First Steps

Published on Mar 18, 2021


First Steps 1 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

My name is Billy Smith. I was a non-entity when I was in High School. I was considered to be a brain, which was bad. Jocks and cheerleaders were the stars, the popular ones. I was just a nice guy, an okay guy. My parents were prosperous, as Dad was the local broker for a large investment firm. He was good at his job, and many families in town did well taking his advice.

For some people being a non-entity was bad, but it suited me perfectly. I had my own interests and activities. I was the editor of the school newspaper and on the student council. I wasn't the President of the student council, but I wrote all the speeches for the President.

Dad was from an old family. He said his ancestors were the ship builders for the Mayflower. He was smart and public spirited. Dad had only one hobby, Golfing. He was a golfer and golfed every weekend. One of his regular golfing partners was Pete Pompeo. Mr. Pompeo and dad were good friends. He ran the best restaurant in town. Mr. Pompeo was a big, muscular man and was the Club Champion. Dad was in second or third place. Dad told me that Mr. Pompeo was the best player, and that was the way life is. "You look small when you complain that the best man won," he told me, adding, "Being a good loser is part of being a good person."

When I was a teenager I caddied for dad. One Saturday, I was looking for a wallet Dad thought he lost in the locker room of the club. Someone was showering but I was on the floor looking under the benches, so didn't pay much attention. That someone was Mr. Pompeo. He came into the locker room naked except for a towel around his neck. I looked up from my position on the floor and saw a monster cock. This thing was huge!

"Billy, what are you doing down there?" he asked. I explained about Dad's wallet.

"If I see it, I will let you know," he said and walked away.

I was surprised he was uncut, and his cock was huge. I was more surprised that he was so casual about being naked. Dad thought not wearing a tie was semi-naked. I kept on looking for the wallet and glancing at his cock when I could. I found the wallet and took it to Dad. I assumed that Mr. Pompeo was at ease being naked because his cock was so big. I assumed big cocks were better than small cocks.

For the next few nights, I found myself thinking about Mr. Pompeo's cock. I assumed it was the novelty of seeing a naked man. By the time I went off to college three years later, I was still thinking about Mr. Pompeo's cock. My thoughts by now had turned into dreams. I also knew my dreams were not the sort that most people would think were good.

I went off to a good College and it was wonderful. Being a brain was not a problem in college. Everyone was smart and liked to talk about the same sort of things that I was interested in. It was then I realized I could have a life outside of my home-town.

I was home for the summer of my sophomore year. I was in the house alone since my parents were at the lake. I was supposed to have a job, but that fell through, so I was just loafing around the house. All of a sudden, the tornado alarms began to sound. At first, I thought it was a test, but suddenly it got dark. I went to the cellar and stayed there for fifteen minutes. When I eventually went upstairs, everything was fine, except the lights were off. I ventured outside and there were roofing shingles everywhere. There had been a tornado and it had missed me by two blocks.

I walked towards the damage and soon joined a group of people. There were dazed people coming out of their homes and we heard people calling for help. I had my cell phone, so I called the police and fire dept., but their phones were out, so I called the TV Station. My phone and I were broadcast live for an hour and half reporting the location of injured people. While our police and fire stations were out of commission, neighboring emergency services were on their way. I was the only local source of the locations of injured people.

The battery on my phone started to run down, but others were there to take my place. I finally got home at midnight. By then rescue workers were everywhere. I got up at dawn and walked back to the damaged area.

Mr. Pompeo yelled at me from his restaurant. "Billy, come over here. I need some help," he yelled. The lights were off, but the gas was still working. "The freezers and refrigeration are off. We need to cook all this food before it goes bad. There are a lot of people who need food," he said.

We started cooking and were surprised how fast everyone knew we had food. Emergency workers, line men, construction men and residents who had lost their homes were there. Several other restaurants had lost their electricity brought their food to be cooked as well.

All the food we cooked was free and we gave it to those in need. Later a reporter asked why Pete hadn't charged those people. "It would either be ruined or eaten, I chose eaten," he replied. A few days later organized emergency food was available, and Pompeo's Place had become an institution.

By the time I was back home from my cooking duties my parents were home. They heard about my TV broadcasts and my stint as a cook. Mom cried when she saw me. Dad said, "Good Show." That was his equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

A week before I went back to school, Mr. Pompeo asked me to visit his lake house. I was pleased with the invite and so I went. He was with another friend, Marco. I knew him as a wholesale food man who brought additional food during the tornado recovery period. Marco was a jolly, beefy man with a good sense of humor.

