
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 27, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Fireflies Part Five

The week moved along for Brett and I, changing our lunch place helped as well as not having to deal with Mr. Evens. While at school we kept our hands off each other, making up for it once we were alone in our room. Sex was as good as always, but it became obvious that Brett wanted us to move it to the next level. He was always kind and caring, but his dick kept slipping down and probing until I pulled away. I wasn't ready for that, but I felt I had to keep it interesting to keep him in the room at night. This was a very fine line and I learned to ride it well.

It was Friday, we were so glad to have school behind us and the weekend to spend time together. Mom was moving fast with arrangements to have the house rebuild and it was just a matter of time before we would have to separate and sleep in our own beds. Neither of us was looking forward to that and just pretended that the day would never come, all the same, we took every opportunity to get naked and frisky.

On the way home Brett got a call on his cell phone from Vic, asking him to come in that night. Two of the regulars had come down with the flu and he was really short handed. Brett tried to beg off, but ended up promising to go in for the rush and closing.

I was pouting, hoping that we could get naked and mess around all night and I expressed my angst.

"Brett said, "No big deal, it's not like we're going to do anything new anyway", he teased.

"Well I thought you liked having sex with me? I faked sadness.

"Yeah, I will, as soon as you let me", he smirked.

"Maybe I will", I stated.

"Don't jerk me John, I mean please jerk me, but don't say you're going to more than that if you're not" he pleaded.

Now I was stuck. I thought about it as he drove along and said,

"Well if I let anybody do that it, it would be you. You know that Brett."

"Yeah, I just hope I'm not too old to remember how", he volleyed.

"I don't know how old are you today?" I asked.

He looked over at me and ran one tire off the road, quickly correcting his driving, with a sparkle in his eye and that great smile he said,

"Are you serious John, don't tease me about this. Don't say we're going to do it and then back out, I'd rather just think we're never going to do it than think you're messing with."

I smiled at Brett and I could see this was something he wanted us to do and a big part of me wanted to do it too. It was the little part of me that was scared as hell.

"John, you know I wouldn't hurt you, you know I would be really careful and gentle, you know that John", Brett could read my mine.

"I know, and I think we're ready, but we better do it as soon as we get home before I change my mine", I warned.

"John, I need to go to work, can we do it later?" He pleaded.

I thought about it and wasn't sure if I would talk myself out of it if we waited. I'll tell you what,

"You do me when we get home and I'll do you tonight when you get back, how's that sound?"

The car picked up speed and Brett had a smile and a bulge in his pants. I enjoyed both and he pulled into the driveway.

A quick hello to his family and we raced to the room. "Okay John get undressed let's get started", he said.

"Geez Brett can't we kiss or something first?" I asked.

"Sure, sure I'll kiss you as we get undressed", he hurried.

Standing naked in front of him I asked, "Aren't you going to take off your socks?"

"Nah I'm fine, it will save time when I'm ready to leave," he reasoned.

"But I always like to see you naked", I complained.

"Don't worry, you won't be thinking about my feet in a few minutes", he assured me.

We kissed as we danced ourselves over to the bed. I lay back placing my butt over the side, making it easier for him to move in.

"You look so hot, John, I'm going to love this", he smiled

Brett took my knees and pulled them up and to each side of his body, he moved forward and I felt the tip of his elongated tool rub against my hole. I wiggled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It tickles down there", I complained.

"Sorry, it can't be helped, okay?" He said a bit frustrated.

"Yeah, go ahead", I complied.

I felt the head pushing in. "Wait"

Brett looked perturbed, "What now", he asked.

"Well, shouldn't we be using a condom?" I questioned.

"Okay, I could run down to the store and get one, but I've never done this before and I don't plan on doing it with anybody else", he assured me.

"Okay, what the hell have at it", I said.

He laughed saying, "I love your pioneering sprit."

"Yeah, I know what you love, are we going to do this or what?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm going in, ready?" He answered.

"Wait", I begged.

