First Born

By Justin Luong

Published on Aug 27, 2009


Ok peeps, this is my second story that i'm writing for this site. My first one is called The Difference, I don't know if you guys are familiar with it but it is unfinished. It sorta just died. I just can't seem to write it anymore. Well anyway, here's my new story. Hope you guys like it. Oh and you guys know the whole "if you're not old enough don't read this blah blah shin dig." Well enjoy.

First Born

Chapter One: Destructive Introductions

"Where am I going to go? I have everything here. I have my family and friends here, why do I have to be away from all of this?" I asked.

"We're doing this for your own protection. The government is relocating you to the country," my father said.

"The government? The country? You mean the countryside?"

"Yes, the countryside. It's for your own good."

"My own good? I don't get it. Did I do something to deserve this?"

"No, you didn't. I did something in the past that harms you now that you're an adult."

"What did you do, dad?"

"Your dad's not the only one at fault. I am too," my mother added.

"Just tell me what you guys did. I just wanna know."

"There's no use telling you. If you don't leave now, you increase the risk of your kidnapping and later on death. And we as parents will do anything in our power to protect you."

"What about Jon? Is he coming with me?"

"No, he's staying here with us. You're the only one at risk right now. Now go," my mother pleaded trying to hold back her tears.

"Go where? How am I supposed to get to the countryside? I'm so-so lost."

"Your ride is outside now. Just know that we love you and--" my mother stopped as she began to cry.

I let out a sigh and walked out the door. As I walked out, there was a slender limo waiting outside. A heavy set man dressed in a black suit with aviator sunglasses stood in front of the limo. I guess he noticed me because he opened the door for me when I got close.

"All of your belongings are in the trunk. Are you ready?" the man asked as he bowed.

"I guess," I replied as I got into the car.

He gently closed the door after I got in. I've never been in a limo before so being in one now was quite exciting, though in the situation it was rather sad. The windows were heavily tinted. There was a TV and a mini fridge in front of me. The seats were black leather and the floor was covered in peach carpet. As I was examining the interior, I suddenly flew back in my seat. I rocked back and forth in my cell. I swear I must have fell out of my seat a couple of times though I wasn't really paying attention, I was more worried as to why I got stuck with the crazy driver. As focused on keeping a steady composure, I smacked my palm against the window trying to get the driver's attention. The window went down and I could see a clear path of open road. How long was I in the car? Did I zone out? Las Vegas is far away from the countryside so I must have zoned out for awhile.

"Driver, what's going on? What's with the driving? We're going to crash if you continue this any longer!" I explained.

"They're on our tail, I have to somehow lose them for your safety."

"Lose who?! I'm confused in this whole ordeal. Who's chasing us?"

"I'm not allowed to say--"

"If it's going to affect my safety, I need to know."

"All you need to know is that they are the bad people and you're the damsel in distress. Now sit down and buckle up!" He said as the window went back up.

I tumbled back to my seat and buckled up. I swear if I didn't have such a strong stomach I would have gotten bad car sickness from all the twists and turns that came in the car ride. Plus, I swear I heard a few rounds go off. Was I seriously involved in this situation? This is such a lifetime movie. Unzipping my fanny pack, I pulled out my Ipod and put in my earphones. Immediately shuffling my songs, I turned the volume up drowning out the outside noises making my trip a little more pleasant.

I must have fell asleep during that situation because when I awoke, the windows were down and a great subtle breeze woke me up. I unbuckled my belt and looked out the window. Green. All I saw was green. I defiantly wasn't in the desert Las Vegas anymore and there was an awful stench that made my entire face perform the lemon face. I stepped out of the limo only collapsing down to the dirt road.

"You alright, sonny?" came a voice from above me.

I looked up and saw this scrawny woman standing straight up looking down upon me. She had a straw hat that sat on top of her brown hair that was tied up in a bun. She wore a white dress covered in lace and I think it was made out of silk because it had a glossy finish to it. She wore matching white boots.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"You must be Justin. I'm Claire, nice to meet ya," she said as she held out her hand.

