First Night in the Dorm

By Tristan

Published on Jul 14, 2004


The story herein is copyrighted by the author. It contains descriptions of sexual activity between consenting adults and is intended for adult readers only.

First Night in the Dorm

I went off to college with some trepidation, but with a feeling of optimism and excitement as well. My dad drove me up to campus with the entire SUV completely loaded with boxes and bags of everything I felt was going to be absolutely essential my freshman year in the dorms.

Dad helped me unpack, and we made about a dozen trips up and down the three flights of stairs to my new dorm room. When we were done, he hugged my goodbye and headed off for home. Exhausted and sweaty, I decided to take a shower and crash on the bead for a few hours, before trying out the cafeteria for dinner.

My dorm room was part of a three bedroom suite than included a living room with a small kitchen area, and one bathroom. Each bedroom was a double, with two single beds on opposite sides, two desks, and two chairs... all in all, pretty standard fare, but not too bad as dormitories go. The living room had a couple of old couches, and a table and chairs. The bathroom wasn't in bad shape. There were two sinks side by side, a stall where the toilet was, and a single shower with a beige plastic shower curtain. I could just imagine that the six of us vying for one shower and one toilet could get problematic.

I was the first to arrive and I was really wondering what my randomly selected roommate was going to be like, not to mention my other suite mates. But I was most concerned about my roommate. I hoped we would get along and that he wouldn't have any obnoxious habits that would drive me insane.

With these thoughts running through my mind, I took my clothes off and tossed them in my laundry bag, then I wrapped my towel around my waist and went to take a shower.

While I was in the shower, I heard the bathroom door open. Someone went over to sink and started washing his face. I could see through the curtain that he was about 6' like me, with short dark hair. He was wearing sweats and sneakers.

"Hey, my name's Brad," he called out. "You must be Eric."

"Yeah," I said, and poked my head out. "How did you know?"

"We're roommates. I saw your name all over your stuff."

"Good call..." I turned off the water and reached out for my towel on the hook. I stepped out onto to the tile floor and started to dry off.

Brad turned from the sink and reached out his hand. "Nice to meet you."

I paused while wiping my feet and shook his hand. I was little shy about standing there naked, but figured it was just like the locker room-no big deal.

"Nice to meet you too," I said.

"Sorry to walk in on you... no privacy around here, I'm afraid." Brad laughed and turned back to turn off the water in the sink. "We might as well break the ice since we'll be sharing that box they call a room!"

"It's okay," I said, "I'm not really that shy. You...?" "Who me? Well, I never shared a room before, but if we lay down some basic guidelines I think we'll have no problems. Obviously with six of sharing just one bathroom, privacy is pretty much out of the question in here."

"Agreed." I finished toweling off and followed Brad back into our room. We sat on the beds opposite one another.

"I hope you don't mind, I just chose a bed a random when I got here," I said.

"Yeah, that's cool, no problem." Brad kicked off his sneakers, stretched out on the bare mattress, and then propped himself up on one elbow. "I guess I have to make this bed but I am not in the mood."

I had already made up my bed. I stood up, and started getting dressed for dinner. "So what are your sleeping habits like?" I asked as I pulled on my socks and underwear.

"Well... I go to bed late and I get up pretty early. I have all 8:30s this semester. You?"

"Shit, me too." I said. "I couldn't get out of it. Freshman always get stuck with the 8:30s. And I go to bed pretty late myself."

"So that presents our first problem," he said worriedly.

I sat down on the bed again. "How so?"

Brad sat up and faced me. "Well, I might as well just come and say it, but I don't want you to think I'm a perve or anything."

I laughed. "I think I know where you are going with this. I'm not sure we should go there!"

"Look, we all do it. There's no way getting around it. I jerk off like... at least twice a day..."

"Right before bed..." I added.

"And first thing in the morning..."

"And maybe a third time in the afternoon, right?"

We both laughed and gave each other a high five.

"You got a girlfriend?" I asked.

"I did in high school, but she's off at UCLA and we're here in Boston, and that's that for now, I guess. How about you?"

"Pretty much the same thing. We decided to split up after graduation. But I'm on the lookout for a new one."

"Me too, so we'll cruise the library together."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed.

"But that still doesn't address the privacy issue in here."

I thought about it for a second. "Look, you can do your thing in the morning while I'm in the shower, and vice versa. As for bedtime, that's a real problem..."

"Yeah, I mean, there's just no way I can go to sleep without jerking off first."

I understood his point and had to agree. "Look... we'll..." I hesitated, not knowing how to handle it. "I guess we'll just do our thing while the other is out of the room. I don't think we'd want to put a sign on the door or anything...!"

"Yeah... Having a wank, come back later!"

"Right, no way. But we'll just have a rule. Anyone who walks in on anybody- just act like nothing's going on, so nobody gets embarrassed. Agreed?"

Brad thought about it for a second. "Yeah, right, that sounds like a plan. And what happens in here stays in here."


After a pretty mediocre meal in the cafeteria, Brad and I returned to the dorms to find that two of our other four roommates had moved in. Tom and Alex settled into the room immediately next to ours. We spent the first night smoking weed in the living room and talking about how much we all needed to get laid.

At about one in the morning, Brad was looking pretty stoned and decided to go to bed. I decided to stay up a little while longer and hang out with Tom and Alex who were turning out to be pretty cool. Alex had set up his tv and dvd player in the living room so that we could all share it, and Tom had brought a massive porn collection with him from home. 'Feel free to help yourselves, anytime," he said with a smile and left the bin of dvd on the table for us to have a good look at. "There's a little something for everyone."

Alex and I started going through the collection, and held up all the most outrageous covers for a good laugh... Asian chicks getting gang-banged by an entire team of football players, blonde Swedish girls with enormous breasts sucking on gigantic black dicks, and stuff like that.