Brett's eyes rolled up into his head, "What now John?"

"Shouldn't we lube that thing, its huge?" I worried.

"I'm just above average, you should see some of the other guys", he defended.

I said,"Brett, this is not a good time to tell me you're checking out other guys, okay?"

"I'm not, I'm just saying", he defended himself.

"Okay, whatever. Get something slippery we can put on that, just to make it easier" I instructed.

"I'm going to make a bucket of slippery if you'll let me get started", he joked.

"Just get something okay?" I snapped.

"Sure, sure, what should I use", he questioned?

"How about that creamy soap", I suggested.

Brett said, "No way, you'll be making bubbles all night long."

"Okay what else do you have?" I asked.

Brett said, "Hey I think I've got some Vaseline in the bathroom drawer."

"Okay, that should work, go and get it." I directed.

I watched Brett's white lobes bouncing above his white socks and then in a few seconds, his white hard dick popping around as he raced back in front of me.

He flipped open the jar and began to stick his finger in it and I said, "Wait"

"What now John", Brett was going crazy.

"I want to do it", I answered.

"I thought you wanted me to do it first?" He wined.

"No, I meant I want to put the Vaseline on your dick, that's all." I defended.

I took a lob and started at the base, circling his dick while spreading a thick layer all around, another lob continuing to his head, leaving a glob surrounding the crown and moving up with more onto the head.

"Okay, are you finished he asked in frustration?"

"I'm just trying to do a good job," I replied.

"You're not being graded okay John?" He stated.

"Okay let's do it", I resigned.

Brett moved his slick dick to my quivering hole. I felt the head push against the opening, he pulled my knees apart and I felt him enter.

"Be careful", I warned "That thing could take my tonsils out."

Brett said, "I doubt that I could do that from here, but I'll give it a try from the other end later tonight."

He pushed in; I felt his pubes rubbing my bottom and I wiggled.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Your hair is tickling me", I said.

"Do you want me to shave it before I do this again?" He offered.

"You're going to have to beg real hard before I let you do this again, you feel huge in there", I complained.

"Don't be a baby, John." He stroked by dick and said,

"Your dick is a lot bigger than most guys, I'm sure I'm going to feel it when you're doing this", he justified.

"There you go talking about those other guys again", I joked.

I'm just saying John, your going to feel like a truck is driving up into there", he sounded worried.

"I'm no eighteen-wheeler, but I'll deliver my load", I replied.

"Okay I'm in are you ready?" He asked.

"Am I ready for what?" I questioned.

"I'm going to start pumping", he said.

"Oh yeah, I guess that's part of it right", I agreed.

Brett began to push in and pull out. The in' stokes made my teeth chatter, the out' stokes made a swooshing sound. He asked, "How am I doing?"

"Good, are you sure you've never done this before?" I questioned.

"Nah, I guess I'm just a natural", he smiled.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't include that skill on your resume", I bannered.

In and out, faster still and Brett was developing perspiration on his face and chest. I was bouncing slightly and my bottom felt his heat and then, BAM, Bam, bam, he erupted inside of me. Collapsing forward, he kissed me and I felt his soften dick pull out.

"John, you were fantastic, I love you", he said between his kisses.

I saw the Fireflies dancing and said, I know Brett, I know."

"Are you okay, do you want me to call in sick and stay with you?" He asked worried.

"No, you need to go and I just want to lay here in the after-glow", I told him.

He slipped down my body saying while holding my dick, "Okay, but I can't wait to have you in me", kissing its head.

I watched his cheeks moving away to the bathroom again, smiling at the thought of what we had just done together. Soon Brett was out and cleaned, dressing quickly, he ran over and kissed me goodbye and was out the door.

I smiled listening to his car pull out and drive away. Smiling because there I was naked in Brett Norton's bed, with some of Brett Norton's cum deep inside of me. We had come a long way in just a week. Brett and I had shared so much in that short time span. I laughed to myself, thinking that the only thing he and I had shared just a week ago was the sun shining through our windows each morning, the sun shining through our windows, both of our windows, both facing east.

