, and Simon Smith. Dr. Metcalf knew my professors and their work. Smith was an interior designer.

Ten minutes later, two more men arrived, Butch Brown and Gerry Goodman. Brown & Goodman ran the town's best car repair shop. With the exception of Simon, the phrase attractive was not applicable to any of the men. They were all successful, intelligent, and masculine, just not petty.

Butch said he got a junkyard dogs good looks and sex drive. Simon came over to me. He was a pretty boy. "They are all nice guys, sexual athletes," he whispered. "I had no idea what sex was until I met them."

"You were new to the scene?" I asked.

"I thought I was a gay-boy, sex maniac," he said, still whispering. "What I had done just pre-school. These guys are into real graduate level man sex, not boy games."

There were refreshments in a rec room and the dress code vanished. There was a hot tub and a sauna. They were unattractive men, but when I saw their cocks my impression of them rose. God apparently made up for their appearance by giving them beautiful cocks. They were varied, but all desirable. Dr. Metcalf had a long, thin member with an oversized knob and a wide slit. He was semi-hard, and I saw a sparkle when a bead of precum emerged. That turned me on even more. I was in the whirlpool when he walked by. I leaned over and licked the bead of precum from the tip of his cock before I took his knob into my mouth.

I pulled back a little, but he held my head. "Could you lick it a little longer?" he asked. I returned to sucking him. He then sat on the edge of the pool and we talked. Butch and Gerry were alternating sucking my cock.

"I noticed you aren't the shy type," Dr. Metcalf said.

"I seem to be into men," I said. "Generally, I am shy, but cocks turn me on."

"I've known the men here for a while. We tend to be uninhibited," he said. "I know you are a bright and gifted man. We would all like to get into you. I'm afraid we are not thinking intellectually. We were thinking physically. Are five men to many? Carl recommended you highly."

"I don't know about that," I said. "I don't think I'm a slut, but my cock and ass aren't so sure about that."

Butch was sitting on the other side of me. "I stayed a virgin until ten years ago. Virginity is an attitude. As long as my mind was pure I could re-virgin my cock multiple times," Butch said. Everyone laughed.

I was slightly uneasy, but I liked Carl and assumed he had good friends. I was right about that. They combined being gentle, kind, and careful with hard cocks and overflowing balls. I also discovered you can relax and simply go with the sexual flow. While my ass relaxed, every cock rubbing the inside of my sperm-filled ass was wonderful.

For them, it seemed that I was a Christmas present that came early. They were careful about not breaking their favorite toy. Gerry mentioned that my ass wasn't just a hole. It was a magic cavern of delights. My ass could caress and massage.

Christmas came early for me too. I had no idea that I had a high capacity for sex. Of course, everyone likes sex. I wondered if being the sexual plaything of five men would limit my ability to enjoy. That didn't happen.

Later that evening, Gerry was on his back and I was using my sphincter to massage his fire plug like cock. "How are you doing?" he asked. "It this all new to you?" Gerry was a cheerful, beefy, hairy, redneck. He was Butch's right-hand man.

"It's not 100% new," I replied. "I didn't know I could take a cock as thick as yours. My ass is full."

"I hope there is enough room for my special sauce?" he said. "Some guys think it just makes a mess."

I moaned as I felt him spurting his sperm into me.

"I don't lose my erection when I cum. I like to churn the cock butter for a while," he said. I moaned again.

"I like watching a guy squirming on my cock. I love the feel of a tight hole, I can tell when I hit a good spot. I aim for that spot to see if I can do it again," he said. "At one time I wouldn't allow myself to admit I liked it," he continued. "I'm a butch guy, and that wasn't butch. I loved a cock in my ass and a cock in my mouth. That was a problem too. I was afraid of taking cum. Since I found this group, I've discovered that I'm not afraid anymore and I don't need to pretend about what I liked or didn't like. Sex with other men is not a problem here. I didn't need to worry about showing that I like it in the ass. I discovered sperm as a taste treat."

I smiled. "I can tell you that your cock is a good fit for my ass. I hope you can tell I like it," I said.

Gerry smiled with slightly crooked mouth. He stroked my cock. "Well, I can tell you a secret of man sex. If the precum oozing from a guy's cock makes the cock look like a candied apple, things are good." he said. His partner Butch was sitting next to us. He leaned over and leaned over to lick my cock drool.

"Gerry was the first man I enjoyed shooting off in," Butch added. "I'd fucked guys before, but my cum was just a byproduct of an orgasm. I was just draining my balls for stress reduction. I wanted to be in Gerry. I wanted my cock to fill his ass and feel him react. I wasn't sure if he would like it or hate it."