"Well," Tom said, "they're here if you ever need 'em, and you WILL need them."

With that, we all decided to call it a night and go to bed. I shut the lights in the living room, and slowly opened my bedroom door. I expected to find Brad fast asleep in the dark, but he had a small desk light on that was pointing down to his bed. He was lying there naked, and was slowly jerking his dick while looking at an issue of Penthouse. From his expression, he still looked pretty stoned.

"Shit, man," I said. "Sorry... I didn't know."

Brad looked up briefly. "Remember our agreement? You're not seeing this..."

"Oh yeah, right," I said. "I won't bother you."

But the truth was, I WAS seeing it. Brad's dick was about 7 inches long, and his pubes were shaved pretty close. He ball sack was tight and occasionally he reached down to pull on it. He was also uncircumsized, and as he stroked his dick, his foreskin would cover his dick head and slide back down again.

I took off my shorts and stood there in my boxers. "Man," I said, "I'm still buzzed, and horny as hell."

"Yeah, me to. That's why I needed to come in here for a wank. Here..." he reached under the bed and pulled out an issue of Playboy and tossed it to me."

"Thanks...but... I'll save it for later..."

"Man, don't be a prude," he said with a laugh and turned the page of his own magazine. "Shit," he whispered to himself... look at the pussy on this one." He held the centerfold so that I could get a good look of this girl spreading her cunt lips for the camera.

That was about all I needed. I got into bed and started to play with my own dick inside my boxers. I wasn't ready to take them off completely, though. I was hard in seconds.

Brad looked over at me. "You need some lube?"

"Yeah," I said, "you got any?"

"Yeah, somewhere. I don't use it when I jerk off 'cause I'm uncut and pretty much don't need it. But I keep some around for when I want to fuck a chick up the ass."

He stood up, and his dick stood at attention. He walked over the closet, fished around, and found a bottle of lube. He tossed it over to me.

I slid off my boxers and drizzled some lube onto my dick. "What do you mean, you don't really need it 'cause you're uncircumsized."

Brad laughed, and stood in front of my bed. "I bet you've never seen an uncut dick before."

"No, I haven't it."

"Look," he said, "my own precum usually serves as enough of a lubricant for the foreskin to slide back and forth easily." He demonstrated the mechanism so that I could see how it worked.

"That's pretty damn cool... I can't imagine what it feels like..."

Before I could say another word, Brad said "It's cool with me if you want to put your hand on to see for yourself. It's the only way you'll ever know..."

" thanks... I can't touch another guy's dick..."

"Yeah, well, you're pretty comfortable with your own. A dick's a dick you know. But if you're chicken shit, then forget it."

"No, I'm not like that..." I said. "Sure, I'd like to see what it feels like, I suppose."


I sat up in bed and Brad stood facing me. His dick was right in front of my face, and he continued to stroke it slowly. He paused and lifted off his hand. "OK, go on, don't be chicken."

I reached out and put my hand on his dick. At first I couldn't believe what I was doing. Brad shuffled his feet a closer to my bed, and his dick moved in towards me. I suddenly became aware of a strange odor. "Wo... I said... you need a shower."

Brad laughed. "Yeah, I guess I do... that happens when you're uncircumsized--- the dick odor can be pretty intense sometimes. But I kind of like it... Now move the foreskin up and down," he said.

I must have been a little too rough with the first couple of strokes because Brad winced and pulled back.

"Wo, easy guy. An uncut dick is REALLY sensitive. Especially right under the head were the foreskin attaches. You gotta be careful."

"Right," I said. "I gotya." I continued to stroke his dick, and watched as the foreskin came up over the head and closed, and then went down again. My own dick was pretty hard, and I unconsciously started stroking it with my other hand.

Brad closed his eyes. "I'm getting close," he moaned. "Whatever you do, be a pal and don't stop."

I couldn't believe what was happening. I wanted to let go, but I could see that he was almost over the edge and didn't want to let him down. I continued to stroke him as he rocked his hips against me.

Suddenly he started to shoot, and the cum hit me on the shoulder and across the mouth and face.

"Shit!" I said. I could actually taste his cum on my tongue. It was strong and salty. "Shit man!"

I let go of both his dick and mine and wiped my arm across me face. "I wasn't ready for that."

Brad stepped back and opened his eyes. "Oh, sorry dude. But that was fucking great."

He sat back on his bed and faced me. His dick was still pretty hard, and there was still cum on the head. "I like the taste of my own cum, actually," he said. "Sorry if it grosses you out..."

He squeezed the rest of him cum into his hand and brought it to his mouth. I watched with fascination as he sniffed at it a second, and then lapped it up.

"If it makes you feel any better," he said, "I'll reciprocate and take your load in my mouth. I don't mind swallowing yours. Fair is fair."

He got down on his knees right in front of me and pushed my legs apart. My dick sprang upwards and met his mouth. "I... really can't..." I said in mild protest, but it was too late. He lowered his mouth onto my dick and started sucking. He choked for a second, pulled back, and then went down again. Then he paused again and said, "Shit, man, this is fucking strange..." He closed his eyes and continued sucking.

His mouth felt so good that despite my hesitation, I didn't protest any further. I felt my own cum rising up my shaft.... and it felt fantastic. In just a few seconds I shot a hot load right down his throat.

I sat back on the bed, in shock at what had just happened.

"I can't believe this," I said quietly. "I'm not gay."

"Yeah, I'm not gay either," Brad said, and turned out his desk light. "It's no big fucking deal, don't think too much about it.

I got under the covers and turned on my side. The funny thing was that I couldn't help but think about it, and I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours.

Next: Chapter 2

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