Fireworks Series

By Silver Firestorm

Published on Aug 23, 2018


Disclaimer: This story depicts sexual acts between minors. Please be aware of that.

Author's Note: This will be my first published series ever, if you have some good criticism please send me an email. As my story takes place in Germany, you might come across some proverbs that don't make much sense. If that's the case don't hesitate to ask or yell at me. And never forget to support Nifty! If we don't chip in we wouldn't have this site.

Fireworks - Chapter 2

Did it feel weird that Lukas didn't send a message back? Yes, definitely.

Was I somehow disappointed? That's a yes too.

These were some of my thoughts coursing through my head when I first glanced at my phone the next morning. But I totally didn't get why. He was a stranger I met some eight hours ago. The only thing I knew about him was his name. And the colour of his hair. And the colour of his eyes. And...I guess that he is gay. It took me some time last night to fully accept that. A gay guy was hitting on me. Just like I had with Mia. It was hella weird but at the same time – I liked it. Lukas really flattered me with just trying to get my phone number. I even admired his bravery. Never in my wildest dreams would I approach a girl at the funfair and ask her to type my phone number into her phone and certainly I'd never ask a guy such a thing.

I smiled rolling onto my back, the blanket draped loosely on half of my lean body. Just thinking about someone gathering all of their bravery to talk to someone like me even if it's for a minute. The thought that Lukas was scared of me of all people. He of course didn't know that I wouldn't punch him square in the nose. I never was one of those guys that hated on gay people. A huge factor may have been the gay couple my mom was friends with. I knew them for as long as I can remember. They even saw me in diapers a long long time ago. At some weekends when my mother went out for the night with some of her friends, one of them came over to keep an eye on me. Most of the time we'd play video games and he would listen to everything I had to say about it.

Finally heaving myself out of bed my phone began ringing. My mood was good enough to answer Jess even at an ungodly time like 8 in the morning. Still I didn't want to give her even the faintest speck of satisfaction. "What do you want?" I tried my best at a grumpy teenager impression.

"No no no. You can't fool me." Jess was laughing her ass off. "Now tell me...How does she look like?"

Sitting on the bedside I scratched my knee thinking about how to answer this question.

"Well...Blond with some really nice green eyes. Almost my height." I opted in for some exaggeration. "Oh and his Adam's apple is bigger than mine." I didn't really pay attention to such a detail last night but I thought it would make her laugh.

On the other end of the line I heard something being spit out followed by a spoon hitting a bowl full of cereal. "Jessica! Get a Zewa and clean up your mess!" Apparently she was with her parents eating breakfast. (Zewa is paper towel brand, commonly used as a broad term to to say paper tower. In a same fashion as Kleenex)

I fell back on my bed my sides reaching orbit right next to the ISS. For a minute or so I could only hear my best friend cleaning the kitchen table with some paper towels.

"You can't be serious, right?"

Still coughing because I laughed so hard I tried to articulate an answer.

"No, I'm serious. He came up to me and offered his phone number while you were away watching some nice colours."

"Did you take it?" By now Jessica ran into her room so she doesn't produce an even greater mess.

"Maaaaybe...Maybe I even messaged him yesterday. And maaaaybe he didn't answer back after like two messages."

Jessica gasped loudly. "What did you do?!"

Of course immediately it was my fault. Not like I'm straight and not interested in a relationship with a guy.

"I said that I had a girlfriend two weeks ago? I didn't do nothing! I only told him I didn't know I have an effect on gay guys. After that radio silence."

"Why didn't you take that chance?"

She was not even being surprised. Jess wanted to hook me up with a random gay guy! I certainly wasn't that desperate!

"Fuck no! Are you crazy? No interest in dicks! That's supposed to be your part."

"Don't talk to me like that young man." In all honesty she mimicked our homeroom teacher really well. "I'll be over in ten and we salvage that wreck you made!"

Just like that I only heard the beeps caused by someone hanging up on you. My good mood almost totally vanished. On a superficial level I could say that Lukas looked cute but that didn't make me want to jump his bones. So not to get caught just in my underwear I put on some clothes, went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal on my own. True to her word ten minutes after our call ended Jessica knocked on the door.

"Oh hello Jessica, Ethan didn't tell me you were coming."

My mom opened the door while I was sitting in the living room watching morning cartoons. "Because I didn't want her here!" I shouted to them.

When both of them came into the room both shot daggers in my direction.

"Don't be so mean to her."

"Yeah, don't be mean to me. I defended you on the playgrounds."

I sighed and put down the bowl after I drank the last bit of milk.

"Let me put the dishes away and then you can chew on my nerves up in my room."

Like a good son I put away my stuff. Afterwards I had a smiling Jess follow shoving me up the stairs.

"Show me" she demanded my phone almost jumping at the nightstand as soon as the door was closed. I unlocked my phone and handed it her.

"Did you even try it?"

"Huh?" While she was reading the few messages I sat down at my desk looking at the homework stashed away in my backpack. "What do you mean?"

Jessica sat down on my bed flipping the phone in her fingers. "Did you try it with a dude?" Again she smiled at me with her trademark grin.

"No I did not. Why would I?" I don't know why I got so aggravated. It was just a question.

"You said he came up to you? He's clearly interested in you why don't you try it? Think practical. Get a free meal out of a date with him." Jessica began laughing and I could only roll my eyes.

"Damn Jess you're worse than Mia. Leading someone on just to chip a free meal out of them? Yeah let's not go there."