I shook her hand and nodded.

"Nice to meet you."

I looked back at the car and noticed that the trunk was open and the driver was missing.

"Oh don't worry about your stuff they're already at your place. I had the town help out."

We started walking off to my house, it's a pretty long walk from where the car was parked.

"So Donnie explained to me the whole situation, you must be tired."


"Oh your driver, guess Donnie was being rude again and forgot to introduce himself. Don't worry I'm sure you'll see him later on."

"Was it okay to leave the limo like that?"

"Oh yes. This place is the safest town in the good ol' United States. No one would ever try and steal from each other."

"Oh okay. So what's fun to do here?"

"Oh there's tons to do out here but I'm sure none of my activities would suit you. When you start school, which you will tomorrow, you can ask some of boys there if you want to go have some good ol' fun."

"There's a college out here?"

"College? Oh heavens no, the closest college is miles away. You'll be attending Bridgewater High as a senior there."

"A senior in high school? But I just--"

"Now I know you graduated already back in the city but like I said the nearest college is miles away. It's better if you just attend the school here."

"Fine," I sighed.

"Now just because you're a guest here does not mean you can get an attitude with me, mister. You got that?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Well we're here."

Here. Where was here exactly? All I knew was that I was in the countryside away from reality and into fantasy reality. My new home in the country. I said my goodbyes to Mrs. Claire and entered my place. My place. I thought I was going to use that word when I was finished with school and was in my mid-late twenties but I guess my life was fast forwarded when I turn eighteen.

My place. It wasn't bad. It was small which was perfect since it was only me that was going to living there. I walked around the house and found that all my stuff really was here. All my personal belongings were here and some other stuff that I guess the government provided like basic home appliances. Guess it really was time to be an adult. I walked towards my room and began to unpack when I heard a knock on the door.

"I'm coming," I yelled.

I opened the door and there stood I guess what I could call a country boy. He had a green plaid button up long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and he had jeans that were cut at the knees. He looked like a typical city boy. He had one of the brightest blue eyes and had pearly whites. His blonde hair was medium length to about his eyebrows, it kind of resembled a side fringe in a "country" way. This place was pretty much a dump until this fine lad knocked on my door.

"Thank you," I said looking up at the ceiling in a non-religious way.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, just complimenting my ceiling."

Complimenting my ceiling? Geez. Why is it that when there's an attractive guy talking to me I turn into a complete dork?

"I see," he said with discerning eyes. "Well my mother asked me--well told me to drop this off to the city boy. It's homemade cornbread."

"Thanks," I said grabbing it and putting it on the counter.

"You know for a city kid, you dress funny. I thought people dressed in expensive clothing and such."

"And I thought country folk wore cowboy hats and overalls. You shouldn't judge people based on stereotypes."

"I-I wasn't. I was just--"

"By the way, I'm Justin," I said extending my arm out. "And you are?"

"Lucas. My name's Lucas."

"Nice to meet you, Lucas.

"Same here. So uh are you going to school tomorrow? The first day is tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll be there. I'll be Bridgewater senior."

"A senior? But you look like a --"

"I know, I know. I don't look my age, it's kinda a curse and blessing."

"Oh well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I guess you will, peace out," I said throwing in a peace sign.

"Uh pe--I mean bye," he said as he walked off bumping into the wooden fence.

I closed the door and brought the cornbread into the kitchen and left it on the dining table. I walked back into my room and finished unpacking. Then I went to bed.

I awoke the next day very early because I guess someone aka Donnie set my alarm clock to 4 a.m. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen only to find Lucas sitting in the kitchen sipping some morning OJ.

"How'd you--"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. My mom said that I should walk you to school since it's your first official full day and she doesn't want you to get lost."