"I liked it, in case you haven't guessed," Gerry said.

"I hope it would be good, and it was," Butch said. "I wanted to shoot my load into him as a present, a souvenir of my orgasm. I hadn't suspected it would be as good as it was. My playmate's ass had been just a convenient cum receptacle."

"I thought taking a load was okay, but messy," Gerry said. "Butch shoots off fire hose style. I never thought that shooting the sticky, creamy stuff could be an expression of love. I fell in love with Butch as he drained his balls into my ass."

Butch was watching and said, "Romantic, ain't it? I hope Gerry has opened you up enough. My cock is bigger than his and I like a used ass." As he said that Gerry lost control and I felt his seed filling my ass a second time. Gerry pulled out and Butch stepped up to the plate. He rested his cock head at my ass.

"Billy, I've forgotten my manners. I assumed you wanted to take my cock. I don't shove it anywhere it's not wanted. Do you want it?" Butch asked.

"Butch, you don't shove your cock into an ass, and then ask if a guy wants to take it, afterwards," Gerry said.

"Do you mind having your pal fuck another man" I asked.

"Butch and I like to fuck in tandem. We like to watch each other go at it," Gerry said.

"I kind of think I would like to take Butch's cock," I said. I know you can't be a semi-virgin, nor be semi-fucked. I wanted Butch's cock.

Butch was a perfect gentleman as he eased his tool into me. Gerry sucked my cock as Butch entered. When Butch paused at my sphincter, Gerry deep throated me. I lost my concentration and Butch popped past and went deep into me. By the time I focused again Butch's pubic hair was at my hole.

I realized that this was probably the largest cock I could take. I had trouble thinking and organizing my thoughts. Butch's huge cock had its own reactions. I sensed it was happy. I moved my legs further apart and it seemed the cock went a little deeper. Gerry's load lubricated the way. Butch's cock head pushed it deeper into me. Gerry was still sucking my cock, while he watched his lover's cock thrusting.

I think this lasted for maybe ten minutes when Butch had a spectacular orgasm. I immediately knew what a fire hose type orgasm felt like. I shot off and Gerry served as a milking machine. He drained my balls.

When Butch pulled out of my ass, Gerry moved and was taking the sperm drooling from my ass. Apparently, my ass was dilated, and he could see the creamy sex juices as they dribbled from my ass. I understood what Gerry meant by tandem fucking.

I fell asleep. When I woke, Simon was in bed with me and was easing his cock into my rear. I shifted a little to give him better access.

"You will no doubt be relieved to know that your ass is still tight and firm after that workout," Simon said. "My cock is thin and long. Can you feel it?"

"It's good," I said. Simon's fucking style was the sexual equivalent of a Sunday walk in the park on a beautiful day. It was pleasant, quiet, and enjoyable. He warned me when he was getting close. I said that was fine for me. I think he was a little embarrassed that such a pleasant experience ended with his explosive ejaculations. I was surprised I enjoyed them so much.

When I got back to my apartment that afternoon, I felt good. I had enjoyed myself with other men who enjoyed themselves. Everyone was happy.

My collegiate career became exciting too. Some people think I am anal retentive. That is wrong. I just want everything to be right. One my routine experiments produced unexpected results. I was checking possible chemical compositions that might create energy. Our experiment F-14 produced heat, but it did not reduce the material that constituted the experiment. That was an impossibility.

I checked the material over and over again. I found a trace element on the seal of supply box. It was common and inexpensive element. I told my project head about the problem. He checked my experiment and my calculations.

He said he needed to spend more time on the problem. Eventually, he repeated the experiment multiple times. He found the same results I had found. The project head, Dr. Wilberforce, checked the work with other faculty members. I had found something. As the head of the study, Dr. Wilberforce could take claim credit. He didn't. He listed me as the undergraduate student who made the discovery. I was shocked and pleased. The discovery made an impact on the department's reputation, not to mention the research grants.

I was hard at work for every day between the discovery and Christmas vacation. I was willing to work through the vacation, but the Department chair would not allow that. He said I needed to rest and recharge. I went home and had an old-fashioned Christmas with Mom and Dad. Two days after Christmas they left on a Caribbean Cruise with my Mother's sisters and their husbands.

Dad told me that Aunt Edna had cancer, and this might be the last time they all could get together. I told him I understood and a quiet period between Christmas and the second week of January would be good for me. They left on Boxing Day, and I called Peter Pompeo. He was busy but he would call me back.

Peter called me. He said was free but was planning to see some friends. I was welcome to join them if I wanted. I told him I didn't want to impose. Peter laughed. "If you can make it, you will be the prime attraction."

