First Awareness

By Bastian Ward

Published on Jul 14, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay High School fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback.

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My routine had now changed at school. I didn't hang out with my mates so much at lunchtime now, as now I went and watched Will on the running track, and if no one else was around I joined him in the change rooms afterwards. If I was lucky I'd get to suck him off, or he would fuck my arse, that is if there was no one in the change rooms either.

After school I didn't bother walking through the park anymore. I mean why should I, I had what I wanted, my own studly boyfriend. Well I think he's my boyfriend. I'm not really sure, as I haven't had one before, nor a girlfriend for that matter, and I can't talk to any of my friends about him because I don't want to be labelled a poof or anything. I guess more to the point I don't want people to label Will a poof. That wouldn't be fair on him, particularly as I don't know if he has told anyone else. I did try to talk to Troy about it.

Oh, I mean, I didn't ask him if Will was gay or anything. I just asked Troy if he knew if Will had a girlfriend or anything. But typically he didn't know anything. I really wonder if there is anything inside his head at all, some times.

As there was no one else I could ask, as I don't know anyone who does athletics that I could ask, well not without getting my head beat in anyway. So the mystery goes unsolved. Not that I mind a whole lot 'cause I don't really want anyone else to know. It's got nothing to do with them, it's between us. It's just like a secret affair.

Mum suspects something's up though. She asked me the other day if I was Ok. I told her I was. But she persisted and asked me if I was unwell, or coming down with something. I assured her I was Ok. Then she asked me if I was seeing someone. I looked at her, with what I hopped was a horrified expression on my face, and asked her why she was giving me the third degree.

She just said that I seemed different somehow. But when I asked her how, she couldn't tell me. So I told her she was dreaming, and assured her that I was fine, and breathed a sigh of relief when I got into my bedroom.

Wednesday, after school, when I got home; I could hear Will and Troy talking in the kitchen. They were sitting at the kitchen bench, having a drink and talking while Mum got the veggies ready for tea.

"Are you sure you can't come and give me a hand over the weekend," asked Will.

"You know I'm not very handy, mate, I'd probably end up wrecking more stuff than I fixed."

"Oh, come on mate. It's the long weekend. We'd have the place all to ourselves?"

"What's going on?" I asked, as I entered the kitchen.

"Will wants Troy to help him do some repairs to their holiday house. His parents are going to be away, and they asked Will to go up and fix the place for them," said Mum.

"I could give you a hand if you like," I offered.

"There you go," said Troy, "problem solved."

"Hang on," Mum said, "Bastian has to work."

"Um, well, I suppose I could swap my shifts. That is if you don't mind me helping," I said hopefully.

Mum asked Will what he thought about the idea. He just shrugged and said that it was Ok with him, if it was with everyone else.

While everyone was nodding agreement I suggested that I would go and see if I could swap my shifts with someone. I tried to walk very casually to my room and grabbed my phone and called Brian, he owed me a big favour 'cause I'd covered a lot of shifts for him in the past. While he moaned and groaned about it, he finally agreed to swap the shifts.

So, with my heart hammering away inside my chest, I tried to walk very nonchalantly back out to the kitchen. Everyone turned and looked at me, so I told them that it was Ok I was able to swap my shifts with Brian.

It was at that moment that Steve and Chad came home.

"What's going on?" Steve asked.

So Mum told them that I MIGHT be going to the Grampians for the weekend to help Will fix some stuff around their holiday house. Mum suggested to them that they might have wanted to go and give us a hand, but thankfully they both refused.

So Mum told Will that she would have to talk it over with Dad, and if he said it was Ok, then she could see no reason why I couldn't go. On the proviso that I took my homework with me and made sure I got it done, she warned me that I was going up there to work, and not just to goof around on poor Will.

I promised Mum and assured her that of course I would get my homework done, and help Will at the same time.

So with that all settled Will went home, after Mum promising that Dad would call him tonight and let him know what they'd decided.

