Fireside Chat

By Steven Wren

Published on Jul 25, 1996



Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.

Fireside Chat by Ulv 24.JUL.96

I have always been a huge fan of the outdoors. Some of my earliest memories are of my dad taking me fishing in the many lakes that dot the interior of Florida, and the beach was certainly never more than a bike ride away. I grew up spending as little time inside as possible inside. Since I had everything to make me happy within easy reach, I never had a huge desire to travel.

I had a friend, though, who was the kind who had to get out of town as soon as he graduated from high school. He didn't get along too well with his parents and needed his space. I stuck around and went to school in Gainesville.

One time Jeff called me from Ohio and invited me to go hiking in West Virginia with some of his buddies. I convinced one of my college friends to go along and we made a long weekend road trip. All it took was three days in the woods -- I was addicted to mountains. I couldn't believe I had wasted all those years in the great Floridian flatness. In the next few years I made trips up to the Appalachians every chance I could get. Jeff started getting serious with his girlfriend and wasn't able to come along as often, so I called on friends in North Carolina and Tennessee. My last two years in college I hiked the Appalachian Trail twice.

Frequenting all the mountain outfitting stores in the Southeast and reading plenty of hiking and trekking magazines, I had many opportunities to see pictures and hear stories about hikes in the Rockies. The exposed rock, sheer faces and snow-capped heights really got my adrenaline going. So with a little help from my folks in the form of a graduation present, I decided to take a trip out to British Columbia on a two-week hike in the deep wilderness. None of my close buddies could make it -- Jeff , for one, was saving up to buy an engagement ring.

But some guys I met on a trip to North Carolina were all over it. They all went to school with another friend, Scott, near Raleigh. Eddie was from New Jersey and talked a lot -- and fast. He played basketball mostly, but got into hiking with his buds. Luke was an affable, smiley type from Raleigh. Will was a very laid-back dude from South Carolina. He was a Phishhead and liked to bake ceremoniously around the campfire at night and in the morning before setting out.

We set ourselves up with topographical maps and studied the area, north of Kamloops, before we went. We were all experienced, so we didn't feel we needed a guide. What we did do this time, though, was take a radio. There's no wilderness on the East Coast that's more than a very few miles from civilization, but out in Western Canada things are different.

I met those guys in Atlanta airport and we eventually made it to Vancouver. We rented a car and took a couple of days to drive up to our beginning point. The mountains were incredible. I was eating it up -- evergreens everywhere, granite slabs rising from the forest with ice in the crags ... my eyes were in heaven. And the air was so clean and quiet, it was amazing. We saw bears and caribou and eagles nearly every day.

The fourth day out we crossed a glacier. I would have loved to check out some of the fissures, but we packed light and didn't have any good climbing gear. Next time. On the way off the glacier we were climbing down the moraine when Will took a bad step and sent some big rocks tumbling. Luke got swept up and was pinned between a boulder and a tree carcass. One of the branches lacerated his right leg badly in the middle of the thigh, and his shoulder was broken. He was a little in shock, but the rest of us were all immediately relieved. Half of his pack was crushed by the boulder -- he had missed the same fate by inches.

Eddie and I cut him out of his pack while Will ran to fill our canteens with more water. I tied a tourniquet and Eddie cut off the leg of Luke's jeans. We got out my first aid kit and disinfected and dressed the wound, then set his leg and then shoulder in splints. Everything was under control, so we all sat for awhile to get over the panic.

No one needed to mention that the trip was over. It was a bummer, but I don't think anyone really thought of that too much. The important thing was to get Luke out of the woods and into a hospital. Will got up to get the radio out of Luke's pack and called us over, cursing. It was deep inside, wedged under the three-ton boulder. The three of us tried heaving the thing for about 15 minutes, but we weren't getting anywhere. It was starting to get dark, so we decided that this would have to wait till morning. Eddie and Will carried the three remaining packs down to a suitable place to camp, then returned to help me carry Luke down.

We all slept in one tent that night, since Luke's was even further gone under the boulder. It was tight, especially since we all tried to give Luke as much space as possible. In the morning, after trying again in vain to free Luke's pack, we decided that two of us would have to go back to get help. Sticking to the main trail, with any luck, we might run into someone with a radio. Will and Eddie decided to go, and since we only had one tent, I made them load up on blankets and sleeping bags.

After the other two left, I got busy gathering firewood and -- what a martyr! -- fishing. I caught a few nice-sized trout and grilled them over the fire. Luke and I sat around and told stories. He was in a fun mood despite everything, and he kept making me laugh. Will was kind enough to have left behind his baggie for pain reliever. We smoked up and enjoyed the fire and the noises of the woods.

