Fireworks Series

By Silver Firestorm

Published on Aug 18, 2018


Disclaimer: This story depicts sexual acts between minors. Please be aware of that.

Author's Note: This will be my first published series ever, if you have some good criticism please send me an email. As my story takes place in germany, you might come across some proverbs that don't make much sense. If that's the case don't hesitate to ask or yell at me. And never forget to support Nifty! If we don't chip in we wouldn't have this site.

Fireworks - Chapter 1

It was really hard to get motivated to do anything at all. Even getting up and going to school. On most days I'd rather lay in bed, do nothing and just stare at the ceiling. Some days my plans might have worked out. I looked like a recently dug up corpse so my mum was pretty worried. There was this constant nagging voice, which I hoped would some day just be in my head instead of my bedroom, called Jess. She was the only thing that kept me mopping through school and maybe even a bit sane.

"Why won't you just leave me alone?"

I moaned in a futile attempt to skip school another day. Jess thought about it for a second gazing down at my floor.

"You know...there was this little pest five years ago which somehow became my best friend despite sticking gum in my hair."

I saw it. The grin I hated more than anything else on the planet. A slight bit toothy all the way cheeky. An annoyed sigh left my lungs.

"Every time you're going to reproach me with that, eh?"

Clearly shrugging me off Jess stepped out of my bedroom while I grabbed my bag.

"Don't forget your homework!"

"You are worse than my mom!"

I immediately quipped back. Once more she shrugged when I came down the stairs.

"Someone has to keep you functioning I guess."

Functioning was the right word. I just did what I had to do.

"Yes yes, my savior, I know."

"If you don't hurry up I'll just go without you."

No idea how she managed to get my sorry ass to school in time. Unfortunately I saw the reason for my sorrow walking into the building as I got off my bike. Right away Jess was behind me slapping me on the back of my head.

"Stop looking at her" she scoleded me.

All of my problems began two weeks ago when Mia decided I wasn't good enough boyfriend material to her. Now her chosen one was Sebastian Miller, a stupid soccer player who looked pretty decent, which wouldn't have been my choise of words. Jessica called him that before he stole my first ever girlfriend.

Somehow I always had this feeling that Mia and I weren't meant for each other. Given the fact she was one of schools prettiest girls my paranoia was totally valid.

"How am I supposed to avoid her when all you ever do is drag me back here every damn day."

After two weeks not only Jess was getting frustrated. In the beginning she just tried to cheer me up and support me but by now I should've been looking at other girls according to her. On the other hand I just needed some time thinking about what I did wrong.

"Quit being such an emo for gods sake. I swear if you keep going like that you're getting a Black Veil Brides shirt for your birthday."

Around a year ago Jessica began listening to a lot of metal music. At the same time she dyed her hair black. Personally I just listen to music as background noise. Locking up my bike I tried not to look anywhere else.

Another surge of thoughts and memories rushed to my head when I entered our homeroom. My school totally didn't care for teen drama. Especially because we only had two homerooms per year. You have to know school in germany is a bit different. When you start school at the first day you get assigned to a homeroom and youstay with it for the remaining time in this school. For example I was in ninth grade homeroom B now. If you start school when seven years old you'll move to high school and consequently year five when you are ten. Unfortunately I got sorted with Mia four years ago which meant every day for the next two years I would see her. That was if her dad didn't get a job in the next big city two towns over. Let's be honest the chance of me getting this lucky was unrealisticly tiny. Begging to get transfered or behaving badly enough to get transfered into class 9A wasn't an option either.

Once more I had to fight the urge to stare at her. Jess was constsntly glaring at Mia but I was looking out of the window. I really loved my window seat. Just being able to tune out was something most people couldn't enjoy.

Somehow I made it through the day without sulking much more. I even managed to get my head into some classes. But to be totally honest I was even happier than everyone else to get out for the weekend.

My luck didn't last long though. Jess came up next to me cheerful as ever.

"Tonight are the fireworks in the city."

Right. We were living in a small village so all of our freetime activities were limited to the next bigger city. This weekend the funfair was in town. One of the most important events for us young people.

When our parents were young themself they went too so I was free to stay a bit longer as long as I was with friends. Every other day I would've been excited but with Mia on my mind and the 110 percent chance to meet her and Hunky McHunkface I was more thrilled to jump into a pit filled with poisonous snakes.

"Maybe I'll go tomorrow."

Of course that didn't fly with my best friend.

"Ethan Braun!"

A screeching noise was to be heard from her brakes. Out of courtesy I stopped too despite knowing what was upon me.

"You are going to the funfair AND you are having fun!"

Having a discussion was useless. She shot down every excuse I came up with.

"But what if I tell you it's my aunt's birthday party?"

It didn't matter at all. Her answer? Miss it, I don't care.

So it was decided. No videogames or tv or alone time. I'd be dragged into her dad's car whether I wanted or not.

To be at least presentable I was showered and changed into some new clothes around seven. The drive took us ten minutes so we were pretty quickly dropped off. Taking in all the sounds and smells was always overwhelming at first. First thing I did: I bought a bag of roasted almonds. At least that got a smile onto my face. That slight sweet and salty taste was something to enjoy every day. If only I had more allowance to get enough almonds to last me for a year.