Mum spoke to Dad after he got home, and he agreed with the plan. So he rang and spoke to Wills parents to make sure that they actually wanted the done, and to find out what car Will was going to be driving. Dad told me that it was all set and that we would leave from school at lunchtime, so I had to make sure that I took everything with me on Friday.

I was over the moon. Just me and Will, alone for 3 whole days. I couldn't wait.

Friday dawn hot and sunny. Last night I spent hours trying to decide what to pack, what not to pack. We were goin' to be away for three days, and I know will has to fix stuff around the house, but I was hopin' to spend a lot of time naked, making out, having sex. Having more sex. Makin' luv.

But then I wondered if we'd be on our own, or if there'd be others there. So then I actually packed some clothes. Enough for the weekend. Then dumped them all, and then act 'surprised' when I'd discovered my 'mistake'.

I don't know. What was a boy to do?

So then I packed, properly for the weekend, and went to school with two bags, and a ragin' hardon in my pants, and leaking copious amounts of precum in my jocks.

Will texted me that we were going to leave at lunchtime, so that we could miss the mass exodus out of the city. So at the end of my last class, I grabbed my bags and headed to the car park, and found Will sitting in their 4wd. Waiting for me, and as soon as he saw me he started the truck. I threw my stuff on the backseat. Noticed all the stuff in the tray, and realised that we were going to be doing a lot of work. Oh, well I thought, as I jumped in the passenger seat. Put my seatbelt on. And we were off.

We jumped onto the Monash freeway, and basically followed it all the way. The Monash ran into Citylink, and then out the Westgate freeway. We stopped for something to eat at McDonalds along the freeway.

We continued on our way out the Western Freeway, and left the city behind as we passed Caroline Springs. After we went through our last set of traffic lights, Will reached across the console. Grabbed my hand and put it on his thigh. "Hello, lover boy," he said.

I blushed, and he laughed.

"You know I really wanted you to come away for the weekend all along, don't you?"

I just looked at him.

"Yep, I had to ask Troy first, just so they didn't think it was strange that I wanted to take you away for the long weekend."

"What you planned this whole thing?"

"You bet babe. My parents were going to get a local handyman to do the work as usual, but I eventually convinced them to let me do the work. Well, at least to give it a go."

"Have you done these kind of repairs before?"

"Well, I've helped my Dad plenty of times, so, I think I'll be Ok."

We actually drove into Ballarat, instead of taking the ring road around it, as Will had promised his parents that we'd stop there and have a break. So we got out and had a look at some of the old buildings in the centre of town. After half an hour, we left Ballarat, via the Avenue of Honour, and set course for Ararat, which was an hour away.

By the time we exited the Avenue of Honour my hand was resting in his groin, and he was getting hard, so I left it there for the rest of the trip. As we were going past Great Western, I was looking at the vineyards and Will asked me if I had ever tried Champagne. I told him I hadn't, and he just laughed.

At Stawell, we turned off the freeway and took the Halls Gap road and headed into the Grampians. We stopped in Halls Gap and picked up some supplies, and then we just climbed up into the mountains.

The scenery was fantastic, I asked Will if he was scared of bush fires. He said he wasn't. He went on to say that they'd had a bit if rain so it wasn't quite so dry, so we should be Ok. Then he laughed at me.

We finally got to the house 'round 5pm, and I was never so glad to get out of the truck. We unpacked the truck. We put our clothes on the front porch, and unloaded the wood and tools in the tray onto the back porch. We put all the food in the kitchen.

I was stuffing stuff in the fridge; I turned around, to get some more stuff out of the bag, but turned into Will instead. He kissed me long and deep, while he ran his hands up and down my back. Occasionally cupping my arse and giving it a firm squeeze every time.

I could feel our cocks growing, mine straining against the confines of my pants, and Wills pushing into my abdomen. We broke apart and he went back outside leaving me panting and wanting more. When I realised that he wasn't going to come back anytime soon, I went back to stuffing the food into the fridge.

When I'd finished I went outside and saw that Will had been busy, he'd stacked all the wood and tools and stuff against the back of the house and had got the B-B-Q going.

