Firm Friends

By Mr Smith

Published on Oct 14, 2001



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Firm Friends

It was a warm day on the tropical island Sophia. Owen Sneddon trudged down the soft, sandy, white beach deep in thought. He was visiting here with his father who owned a villa a couple of miles away. Sweat ran down his face. He wore only swimming shorts and his lightly tanned skin was exposed to the elements. Most men of his age had their thoughts pinned on women, but Owen was different. He had never found the female species all that interesting but instead preferring to play physical sports with his own gender. He had never considered himself to be gay but this was soon to change.

There was nobody around at this time of the morning. The boat from the mainland wouldn't arrive for another hour or so and the island was practically deserted. Owen enjoyed strolling in the early hours, feeling the warm sun beat down on him, wrapping his whole body and holding him close. His eyes were partially shut to shield himself from the glare, but when he looked down at the cooling ocean that swept the occasional refreshing breeze inland, he noticed he was not alone on what he assumed was a deserted stretch of sand. There was another man down there. Blonde hair and a well tanned body was all Owen could see from his position, however, he decided to move closer for a better look.

Most people on the island knew each other intimately and there was very little that the community didn't know about its residents, but some secrets still remained uncovered. Owen recognised the young man by the water as his proximity increased. A smile swept across him, it was his friend Lee. They had grown up together and had always been close, but as the years had drawn on Lee had become more distant from him choosing instead to spend his time with some other young men. Still, that didn't mean that Owen wasn't pleased to see him.

"Lee." He called out, cheerfully trotting down the beach to see his friend. Lee looked up a little confused, but his eyes widened and his face lit up when he saw Owen, he stretched out his arm and waved. Lee began to jog up the beach wanting to see his old friend. They met three-quarters of the way to the shore and, before Owen knew what was happening, Lee thrust his arms around him and was holding him tightly.

"Oh Owen, it's been a long time." Lee informed his friend, letting go and eyeing up Owen's lightly tanned, muscular body. Lee, by all accounts, was gay. He still had a girlfriend and they had been together for six years but he didn't know how to tell her. He had to keep his homosexuality behind closed doors but this gorgeous young man standing half naked in front of him sent surges of lust tingling to every corner of his body. Underneath Lee's tight shorts fires burnt and slowly his penis awakened. Owen was unaware and they began to walk side by side along the beach, chatting, all the time getting closer to the empty woods that lay by the side of the sand. The dunes they were traipsing over were getting higher and higher just like the gradient of Lee's aroused package. Owen was so attractive and Lee knew that his lust would not go unnoticed for much longer. The conversation had gone a little bit static as Lee was desperately trying to keep the bulge in his shorts away from Owen's beautiful green eyes. They had just descended into a small gauge with dunes on either side protecting them from any sort of public view when Owen noticed the swelling that Lee was helpless to hide.

"Oh my God." He stated and stopped dead. Lee froze too. How would his friend react knowing that he turned him on? When he turned round though he saw that Owen wasn't scared or angry, perhaps a little nervous, but underneath there was a large curiosity. Lee turned back and stood face to face with his taller companion. Lee took the initiative and grabbed one of Owen's hands placing it around his back and drawing them closer than they had ever been before. Owen was unsure what to do, but from this new position he could smell the drying salt water and coconut shampoo in Lee's soft blonde hair and found himself infatuated with the good-looking man that he held in his arms. His urges hadn't gone unnoticed as Lee felt the shaft of his hard dick pressing into the base of his stomach. His eyes widened in intense lust.

