First One

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Feb 12, 2017



Ok, here's a true one for first times or beginnings:

My first one CAJUNCOCK

This is a work of gay fiction containing scenes of sex between consenting males. If this offends you stop reading now! If you are under age stop reading now! If it is illegal to read this in the country where you live, stop reading now and move! This work is under copyright to the author and can not be used or reprinted without the author's written consent.

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I was a late bloomer coming out in the 1970s at 26. I did know that I liked guys but didn't know where to find MM sex. At the time I was living on the Hill in DC with my brother and his GF. Finally, they got tired of seeing me alone and took me to a neighborhood bar that was known for its gay clients. I was around gay men at last. Long story short I discovered 2 other gay bars in the neighborhood and began visiting them but never daring to pick anyone up.

Finally, one of the managers, an old high school classmate, offered me a job as the doorman. My prime duty was to check IDs, collect the door fee, and keep drunk straights out. The bar was located by the Marine Barracks so we had a reputation. In those days gays in the military were tolerated if not totally recognized. The marine attitude was "do your job and keep it to yourself".

One busy Saturday night I was at the door when this very military type came up with his ID in hand. I knew that there was always the risk of MPs trying to get in so I loudly warned him that this was a private gay club. He said that he was Ok with that, paid his $3 entry and went in. I continued to work the door.

During the evening the Marine came up to me a few times and asked me when the bar closed and what I was doing afterwards. Usually, we'd clean up and go out for burgers and coffee at an all night diner. The night was busy but finally closing time came around. The manager came up to me to collect the door money and said that the guy over in the corner said he has a date with you for coffee. I looked over to see the Marine, I'll call him "M" . He smiled and waved. I waved back. The manager told me that since I had a date I could leave early. He knew that I seldom talked to other gay men and had little or no gay experience. M came up to me, gave me a light peck on the cheek and put his arm around me. He was stone sober so I figured coffee in a public place was safe. We walked to the all night diner and had coffee. Sitting there for an hour we got to know each other better. He was an officer, from a well to do family in Philly. He'd had a few gay experiences. That was a lot more than mine- none. I was a sexual virgin.

After coffee and breakfast he offered to drive me home saying it wasn't safe at that hour for me to walk home alone. I didn't want to wake my brother so we made out in the stairwell. He took my cherry under the stairs and asked if he could see me again. I was too shocked to say no.

The next weekend he came by the bar again. By this visit the manager had figured out that something was going on with us. M continued to teach me about MM sex. One Sunday morning I woke up in a strange bed, his. I got up to pee and looked out the window. The room was overlooking the parade grounds of the barracks. I knew that we'd had a lot to drink at an after hours club frequented by military men. But I had no memory of how we ended up here. Worst still it was daylight with many marines and their families walking around. I panicked wondering how I was going to get out.

By this time M had awakened and was standing next to me at the window. He saw my panic and said not to worry, it was visitors day on Sunday and I'd fit into the crowd. He was right. After we showered and dressed, ok and made love again, we walked out onto the parade grounds like any other of the visitors. M signed out and told me that he knew a great place for a good Sunday brunch. It was a date that I could not have imagined.

I soon found an apartment of my own on the Hill and continued seeing M. We saw each other a lot until he was sent overseas- Korea. Parting from him was tearful. We spent his last 2 days in bed-some times making love and others with me crying for the loss. It was long before "couples" were common on the gay scene but we were one.

After M left I remained alone, in my shell. The bar manager asked me if I could take over opening in the afternoon. It'll only be for 4 hours, 3 days a week. He told me that I could run the place as I liked. I had a few older, gay men who became regulars. One quiet day 2 marines wandered in for a drink and a pool game. I told them that the game was on me. Soon my marine clients out numbered the gay men. It turned out to be a good move. My gay customers grew and the 2 groups were not hostile. As time went on I noticed that a marine would leave with a gay man at the same time. It didn't take a genius to figure that one out. Cheap beer (25 cent drafts), free pool, broke marines, and horny, older gay men: everyone won. Our afternoon profits rose.

It was the beginning of my long relationship with military men. The good and bad was obvious. The down side was that every two years they were rotated out. The good was that they were always horny. They even didn't mind sharing me with their buddies. I didn't complain. Another good thing was that I always had big, strong body guards when I went out. I did have a type- tall, blond, muscled military. Some weekends we'd have 48 hour parties at my place. When we did go out I usually had at least two with me. Those queens were green with envy.

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