The view was breathtakingly beautiful. I looked out at the mountains that surrounded us, making me feel incredibly small. I could just see a waterfall in the distance, but my eyes were slowly drawn back to the sight of Wills' naked butt as he was bent over fussing with the wood for the B-B-Q.

I stood and watched his hole as it winked at me occasionally, and it didn't take me long to strip and creep up behind him. I bent over and kissed his hole before he jumped up in surprise. He turned around and enveloped me in a bear hug and kissed me again.

When he'd finished he steered me over to one of the deck chairs, and depositing me in it, and he returned to tending the B-B-Q. So I just sat enjoying the view, the mountains, the waterfall, and Wills naked cock slapping around between his legs. On the occasions he turned his back to me I got to look at his perfect arse, and watched him as he worked his arse, as he moved about the deck.

After a bit I could smell the food cooking. Will disappeared inside and bought out a CD player, so we could have some music.

We sat and ate, then cleaned everything up. Will then took me on a tour of the house, and we stowed our gear in the bedroom we were going to use. Then Will made a list of all the work we had to do, both inside and outside the house. He decided that we could fix the broken cupboards inside tonight, and then tomorrow we could work on fixing the eaves, the decking, and the railings etc outside.

Of course we did the work naked, nothing was said, and naturally, if I was home I'd probably be naked or not wearing too much. I guess I was a bit surprised that Will seemed to be totally cool about walking around the place naked. I'd never seen him walking around naked at my place, until we had sex that is, after that I only saw him naked in my room, and I guess I just thought he got dressed to walk around the house. It was the rule of our house that if we had visitors then everyone was covered neck to knee, that's what happened. I didn't even think about it.

So Will and I were getting pretty hot and sweaty, and it probably was because I was daydreaming about licking all the sweat off him later, that I accidently dropped the wood I was holding up for Will. I apologised and told him my wandered for a minute. Will just shook his head. He told me to wait here and he went off to get something.

When he came back he was carrying a tube of lube and some black thing in his hand, which he gave to me to hold.

"What's that?"

"It's one of my butt plugs."

"It's a what?"

"A butt plug?"

"What do you do with it?"

"Think about it, Bastian?"

Suddenly it dawned on me what a butt plug was used for. Well at least I could work out where it went, and before I knew I was going to do it, I held it up to my nose and had a sniff.

Will laughed, "Don't worry. It's clean. I wouldn't give you a dirty one?"

"Oh," I sighed, trying not to sound too disappointed.

He took it off me and told me to bend over. I could feel his finger working lube up into my hole, and I moaned. Then I felt his finger being replaced by the plug. It felt almost the same as when Wills' cock pushed against my hole before he pushed it in. He told me to push against it, which I did, and he slowly pushed the plug up my arse.

When he'd finished, I had a raging hardon. "Ok," said Will, "now maybe you'll concentrate on what we're doing."

"What," I yelped, "with this thing up my butt and me with a raging hardon! You must be joking!"

"Hold this," he said sternly, as he gave me back the bit of wood to hold. With the butt plug up my arse it was very hard to concentrate on anything but my butt, and the incredibly full sensation I now had. My cock was really straining for attention.

"I thought it might be a bit hard for you, so I brought this one as well." He said as he showed me, what looked like a monster of butt plug. Will laughed at the look on my face.

"Don't worry," he said, "one day you'll be begging to have this one up your butt. I promise."

For me it had the desired effect. My cock went down a bit and I was able to concentrate on the job at hand.

We finished fixing the cupboards; we replaced some of the skirting boards, and then painted all the new wood. When we finished painting, we grabbed some drinks and went out to sit on the deck and enjoy the warm night.

I had forgotten about the butt plug, until I went to sit down, that is. I jumped straight up again. I reached around to take it out, when Will asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was taking it out so I could sit down. Will told me I had to leave it in until he took it out. I just looked at him. Deciding that he wasn't joking, I gingerly sat on the edge of the chair and then laid back. So I was kind of stretched out in the chair instead. I could still see the view, and handle my drink, so after a bit I settled into my new position and relaxed.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew I was being woken up by Will sucking my cock for all he was worth, and before I realised it I was shooting loads of cum down his throat. My arse felt really strange, until I remembered the butt plug was still there, it increased the sensations in my arse just so much.

