First 7 Day's Of My Cross Dressing Vacation

By Robin

Published on May 16, 2004



One summer while on vacation with my family I started developing my plan. My parents are retired and have a big motor home. They love to travel and I was stuck driving them. Really bored. My sister (Sandy) two years older than me had got out of the trip because she had a job and couldn't get time off. I would use the same excuse the following summer.

As it turned out my mother had planned this big trip to the west coast to visit her sister. They would be got two to three weeks. Sandy and her boy friend would be going along to help with the driving and it was a chance for him to suck up to my parents before marrying my sister.

Great, I would have all that time alone at home. I could fulfil my dreams. I had cross dressed all my life but had never even been out of the house dressed. I stashed back money for a year just for this time of my dreams. I even let my hair grow long much to the displeasure of my parents and teasing from my friends. I stopped trimming my nails and kept them as long as I could and still be able to hide them. I even talked Sandy into letting me use her mustang while she was gone which was a much better car than mine.

The big day came and at 5:00 AM the big motor home pulled out with all aboard except me. I was still sleepy so I put on a night gown and went back to bed. At 9:00 AM I awoke. Peeked out the window to make sure they hadn't returned. I got out of bed and started my first full day as Susan.

It was so pleasant to be able to walk around in the house in my night gown without fear of being caught. I ate my breakfast on the patio enjoying the morning and feeling so much like a real girl. Then it was to the tub where I shaved my legs for the first time and under my arms. I'm lucky that I naturally don't have hair on my chest. I've always been small. 5' 7" and only weigh 120 lbs. Only one inch taller than Sandy and 10 lbs. heavier. That made it perfect for me to wear her close.

While in the tub I decided that I would also use her bedroom as my own. It felt nice to get out of the tub and lotion my body. Dried my hair a little and warped a towel around me up under my arms just like a girl. Priss to her room to pick out what I wanted to wear for the day.

It was wonderful trying on all her panties and bras, skirts and tops and dresses. Then on to her and Mom's make up. Mom's clip on ear rings and Sandy's nail polish. I loved it and I really worked hard at it. By the time I was finally finished it was 5:00 PM.

I couldn't believe what I looked like. In the full length mirror I saw Sandy standing there. A different hair style but I sure did look like her. I spent the rest of the day and night walking around the house in high heels and a short skirt. Teaching myself how to walk and sit as a girl. I even practiced how to raise my voice.

At midnight I removed all my make up and put on one of Sandy's sexy little nitties and slipped into her bed. I only laid there a short time before I started dreaming about what it would be like to have a boy there making love to me. I pleasured myself to those dreams and went off to sleep.

The next morning I awoke to a raging hard on and feeling so sexy wearing that nittie. I couldn't help myself. I had to pleasure myself again while still dreaming I was a girl and a boy was there taking me.

This was day two at being Susan an with no houses close by I could even enjoy being outside.

One thing I realized was that after pleasuring myself that morning I wasn't horney and dressing took on a whole other meaning. I found myself enjoying being a girl without the thought of sex entering into it. Always before I had dressed for the sexual part of it. Now I was a feeling more like a real girl.

By night fall I couldn't help it. I had to have more. The house wasn't a big enough world. I took Sandy's car and drove to the city. It was almost fifty miles away but I couldn't go to our local town with out people recognizing me. Although I was scared to death nothing happened and I was back home safe by midnight.

Day three was about the same with another night ride. I had gotten a lot better with my make up and choice of close. Bravery set in and I took a short day time ride.

Day four was the terrible day. I had just came down stairs from using the bathroom and walked to the kitchen. There standing in the door way looking in and just getting ready to knock was Dale. One of my best friends. He said:"Sandy, is John home?"

Then taking another look as he opened the screen door and walked in, "John, is that you?"

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't move. I was in total shock. I wanted to run but couldn't. I was busted. Dale said; "What the hell are you doing?"

I turned and ran up stairs to my bedroom where I slammed and locked the door. As I jerked all the close off I heard him call for me twice but I didn't answer. Then I heard the back door and finally his car as he left.

