First Date with a New Mate

By discord3231

Published on Oct 27, 2023


Kia Ora, please remember to donate to Nifty to help keep all of this content free.

If you enjoy this or have ANY feedback for me, I'd love to hear it! Reach out to me via email at and if you feel like it, ask for my number, we can WhatsApp!

Part 2 - Halloween

The night he and I had met up, we had chatted about music, movies, our dating lives, and a few conversations about school. He was struggling in chem, I wasn't. I'd joked about tutoring him sometime, and he had rested his hand close to mine, his pinky barely touching mine, and said that would be nice. Other than my very awkward handshake and official introuduction when we found eachother at the meetup (In a park. An empty park. At like 9pm. I'm lucky I didnt get killed or kidnapped, now that I think about it) it was the closest we'd gotten to any physical contact. I can't help but wonder how much of today he'd had planned, or if it was just coincidence. If he'd messaged me because he'd seen me outside, or if I would have been invited over to push that physical contact bar further no matter what.

I crossed the road, just as he'd told me. "Left house" he'd sent. Followed up with "Your left" when he saw me looking unsure which to go to, his left or my left. I opened the gate and walked up to the front door. I didn't see a car home, but I knocked anyway, just in case he wasn't home alone. I waited for a minute, and knocked again, before he opened the door. He was already out of his school uniform, wearing dark red shorts which fitted him nice and somewhat snugly, stopping around 4 inches above his knees, and his plain black tee was possibly half a size too small the way it hugged his body, showing his muscled arms and abs off.

"You didn't have to wait outside like a boy scout, you could've just come in, no one else is here."

He said it so nonchanantly as he turned and walked inside, it threw me off a little. I stepped in and closed the door behind me, taking my shoes off. He was in comfortable white socks, I was still in my school socks. Grey, high, with gold and maroon stripes near the top, ending just below my knee, leading to my knee high grey shorts. I followed along down the hallway, unsure where we were going. The kitchen, apparently. He said nothing as we walked so I broke the silence.

"Sorry about the knocking, I just, um, I didn't know who was at home and didn't just want to come in myself in case I'd seen rude or something."

"It's fine, ever the 'good boy', aren't you?" He smirked as he saw the blood rush to my cheeks, and gave me a small hair tussel. "You want some fizzy or anything?" I shrugged, almost scared to say anything for shame of what his response may elicit. "I'll just get us some fanta and some gummy snakes or something, then we can watch the movie."

I had presumed we would wait in his lavish lounge, but instead he led me upstairs to his bedroom, and I felt something in my chest - I couldn't tell if it was fear or excitement. His room was pretty clean though I could see a small pile of dirty laundry in a corner near his en suite door, despite the laundry hamper just a few feet away. Boxer-briefs, a nice choice of underwear. I'd never had any but I thought they looked kinda hot on other guys, but Mum had never got me any. It'd been briefs until I was about 10 and had asked for boxers, because they would be 'more comfy'. I noticed I had been staring at the light blue underwear for a few seconds too long, and quickly turned my head, my cheeks heating up once more.

"You ok?" "Yeah, fine. It's just.. nothing aha" "Come on man, now you gotta tell me." "Really, it's nothing worth saying."

He seemed somewhat accepting now, as he became distracted on his phone, finiding the movie to cast on his TV. A moment later, the movie began. We had sat on the edge of his bed when we came in, but now he got up and made his way to the top of the bed before half laying down, with his back against his pillows, and he patted the spot to come sit with him. His bed would fit us both, but we would be close. How close are we supposed to be? How close should you be to someone you might like who may or may not like you, when watching a movie with him in his bedroom? I sat down next to him, and he looked me up and down, not in a judgemental way, I don't think, but almost taking me in for a moment.

"You look kinda uncomfirtable in your uniform. At least take your tie off beford it chokes you."

I wasn't uncomfortable, but that was certainly not the same as comfort. "I'm fine" "I can lend you some sweats if you want out of those pants? Even a tee if you'd like it, man."