"It's OK it won't bite." Lee told him and leaned back allowing one hand to caress his firm pecks. Owen took a sharp intake of breath and closed his eyes, this felt good, the warm touch of Lee Clark majestically flowing over his chest. His mouth opened giving him the opportunity to breath deeply and add oxygen to the fire of his pleasure. All the time the blonde stud was working his hands lower towards Owen's now fully hard penis that was crying out to be loved. Without any sort of warning Lee removed his tender hand. Owen was devastated, he so desperately wanted more. He kept his eyes shut trying to remind himself of the sensations that had blown over him seconds earlier, but the fun wasn't to stop there. The next thing Owen became aware of Lee cooling breath on his face revitalising his yearnings. His eyes stayed firmly shut as he hoped that what he wanted to happen, would soon happen. Lee's lips touched Owen's and they stayed there for a while. The expectation and anticipation growing and growing. Then their lips closed and a kiss passed between them. It was a magical feeling to be savoured, the start of something special. Lee took a step back, unnerved by what had just happened, he released himself from the warm embrace, he wasn't quite sure how Owen was going to react.

"S-sorry." Lee stammered nervously, but Owen stood, a smile crossed his face and he stepped forward so his and Lee's naked chests now touched.

"Don't be." His voice was close to a whisper and he took the lead to place his lips on Lee's. This time it wasn't just the one kiss, a flurry occurred linking them closer. The next time Lee stepped away it was to catch his breath before returning to his desire. Slowly their lips moved apart enabling their tongues to come into play, wrestling furiously around one another. Lee, being the man with more experience placed his loving hands onto Owen's arse gently stroking the checks with the care they deserved. Obligatorily Owen returned the favour, causing Lee to have the same feeling he was enjoying. They carried on for a few minutes before Lee broke the kisses and started to work his way down Owen's muscular chest, his hands flowing down his admirer's sides preparing the way for his flickering tongue. Lee's pink, wet, powerful muscle crept its way around Owen's hardened nipples. Uncontrollably the taller of the two let out a quiet sigh of utter joy as Lee's hands entered under the band of his shorts. He ran them around Owen's waist, teasing him slightly. Gradually Lee pushed Owen's shorts down revealing a little bit of crack as well as a small tuft of neat, course, pubic hair but still keeping his erect cock hidden. Lee reached behind and forced his hands deep into Owen's shorts, rubbing his hands over the smooth skin of his arse. Clutching, massaging, kneading those firm checks together and all the while Owen was unable to resist this new world of gay temptation. Lee was now kissing, just below Owen's belly button, hovering in this position. Although the sensation running through him was fantastic Owen knew that his enjoyment could be extended further. With Lee's chin scraping the head of his prick he couldn't contain his lust and groaned in annoyance desperate for Lee to work at the source of his want.

Understanding that moan Lee braced himself for his favourite part of all the foreplay as he waited to see the treasure that lay under the surface. Pulling his hands off Owen's arse he made them glide until they held firmly onto his hips, on the waistline of his shorts. Lee eased them down more, his eyes glued onto Owen's covered erection, then suddenly his penis broke free and sprang upright, pointing at the sky. Lee let out a sharp gasp of delight as Owen's shorts dropped to the floor and he placed one hand firmly around the solid seven-inch nob. Slowly Lee moved his hands up and down Owen's length. Owen moaned quietly in utter bliss as Lee stretched out his tongue to gently lick Owen's throbbing cock head. Steadily the licking turned into sucking while Lee's hands were free to feel around Owen's arse crack. The intensity of the blowjob got greater and greater. Owen was close to cuming, the utter exhilaration was causing his manhood to tense to such an extent that he would be unable to contain himself for much longer. When Lee slipped the tip of his finger up Owen's anus the pleasure was too much and Owen shot a load of warm creamy cum from the roots of his balls. Lee was so happy to taste cum that he began to suck deeply swallowing as much of Owen's sperm as he could.

A huge grin spread across Owen's face as he squatted down to be close with his lover. Lee was a little miffed when Owen's cock flopped from his mouth but he was soon happy when Owen looked him in the eyes and then inserted his tongue into Lee's mouth tasting his own flavour as their tongues intertwined once more. Owen's penis was now fairly limp, however, Lee was still as firm as he'd ever been and now it was Owen's turn to place one of his hands under his shorts, through Lee's rough pubic hair and finally he clutched hold of the wonderful prick waiting for attention. It felt long, but was only about six and a half inches in length when hard, as Owen, with great care, moved his hand up and down the top of his package.