Oddly, I had met him in Pompeo's apartment shower above the restaurant. Pompeo had told me to clean up before the health department saw me. Marco was drying off after doing the same thing. He wasn't a muscleman, but like Pompeo, was hung. I looked and got a little hard and he got a lot hard, but just then he got a cell phone call and had to leave.

It was a hot day at the lake house, so we went swimming. Pompeo swam off across the pond and I was paddling around with Marco.

"I got a little excited with you in the shower the other day," he said "I hope I didn't offend."

"I noticed you are well equipped, and bigger than I would have guessed, so I got a little excited too," I said.

"Would you be offended if I told you I would like for us to get a lot excited?" he asked. I glanced over the pond to find Pompeo was still on the other side of the pond.

Marco read my mind. "Pompeo and I are old pals. He has always excited me. He would like you to join us." he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I am very sure," Marco said.

"I'm kind of new to this," I said. "I'm sort of a virgin."

"I don't want to scare you away, but if you stay, you will not leave here a virgin," he said. "When we met in the shower, I had a suspicion you were into big cocks. Peter and I both have them."

I briefly thought I should play hard to get, but I wasn't a good actor.

By then Peter had swum back to our side of the pool. Tony waved at him, and Peter dropped his trunks. His cock was bigger than I remembered. Tony was already naked, so I took off my trunks too.

"Some guys think cocks are ugly. Do bare cocks bother you?" Peter asked.

"Damn your cock is big. It's beautiful," I said. That was another nail in the coffin of my consideration of playing hard to get.

"Are they pretty enough to lick and suck?" Marco asked. I nodded. He told me to say they were pretty enough to suck. He wanted to make sure I wanted it. I did.

"You know when a cock is excited, it drips and drools some?" Peter asked. "You know the objective is to shoot off?" I nodded again. Marco was kneeling on the grass and he kissed my cock before he wrapped his lips around my cock head and licked my slit. I shivered with excitement.

"I like it when a guy eats my cum straight from my cock. Do you think you could do that?" Peter asked.

"I don't know, but I think I would like that," I said. Marco started deep throating my cock and I moaned in pleasure.

"How many times can you cum in a night?" Peter asked.

"Two or three times," I said. "I did five once."

"I could shoot five times when I was young," Peter said as he straddled Marco. His cock was almost at mouth level. I leaned forward and sucked his cock into my mouth. His foreskin still covered part of his cock head. I licked the skin, the knob and then worked my tongue into his slit. As I sucked Peter, Marco sucked me, I didn't think anything could be better. I had assumed that sucking a cock was bizarre, strange, and odd, but slightly titillating. Now, it seemed as natural as walking or talking. Cocks were meant to be sucked. I had a strange combination of sexual excitement and a realization that this was right for me. I was born to suck cock.

I soon tasted Peter's sex juices as they oozed out of his cock, and I wanted more! I felt as if I were a child who had just tasted ice cream for the first time.

We broke apart. "I assumed you guessed that Marco and I aren't new to the scene. You're an adult, so you can make a choice," Peter said. "You have just passed the introductory class. Some men can't suck a cock. Everyone likes to be sucked, but some can't return the favor. You did fine. I think you could easily take cock drool."

"You were drooling," I said. "I liked it."

Peter smiled. "I didn't know I had started to ooze. Did you feel strange sucking another man's cock?"

"I loved it, I want more," I said. "I didn't realize I wanted it so much."

"There is another way to pleasure your cock," he continued. "That is from your back side through your ass. Fucking, unlike sucking, is good for the fucker, but it can be difficult for the guy being fucked. Tony and I are big guys, sometimes our cocks are too big. They don't always fit."

"You want to fuck me?" I asked.

"Of course, we always want to fuck," Marco said. "Fucking can be really good when cocks fit, but bad when they don't. Peter was the first guy to fuck me that I enjoyed."

I was on my back on a blanket next to Marco. He sat up, swiveled around, and sat on my erect cock. It slid into his ass easily. I didn't know exactly what I was feeling other than it was good. It was more than good. He was facing me, so I could see his cock was erect and drooling as he gently bounced on my tool.

I knew technically that I was fucking him, but it felt more as if his ass was massaging my cock. He then raised up, and his cock oozed more juice as he impaled himself once again on my cock. While I was new to man sex, I learned that cocks aren't obedient. They did what they wanted when they wanted. I think I also realized that I would soon open my ass for their pleasure.

Peter and Marco were nice guys. Peter eventually sat on my cock and later I tasted their fresh sperm as it squirted from their cocks into my waiting mouth. By the time I had to go home, I had shot off four times, once in each of the men's asses and once in their mouths!