Wearing his clothes? The thought terrified me almost as much as it turned me on, mostly just for the fact that it does turn me on. He leaned forwards and locked eyes with me.

"At least take the tie off, I insist."

My eyes locked with his at first, frozen as I felt him grab my tie, wrap it around his hand once, and then softly, slowly, pull me towards him. I broke the stare, looking away and allowing this to happen, rather than to be active in it. Our faces got closer, and I felt his hand on my thigh, and I panicked that if he couldn't feel.. what I hoped he couldn't, he would easily feel the warmth coming off it as half the blood in my body rushed down, leaving me lightheaded, while the other half flooded my cheeks again.

Our mouths were maybe a half inch aoart, and I could feel his warm breath against my skin, when he leaned closer and gave me a peck on the cheek, before whispering in my ear. "Let me help you with that."

He pulled away and then began working on the knot in my tie, so he could slip the tie out from my collar and off of me, before he brought both hands to my shirt button snd undid the top one. I said nothing the whole timed this all happened, my mouth was dry and I couldn't think or move.

Once the top buttons had been undone, he leaned back to his side, a smirk on his face, and turned back to the TV. He still held my toe in hands as the opening credits ended, and he told me I may want to itch. I looked at him in confusion, still somewhat breathless, and he glanced down at my crotch before looking back in my eyes, a glint in his. "Don't worry, I wont take pictures this time, I'll even turn away." He did, as I slipped my hand inside my pants and felt the damp spot in by my boxers as I rearranged myself. I pulled my hand out and it was slightly slick with pre, which I went to wipe on my pants before his hand grabbed my wrist. My whole body froze, completely rigid.

"Not on your shorts, you don't want them to stain, do you? Here, use these."

He stood up and went to the pile of clothes on his floor and grabbed the underwear off the top, chucking them towards me. It was as he did that, I noticed the mirror he had been facing when I had readjusted, how he was watching the whole time, and this move was a power play to make sure I knew he was watching, to make sure I knew he'd seen me fixate on his underwear earlier, to make sure I knew that he knew.

I wiped my hand on the underwear, and went to pass them back to him, but he declined.

"You think I want cummy boxers back? No thanks, keep them. My gift to you. Didn't think you'd need a cum rag, didn't know I could get you that wet..."

He smirked as he locked eyes wjth me and I caved once more, looking away in defeat. The game was over, he knew the effect he had on me, and seemed to enjoy reveling in my embarassment each time he turned me on, could tease me.

"So, leaky boy, let's watch this movie, eh?"

He jumped back on the bed, close to me once more, and we watched the movie. After about ten minutes, my boner had gone down and he had made me feel comfortable enough with the occasional chatter throughout, no longer at my expense, that I began feeling more confident, engaging in conversation, riffing on the film with him at the especially egregious scenes in the movie. About halfway through, he had slipped his arm behind me. I had barely noticed it at first but soon it was all I could feel, the weight of his warm skin touching my clothed back. I could feel the warmth through the two layers, white school shirt and white tee underneath, and I can't help but wish I'd said yes to his offer of getting it off these clothes and into his, so I could have one less barrier in between our skin.

Still, I leaned into it, allowing his arm to secure me in place against him, a cuddle almost, with a little nervous energy between us stopping us from getting close enough to really calling it a cuddle. Still, we could enjoy what we had.

The movie was good, it always is, and was rolling the credits when we finished the whole bottle of fizzy and lollies he had brought into the room at the start. Suddenly he got up, and said "I gotta go for a piss!"

He went into the bathroom, leaving the door open, and I could almost immediately hear his stream, loud and strong, as it began hitting the water. He groaned as it happened, a sound of pleasure from the relief. I couldn't help but start to tent again. When he came back from the bathroom, after washing his hands, he said "Fuck I swear thats the best feeling ever, when you've been holding on and just need that release, the pressure coming off feels great! Maybe better than head if I'm honest. What do you reckon?"