I was so scared. Now the whole world would know and my family would know. I was doomed. I would be labeled queer and faggot for the rest of my life. My parents would die. Everyone would hate me.

I washed all the make up off and put on my male close. I laid on the bed and cried my eyes out for the next three hours. Then I heard Dale's car as he came back. Why hadn't I heard it this morning? If I had only heard him I wouldn't have been caught. I knew I would have to face the music. I would have to answer the door. Maybe I could beg him not to tell on me and save my life.

When I opened the door for him he said; "Maybe we should have a little talk."

I lied to him and told him I was just fooling around and then I asked him not to tell anyone about it. He never said he wouldn't tell but he told me it didn't bother him. He didn't care if I dressed like a girl. Then he went on to say how when he first saw me he thought I was Sandy. That I looked just like her. He asked if I was queer. I said no way. Then he shocked me by saying; "To bad. I wouldn't mind a blow job from Sandy. I've always had the hot's for her. I tell ya what. I have to take some stuff home to my mom. I'll clean up and come back. Maybe by then Sandy will be home, again." He smiled and winked at me.

"Sandy's gone on vacation. She won't be back for two weeks." I hadn't realizing what he meant.

He said; "No, I think she'll be here all dressed up because she doesn't want anyone to know her little secrete."

Then it dawned on me what he meant. I didn't know what to say. He got up to leave and said; "I'll see ya later."

I went back to my room and started to cry again when the thought accrued to me, this is what I've really wanted all my life and here it is. Why am I crying?

But Dale would want me to do something I've never done before and I don't know if I could ever do that for real. I've thought about it. I've dreamed about it but I couldn't ever do it for real.

Then it hit me, No, I couldn't do it but Susan could. For three days I was a total girl. Girls do that to boy's. Besides, I would get to be dressed as a girl in front of someone else for the first time, well, the second time. Anyway, did I have a choice? If I didn't go through with this Dale would tell on me. So I determined to be the best girl I could be when Dale came back. I hit the shower and started singing that song, I'm going to wash that man right out of my hair. It's length was right at my shoulders now. I rolled it so it would curl up on the ends and took the scissors to trim sort of bangs in the front.

I like I was a girl getting ready for her first date. Which in a way was. I decided to go the full course. Black lace panties and bra. Garter belt and black stockings. A short black dress with a full skirt to it that came to just above my knees. Matching high heels. Pearl necklace and ear rings. At least one ring on every finger and deep red polish to match my lipstick.

I spent over an hour on my make up. I also realized how much make up I had used in the last few days and would have to replace it or it would be missed and questioned. But like Scarlet O'Hara I would worry about that later.

By 8:00 PM I was ready. I went down stairs and about 8:30 I heard Dale's car drive up. I peeked to make sure it was him. This time he came to the front door and knocked. Scared and shaking I went to let him in.

The first thing he said was; "Hi Sandy. Man, you look good tonight."

"Sandy's not home. I'm Susan, her sister."

He came in and I led him back to the kitchen wondering if he was watching my ass as I walked. I handed him a glass and poured us both a beer. He kept telling me how much I looked like Sandy and that I made a good looking girl. He asked me a dozen questions about me dressing. How long I had been doing it and why I did it. I came clean and told him the truth. Even how I had planned to stay home and be a girl the whole time my parents were gone. Then I asked him point blank if he was going to tell on me.

He smiled and said; "Not if I get what I want. You want to be a girl for a couple of weeks, maybe I'll be your boy friend and give you what all girls really want."

He took hold of my hand and used it to rub his cock which I could tell even through his pants was already hard.

"Dale, I've never done this before. I'm not sure I can."

"Sure you can little girl. Come on."

He led me into the living room where he started to sit on the couch. I said no. Someone might come to the house and catch us down here. Instead I led him up stairs to Sandy's bedroom. On the way up the steps he rubbed my ass which made me jump a little. He just laughed and said what ya got on under there as he tried to lift the hem of my dress. I garbed the back of my dress so he could lift it. He laughed again and said I was acting just like a real girl.