"That still doesn't explain how you got in here."

"Oh I just came in. We don't have locks on our doors. Since we're a small town we know everyone so there's no need for locks."

"Wow, this town is just full of surprises. When does school start exactly?"

"In an hour and a half. But it takes an hour to walk there. You ready?"

"Dammit, fuck me sideways!"

"E-Excuse me? Did you just ask me to--"

"No, it's just an expression we city folk use. We like the work `fuck' so we use it as much as possible."


"For some people, yes. Well I guess I better go get ready."

I walked back into my room and threw on some clothes on. When I walked back into the kitchen, Lucas just stared at me with his blue eyes.

"What are you wearing?"


"That's clothes?"

"Yes, it's an organic white shirt with a striped grey vest hoodie, faded grey skinny jeans, and checkered Vansã. Oh with a black fingerless straight edge glove. I only use one, because the other one is in shreds."

"So this is real city clothes."

"I guess you can call it city clothes. I thought this outfit would be fine, I mean you have a button up."

"True. So are you ready?

"Ready to walk to school for an hour? No, but I don't see a motor vehicle anywhere close by so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and walk."

So as we began to walk to school, I saw a few kids around my age walking to just a few feet ahead of us. They were all dressed like the people back in the city. Well the guys had plaid shirts and denim jeans and the girls wore dresses. We walked a few minutes in silence and when I mean a few I mean at least half way to school. I saw Lucas twiddling his thumbs and whistling some catchy tune. The silence was killing me so I decided to end it.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" I asked curiously.

Do you have a girlfriend? Of course he has a girlfriend. With looks like that I'd be damn lucky if he wasn't.

"Where did that come from?" Lucas asked as he stopped walking.

"Oh well, I was just wondering plus it was getting utterly silent. I was getting annoyed real quick."

"Oh well, I don't," Lucas said quickly. "Do you?"

"Me? Are you kidding me? I would never date a girl."

"Oh so you're into the older women, the cougars."

Geez, this boy is dumb. Might as well go along with what he's saying. Don't know the people here so I may die if I say the wrong answer.

"Sure, I like the cougars."

"Then you're going to like Alice."


"No time for questions, school time."

I looked ahead and saw the school. Wow it defiantly wasn't a typical high school. More like a church that was posing as a school. Either way, it was a school.

"Hey Lucas, over here!" came lots of loud voices.

I looked behind me and I saw a speeding junk heap. I jumped out of the way as it sped right pass me and swerved around facing Lucas.

"Dude Lucas, you weren't at home this morning. Why'd ya walk?" said a girl that was in the back of the jeep.

"I was just walking Justin to school, Daphne."

"Who's Justin?" the girl replied.

Another girl in the car noticed me on the dirt road and basically yelled.

"Oh my goodness, it must be that funny dressed guy on the road over there!"

Everyone in the vicinity looked at me like I was a troll. My outfit wasn't that bad. Okay so I was grey pretty much everywhere, but that's not bad. I slowly got up in an awkward stance and dusted off the dirt off of my clothes. I looked back at where all of the people were located, where Lucas was and his posse was except they were gone. They were all gone.


"Great, my first day here and I'm late," I said as I walked into school grounds and into the building. "It's okay guys, I'm fine. Geez, can't anyone show some concern or do I have to go and fall next to Mrs. Claire to get some sympathy?"

As I was talking to myself, I was greeted by a short, fat man. He had a bad comb over and was wearing a brown suit. He was sweating like a pig and quite frankly I thought he was a pig for a moment.

"You must be Justin. Did you get lost on your way here? You know I told Mrs. Claire to have someone escort you here."

"Oh Lucas did, but I wanted to go on an adventure and explore the school grounds," I lied.

"I don't know why you would want to explore, there's not much here except farming and the occasional storms," replied the man. "Oh I'm Principal Maple by the way."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

Geez am I going to be saying that all the time? It's getting quite redundant. Maple went on and on about school rules and special events that occurred during the school year, which to me, Professional Fun Day didn't quite seem like a `special event' but I guess out here it is. We got to my class and before we went in he looked up and down at my attire.

