First Date

By pam parker

Published on Feb 5, 2007



It was a beautiful spring evening. I was in seventh heaven, on my way to the dance with Tim Edwards. Me a 14 year old freshman, Tim a junior and a real catch. My friends and all the girls in the sophomore and junior class were jealous because Tim had asked me to the dance.

I had dreamed of going to my first dance with someone special and my dreams were being answered. Not only my first dance but really my first real date with a boy. I knew some girls talked about making out with Tim but my thoughts were that they probably seduced him. While I was dancing with him, he held me very close and very tight, our bodies melted together and we moved as one. Something in his pocket kept poking me and months later I realized it was not his comb. After three or four dances Tim asked me If I wanted to go out to his car for awhile. I smiled at him and said sure. We settled into the back seat and Tim asked me if I wanted a beer. I declined so he opened one for himself and offered me a drink. I raised the bottle to my lips and took a sip. It was my first taste and it was really quite good. Tim put his arm around my shoulders and drew me close to him. He nibbled on my ear and kissed and licked it. It sent shocks thru my body and I started to feel a twinge between my legs.

Tim finished his beer and we headed back to the gym. Several kids looked at us and grinned, I guessed later they must have thought we had made love. We danced several more dances and Tim told me he was thirsty again so we headed for his car. This time he opened two beers and handed one to me. I really didn't want a whole one but didn't have much choice. Tim drank his down quickly and kept encouraging me to finish mine. When mine was gone he put his arms around me and kissed me, at first a couple of pecks and then a serious lip lock, pushing his tongue into my mouth. That kiss lasted a long time and my body was shaking from the arousal it caused. Tim started rubbing my tiny tits and then his hand was on my thigh, up under my dress.

I put my hand on his but he didn't stop moving it. Caressing the inside of my thighs, running his hand up and down, each time getting closer and closer to my pussy. I knew I should stop him but I was completely under his control. The beer and his kisses were making me lose control. And then I felt his finger, stroking the slit between my pussy lips. The Tim slipped a finger under my panty crotch and continued sliding up and down my bare pussy. By this time I was completely his, both arms were wrapped around him and my legs were spread giving him easy access to my promised land.

"We should go back into the dance, shouldn't we?" Tim asked.

"Yes we should but give me a minute to straighten up a little," I replied. "I don't know if I can even walk. That beer really hit me."

"You'll be alright," Tim assured me.

This time in, the other kids really gave us the eye. I was sure they could tell that I had been completely out of control. But I didn't care. Tim took me in his arms and we danced a slow dance, rubbing our bodies, and once again something was poking me. By tradition, the last dance was done with almost all the lights out. In the dark Tim started rubbing my tits again. I held his hand but that didn't stop him. Then he put both his hands down on my butt and pushed his pelvis against mine. Then I realized what had been poking me. I didn't know what to do but Tim held me so tight I didn't have much choice.

On our way out to the car Tim stopped and talked with a couple of his friends.

"Is it all right if Tony and Seth go with us," Tim asked.

"I guess so," I replied. I didn't realize that Tim thought I knew that he and I were going to have sex and he was asking me if it would be alright if Tony and Seth joined in.

Tim suggested that Seth drive and he and I got in the back seat with Seth and Tony in front. We weren't even out of the parking lot and Tim's tongue was in my mouth and his finger was stroking my pussy. Soon he put his hand on mine and moved it down to the bulge in his pants. I had only seen one cock up to that point in my life and that was the tiny thing on my little brother. Tim's felt huge. I stroked it and rubbed it until Tim asked me to help him get his pants down. We finally got his pants open and down to his knees allowing his hard cock to spring free. The moonlight coming thru the window caste a weird glow on it and the head glistened from the precum.

"Kiss my cock, pleaseeeee," Tim begged. "Run your tongue around the head, please."

I took his cock in my hand. It was strangely soft but very hard and very hot. I bent over and kissed the head as he had asked. Then he put his hand on the back of my head and forced my mouth down on his cock. The sound of a soft "Yes" from the front seat brought me back to reality as I realized that Tony was watching everything that was going on.