In Sandy's room I turned to face him. Even though I was so embarrassed I couldn't look him in the face I wished he would kiss me or something but instead he un-buckled his pants and then un-zipped them pushing them down. He just stood there so I started unbuttoning his shirt.

Once I had his shirt off I reached down and felt his cock through his underwear. Right then I knew I wanted to feel it for real. I wanted to see it. So I took hold of his underwear on each side and pulled them down letting his hard cock spring to attention. He turned and set on the bed. His cock was standing straight out. It was large but not huge. I thought it was about the same size of my own. But his balls were much larger than my own. I realized that this was the first time I had ever really looked at another guy's cock. I looked to his face and realized he was watching me and I could feel my face blush from embarrassment.

"Do you like what ya see? You want this big cock don't ya, Baby."

I was to embarrassed to say anything so instead I got on my knees and took his shoes and socks off. Then I pulled his pants and underwear the rest of the way off. He slid up on the bed completely naked.

"Now, it's your turn, Girl. Let me see what you have on under that dress."

I reached behind and zipped it down. I let it fall from my shoulders to my waste. Then I pushed it off my hips and let it fall. There I was in panties, bra, garter belt and stocking and high heels.

"Damn, you look just like a girl. Leave the rest on and come here."

He took hold of his cock and stroking it he said; "Here, Baby, it's all yours."

I sat on the bed and just looked at it for a minuet then I took hold of another guy's cock for the first time. I really didn't know what to do. But I did like how it felt in my hand. Then I thought, OK, I'm a girl. Be a girl. Enjoy doing this just like a girl would for the first time. So I started examining it. I rubbed my fingers across the head of it and noticed how smooth it felt. Then I moved on to feeling his big balls. I caught myself enjoying this. It was turning me on. My red nails wrapped around his shaft and stroking it.

I looked at him again and he was watching my hand on his cock. He looked at me and smiled.

"That feels good, Baby. Make it last a long time."

That sealed it for me. I had to have it. I had to enjoy this. I bent over close and lightly kissed the tip on it. Then I kissed it again a little harder. I looked at it and I had left red lipstick on it. I smiled and held it for him to see.

"Maybe I better get that lipstick off it."

Then I started to lick the head real good. When he moaned it sent chills through me knowing I was pleasing him. I held my mouth wide open and put his cock as far back as I could. Then I slowly closed my mouth and lips against it and sucked. I liked it and just kept it there like that until he started to push into me. Then I started long slow strokes in and out. Each time trying to go as deep as I could.

I didn't want to but he made me stop. he said he didn't want to shoot his load yet. I just placed my hand on top of that wonderful cock and smiled at him.

"Do you like doing that?"

I was so embarrassed all I could do was nod yes.

"I like it to. Come here." He said.

He pulled me up beside him and reached over to rub my crouch. I had my dick tucked down between my legs and he pushed them apart so he could feel me. He just did that for a moment and stopped. I think he was having second thought about all this and I knew I couldn't let it end.

So I smiled at him and said; "Please let me suck your big cock some more. I'll be all the girl you want."

I started stroking him and moved back down so he could watch me suck him again. I started giving him all I could. All of a sudden his cock grew even larger and harder. He was moaning like crazy and I knew he was close to cumming. I wanted that cum. I wanted to make him have the best orgasm ever. It was really turning me on to make him feel this way.

He started cumming. The first blast hit my mouth hard and the second filled me. I couldn't stop and so I just swallowed all I could. He gave me at least three more blast. Maybe four. When he stopped I kept bobbing my head and swallowing all I could. I had lost some and it was running down his shaft and on to my hand. His cock was going soft and I knew it was the end. I stopped and waited a moment but then I again put his now soft cock in my mouth. I liked it being soft. A few more sucks and I stopped. I then gave it one last soft kiss right on the head.