Lee lowered himself so that he was lying back on the dry warm sand while Owen took great consideration in removing his lover's shorts. The now loose erection rose to its full glory and Owen's mouth watered at the prospect of being able to suck such a fine cock, but first he would tease Lee a little. Rubbing his hand around Lee's pubic area, but never coming in contact with the amazingly perfect dick, drove the blonde wild with excitement and frustration together. Lee was completely at Owen's mercy, but he looked up with pleading eyes, asking Owen to rid the torment and work wonders with his cock. Owen wouldn't be rushed. Although this was the first time he had played this new game he was a natural.

Finally he relented to Lee's desperate look and touched the penis that was yearning for him. Firmly he gripped it and began to pump Lee towards a wonderful orgasm. Lee was on the brink of firing his load when Owen stopped and quickly enveloped the organ deep inside his lips. Lee took a few sharp deep breaths before his hips started to shake violently and seaman spurted out his cock into the waiting Owen. The salty fluid swept his mouth and Owen pulled back from Lee unsure of what to make of the new taste. He didn't have time to think. Lee pulled Owen over him and began to kiss him furiously, so glad one of the most attractive men on the island had let him shoot a wad of cum inside his mouth. Owen, for some reason, seemed hesitant.

"Please say you aren't regretting that." Lee begged. He really wanted to do something like that again as soon as possible. He reached across and stroked Owen's dark wavy hair. Owen had short hair like a real man should.

"No. I don't regret it. I'm just amazed that I'm gay. I always thought I was different from other men, but I never thought of this. I just assumed that I loved sport to much to be interested in women, but it wasn't till you held me in your arms that I knew I wanted to be with you." Owen informed him. Lee was flattered and smiled juvenilely at the sand below him.

"I've wanted you for a long time. I was attracted to you since we first met. When we were at school I realised I preferred the boys to the girls. I was kidding myself when I asked out Leanne, but that way I was safe from the other people."

"So why didn't you tell me that you wanted me?" Owen asked lovingly.

"I didn't know whether you wanted me. That's why I stopped hanging round with you. You were so beautiful and I couldn't have you the way I wanted. It tore me up inside, I had to get away from the suffering." Lee said. He looked down feeling sorry for leaving his friend all that time ago. He felt Owen's hand stroke his chin and Lee looked up cautiously.

"You have me now." Owen told him and they both shared a committed kiss. Then as soon as the kiss had ended Owen quickly stood up.

"What is it? Have I done something wrong?" Lee asked concerned at his lover's sharp movements. Owen looked down and let out a tiny masculine chuckle.

"No it's not you, it's just that I'm busting for a piss." He told Lee. At this comment Owen's lover's eyes lit up. "What?" Owen asked when he saw the sparkle in Lee's eyes.

"Do you mind if I watch?" Lee inquired and he licked his lips at the thought. Ever since he was a boy at school he used to watch the other children urinating and it had sent shivers of pleasure through him, but he had never completely fulfilled this fetish.

"I really don't care I'm that desperate." Owen declared rushing off towards the woods that were located a couple of meters away from where they had just made love. Lee got up and pulled his shorts back up his nice muscley legs to cover his nudity and jogged off after Owen. It took him a couple of seconds of moving through the dense foliage, but he soon saw Owen's behind through the trees and went towards it mesmerised. By the time Lee reached his lover and looked down at Owen's organ that was already jettisoning urine into the grass below. Lee licked his lips, how tantalising the flow of piss looked. He lowered one hand down towards the golden stream, Owen didn't know what to do or say, but his bladder needed emptying so he kept his mouth shut and carried on trickling out his juices.

Lee placed one hand into the flow of piss, causing it to cascade to the ground. He was getting so aroused by this that underneath his shorts his penis began to grow hard and sensitive. Gradually the urine was reduced to a trickle, until finally Owen shook off the drips and Lee helpless watched the flow of golden nectar cease completely.