Luke scooted across his log to try to take a piss, but being incapacitated from the accident and a little from the weed, too, he ended up tumbling over and pissing all over himself. We both roared until the returning pain took Luke's mind back from the laughter. He groaned and asked for a hand up. I sauntered over and pulled him up by his good arm and sat him on the log again. I tossed him a clean pair of shorts and he fumbled a couple of minutes with his jeans and underwear, wincing. He had his wet jeans and underwear halfway down his thighs, but he couldn't get the leverage to get them off without scraping painfully over his wound.

"Need some help?" I volunteered.

"Fucking hell. I guess."

I went over and gently eased his right leg over the bandages, then slid them down. But he still had his boots on, so I had to untie them after the fact, with him sitting naked in front of me.

"While you're down there..." Luke taunted.

I ripped his wet jeans off and pulled them over his head. He threw them off and reached for his clean shorts, but I was too fast. "Whatcha lookin' for?" I asked.

Not to give me the least bit of childish satisfaction, he just pretended to forget about it and sat on the log. He even spread his legs a little to ugly me into giving him his shorts. I just went and sat on my log and looked into the fire. But during this game we each kept glancing over at each other, and it was making us a little edgy. And I have to admit, it was a chore not to keep my eyes from pausing at his crotch as I looked from his face to the fire. In fact, I was beginning to notice his good looks and his muscular thighs, too. Luke is about 6'1, with blond hair with pretty long bangs, and a short blond beard. I hadn't thought too much about it before, but I could tell he was in good shape.

All this was making me think of my circle jerk experiences with some of my friends in middle school. Long time ago. I thought I was on top of that shit. By now we both had sort of embarrassed half-grins on our faces. We knew exactly what was on our minds, but hell if either one of us was going to stick his neck out. So I tossed him his shorts.

But he couldn't put them on any better than he could take the jeans off. We caught each other in another smile and I noticed that his dick was starting to grow. Well, so was mine. With him on the defensive it was no big deal for me to just stare at his cock as it bobbed up into the air. I stretched my legs out to accommodate my own expanding crotch and Luke nonchalantly brushed the back of his hand along his dick.

"Grab it," I said.

He wrapped his fist around his shaft and slowly started to work it up and down. Then I started to rub my balls and squeeze my cock through the denim. I could feel the heat through the material despite the fire in front of me.

"Let's see whatcha got," Luke said.

I wasted no time in getting my boots and jeans off. Luke also took off his shirt, so we were soon buck naked with raging hard-ons in front of the campfire. I kept standing and stroked my meat and looked at him masturbating, his eyes riveted on my crotch. I walked over and reached my hand down to grab his dick and he popped mine into his mouth with no further ado. I gave out a little moan and ran my hands through his hair. He just bobbed up and down the length of my shaft, using his good hand to fondle my balls and tickle my asshairs. His hot mouth sliding on my cock felt great, with the occasional solid sensation of his teeth thrown in for flavor. I didn't want to come immediately, so I backed off and said softly, "Let's go in the tent."

Luke answered, "Dude, we've got plenty of time. Let's get off right now and we can do it again a million times later."

I ruffled his hair and drew our two heads together for a second, then went down to give him some attention. As I placed my hands on his hips I could still feel a little clamminess from the urine. I drew his cock into my mouth and wanted nothing more than to suck him off. My hands ran all over his body, playing in the light dusting of blond hair on his pecs and gently pinching his nipples. As I sucked his dick I tried to make lots of saliva for a slippery ride. I fondled his balls and stuck my middle finger on his asshole. He liked that just fine, so I spit in my hand and lubed up his hole enough to work my finger all the way in. When I got to his prostate he let out a deep breath. I brought my other hand down to pump his cock as I continued sucking, and began to feel his anus contracting on my finger. He bucked his hips and struggled against a gasp and pumped load after load of hot cum into my mouth. Goddamn it was great to drink him down!

We were both covered with sweat. After recovering for a minute, he drew me up to his mouth and he kissed me, savoring the taste of his jism. Then he motioned for me to stand all the way up and he took my dong in his mouth again. This time he took it extremely slowly. He knew I was excited and wanted to get me off teasingly and tenderly. That lasted about two minutes before I could stand it no longer. I let out a deep sigh and released a shuddering torrent of semen into his mouth.

Still radiant and drunk from our orgasms, I helped Luke up and walked him over to the tent. The single sleeping bag was not going to be the least problem.

To be continued. Recommendations welcome.

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