I didn't want to look at him. I just jumped up and as I headed for the bathroom I told him to lay there. I washed a little cum off around my mouth. Then used mouth wash. As I warmed a wash cloth I applied fresh lipstick. Grabbed a towel and headed back to the bedroom.

As I entered he said; "I guess I better go."

I said; "No, not yet. Let me at least clean you up first."

I washed his cock and balls real good and was enjoying doing it. He just laid there not saying anything. When I finished I looked at Dale and said;

"Thank you. I really enjoyed doing that. I hope you did to and I hope you don't think I'm evil."

"No, I don't think your evil but I better go."

He got up and started getting dressed. I sat on the bed watching and realized I was enjoying watching him dress. I got up and started to put my dress back on but instead I garbed a long thin black robe that went with one of Sandy's night gowns. Then I slipped on a pair of pink heeled slippers with fussy stuff on them.

I followed him down stairs and to the door. Before he walked out he turned to me and said;

"I'm not sure about all this. I don't know if I can get over you being a guy. You sure do make a good looking girl and you can really suck a cock."

He stopped for a moment and then said; "I hope you won't tell anyone what we did."

I smiled and said; "How could I ever tell without telling on myself. I just hope you don't think bad of me and Thank You for letting me be a girl."

He asked if I was going to continue with my plans. I said I wasn't after he had caught me but now I feel more like a girl than ever before. I looked deep into his eye's in a longing way just hoping he'd kiss me. That's all I needed to fulfil my first time.

He must have read my thoughts because he said; "I can't kiss another guy. Especially after what I just did in your mouth."

"I know. I understand."

"I'll see ya later."

Then as he went down the porch steps I followed him to the top and said; "I hope so."

That was it. He got in his car and as he drove off looked back to see me standing there, arms crossed over my breast holding my robe closed. Feeling so wonderful.

It wasn't even midnight yet but I closed up the house and went to bed still dressed in my panties, bra garter belt, stockings. All I changed was the robe for the long black night gown. I was feeling so sexy and pleasured myself to a wonderful climax dreaming of sucking Dale's cock.

Day five was about like the first couple. I didn't hear anything from Dale but I really didn't expect to. I figured our friendship was forever lost. I had many feelings of regrets during the morning but by mid-day they had changed to feelings of desire to pleasure Dale again. I went for a ride that afternoon and didn't get home until after midnight. I liked riding around as a girl feeling the air under my skirt.

Day six and I was just about to fix me a lunch when I heard a car drive up. I peeked and it was Dale. I ran to the bathroom to freshen my make up. As I got back to the kitchen he was just getting to the back door. I let him in and said I was just getting ready to fix lunch did he want some.

He looked me over. I was wearing a short tight blue jean skirt and yellow V neck T-shirt top and sandals. It was my girl next door style. He was wearing cut off jeans and a T-shirt.

"I see your still a girl."

"I see your still a good looking guy."

We both laughed and that helped break any ice between us. I fixed us lunch and we sat out on the patio where we ate and talked. He confessed he liked what we had done. I told him I did to and as long as no one else knew there wasn't any harm in it. We had finished lunch so I picked up the plates and carried them to the kitchen. Dale followed me.

I was standing at the sink rinsing them off when he walked up behind me. Put his arms around me then pushed his cock against my butt. My hair was in a pony tail and he lightly kissed my neck. Chills ran through me. I pushed my butt back to him and wiggled it a little. He kissed my neck again and I turned to face him putting my arms up around his neck. He pulled me close and tight and kissed me deep and hard.

I melted. I had never been kissed like that before. God! It was wonderful. He broke it off. Looked at me. I smiled and closed my eyes wanting so much for him to do it again. He did and it was just as wonderful. I was just about to cream in my panties.

I broke the kiss off this time and with out saying a word took him by the hand and pulled him up stairs to the bedroom. I kissed him as I unbuttoned his pants and pulled his zipper down. I dropped to my knees pulling his shorts to his ankles. He wasn't wearing underwear which some how excited me.