My blood ran cold. I pulled myself from the bed and ran to the window. I pulled up the shade and pushed back the curtain. I looked down the road towards town, the same view I had from my bedroom, only my house was behind us, west of here.

Brett had lied, he told the reporters he had seen my house burning from his window. There was no way that was possible. I felt some of Brett leaking down my leg and grabbed one of his shirts off a hanger and wiped myself clean, throwing it on the floor.

I was pissed, first at Brett for setting our house on fire and putting me and my family in jeopardy. Then I was pissed at myself for seeing all the signs and pushing them away because I was having so much fun. I scolded myself for my foolishness, for allowing him to trick me so that he could draw me here to his bedroom, so that he could seduce me, so that he could have sex me. I was pissed.

I grabbed a pair of his briefs, some shorts and a shirt, finding socks and shoes I dressed in hurried anger. Out the door and down the stairs I ran, stopping to see the oily rags and the gas cans next to them, these were the tools of his destruction, I told myself. He destroyed houses and he had destroyed me too. I was pissed.

I jumped on my bike and headed to the road going east towards town. The ride to the Pizza Oven was about three miles and mostly down hill, plus the wind was behind me, so the trip would be a quick one. I stood most of the way, having trouble with the bicycle seat against my tender behind, where Brett had entered having sex with me. My anger grew as I came nearer to the Pizza Oven.

I parked my bike by the front door and entered in a rage. The place was packed with families and at the first table by the door was Tim Jenson and the track team crowded around it celebrating their win that day.

I saw Brett coming from the kitchen with a tray of drinks. I stormed towards him, he smiled at first seeing me and then his face turned serious asking,

"John., what are you doing here, is everything alright?"

"I screamed at him, "No Brett everything is not alright you bastard."

Brett looked around embarrassed as the place began to grow quiet and the attention of the eaters turned to us.

"John, what's wrong, why are you angry at me, I didn't hurt you did I?" He was worried.

"Yeah Brett you bastard, you hurt me, you hurt me the night you burnt down my house, you hurt me by making my family homeless so that you could get me into your bed and have sex with me", I was screaming.

"John", he pleaded "Please keep it down everyone can hear you."

"Good Brett than I guess they'll all know that you're the one that has been setting the fires around here. They'll also hear how you made me into a really good cock sucker won't they Brett? Tell everybody what a good time you've been having teaching me how to suck your cock, how to beat your meat and how to lie still while you fuck my brains out, you bastard. Tell them how you like to take your lighter out at night and burn down peoples homes, tell them you're the arsonist, go ahead Brett tell them", I shouted.

He was openly crying, his head moving in denial his body shaking when he said,

"No John, I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't set fire to anybodies house especially yours."

"Really Brett then why did you tell the reporters you saw the fire from your bedroom window? Why do you go out at night with your lighter? Answer those questions Brett", I demanded.

His head went down and as best as he could he composed himself and answered,

"You're right I lied to the reporters, I had to. I couldn't tell them that I was out under the trees in front of my house looking down the street at your place. I couldn't tell them that I go out there to have a smoke and look at your bedroom window, wondering how I could make you notice me, how I could get you to be my friend. I couldn't tell them I've been trying to get near you, to break into your world forever. That night I was out there, I saw the smoke and flames from there, I knew I had to save you, I couldn't let you go, I wanted you to be my friend and I just couldn't let you go."

"So you've been stalking me for all these years, trying to figure out away to have sex with me is that what you're saying?" I snidely remarked.

"Yes, it's true, I watched you, but the sex was your idea, I wanted to do it too believe me, but it was you who asked if we could," He was pleading.

He looked around and everyone in the restaurant had stopped eating and was watching our floorshow. He said,

"John, please let's not discuss all this here, we'll go over everything back our place okay?"