Will helped me up and we went inside and went to bed. Will pulled the plug out of my arse, then fucked me over and over, and I sucked him for what felt like forever. At some point Will was sucking my arse so hard I thought he was trying to hoover all his cum back out of me, I was in heaven, and to top it all off, Will and I got to spend the whole night together in the same bed. We both fell asleep in the small hours of the morning, Will with his softening cock still up my arse, and I fell asleep very happy and content.

The next thing I knew was Will cracking me on the arse with his open hand, I shot up. "What the fuck did you do that for," I said as I rubbed sore arse.

"Come on sleepy head," he replied, "this is the third time I've called you. Come on. You have to get up. There is a lot of work we have to get done today."

I scooted off the bed as Will raised his hand above his head again. "Ok. Ok. I'm up."

Will grabbed me into a bear hug and kissed me passionately. We went and had breakfast. I had a shower and Will told me he would meet me outside. When I went to get dressed Will had left me out a pair of overalls, so I put them on.

When I got outside there was a rickshaw with all these tools loaded into the back. Will called out from the shed that we had to fix the path in the bush this morning, he told me to jump in as he was going to pull the rickshaw to the spots we needed to fix. This way he could get his exercise as well.

So I jumped into the rickshaw, just in time to see Will exiting the shed in nothing but a jockstrap, runners, and, as I soon discovered, a butt plug with a horses' tail attached to it. As he picked up the shafts of the rickshaw, he told me that the view from the path was breath taking, and I couldn't agree with him more. I loved the sight of him running in front of me; because of his chosen attire I could see the muscles in his back working. As well as the sight of his arse bobbing around in front of me was such a turn on. I could only marvel at the sight of his legs as they seemed to just flow underneath him, and to top it all off was the sight of the horses' tail hanging out of his arse. Could it get any better than this, I asked myself?

I was so mesmerised by the sight of Will running in front of me that I forgot we were travelling down the side of a mountain along a narrow path cut into its side. That is until we hit the first turn, which Will took at speed. I yelped and grabbed the sides of the rickshaw, as I heard Will laughing at me. "I told you to hold on," he called over his shoulder.

After about 10mins of his mad dash down the side of the mountain, Will started to slow up a bit. I realised that he must have been looking for something, then having found the spot he was looking for, he set the rickshaw shafts on the ground. He stood there, covered in sweat, his chest heaving. I got out of the rickshaw, while Will got the tools out of the back. As I looked around I could see where some of the rocks and boulders that where shoring up the side of the path had come loose and rolled away down the mountain a little way. So Will and I manhandled them back into position. We dug them back in and made sure that they were secured again so that they wouldn't give way I hoped. For a while any way.

We loaded all the tools back onto the rickshaw. I jumped in. Will picked up the shafts again and we were off. Having kind of got use to the sight of an almost naked Will running front of me, I was actually looking at the scenery. The bush in the Grampians is breath taking at the best of times, but being pulled down the side of the mountain by an almost nude hunk of a male, with whom I just happen to be having the most mind blowing sex in the world with, just added so much to the experience.

While I was looking at the scenery I happened to notice a horse whip was hanging from the top of the fold down cover. I unhooked it and gave it a few experimental switches, and well you can guess what happened next, yep. I flicked the whip and got Will right on the butt. Which he obviously wasn't expecting, as he yelped and seemed to pick up the pace a bit, I, on the other hand, wasn't prepared for the sound of the crack as the whip reached its zenith point. So I in turned let out a yelp of surprise, but once I got over that, whenever I thought Will was slacking off I'd whip his arse and give him the hurry up.

By the time we had got to the bottom of the path, we had fixed about 15 rockslides and made the path secure again. Will had a very red arse, he had complained of my 'over use of the whip', as he put it. And I countered with the fact that he was the one with the tail, not me.