I took his wonderful cock in my mouth and started sucking. He placed his hands on my head to guide me and I thought how sexy even that felt. He was fucking me in my mouth. Before he cumed he stopped me. We moved to the bed where he had me remove my top and skirt. I fell between his legs and again attacked his cock. I wanted it. I needed it. Last time it was for his pleasure. This time it was for my own. It didn't take long before he was shooting into my waiting mouth again. This time I knew what to expect and didn't loose a drop. Again I felt it get soft in my mouth and I liked it. I never thought I would ever do such a thing much less enjoy it. But then I thought it wasn't John who was sucking another mans cock. It was Susan. I was Susan and Susan likes to suck cock.

He was finished but I wasn't. I wanted more. I told him to turn over and I stated giving him a long good rub down. Starting at his head and working all the way down his back to each foot. I liked doing it. It gave me the chance to really see him naked all over. He's got such a cute butt. I even kissed each cheek.

Then I had him roll over where I started at his feet working my way up. I made sure I didn't touch his balls or cock. I was saving them for last. When I got to his nipples I played with them some. I loved his hairy chest. I bent over and kissed each nipple and gave each a nice little suck. He was ticklish but enjoyed me doing it.

By the time I was finished he was just about asleep. He looked so peaceful and cute laying there. That's when I took advantage of him again. His cock was soft and just laying there. I moved around where I would be comfortable and as soon as I raised his cock up I put it in my mouth. It was soft and I just held it in my mouth giving it tong and sucking action. It started to grow. I loved how it grew in my mouth.

He tried to move my head away but I wouldn't let him. He said he didn't want to do it that way again. He wanted to fuck me. I stopped sucking him and started giving him a hand job.

"I'm not ready for that. I'm scared it will hurt."

"Let's try and if it hurts to much I'll stop. I promise. Go find something to lube up with."

I came back with some KY jelly and he said since it was my first time I better get on my knees and he'd do it from behind. He came to me and I felt his cock against my butt hole. I pulled a pillow down to hug and tried to put my butt up to him. He said relax and pushed a little. He kept telling me to stay relaxed and just hold still. That he would do all the work.

I felt the head enter me and it hurt but not bad at first. He would pull back just a little and then push into me again each time a little deeper. It was hurting and I told him so but he just kept saying relax it's almost in. It was really hurting but he kept it up until I finally felt his hips against my butt. He stopped and held his position. I relaxed and as I did the pain subsided some what.

"Just relax, Baby. It will stop hurting and feel good if you'll just relax."

"How do you know?"

He said he had fucked a couple of girls in the ass before. Then he started very slowly moving out just a little and then pushing back in. I was squeezing the pillow tight and biting into it.

"Your a girl, relax your complete body. It won't hurt then and you'll enjoy it."

So I took a deep breath and just let my body go limp. Dale continued to push in and out and the hurt did subside mostly. I forced my body to relax even more and as I did it started feeling different. Not really good but not bad either. The pain was still there but just a little. Dale speeded up and it did start to feel better. I thought to myself. I'm really a girl now. I'm being fucked. With that thought I started getting into it. I could feel his balls as they went against my ass. I liked that. I liked his hands holding my hips and pulling me into him as he would bottom out. I was really getting into it then. As he would push into me I would try to push back wanting all I could get inside me.

He started jamming me really hard and all I could do was hug the pillow and grasp for air. He said; "I cumming" and really plowed into me. When he did I shot my load all over the bed. He finished cumming and his dick went soft but it was still inside me. He just held me that way for a minuet or two enjoying himself. When he pulled out he did it slowly. I almost cumed again.

The bed was a mess. I was a mess. My make up was a mess. Dale was a mess. I got up and grabbed a the night gown robe and wrapped it around my waist. All I had on was my bra. I said lets just take a quick shower and we headed for the bathroom.