"Our place, you mean your bedroom where you took my virginity, where you seduced me, where you hurt me?" I asked in disbelief. "I'm never going back there with you, I'm never going to let you do that again and I'm never going to let you hurt me again."

Brett was hysterical now and pleaded, "John please I would never hurt you, I love you."

Well I hate you Brett and I never want to see you again." I swung my fist connecting with his chin, the tray of drinks went flying and in tears Brett ran out the front door passing Vic coming from the kitchen.

"John what the hell is going on here, where's Brett going?" He asked.

"You don't want him here Vic, he's the arsonist, he burnt down my families house", I told him.

"No John, you're wrong, it was just on the evening news, they caught the arsonist, and it was the Janitor from your school. He's confessed to starting all the fires including the one at your house."

`What" I was taken back. "But Brett had the lighter; he took it out at night. It was Brett, he did it, he started the fires." I reasoned.

"I gave Brett the lighter to keep the candles lit on the tables. He went out for a smoke; he gave me his cigarettes tonight saying he was giving them up knowing how happy that would make you John. He needed you, he said you were the best thing in his life, and he told me that you made life worth living. Brett really cares about you John", Vic was compelling.

"No, no what have I done? I have to stop him, I have to go." Running from the door I heard from Tim at the first table, "Queer Boy."

On my bike heading back to Brett's, uphill most of the way, with the wind against me, made going slow. I peddled faster, moving up the second hill. I had been wrong, I had judged him poorly. I had not taken into consideration how much he cared for me, how much he loved me. I had not been a good friend to him. I was so sorry for the words I had said, the hate I had expelled, I just hoped he would forgive me.

Riding hard, I assured myself that Brett would be angry with me, he would be very upset that I had shared the details of our love making with all the world, he would no be happy with me for doing that and he might be hurt that I said I hated him and never wanted to be with him again. But surely I thought he would forgive me, we would laugh and eventually he would let me back into his life and we would face our problems together. I told myself surely he wouldn't do anything stupid; he wouldn't hurt himself I thought. I looked forward towards his house, one mile down and two to go and then I saw a pillar of white smoke, I shook my head no and peddled faster. The last hill and his roof top in sight. Above it the pillar of white smoke was now a dark colored mushroom shape.

I peddled harder, my shirt sticking to my back; I could see flames flaring into the sky. I road into his driveway, I threw the bike to the ground and ran to the back of the house. There his parents stood watching the garage white hot in flames. I ran passed them I had to get to him I had to save him, I can't lose him now, I can't lose my Brett.

His father grabbed me pulling me back just as the garage door blew off and we watched Brett's car engulfed in flames. His mom and sisters were crying, his dad held me tight. I was too late; I couldn't tell him that I loved him.

It was just past twilight and I was stunned by the smoke in the night sky, packed with embers both large and small. The sky was filled with those tiny lights. They were not Fireflies, Brett had taken them with him and now my heart ached and he was gone.

And so....

It has taken several years before I could share this story. With high school behind me, it was unpleasant at best. Tim Jenson's new nickname for me had stuck. However with good grades and the guilt trip Mom had put on dear old Dad I was afforded an opportunity to study at the University and glad to have a way to leave that town.

Now finishing my sophomore year, I have come to the conclusion that the sum total of my relationship with Brett was a positive one. Oh I haven't forgotten him or what he gave me. On my desk I still have the picture of us together, him giving me a heart valentine in third grade, not knowing then that he would someday take my heart with him. I have the memories of us and I now I only wear briefs, I even have a stars and striped pair.

Most importantly Brett gave me himself and from that gift I found me. Thanks to Brett I know I need someone in my life and I know I need to find that person now, I need to move on. Throwing any predigest of race and age aside, maintaining just one, the sex needs to be the same as Brett. He needs to be someone who can keep me warm, some one who can provide a spark and maybe, just maybe he will help to make my Fireflies dance once again.

I'm looking for him, Brett would want me to, I'm looking and maybe, maybe he's you.

The end

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