"That is a uh very peculiar outfit you're wearing, Justin."

"You know you can say it's unusual if you want."

"Oh well...never mind that. Let's get you acquainted with your new classmates."

Maple opened the door, it squeaked like nothing I've ever heard before. I guess this place needed some school funding as well. As we walked in, I noticed Lucas and his posse sitting in the middle of the classroom. Everyone was chatting up a storm until I walked in then they all piped up and glared at me. I looked at Lucas and it looked like he was mouthing the word `sorry', I just looked back at the front and waited for my seat. Maple and my teacher, which I'm guessing was Alice judging from her playboy bunny looks. I swear the buttons on her blouse were going to pop right off. As those two were talking I felt a sudden wet spot on my cheek. I raised my left hand to my cheek and found a spit wad stuck to it. Gross. I looked back at Lucas's posse and they were all laughing up like hyenas actually the whole class was except for Lucas.

"I'm in a class full of naïve children. Great, time here is going to be extra fun," I mumbled to myself.

Maple walked pass me and left without a word but Alice was giving me a face. She looked back at the class and signaled them to be silent.

"Now class I want you all to be nice to our new student," she said as she looked at me again. "Introduce yourself and sit in that empty desk in the middle."

"Do I have to introduce myself?" I whined.

"Aw looks like the faggot doesn't want to speak. I thought your kind loves to talk?" said the guy that almost ran me over today.

"Brett that's enough."

"As you all may or may not know, my name is Justin and I'm from the city," I said. "Can I go sit down now?"

"Yes, that was good."

I walked over to my desk but then was tripped by Brett. The whole class began to laugh again.

"Justin, I will not have nonsense in my class. Hurry up and sit down."

Oh, you have got to be kidding me! This high school is worse than my own high school and that was in the city!

"Yes, Justina go sit down."

"On you?" I asked as I got up.

"No, not on me you faggot. In your seat!"

"Oh sorry, I just thought you wanted me to sit on you since you can't get any girl to sit on you."

The class went silent. Brett got up and stood not too far away from me.

"You got something to say, faggot?"

"Look if you didn't hear me the first time, you don't need to know. It's information that you already knew. Nothing new."

"Justin there will be no more of that, report to the Maple's office," said Alice.

"Thank you. I would rather be there then be in a room full ignorant children."

I grabbed my stuff and left the room. As I was walking towards Maple's office, I wrote down a note stating my early exit from school. When I got to Maple's office, I stuck the note under his door and left the school. Leaving the school made me wonder, where could I go to blow off time till school ended. I was in school for no more than ten minutes so I had a bunch of time to kill.

Now exploring land isn't my greatest skill. I tend to get lost often. But I couldn't just go home. I pass by Mrs. Claire's place on my way back home so going home was not an option. I walked around for awhile and I was starting to get bored. I reached for my phone in my back pocket but then remembered that I couldn't bring my phone with me. My parents said it would increase my potential danger.

Now that I think about it. I still don't know what's going on. All I know is that I'm somewhere in the countryside where all the kids hate me. Sounds like my church experience. Back in the city, I was kicked out based on my sexual preference. I'm pretty sure the same this is going to happen at school, they're actually going to find out about my sexuality and go farther then just calling me names.

But anyway, this is a trip away from home so maybe I should start thinking about this place as a vacation. Well vacation as away from home and not vacation as I have the same problems here just like home but maybe a few more notches of problems, especially Brett. I'm sure he's going to be loads of trouble in my future here.

Wandering off deeper into the country finding nothing more than an open field, I decided to head back. When I got back to town, the sun had already set. It was pretty dark well except for a few lights that were hanging off other people's houses. I got back to my place and went to bed.