The shower was fun. I had just been fuck for the first time. Just lost my cherry and now I was in the shower with a man washing him. He even took hold of my cock and fondled it for a while. He said let me see how big yours is and we compared cocks. I held both together and stroked them at the same time. He smiled and dropped the soap and told me to pick it up. I laughed and did. He put his cock to my butt like he was going to fuck me again but I stopped him. I said it was still hurting he couldn't do that again. Then I said you'll just have to settle for something else. I dropped to my knees and started sucking his cock letting the water run over us. I only sucked it a little then I stopped and got up. I said that's enough big boy. I don't want to spoil you. He said he knew how to get what he wanted and he pulled me tight against him with our dicks mashed between us. He kissed me real good. Again I just melted in his arms. He broke this kiss off and pushed me to my knees where again I to took his dick into my mouth.

He said; "See, I know how to get what I want."

"Oh no you don't big boy." I said as I stood up. We both just laughed.

It only took him a minuet to dress but I had to put on my make up and dry my hair. I carried the bed cover down stairs to wash and he was in the kitchen drinking a beer.

As I walked past he patted my butt and asked; "How's you ass, Baby?"

"It hurts but I liked it."

"Your a real woman now."

"Yes, and you made me one. You got my cherry."

He smiled and said; "Yea, and I'm going to get more of it."

I kind of wiggled my butt and said; "Anytime you want as soon as it stops hurting."

The rest of the day we talked and teased around. Mama called and I was talking to her when he handed me a note. He said he was going to go buy some more beer and would be back ASAP. I nodded yes and he gave me a little kiss which sent shivers through me. So I petted his cock and smiled. I was hoping this would insure his return.

He came back. I fixed us dinner and we watched a movie on TV. I sat on the couch next to him and he would feel my leg. He would slide his hand up my skirt a little and I'd almost cum each time. I would call him a naughty boy and smile or kiss him.

After the movie he said it was getting late but before he could finish I said; "No don't leave. Call your mom and tell her your spending the night over here. She'll let you. Don't leave, Please."

I had said it all real fast an excited.

He laughed and said; "Boy, you really don't want me to go."

"No, Please stay."

"Are we going to sleep together?"

"I sure hope so. I promise you'll enjoy it."

I placed my hand on his cock and held it tight. He smiled and said OK. He went to call his mom and I ran up stairs where I put on Sandy's sexiest nitty. It was light blue, short and lacy. With pink ribbons and matching panties. When he came up stairs I was laying on the bed trying to look like one of those sexy models. I watched as he took off his close and turned off all the lights except one small one. He crawled into bed where I laid back and opened my arms for him to lay on top of me. As he did I spread my legs and for the first time felt how wonderful it was to have a man lay on top of me. His cock pressing into my belly.

He started kissing me. This time he took complete control and I surrendered willingly to him. I was surprised as he moved down and started kissing and sucking my nipples. It was driving me wild.

Then his hand went down and he started rubbing the bulge in my panties. That really surprised me. He pulled my dick out and moved down to it. I was in total surprise as he kissed it.

"I've got to see what this is like but don't shoot off."

I didn't say a word. I was scared he would stop if I did. He only sucked it for a moment when I set up almost shouting to stop. "I almost cumed."

He smiled at me and said; "It's ok, Baby. It's your turn to cum."

Then he continued to stroke me by hand until I did. I wiped it up with the shirt I had worn and said it was his turn. I once more gave him the best blow job I could. I looked up at him and he was watching me. I don't know why but I enjoyed him watching me. I stopped sucking his cock and moved down to his balls. They were so much larger than mine. I took one at a time in my mouth sucking on them. Kissing them. Licking them. I loved doing it. (except for all the hair:-) I moved back to his dick. I moved around so I could try to take it all. It was pushed as far back as I could stand it but I finally had my lips pressed around the base of it. I started taking long slow strokes on it but he suddenly grabbed my hair holding my head. He started ramming hard and fast as deep as he could. I couldn't do anything as he exploded into my mouth. When I he finished he said it was the best blow job he'd ever had. As I was wiping the cum from around my mouth and off of him I smiled to myself pride and satisfaction in pleasing him. I crawled up beside him. We didn't talk. We just laid there. I turned on my side placing one leg across his. I reached down and held is dick in my hand. It was soft and I liked holding it. He didn't say anything. He didn't even move.