We were in deep shade, at the bottom of the path, and there was a creek, so we had lunch, and then swam in the creek for a bit. Had sex in the great outdoors, which was a new experience for me, well let's face it, all of this is a new experience. I was flat on my back looking up into the gum tree and spotted a koala bear looking back at me as it sleepily chewed its leaves.

We loaded the rickshaw again, and Will ran up the path, albeit a bit slower this time, but I did try to encourage him with the whip as much as I could, that is until he came and took the whip off me and threw it in the back with the other tools. I made him fight me for it though.

We eventually got back to the holiday house, and I helped Will put all the tools back into the shed. We started on the back decking, ripping up the rotten slats and the rotten handrails and step. We replaced all the stuff we ripped off, sanded and stained it. The front porch, stairs and railing were in good nick, so we didn't have to fix any of it, so that was good. We went inside and repainted all the stuff we had fixed last night. By then the back deck was dry enough to give that another coat.

We cleaned up our mess, putting the tools and the left over wood in the shed. Packed a picnic tea and Will was going to take me and show me MacKenzie falls that were just up the road. He didn't have a shower, but he did pull out his butt plug, finally I grabbed it before he could wash it because it smelt great. It was such a heady aroma, I wanted to keep it, but Will wrestled it out of my grasp, eventually. He washed it and we loaded ourselves into the truck with a picnic tea and went and ate by the falls.

I asked Will on the way if I could have his jock, and when he asked me why when I already had his dirty jocks at home. I told him that while I did love smelling his jocks while I was beating my meat, they did have a slight piss smell that I didn't like quite so much.

We sat and ate in the fading light, and while I was having a great time, it was marred a bit by the thought that all this has to end tomorrow when we go home. Will asked me what was wrong, so I told him how I was feeling. He just pulled me close and reminded me we still had tonight.

We headed back to the house after the moon rose, I wished I could have stayed there forever. Just Will and me with no one else now that would really have been heaven.

Will climbed up into the roof to check to see if any possums had got in, we hadn't seen any signs of them, but Will wanted to check just to make sure.

Then we settled into another night of mad passionate sex. I lived the feeling of Wills' cock as it slide in and out of my arse, and the sensation of his hot cum squirting up into my arse.

I did ask Will if he wanted me to fuck his arse, I didn't really want to, I liked being his bitch. I didn't really want him to be mine, but thankfully Will was happy for me not to fuck his arse, turns out he liked being the 'man' in our relationship. Once again, for a second night, I fell asleep with Wills' softening cock still buried in my arse, and again I fell asleep very happy.

Monday morning dawned blistering hot. Our Indian summer had really struck with a vengeance. It was just as well we didn't have to do anything to strenuous today, just give everything a final coat of paint or stain. Clean the house. Load everything back onto, or in the truck and we were ready to hit the road just before lunch.

Will had promised his parents he we would be home by 5pm, so we hit the road, planning to stop for lunch in Stawell, Will wanted to show me the gold mine that they had reopened and was now a going concern.

We went past Ballarat at 2pm, and we started to notice a bit more traffic on the road, by the time we hit Caroline Springs the traffic had built up quite a bit. We got home Ok. Will dropped me off at home, and told me he'd see me at school tomorrow. Yeah, I said as the idea of our dream weekend slowly died. I headed indoors.

Tuesday morning I headed off to school as usual, after having to beat my meat three times before I could get to sleep last night. I would have thought after all the sex I'd had I wouldn't have wanted to masturbate, let alone having to so often before I could sleep. But I wasn't complaining too much.

I found Will running around the track at lunch time and waited for him to finish running his laps. He beckoned me to follow him as he headed to the change rooms. When we got into one of the cubicles he grabbed my head and kissed me long and deep. He fished around in his bag until he found his jock that he had put in a zip lock bag for me. I nearly squealed with delight as I stuffed the bag into my schoolbag. I sucked Wills' cock until he shot his load of hot cum down my very willing, waiting throat. Having done that Will kissed me, and then pushed me out of his cubicle, slamming and locking the door behind me.

I went off to class with the taste of wills' cum in my throat. I was one very happy school boy.

Next: Chapter 4

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