When I awoke, I felt a presence. Lucas was probably here again so we can walk together to dreaded high school. As I got to the kitchen though, I was greeted by Mrs. Claire and Donnie the limo driver. They saw me and Mrs. Claire immediately ran up to me and gave me a bear hug.

"Hi Mrs. Claire. Where's Lucas?"

Mrs. Claire let go of me and sat down on my couch. Donnie came up to me, still dressed in his black suit, and jabbed at my shoulder.

"Where were you? We were worried sick about you. When Lucas came home alone from school we knew something was up."

"What did he tell you exactly?"

"He told us that he was talking to his friends and forgot all about you. He's at home grounded."

"At home? But shouldn't he be at school?"

"It's a Saturday. There's no school on a Saturday over here."

"Oh. Well he shouldn't pay for my misadventures. I was sent to Maple's office for my ill behavior. But instead I just left. I guess Lucas stood up for me."

"Oh well in that case, you're grounded."

"I'm what?"

"Your father said that if you did anything bad that I should ground you."

"My father isn't here so just act like nothing happened."

"I can't do that. You're like a son to me."

"Really? Since I'm Asian and you're Caucasian. I really doubt I can see that happening."

"Skin color has nothing to do with you being like a son to me."

"If you want a son, why not have Lucas?"

"He's Claire's son, not mine."

"Neither am I. Look you were hired to protect me. That's it. Don't get close to me, I'm leaving right when everything is safe."

"You can't leave, ever."

"What do you mean I can't leave?"

"Just sit down and we'll talk about this."

"No, tell me now. What's going on?"

"The people after you are dangerous people. As long as they're out there looking for you, you're not safe. They're out to kill you."

"Kill me? Why me?"

"Because you're your father's first born."

Donnie shook his head and sat down.

"Look your father got into some deep shit back in his day. He was part of a gang. And when he left they said they'll get back at him by killing his first born. Your father told them that he would never have kids but a few years later he met your mother and now he has you as his first born."

"Why not just call the cops?"

"They will only make things worse. You're better off here. They won't find you here."

"But weren't they following us the other day?"

"I lost them far ways back."

"The limo is still here. If they find that, they'll find me."

"I've already called for someone to pick it up. It's gone now. This plan is full proof. They won't find you here."

"You better hope on your life they don't."

Mrs. Claire finally got off the sofa and pushed me towards the door.

"Why don't you be a good boy and go tell Lucas he's not grounded anymore," said Mrs. Claire.

"I thought I was grounded?" I said.

Ew, if she's going to get it on with Donnie at my place I am going to have to stay in my room and eat in my room. Where's the bleach when I need it?

"Oh you can worry about that when you get home tonight."

With that I was kicked out of my own place. I dusted off my clothes once again and walked to Lucas's house. When I arrived, I opened the door into their living room and saw Lucas playing the piano. I silently closed the door and leaned against a wall while he played with tons of passion. Then he suddenly stopped mid song.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked. "That was fantastic. I never would imagine you to be a pian--"

Lucas ran to me and pinned me against the wall.

"Why are you here? This is supposed to be my alone time. I'm grounded too!"

"Look I came here to tell you that you aren't grounded anymore. Your mother told me to do it, she practically kicked me out of my own place."

Lucas let go of his grip on me and looked down towards the floor.

"Dude, I would never imagine to see someone like you play a piano that well. You should reach out and--"

"No one knows about this okay. I want it to stay that way."

"Why? You're amazing, you would do great out in the city."

"If people found out that I, Lucas Claire, plays the piano. They'd call me a--"

"A faggot?" I asked. "Like me?"

"Yeah like you--wait you really are gay?"

"Yes I am. Now if that's a problem I'll leave," I said as I headed for the door.

"Wait, don't go!" Lucas said grabbing my shoulder. "I never said you had to go. It's just that I've never met one before and you're not what I see on TV."

