First Night in the Dorm

By Tristan

Published on Dec 31, 2004


The story herein is copyrighted by the author. It contains descriptions of sexual activity between consenting adults and is intended for adult readers only.

The next day, Brad was nowhere to be found. I was really pretty disturbed by what had happened between us, and it was just as well he wasn't around. I couldn't believe that I had actually let this guy suck my dick and swallow my cum. To make matters worse, I had even touched his dick.

I decided I had had enough experimentation and that if Brad ever suggested anything in the future, I would have to turn him down. I didn't want any awkward feelings between us either, since we had at least one entire semester of being roommates ahead of us.

That night I returned from the cafeteria with Tom and Alex, and Alex's new girlfriend, Jennifer. We all sat down on the couch.

Alex and Jen had met during freshman orientation, and they were quite obviously getting closer by the minute. Tom and I began to get a bit uncomfortable when the two of them started making out on the couch right in front of us.

"Ah... so, Eric" Tom started to say with a grin, "What do you say we listen to some music in my room and leave these two love birds alone?"

Alex and Jennifer didn't even come up from their kissing to take a breath. I nodded and followed Tom to his room. He closed the door behind me.

"Shit!" he said, "those two will have each other naked in a second."

"I know it. I could use some pussy myself about now."

"Where's Brad? I haven't seen him all day. He's bound to walk in on them fucking any minute now!"

"I don't know what he's up to... none of my business really. I don't think he'd care if he walked in on them or not." Suddenly I felt I had said too much.

Tom sat down on the bed and looked at me with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't think seeing Jen's pussy would affect him."

"You mean he's gay?"

"I... I don't know, not sure. Look, let's change the subject."

"No way man. Come on, what do you know?"

I really felt like changing the subject. "Forget it. You know, I have a better idea. Let's sneak out there and have a look. I know I wouldn't mind taking a peek."

Tom nodded in agreement. I opened the door and we headed quietly down the short corridor to the living room.

Alex and Jen had dimmed the lights, but we could still see perfectly. Jen still had her shirt on, but her panties were on the floor and Alex was busy licking her pussy. His pants were off and he was stroking his hard dick with one hand.

I suddenly felt my own dick growing in my jeans. I wondered if Tom was having the same trouble.

After about five minutes, I couldn't take much more. Watching Alex lick her clit and finger her pussy was going to put me over the edge, and I was afraid I was going to cum in my pants.

Just then, Tom tugged at my shirt and motioned that we step back.

We snuck back into his room and closed the door. Then we both started laughing uncontrollably.

"Shit, man, that was hot!" he tried not to shout.

"I know, I know. I couldn't take much more." Tom rubbed his own hand against his crotch. "I think we both have the same problem here. Luckily it's totally normal and not a problem!"

What Tom did next really surprised me. Without saying another word, he kicked off his sneakers and pulled his jeans off. He tossed them on a chair and stood there in a t-shirt and briefs. His dick was straining against the elastic, and the head was just sticking out at the top. There was an obvious pre-cum stain in the front too.

"Look, I gotta get my rocks off," he said. "Do you mind?"

"I... I'll head back to my room... no problem."

"Come on, what are you a wimp or something? I'm not a prude, are you?"

I hesitated for second. "No, not me."

"So let's go then."

I pulled off my pants and folded them on the chair. I turned around, just as Tom was pulling down his underwear. His dick was standing at full attention, and he was stroking it.

"Okay, buddy, your turn. Let's see what all girls have been getting..."

I had to laugh. "No girls recently, I'm sorry to say!" I pulled my underwear off and stood facing him.

"We are about the same size," he observed.

"Yeah, I'd say. Hey... I'm really... close."

I could see that Tom was too. We were both ready to shoot in what seemed like seconds.

"Do something for me?" he asked innocently.


"When I say 'pull'-just pull down on my balls. Not too hard, but hard enough. It really makes me cum like crazy."

"Yeah, okay, sure..."

Tom stretched out on the bed and I maneuvered myself between his legs.

"Okay... now...!"

I grabbed hold of his balls and pulled, just has he started to shoot his cum all over his chest. One shot even hit him on the chin.

"Oh... yeah man... shit!" he yelled out. "That was fucking great."

Now it was my turn. "I'd... I'd like to try that..."

Tom and I switched positions. I was already close. He put his hands on my balls and started stroking them.

I felt the cum starting to rise up my shaft. I was almost there.

Just then the door flew open. It was Brad, and he was standing there with a digital camera. The flash went off just as I started to shoot my load, with Tom pulling on my nuts.

"Very nice, gentlemen!" Brad said, laughing. "I hit the jackpot tonight. Plenty of pics of Alex and Jen fucking on the couch like animals, and now this. There was moaning in every room."

Tom stood up. "I think you better give me that camera..."

"Yeah, you think so?" Brad just stood there. "Okay, no problem. You guys can have the pictures, on the condition that you work to earn them."

"Work?" I stood up, and felt some cum drip from dick onto my leg. "Shit..."

Suddenly Brad snapped another picture. "Yeah, work. You guys are going to fulfill some of my darkest fantasies. Then you'll get these pictures, and no one else will ever have to see them."

Tom and I looked at each other. Little did we know what in store for us.

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