"I hope you don't mind me laying against you and holding you like this."

"No. It feels good."

So I took advantage of it and laid my head on his shoulder. To my surprise he put his arm around me giving me a small hug. I loved it. I felt so much like a real girl. We drifted off to sleep like that.

Day seven and I woke up wearing a sexy nittie and a man sleeping next to me. I thought to myself, You've come a long way, Baby.

I left him sleeping and slipped out of bed. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my make up was a total disaster. Girl's are not supposed to sleep in make up. I quietly washed my face and was about apply new make up. I couldn't make up my mind if I should fix us a good breakfast or crawl back in bed and give Dale a treat. Maybe wake him up by giving him another blow job. I decided that after guy's get there jollies they aren't as interested in girls. I sure wanted Dale to be interested in me so I would let him sleep while I fixed breakfast. But first I took a quick shower. A girl should always be clean and fresh. As I applied my make up I thought to myself how quickly I was learning to do this. Now what to wear? This was Sunday. Although I sure wouldn't be going to church today I should dress as a woman would if she were going. White panties and bra were the order. Sandy had a long white skirt with matching top that I thought was nice. It had a matching little jacket. White sandal type shoes with low heels. I finished off with some of mom's jewelry and clip on ear rings.

I checked Dale. He was still asleep. I went down stairs and started the coffee brewing then out on the front porch to check the day. It was a beautiful morning. I felt so pretty and sexy being able to dress as I wished. Yes, I was a woman now. One who had lost her virginity just yesterday. Who had just shared her bed with a strong hard man who enjoyed her pleasures. At that moment I didn't care about what the world thought. I was a real woman. All my dreams had come true.

Without even a thought about it I walked out the long drive way to the mail box to get the morning paper. Three cars drove by. I didn't care. I didn't try to hide who I was. I didn't care who saw me. As I got the paper out of the box I almost wished some one would drive by and see me. But no one did and I walked back taking smaller steps than I normally do and being sure to place one foot in front of the other so my butt would move more like a real woman.

Back in the house I didn't want to mess up my out fit so I put on an apron. One of several that mom keeps hanging on a hook. It was bright and colorful. It tied behind my neck and waste and had ruffles all around the edges.

Dale walked into the kitchen about that time naked as the day he was born. I laughed at him.

"Well don't be bashful."

"I couldn't find my close." He said stretching wide and yawning.

"They should be there beside the bed."

"I'll look for them in a little while. I have to wake up first."

"This is Sunday and as much as I enjoy seeing you naked and looking at that wonderful tool of yours I can't have you running around here naked. Here." I took another apron from the hook and hung it over his head. Then I reached around and tied it in the back.

"Hey, I can't wear this."

"Oh don't be silly. Your worried about an apron and here I am dressed like this." I reached down and took hold of his cock which started to grown instantly in my hand.

"EMmmmmm.... I guess you got a point there."

"I got more than a point big boy." I smiled up at him wanting so much for him to kiss me. He didn't so I gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Sit down and I'll fix you a cup of coffee. I've already started fixing breakfast it will be ready in a few minuets."

After breakfast I washed the dishes as Dale sat at the table reading the news paper to me. We talked not as lovers but as friends and I thought how wonderful it would be if it could always be like this. Dale accepting me as a girl but not one just for sexual pleasure. More like a real relationship. But all dreams have to come to an end. The ring of the phone brought me make to reality. It was Dale's mother. She called worried about his father and said Dale should go help him. I went up stairs and found his shorts and tee shirt. The bed room was a mess again. I would have to clean it up. I started to carry his close back down stairs to him when the thought hit me. I grabbed a pair of panties. Down stairs I handed them to Dale.

"Do me a favor. Wear these today."

"What? Those? There panties."

"I know there panties, silly. But I want you to wear them."


"Because I think it will be sexy and if your wearing them you will think of me all day long. That way maybe you'll come back as soon as you can. Besides, if your wearing panties another girl won't have anything to do with you."

To Be continued....................

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