"What are your friends like?" I asked.

"Let's just say they are friendly and playful," he replied. "I suspect that you and I have similar tastes. We're getting together tonight at 8:00." I told him I would try to make it.

I don't know why I pretended to reluctant. He knew me and I hadn't been reluctant about anything so far. I think it was left over thinking from when I was younger. For some reason it was hard to admit how much I liked sex. I was one of the good boys who never got in trouble.

It's odd that we treat sex as if it were secret. We treat it as a weakness in human beings. It just happens that everyone does it, and if they didn't there would be no more human beings. While knocking up a girl was a problem. Oddly, gay sex that resulted in no unwanted pregnancies, was a bigger problem.

Somehow at 8:00 that evening I was knocking on Peter's door. He greeted me with a hug and a quick fondling of my balls. "Loaded?" he asked.

"They seem to be a little overloaded," I replied. I went into his living room and saw two men with beers in their hands. "Billy, the tall, distinguished man is Daniel, the short, rumpled man is Uncle Stan. He is my uncle and introduced me to doing sex the right way. We shook hands. We exchanged pleasantries, and the doorbell rang.

A few minutes later Marco arrived with two more men. One was Mr. Brooks, the art teacher at my former school, and Ronnie Grandville, a born-again preacher. We shook hands.

"I hope you won't think I am vulgar, but I am what is technically called horny as hell," Marco said. "We could chat for a while, or we could get naked and go at it like dogs in heat. What is your pleasure?"

All of them looked at me. "I'm embarrassed to say, the dogs-in-heat option has some appeal," I said.

"Our guest is a mind reader," Mr. Brooks said. Everyone burst out laughing.

Daniel came over to me. "Peter told us you are into it. I have trouble controlling my orgasms. I would hate to shoot off where sperm is not welcome," he said in a whisper.

"That's not a problem, but I do like to trade," I replied.

"Everyone here is versatile. I hope you have no problem with well used asses?" he said with a smile. Daniel was well hung. I dropped to the floor and took his cock. Complete nudity and erect cocks are a good ice breaker for men meeting the first time.

If you were making a gay porn movie of an orgy, the men at Marco's house would be the least likely men to be involved. Uncle Stan was short, dumpy, and nearing 75 years old. Stan had a butt-plug type cock. Mr. Brooks was so bland and pale, he was hardly memorable, but he sported a long snake. Ronnie had a TV Evangelist's bouffant hairdo but was hairy like an ape elsewhere. Ronnie's cock was all but hidden by his bush.

I had seen one of Ronnie's fire and brimstone sermons on the television. Here, he was so desperate for sex, he was almost begging to be fucked. Brooks was the first to enter him. Ronnie was on his back and we all watched. Brooks' long tool entered as Ronnie moaned. As it went deeper, Ronnie's cock appeared and grew as each inch of Brook's cock went deeper.

"It takes a lot of fucking to get Ronnie to shoot," Daniel said, adding, "He likes to be fucked silly before he pops."

The other men were rather mellow. They took their time. Everyone reached the same place, but they enjoyed different trips.

I had fucked Peter when we first met. I knew it was my turn to take his cock. I was excited and scared. I wanted his cock, but I was afraid it might hurt, or I would wince or cry. What if I didn't like it?

He came over to me and I immediately sucked his cock. It was beautiful. I could taste precum immediately. It was sweet and thick. I wondered if sperm could mix with precum. That excited me more. I thought of his cock as a sperm dispenser sort of like the beer spigots in a bar. It dispensed his own special, homemade brew.

"Are you ready?" he asked. "Do you want it?" I said I did. "In your mouth or ass?" he asked next.

"I want to take your load in my ass," I said.

"Get on your back. I'll spread your legs wide," he said. He had a bottle of lube. He lubricated his cock and my ass and then positioned his cock at my hole. He gave me a small yellow bottle.

"If I hit a rough spot, take a sniff of Rush. You will open up like the swinging doors of a western saloon," he explained.

He pushed in as far as my sphincter. It resisted. I took a sniff. Peter counted silently to seven and then he pushed. A second later Peter was in deep. I was fucked. My ass molded itself to his cock. It wasn't a ram or an invader. I felt it belonged in me. It had been a missing organ that made my body complete.

Peter fucked me for fifteen minutes. He varied his thrusts as he explored my ass. I twitched and moaned. I was beginning to feel like a wet dishcloth when Peter began to shoot off. he did a complete sperm transfer from his balls to deep in my ass. Time stood still as his man seed tickled my ass.

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