Slightly saddened Lee licked what was remaining off his hand. Enjoying the tangy flavour, it was more concentrated than he previously tasted but he enjoyed it all the same.

"Oh shit." Said Owen as he looked down to the floor.

"What is it?" Lee asked sympathetically.

"I left my shorts on the beach I have to go back and fetch them." Owen answered his lover.

"Well I'll come too. I have a slight problem that needs taking care of." He looked down and Owen followed his gaze to the hardon that stood upright between his legs. Owen licked his lips at the prospect of getting Lee's meat back in his mouth. Hand in hand they returned to the sand and they immediately began to smother each other with fiery kisses. One of Owen's hands slipped around Lee's stiff cock. Lee's smile widened as Owen's hand rubbed the wide shaft up and down and with his thumb he stroked the head of Lee's dick.

"Oh now I have the same problem." Owen groaned and guided Lee's hand to his firm cock. The pleasure was wonderful as both men tenderly stroked the others penis. The kissing increased in integrity as both men came closer to an orgasm. Feeling a hard cock in his hand as well as his own being pumped was too much as Owen fired a wad of cum into Lee's stomach. Feeling the warm load of seaman on his chest caused Lee to shoot his own climax.

The couple held each other in a comfortable embrace as both their dicks became limp. Owen reached down to pick up his shorts, but from the top of the dune above them a shadow was looming down on them. Owen looked up fearful straight into the eyes of his friend Ben Hatton.

Ben had dyed dark brown curtains and a cute baby-face on the body of a very attractive man. Owen became very nervous as his friend stared on blankly.

"Lee." Owen called out afraid of the new situation. Lee walked over, he too seemed rather scared.

"How much did you see?" Lee asked concerned. Ben looked down at them whilst Owen and Lee glanced at each other unsure of what to do next.

"Enough of it." Ben informed them in a deep and manly voice.

"Well are you, em, going to tell anybody?" Owen asked scared. Lee looked at his new lover concerned about the way he had phrased the question.

"That depends." Ben told them.

"On what?" Lee asked sensing Ben was about to blackmail them both for his silence.

"On whether or not I can join you next time." Although Ben sounded a little nervous it wasn't difficult to tell that he wanted to be part of Lee and Owen's next sexual encounter. Owen looked across to Lee, both men's eyes had lit up at the prospect of a threesome.

"OK." Lee said. "But we aren't safe to do it here. The tourists from the mainland will be arriving soon." Ben trotted happily down the dune to the couple deep in the sand valley.

"We could go back to my place." Owen informed them and smiled at his lover and Ben. "My father's out for the day sorting out some business and I doubt that my brother will be at home." He looked excitedly at the other two men who shared the expression.

"Let's go." Ben said quietly, but eagerly and they all climbed out from between the two mounds of sand and began the trek back to Owen's house, across the long beach by the side of the calm blue ocean. They walked for about three quarters of an hour over the hot sand. Each man craving what was going to happen once they got back. Lee was right there were a fair amount of tourists already on the island and they were strolling down the coast too. When nobody was looking one of the three, usually Lee or Owen would touch one of the others causing the already great anticipation to build further. Finally they arrived back a Owen's house and he pulled out his key and unlocked the door.

Slowly they filed inside. Owen wandered off to double check the house was clear. While he was gone Lee and Ben sat down on the light grey leather couch together. The room was lit in a very seductive relaxing colour. There was a cool air in this room as a fan whirred overhead.

"So have you ever been with a man before?" Lee asked Ben warmly.

"Once." Ben confessed. "It didn't work out though, we wanted different things." He looked down it was a touchy subject. He felt Lee's hand on his.

"I'll make you feel better again." Lee promised. Ben looked deep into Lee's eyes and clutched his hand. Ben took the initiative and leaned forward. They kissed at first with a little caution, but once their inhibitions had disappeared they kissed with fire. With his other hand Lee rubbed Ben's slightly fleshy pecks.

"That feels good." Ben informed him. Lee just smiled and worked his hand lower onto his belly. Gradually he placed his hand underneath the thin white t-shirt and stroked the smooth white skin.