"I don't get how you can eat those things."

"It's easy. I pick one out and put it in my mouth."

My cheeky answer got me another slap. One day this will result in a severe loss of IQ points. Instead of putting a snack into my mouth I dropped it.

"Oh come on! Stop hitting me all the time. You made me drop the only thing bringing me joy!"

This in fact brought me a hit again.

"I love you too."

Jess was teasing me as much as I was teasing her. Otherwise this friendship of ours wouldn't work out this well. Our next stops were the Breakdance and Music Express. Even though I had a lot of fun with both rides I was glad when I sat down on a bench a glass of cola in my hand. By now I had a lot more fun than expected. We took both rides twice. On the second round of Breakdance I almost puked which made Jess laugh her ass off.

"You see."

Gleefull she gave me a shove.

"You're having a good time!"

It was true. I had a lot of fun.

"Nah, won't say it."

My smile easily betrayed me though I didn't try to lie.

Darkness began to fall and all the lights of the booths gave the area it's own flair. All the blinking lights attracted even more people. Everything was good until I spotted Mia in the crowd. She was with Sebastian and some of her friends. It stung. It always stung seeing her. Immediately my mood dropped.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah of course..."

Jessica knew me too well.

"Naaaaw...Ethan stop it. There are more fish in the sea."

Easier said than done when you see your first love every day.

With a whiny voice I said "I can't."

Finally my best friend didn't hit me.

"Some day it will get easier."

I was astonished. It wasn't much but it was advice.

"D-did you just give me solid advice for once?"

"Yep! The first and last time. Next time I'll slap you to the next plane of existence."

She would really kill me. In the end I tried to make the best of my situation.

Thirty minutes later fireworks illuminated the sky. On the one hand I enjoyed the colors. On the other holding a significant other would've made it a lot better. At that exact moment I heard a loud 'boom' paired with a modest 'hello'. Confused I looked behind me to see a guy my age and height with a severe case of Justin Bieber hair - Blond hair and emerald green eyes. They reflected the sparks in just the right way. For a few seconds I couldn't do anything but stare. I didn't know why. Stammering I made a fool of myself. He just smiled until I could say hi. The boy chuckled a bit and everything slowed down. 'Boom boom boom.' Was it my heart or the bass of exploding firework rockets? A decent blush rushed to his cheeks.

"I'm Lukas...M-may I give you my number?"

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. My brain went into idle. Why would he give his phone number to me? "I'm sorry, what? Couldn't hear you." I wasn't sure if I heard him right. I wasn't even sure if I heard him at all. One of my fingers pointed towards the yellow sparks in the sky.

"Oh..." The boy began fidgiting a bit. "I uh..."

He grabbed his phone and pointed to the display.

Now I fully realized. "I guess...."

Cautious I took out my own phone and opened the contacts app.

"Okay, shoot."

Unfortunately I couldn't really understand was Lukas was saying.

"Wait a sec."

To really hear him well I had to take a step towards him.

"Again please?"

I had his number punched in and almost immediately he seemed a lot more shy.

"B-bye..." Without even looking back Lukas skipped through the crowd. But I swear I saw a smile on his face.

This was the weirdest interaction I ever had. Never did I realize that Jess ran somewhere else to get a better look at the fireworks. At some point she came back beaming.

"Why didn't you follow me?"

Did I tell her that another dude just tried to flirt with me? No way.

"I...I...I don't know."

My answer netted me a weird stare.

"Can you call your dad?"

"Already on his way."

Jess grew wary of my behaviour.

"Are you sure nothing happened?"

I don't get how this girl knew me so well. Shaking my head I stared down at my phone. "All good."

While we were sitting in the back of the car I always padded my phone resting in my pocket. Jessica kept looking at me too. Just as I was about to get out of the backseat she asked me.

"You met someone didn't you?"

I was surprised once more.

"Your phone. It was on your mind all the time."

"Maaaaybe....Gonna call you tomorrow!"

She seemed happy and saw her suspicions confirmed. It just wasn't possible to lie to her at least not for me. Coming through the door I had the usual chatter with my mom. Apperently I was shaken enough to have her ask me too if I was feeling well.

"Of course! Just Jess pushing against me on the Music Express was tiring."

I smiled and mom didn't press further on the issue. Later in bed with my phone in hands I stared at the contact information on the display. Contemplating if I should write him a message. Why even would you go to someone and give them your number? I could've punched him square in the face. This was way too bold. Let's not forget that I'm not gay at all.

Hey I'm Ethan. You gave me your number at the funfair.

A sudden lack of judgement later I had sent the message. At least he got me interested in the intentions.

Really? Didn't think you'd write me...sorry for just coming up and talking to you.

It's okay, was a bit sudden tho.

Sorry for that.

He put that emoji with the water drop at the end.

It seemed genuinely sorry. As sorry as a person can be over a text message.

Just didn't know I had an effect on gay guys.

In retrospect my message may have been really offputting. Even when I fell asleep an hour later Lukas hadn't written back.

End of Chapter 1

Again, if you like what I put down, please send me an email at

Next: Chapter 2: Fireworks 2

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