"Don't trust television. They're false. Well most of the time."

A clear screen of silence passed through us for a couple of minutes.

"Um do you wanna go out?"

Was I hearing this correctly? Is he asking me out? I need to start thanking my good looks sometime.

"I'm not asking you out if that's what you're thinking. I just thought we needed to get out of the house since I'm not grounded anymore. Maybe we could hang out."

"Oh. Yeah we can most defiantly hang out."

There goes my shot of scoring some country.

"So where do you wanna go?" Lucas asked.

"If you haven't noticed, I have no idea what's fun here. I can't believe I just asked what's fun. There isn't any, is there?"

"Well I don't know what's fun for you but we can always play some--"

"Before you finish that sentence, if you say sports I will like to decline right this instant."

"No, I was saying we can always go on a walk," he laughed.

"Oh a walk would be nice," I said as I headed outside.

Right as I opened the door though there stood Brett.

"Yo, what's the faggot doing here?" Brett asked Lucas.

"We were heading out, you wanna join us?" asked Lucas.

"If he's coming with, I'm going solo," I told Lucas.

"Good, I don't want to hang with you either," said Brett.

I shook my head and walked towards the opposite of my place.

"Hey Brett, that wasn't cool."

"What? He started it."

"Hold on, let me at least go and talk to him."

"You're going to go talk to that faggot? Dude, stay away from him."

"Why? He's cool."

"Cool? He's got you under control. He's going to rape you when you don't know it. If you want to stay with us, then stay away from him. I don't want a faggot friend," Brett explained. "So what will it be? Me or him?"

"You," Lucas sighed.

"Good. I knew I could count on you. Dude let's go."

Lucas and Brett walked to Brett's car and drove off.

Now you're probably wondering as to how I could know all of this well I kinda made a u-turn to go apologize to Lucas but then I heard that conversation going on so I hid behind a shed.

"So that's how he feels now? Guess I have no friends now," I said to myself.

I don't know why I was so down when I said that. I thought I didn't like anyone here. That I just wanted to go home. I guess I really just got attached to another guy and was dumped theoretically. After hearing the "bad" news I gave myself a tour of the town. I ended up at the edge of a cliff. Now I know what you guys are thinking. That I've suddenly gone off the edge and I'm going to kill myself. Well to tell you the truth, I wanted to jump off the cliff but only because it was the only thrill I was going to have in place like this. But all I did was lie down close to the edge of the cliff and watch the clouds pass by. They looked so peaceful just passing on by in the blue sky.

I guess I must have passed out just staring at them because I was suddenly woken up by a drop of water. I looked up at the sky and all I saw was a pitch black. The more I looked at the sky the more water dropped upon my face. Great. Rain. I immediately got up off the ground and started walking home. The walk home seemed a lot longer then usual probably because it started to rain really hard and it started to get really windy. I had to put my arms over my face to walk straight.

"Crap, how am I going to get home like this?" I said aloud.

Suddenly, I saw a spiral form out of the clouds. Then it hit me. Tornado.

"Are you serious? Fuck my life!"

I started speed walking towards my house. I couldn't believe it, it sounds unbelievable but I was out walking the tornado. I could see Claire's place not too far away, maybe a few feet away. Then I saw Claire, she looked frightened...again. I guess she saw me because she was running to me but then Donnie stopped her.

Okay so I know that there was a tornado right behind me but I don't know I just stood there. I decided to look back at the tornado but it wasn't behind me anymore. Did it suddenly just let up?

"Justin!" Claire yelled.

My head jerked forward and my neck popped.


After my short burst of neck pain, I saw Claire flailing her arms. Then it hit me, literally. A metal mailbox flew into my face. I flew back a bit. I couldn't see what was going on. I was a bit disoriented at the time. I decided to just keep on walking though I couldn't see a thing. I think I tripped and slid down something. Everything was happening so fast. Then I passed out in mud.

Next: Chapter 2

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