"I-I don't know, i mean yeah, it.. it feels great. I've never had, um, y'know, so I cant really compare... but it- it definitely feels good."

"What? Never had head? My poor boy, we'll have to get that fixed for you sometime, huh?"

I blushed, and rested my hands in my lap, leaning forward.

"Well, um, I'd better get going, I'm late home and.. well Dad will probably be sending where I am. Thanks for the dat- uhm.. movie." I leaned over and grabbed my backpack, standing up with in front of me to cover an obvious tent and a possible wet spot starting to make it's way through my boxers and to the front of my pants. As I moved towards the door, he stepped in front of it, blocking my exit out.

"I think you forgot something.."

He sounded.. not threatening, I think it was meant to be flirty, but I was nervous, and stumbling for words.

"I, um, sorry? I didn't mean to.. What'd I..?"

He chuckled a little, and told me to calm down.

"You're cute when you're flustered, get a bit like a deer in headlights, eyes all big, but you dont need to be so nervous. I'm not gonna bite.. well.. unless you ask. Anyway, you forgot three things actually. Number one."

He left the doorframe and went back to his bed, picking up his light blue boxer-briefs and folding them up into a neat little square for me. He came close again, and when I reached out to take them, his free hand gently pushed mine away, and the hand holding the soiled boxers reached towards my hips. I felt his hand slide into my pocket, as he pushed in, leaving behind the underwear, his goft for me. His hand stayed in there a second longer than it needed to, and I felt him almost trying to feel around, finding my arousal. He couldn't quite do much other than feel the pressure extending to my pocket, and as he pulled his hand out, his pinky brushed along my shaft, making me quiver for a sec.

"Woah, boy, you ok? Don't pass out on me" he teased, as he pulled sometime out of his own pocket next.

"Two." My tie. A dark red tie with gold stripes on it all the way down. He reached over my head, in what felt almost like a hug, putting the tie around my collar, and bringing it back around to the front. He did a simple knot, just one end over the other, then tucked through. It was loose, but it worked for what he needed it to. Something to grab again. To pull me in for my first kiss. Just a small one, but I felt myself sink into it as our lips pressed together.

His lips were softer than I thought lips ought to be, and I accidentally let slip a small whimper as his free hand gently rested on my waist. My bag inbetween us still, but i could feel a pressure on it, pushing it into my stomach, as he tried to bring our bodies closer together.

Then he let go, and stepped back, leaving me a breathless mess, shaking slightly. He put out a hand awkwardly, mirroring my unconfortable introduction on our meeting, and chuckled.

"See you tomorrow I guess."


"School, that thing we both go to, that I usually see you at? Say hi to me tomorrow, you never do."

"Oh. Uhm, yea. OK. See you then... I-I'll do that." I shook his hand awkwardly, and we reenacted last nights handshake.

I could see a tent in his red shorts too, as he dropped his hands in front of himself, to cover them. His cheeks had gone a slight rose colour I noticed, as I turned to walk down the stairs. He walked with me in silence, to his front door. He opened it for me and I came face to face with his mother.

"Oh, whose this young lad?" She asked, questioning Lachlan.

"Mum, this is Andy, I told you he might be coming over today, remember? Helping me with chemistry class?"

"Oh right, chemistry boy, I do remember. Glad to see you making an effort, and thank you, Andy, for helping him. He needs it."

"It-it's nothing, really. You're welcome. I have to go now but thanks for having me over." I ducked past her and out the door, walking quickly towards home. What had he meant by saying I might be over? He'd already talked to his Mum about me coming over today? This had been no coincidental from seeing me over the road. He had been intentional with every move he'd made this afternoon, playing me like a fiddle.

Thank you for reading this far, hopefully if I get some good feedback, then part 3 will be up within a week or two!

Again, if you enjoyed my story, flick me an email on and tell me what you thought of it. Even if you dont enjoy the story, still email me, I can take constructive criticism if you're cute!

Next: Chapter 3

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