"You didn't just compare me to that bitch, did you?"

We both shared a hearty laugh. When I looked back at her I was mortified though. "Jess? What are you doing?" She was typing. "Jess?!"

For a second more she concentrated and when she was finished my phone got tossed back to me.

Hey Lukas, sorry that I was a massive dick yesterday. Wanna hang out today?<<

The message was already out.

"God damn JESS!" My voice went back to an inaudible squeal like it was two years ago. "Why did you do this!?"

"Because YOU wouldn't have. Like ever!" She was right. It's mental to ask someone to hang out if you don't even know their last name! At least that's my opinion.

"What do I do now?" Totally freaking out I started walking up and down the length of my room. "Can I cancel it? I'll just tell him that you took my phone and wrote that."

"That is one option" she opted in. "But maybe you could just be a nice guy and hang out." I looked at her sideways. "Come on, you've only got me – why not score yourself another friend? There is nothing wrong with chilling."

In fact she was right. Jessica was the only friend I had. Getting to know somebody new seemed like a valid option. If only I didn't know he was interested in my body! "I can't do that..."

Ding ding. Not many people had my phone number. My mom was downstairs she would've called for me. Lukas was the only person to write me. >>Naaaah, you were no dick. I'd love to spend some time with you! Do you want to head to the mall?<<

Great. Now my heart was beating so fast. It was a wonder in itself that I could read the message out loud. Now it was definitely too late to bail out of it.

"Consider my job here done." Satisfied with herself Jess rose from my bed beaming with joy.

"Oh no, forget it! You can't leave me alone now. IF I go to the mall you have to come with me...please..." The last time I was this scared was two years ago when we had to take a test that was compared to all other schools in the country. Not even my first date with Mia scared me this much.

"'re so cute. You have to do this on your own, you can do this." With a pat on my back she grabbed the phone right out of my hand.

Great. I'll be at the mall in a hour anyways, is it fine when I bring a friend of mine? I've known her for years!<<

While she was typing she read it all.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't come?" Now I didn't understand anything.

"Of course you dummy. That would make it awkward for both of you. This way only you are a nervous wreck. You just tell him, that I couldn't come and off you two go."

I guess that's fine. See you in an hour.<<

Can you believe her? I couldn't but just like the day before I took a quick shower. With some sweatpants on I came back into my room to find some clothes laying on my bed. While I was under the shower my best friend decided to pick out clothes for me in which she thought I `looked cute'. Having resigned to my fate I kicked her out of my room to dress myself. Even though we had no interest in each other's bodies she didn't have to be in the room when I changed. I valued my privacy too much for that. This first September weekend was pretty warm. To prevent arriving at the mall drenched in sweat, Jess and I decided that I should get there in a motorized way. Due to my paranoia asking my mother wasn't an option. Right after we explained that the two of us would go to the mall to waste our Saturday there Jess somehow got me onto the bus without much resistance.

On the half hour bus ride I had two minor panic attacks and over a dozen times the thought to just get out at the next station and hop onto the next bus back home. The promise of an unprecedented asswhopping kept me seated. I didn't like it but Jessica could be scary sometimes. Not too fondly I remember the last day of school before we had the two week break in autumn where she broke another girl's nose in a fist fight, knowing all too well how her parents would react to it. She never had much sympathy for bullies, it was obvious that Jess would just snap one day. Terrorizing fifth graders that only started a day ago was too much. To say she got off with a warning is a nice way to describe it. As a first ever offense she had a week of suspension and was grounded for a month by her super strict parents. So yeah. Defying her wasn't a good idea at all.

It surprised me a lot to see Lukas waiting in front of the mall as I got out of the bus and to be totally honest: I was somehow stunned. The sun reflected off of his blond locks giving them a special glow. And his eyes! Piercing green. It may sound absolutely corny but they looked like emeralds embedded in small marble balls. On their own it was a bit intimidating up until you paid attention to the rest of the face. Lukas's face wasn't boyish. He was well into puberty but he couldn't hold eye contact for measly five seconds when he spotted me getting out. Totally ridiculous that someone this shy had it in them to come up to some complete stranger and just talk. To greet him from afar I waved a small wave. Guess what he did? His eyes darted to the ground immediately, so fast that his hair lagged behind. Sometimes I thought that I was tad shy but Lukas was a precious little gem that had to be protected. The moment I did catch this thought I began questioning my sanity.

"Hey Lukas, I'm Ethan."

We meet eye to eye and the first thing I said is something he already knew. Great start to this supposed friendship. Why not just turn around and run away? I could tell Jess that he didn't show up. I wasn't a good enough liar for that to work.

"I know." His giggle was cute. Like some cherubs plucking at the strings of a harp. My thought became really weird like that.

"Should we...let's go inside. It's already freaking hot outside." Yes. This sounded a lot better. At least not as dorky.

A bit confused the other boy tilted his head. "Didn't you say you'd bring a friend with you?"

"Oh yeah! It's her aunt's birthday. Usually there is no party but it's the fiftieth so she had to go." Let's just ignore the fact that we only were slightly past ten o'clock.

"I you and me?"

Gulping I nodded my head yes. This was going to be a fun day.

End of Chapter 2

A massive thank you to everyone who sent an email my way. It's lovely to read that people like my story and it motivates me to keep going with this. I'd love to hear your thoughts on chapter two so please send a message to

Next: Chapter 3: Fireworks 3

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