I tried to set up but Tim would let go of my head. I struggled a little while but then settled down to my task at hand. The groans and sighs from Tim told me that I was doing something right. The movement of his pelvis up against my face as I lowered down on his cock confirmed. Then Tim moved around so he could once again finger my pussy. My love juice was leaking out of my cunny, making my panties very wet. Tim pulled them down and started entering my pussy with his finger. First just one, just in to the knuckle, then two, flicking around inside my love hole.

Tim move over me, spreading my legs with his and rubbing my cunny with his cock head. I was so hot and wanting him to enter me I wrapped my legs around him and helped him find the mark. Two or three strokes and his cock was against my maiden barrier.

"You are a virgin," he asked, surprised.

"Well yes," I replied.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said.

"It will hurt a little but don't worry about it."

With that, I pushed on his back with my feet and held him tight with my legs, wanting him to penetrate and take my virginity. He pushed just as I pushed and his cock entered the promised land. The pain was very brief and then the excitement took over. Tim's entire cock was sliding in and out of my pussy. The feeling was unbelievable, I never had imagined how wonderful.

"Oh god I'm going to cum," Tim panted. "You are so fucking tight I can't believe how great it feels."

All I could do was say "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Then I felt some kind of hot fluid filling Me inside. Tim just laid down on me. Panting with sweat dripping off his face. Then he moved off of me and started pulling his pants up. I moved around making ready to dressing myself when Tim left the back seat and Tony got in.

"Don't put those back on," he said, "I'll just have to take them back off."

I started to say something but couldn't talk with Tony's tongue buried in my mouth. His hands were on my tits and very shortly in my pussy. I didn't stop to think what was happening, just started to enjoy a new lover. Tony worked much faster than Tim had and in only a few minutes he was pushing his cock into my mouth. It was fatter than Tim's no way could I take as much of it. I sucked and licked up and down the shaft, playing with his balls as I did. His moans were louder than Tim's and I wondered if he was going to cum in my mouth. I knew both his hands were on my head but I felt fingers playing with my cunt. I realized that Seth was fingering me while I was sucking Tony.

Suddenly a hard cock was entering my cunt from behind. What a slut I was two cocks at the same time. One in my mouth, one in my cunt. I couldn't move away from Seth and Tony wouldn't let me stop sucking him so I did the best I could. The speed of the cock hammering my cunt and the cock fucking my mouth increased as both boys rapidly

approached climax, as was I. I had had a small one with Tim but I felt an explosion coming on. Seth cried out "I'm cumming," just as Tony's moans and panting told the world that he was. His load of hot sticky cum filled my mouth. I couldn't swallow fast enough so it was running down my chin. And then mine hit, love juice squirting out of my cunt all over Seth and Tony.

I was exhausted as were the boys. We tried catching out breaths. While we were recovering, Tim got behind the wheel and started driving us back to town. By the time we got to Seth's car I was somewhat composed but could still feel the cum dripping out of my pussy.

Seth suggested he take me home because I lived on his way home which Tim agreed to. He gave me a long kiss and squeezed my tits and said thanks for a great evening. I got into Seth's car and we headed out. On the way Seth pulled into an orchard and turned off the lights and the car.

"What's going on?" I asked."

"I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone, particularly Tim and Tony," Seth said.

"OK," I replied.

Seth took my hands and looked at me as he spoke. "I've only fucked one other girl and that was about a year ago. I really enjoyed it but it also scared me. When Tim stopped and talked with us on the way out of the dance he told us he thought maybe we might be able to fuck you also. I remembered how wonderful my first time felt but I also remembered what I had wanted to do but hadn't."

"What was that," I asked.

"I wanted to lick her pussy. I have thought about that more than I have the actual act of fucking her. Would you let me lick yours?" He asked.

I had heard the girls talk about how wonderful it feels but had never had the satisfaction. I took Seth's face in my hands and planted a special hot kiss on his mouth.

"I would like that very much Seth," I told him. "But I don't know if tonight is the right time for your first time. I have a load of Tim's and your cum in me. Plus all of my juice that all of you caused."

"I don't care," Seth blurted out. "I want to feel what its like to run my tongue in and out of you."