I was willing to take their cocks up my ass, but Peter said that I should wait until I had a full load of cream in my balls. "If there are any rough spots, unspent cum helps you get through them," he explained. I was disappointed but knew he was right. I gave them my number at school and Tony said he had some business dealings near my college, and he might swing by.

At college I was now modestly well known, but as a Junior my course load was heavier. It was more interesting, but more challenging. I worked hard and did well. In fact, one of my professors suggested I consider graduate school. At Christmas break I discussed Graduate School with my parents, and they thought it was a good idea. My interest was in biological engineering, which was a growth area in the economy. It would definitely require a master's degree or more. A Bachelor's degree would be inadequate.

The second semester of the year was harder, but I did very well. I also was accepted to be a student assistant for the department's head professor. I would start working for him in August, so I had no long summer vacation.

I moved into an off-campus apartment in late July, since I was going to be working on equipment set up in August. I was surprised when I got a call from Marco. He said he would be in town for two days and he asked if I wanted to get together. He said Peter was busy, but he knew of another man I might like. I said I would like to get together again, and I was to join him at his room at eight.

His friend arrived at 8:15. His name was Carl, and he owned a restaurant that used Marco's company for food supplies. Carl was heavy set but not fat.

"Pete, Billy and I have had some fun together. As you know, when it comes to sex, we are open minded," Marco explained.

"Are you a virgin?" Carl asked.

"I'm not a virgin, but I guess you could say I have been lightly used," I replied. "We've traded some sperm."

"Mine is really thick, some guys don't like it," Carl said.

"Let's get naked and see how things work out. I'm so horny I could explode," Marco said as he began to take off his clothes.

Carl did the same. "Some guys think I look like Big Foot if Big Foot was a hairy Italian," Carl said. He was incredibly hairy and nicely hung. I was already naked and was sucking his cock a minute later. He was surprised and pleased.

Carl was hairy like a cave man. He seemed to have double every male characteristic, assembled in an unattractive way. He wasn't much of a talker but he had a cock with all the traits he seemed to lack. It responded to every movement of my lips and tongue. He twitched and shivered as I sucked, and soon the food of the gods began to ooze from his balls.

We went to the bed and I sucked Carl as Marco fed him his cock. The juices were almost intoxicating. I wondered if they would ooze as much if he worked his cock into my ass. I had an odd sense of regret thinking that my ass couldn't taste. I was sure his cock would lubricate the path deep into my body.

Carl was tense at first, but in a while seemed to relax. He later told me that a very few guys had reacted to him the way I did. We rearranged ourselves several times and both Marco and Carl sucked me. I think both men knew when I was getting close to shooting, so they pulled away.

I was in Marco's arms while Carl sucked me and began to push my legs apart and up. He was soon licking my hole. He had a long tongue, and he was pushing it into my ass.

"You want it, don't you?" Marco asked. I was able to exclaim, "Oh yes!"

"He's ripe and ready," Marco told Carl. A second or two later Carl's cock was at my entrance and Carl was lubricating my sphincter with his pre cum.

"He's rock hard," Marco said, "He wants it bad!" Marco pinched my tits, and then Carl made a hard thrust into my ass. Distracted by the pinch, my sphincter offered no resistance. His knob rubbed something good as he pushed his entire cock into me.

I was winded and disoriented. Carl was perfectly still. When I showed signs of life, he began making small thrusts in and out.

"Billy, you are officially fucked!" Marco exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

"I think so. I'll be okay as long as Carl is in me," I said. Carl pulled out several inches, then thrust back in hard. I moaned.

"Your cock is rock hard. Things can't be too bad if you are erect," Marco remarked. "Carl likes to fuck until you shoot off hands free. It it's too much, just let me know and I'll be ready to suck you off at any moment."

It was strange at first. I had never had a living thing frolicking in my ass before. It seemed odd to have a man I had just met playing in my ass, but a few minutes later, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. I was happy to be used by him. He soon pulled out to give Marco a chance to fuck me.

"Carl is getting close. He likes to fuck a sperm lubricated ass," Marco said. "I have a short fuse," and a minute later I felt Marco's cock filling me up. He pulled out and Carl quickly replaced him.

This time Carl's cock was an old friend, not an invader. It felt beautiful. He moaned when he felt Marco's sperm. It was warm and cozy as Carl began to thrust harder. I don't exactly know what happened next, but it felt as if Carl was jerking me off from the inside. I felt him ejaculate, and I shot off at the same time.

Marco wrapped his lips around my spurting cock head. It was tender, but I didn't care. Carl's erupting cock had sent me to places I didn't know existed.

As Carl pulled out, I wondered what Mr. Pompeo's cock would be like.

Next: Chapter 2

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