"Hey you bastards." The voice of Owen called from the entrance of the room. They looked over at him but did not break from their tonguing. Owen was annoyed that they had begun without him, but was more than determined to catch up. He walked provocatively over to Lee and removed the shorts that encased his package. Lee's penis almost jumped out of his short and Owen was more than happy to give it the attention it deserved. He placed his lips around it and sucked the end delicately. Lee sighed with enjoyment as he lowered his hands to caress Ben's bulge that was noticeable through his grass-green shorts. Ben pushed himself further back on the comfortable sofa that they rested on, loving the feeling that he had been absent from for so long. He knew that it wouldn't be long now before all their clothes had been peeled off and they were fucking wildly.

Ben opened his eyes from his bliss and looked over at the other two men. Lee was completely naked and was being given a fantastic blowjob by Owen. Ben watched hypnotised as Owen moved up and down the length of Lee's thick shaft. Owen was only wearing a thin pair of shorts and Ben could see the erection beneath, wanting to be freed and cared for. All this as well as having his own balls rubbed and whilst thinking of what was soon to come almost sent Ben over the edge. Realising he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer if things kept on the way they were Ben stood up from the comfortable position he was in before and walked around behind Owen. Although Ben would have been happy to ejaculate on the sofa he knew there were bigger things yet to happen.

With both his hands now free Lee rested them on the back of Owen's head allowing the synchronisation of Owen's sucking with Lee's thrusts. Ben meanwhile, on his knees, had pulled down Owen's shorts and was rubbing his buttocks gently, allowing himself to cool down a little. Slowly Ben kneaded Owen's fleshy butt checks. They were wonderfully soft and just to touch them sent surges of electricity pulsating around Ben's yearning body.

At the other end of Owen's body Lee's hard meat was thrusting inside Owen's warm mouth. Lee's balls were ready to burst and when he opened his eyes and looked down to see Owen's gorgeous head sucking his dick and with Ben positioned behind the hunk his bollocks tensed and he fired his seamen to the back of Owen's throat.

"Oh shit." He gasped and collapsed contently back into the sofa. Owen was still ravenous for cock and soon as he had swallowed all the cum her going to get he quickly let Lee's wilting cock flop from his mouth and span round to Ben. Immediately his hands grabbed the other man's cock. It sprang into life the second Owen wrapped his fingers around the shaft and began to rhythmically glide his hand up and down the near perfect penis. Whilst Owen gave Ben's package the treatment it needed the two locked their lips and exchanged their mouth juices.

Lee slumped in the chair behind them watching happily. He was tired. He had already cum three times today and it wasn't even lunchtime yet. He felt like he wouldn't be able to shoot another load for days, but there was something about these two energetic young men giving the other pleasure that made his cock stir from its rest. By this point Owen was crouching down sucking on Ben's penis, cupping and caressing his balls with the one hand. Ben had his head thrust back as he savoured every ripple of pleasure the other young man sent through his body. Owen had only been a cocksucker for a couple of hours but already he had the skill of an expert. Owen was busy in sucking his treat, when he felt Ben's body go into spasm. Any moment now he would be rewarded for his efforts, and he was. Within a matter of seconds Ben's dick spat it delicious white load into the far depths of Owen's mouth. Owen sucked and swallowed all that Ben had to offer him. The taste of two different men's cum in his mouth was amazing and Owen licked his lips pulling any remaining drop into him. It soon came to the other two lads attention that Owen's nob needed some attention. He stood up and his penis was positioned conveniently facing Ben's mouth. More than happy to open up and allow Owen's dick to penetrate him, head first. All seven inches of Owen's cock began throat-fucking Ben. The youngest of the three men was exhausted after Owen's rigorous blowjob and needed time to recuperate. Owen needs were not being satisfied as quickly as he would have liked. His balls were gagging to shoot their sticky load but Ben didn't have the energy.