With those words Seth moved down between my legs, I hooked my fingers in my undies and pushed them down and then spread wide so my new lover could have full access to my hot wet cunt. Without hesitation, Seth began licking and sucking on my pussy. I knew he must have been getting mouthful after mouthful of my, his and Tim's cum. But on and on he licked and sucked and kissed and fingered in and out of my love hole. Slurping and moaning, eagerly covering my pussy with his efforts.

"Oh this feels so good Seth." I whispered. "I'm going to want you to fuck me again." I pushed my pussy up into his face. He gripped my ass cheeks in both hands and buried his face in my wet hot cunt.

"I could lick you all night Mindy, you taste so good."

Seth continued licking and playing with my pussy until another climax was about to reward him. With no warning I pushed my cunt into his face and left it there, squirting my hot juice in his mouth and down onto his chest.

"That was so delicious," he cried.

I wanted to suck his cock and taste his cum but it was almost 3 in the morning. My folks were going to be all over me when I got home.

"You've got to take me home," I said. "I've got to get home before it gets any later."

I started pulling on my panties and trying to make myself a little more presentable. I had cum all over my cloths and face and tits. And of course the inside of my thighs were wet. I knew my folks were going to know what had happened. I got out of the car and reached back in and gave Seth a little kiss.

"Thanks for the fun tonight and thanks for the ride home," I said.

"If I call you will you go out with me or are you Tim's girl" Seth asked.

"Right now I'm nobody's girl," I replied. "Call Me."

As I approached the door I couldn't figure out why the house was dark. I knew mom and dad had gone to a party but knew they were home by now. I carefully opened and closed the door and headed for my room. I entered and closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. As I walked past my bed I was grabbed by two very strong hands.

"You smell like a French whorehouse," my dad whispered. "How many guys did you fuck tonight anyway?" "The smell of sex is overwhelming."

"What are you doing in here," I Asked. "And where is Mom?"

"Your mom got drunk tonight and is passed out in there in our bed." "I wanted a hot fuck when we got home but she didn't stay awake long enough."

I had dropped my coat at the door and was unbuttoning my blouse when dad grabbed me. He put his hand under my open blouse and started squeezing my tits.

"My god you've got dry cum all over your tits and chest." He exclaimed.

He pulled my skirt off and felt inside of my thighs and said "And all over your thighs and stomach. You must have been the queen of a gang bang."

His finger entered my cunny and I started feeling all funny again. It didn't matter that he was my father, the only thing that was important was he was a man and wanted to fuck. Then I realized he didn't have a shirt on and remembered he slept in the nude. I dropped to my knees between his legs and took his now hard cock in my hand.

"Yes father, your daughter is a slut. I entertained three cocks tonight. Got fucked by two of them and sucked two of them. I climaxed enough to float a battle ship and drank enough cum that I won't have to eat for a week."

I licked the head of his cock and then buried it in my mouth and throat. Daddy's cock is much bigger both length and thickness than either of the boys so as I was licking and sucking it I was also thinking how wonderful that big cock was going to feel plunging deep into my love canal. Daddy was forcing my mouth further and further down on his cock. The head was at my throat but could go no further. Daddy kept pushing my head And I kept gagging until final I bit his cock.

He yelped and slapped me a hard face slap. I called him a son of a bitch for hitting me and he called me a cunt whore for biting him. I told him I couldn't breathe. He grabbed me and thru me down on the bed. He started slapping my face with his hard cock and saying,

"Beg me you little slut. Beg me to fuck you with my hard cock.'

"Pleaseeeeee push that post all the way in my tight little cunt and fuck my brains out."

With that he kneeled between my legs and rubbed my wet cunt with the head of his cock, getting it slick and ready to penetrate me. I spread as wide as I could and opened my cunt lips with my fingers so he could bury his hard meat in his tender young daughter. I was just beginning to really enjoy his hard cock pounding my pussy when he pulled it out moved around so it was pointed at my face and shot his load all over my eyes and down into my mouth. And it was a big load. Then without a word he left my room and headed for his own.

I used my finger to push his cum down into my mouth then got up and headed for the bathroom. It was about 4 o'clock but I thought what the hell and took a shower to get everybody's cum of my. Then I headed for a long sleep.

That night was the first night of my relationship with three boys and a man. I enjoyed sex with all of them on a regular basis and still found time to develop relationships with other people including my Mother. But that's another story.

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