Desperately Owen extracted his dick from Ben's gob, giving the young lad a chance to gather his strength. Instead he moved himself over to Lee, who was himself getting aroused again, was more than willing to suck on Owen's dick, but Owen didn't want that. Lee tried to place Owen's erection inside his mouth but Owen pulled his cock away.

"Turn around." Owen ordered. Lee was helpless to resist his lover's command. Owen looked down at the firm, peachy, arse that called to him to kiss and bite it. Owen submerged his head to gnaw gently on the lightly haired flesh that set his mouth on fire upon contact. Licking and chewing his way around, grasping Lee's hips with his strong hands. Gradually teasing towards Lee's arsehole. A shiver ran through him as his tongue caught the entrance to Lee's body and he started to lick with more zest. It was so good that Lee groaned beneath him.

"Oh fuck me." He moaned, clutching the arm of the chair. This had been Owen's intention from the start. He had wanted Lee to be his first. Lee was in ecstasy, but Owen wasn't ready to ejaculate just yet.

"Not here." He told the horny guy below him. Lee pretended not to hear and pushed his butt further into the air trying to entice Owen. "My brother has a double bed." Owen informed the pair of lads he was with. A smile crept across Ben's face. Owen stood up and was followed quickly by Ben. Lee was sluggish to rise but was quick to follow his lovers upstairs.

They clattered through the door and collapsed in a heap on the bed. Almost straight away Owen's hard cock was at the entrance to Lee's arse. Ben was still trying to get excited and sat by the pillows masturbating.

Lee's arse was tight and Owen found it difficult to get his penis in at first. It was wonderful to feel Lee's strong muscles grip the head of his prick like a vice. As he moved his hips backwards and forwards trying to lunge his cock further inside the beautiful lad lying naked next to him. Once half of Owen's dick was inside Lee it seemed to just slide inside. Lee moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain and Owen began thrusting his penis deep into Lee's rear.

Ben sat at the head of the bed pumping his shaft faster and faster, mesmerised by the sight in front of him. It turned him on so much, but why did he have to watch. Ben crawled over to Lee, his hardon shaking slightly as he moved. He kneeled in front of Lee who, when he saw the stiff cock ahead of him, embarked on taking the length in his mouth. Lee was surrounded by bliss, the sensation of being fucked in both holes was the greatest he had ever felt. Owen was thrusting his cock up his arse, while Ben drove his piece into his mouth. It was Owen who fired his love fuel first. Lee felt it deep inside his butt. Owen withered onto Lee's back, happy in the warmth he felt in his nob. He still had the energy to reach around and play with Lee's nipples. Eventually Owen removed his limp dick from Lee's cum covered arse and licked the hole clean.

He lay face up on the bed and wriggled underneath Lee and sucked his six and a half inch, hard, penis like it was some divine sweet. He pushed as far forward as he could trying to get the whole length of cock into his mouth. Then a flash of temptation flooded Owen as he squirmed further under Lee until he was underneath Ben's balls. He then turned on his back and pushed his arse up so it came in contact with Lee's dick. As soon as Lee realised there was a butt hole directly underneath his penis he removed Ben's dick from his mouth and grabbed Owen's hips. He immediately started shafting Owen. Lee thrusted backwards and forwards at a rapid rate desperate to shoot his load. Meanwhile Owen had taken Ben's manly cock into his mouth and was sucking with a massive sexual desire. It didn't take Ben long to fire his cum into Owen who lapped it up eagerly. Ben fell back on the bed more tired then he had been in years. Sweat trickled over his naked body and he lay panting with his eyes shut, remembering what had just happened and dreaming about what could happen.

Still entangled Lee, covered in a layer of sexual sweat, finally spat his cum up Owen's arse. Lee lay drooped on top of his lover, gasping for air, it was a few minutes before he extracted his cum covered penis and collapsed on the bed next to Ben. Owen reached down and sucked the seaman and arse juices from Lee's cock before lying down in between them. Each man had never been so happy or content and he looked across at both the wonderful blokes he had just made love to.

"So what are you doing this afternoon?" Lee asked.


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