
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 25, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Fireflies Part Four

Up the stairwell following behind Brett's behind was an enjoyable view. Once in the room, Brett closed the door and locked it. He had a look that was hard to read and I shook a little with anticipation. Brett came towards me, his arms went around my midsection, kissing me; his hands went beneath my shirt and pulled it up releasing our kiss just long enough to pass it over my head. Another kiss and I felt my belt and zipper release and my jeans fall off my backside. Brett kissed my neck and slowly kissed down my body licking each nipple along the way.

On his knees he pulled my shoes and socks off, playing with my toes until I had to pull them away. His hands went slowly up my legs. The hairs resisted, but each gave way and he reached my briefs. First up under the legs bans fondling my balls and then moving the briefs down and off of me. My dick sprang to attention and he licked the tip. I was so hard, as he stood again in front of me.

I watched his leisurely striptease and shivered at the thought of his naked body. Brett just seemed prefect to me now. His strong arms, tight chest muscles, little brown nipples. The cute navel and that lovely brown bush announcing the arrival of his elongated tool.

He stood naked and hard, a view I will never forget and he let me take it all in for well over a minute before he came back to an embrace. Our dicks danced and he slid down again re-kissing all of my parts.

His mouth took me in, his nose sucked air through my pubes, his lips massaged and his tongue did, god I don't know what that was, but it felt wonderful. I was thankful for his extended ears, without those as handlebars I might have fallen over and I told him we had better move this to the bed before I went faint.

I sat on the bed and he pushed me back and I lay flat while he placed my balls in his moist mouth washing them in warm saliva. That's when I blew my load and he sucked it off my body and cleaned the delivery system, leaving nothing but a shine.

I pulled my legs up on to the bed and tried to catch my breath. Brett climbed on top of me sliding forward so that his dick was resting on my chin.

I said, "I starved."

Brett said, "Do you want chicken or the other white meat?"

"Which do you want me to take a bite from?" I teased.

"Oh, I better get us some dinner", he began to move away.

"Wait", I said, "I better get a quick taste in case you change your mind later."

"Not a chance", he smiled rolling off of me.

I watched him pull on some shorts and sneakers and run out the door, turning first to tell me not to move.

I lay naked on Brett's bed smiling with delight about our project. This was better than any other project I had been involved in and I decided I would do my best as always and go for the Blue Ribbon.

I heard his feet hitting the stairs on the way back to the room and I quickly adjusted myself, making sure my dick had its best side facing the door. Brett came in holding a tray, he kicked the door closed behind him setting the tray on the dresser long enough to push off his sneakers and pull his shorts down and away from his sexy body. It seemed to take forever for his dick to appear and pop up looking for love.

Brett moved the tray next to the bed and we sat naked, feeding each other bits of chicken we had ripped from the bone. I took my roll covered with butter and smeared it on his dick and then licked it clean. The scene was all very erotic and way too much fun.

During a brief rest period we talked. I told him about the Fireflies and his eyes watered when I got to the part about them dying. Then Brett said softy,

"John, I love you."

I was quiet and reflective.

He asked, "Do you love me John?"

"I love what we do when we're together, I love your smell, your taste and I love the way you make me feel. Does that mean I'm in love Brett?" I asked seriously.

He told me, "It means you're in love with the experience, but not necessarily with me".

"Sorry, how will I know when I'm in love with you?" I hoped he had an answer.

He did, and said "If your heart aches when I'm not with you."

Again and again the Fireflies danced and about two in the morning he woke me to say be had better take a shower.

"We're not going to do it again in there are we?" I faked a wine.

"What do you think?" He laughed.

The alarm went off and we woke matted together and had to grab just a quick clean and run to make it to school on time.

Science class was difficult. Just the fragrance of him was intoxicating. Whenever we could we would rub our legs against each other or slide our hands together. We were very careful, Mr. Evens missed nothing, but we were both hard and had to make adjustments before pushing back from our lab table. We said goodbye at the door and before he took a step, I was missing him.

It was the class just before lunch when I took a pee break. Spilling my urine into the bowl I heard the door open. Against the tile wall I could see a shadow coming up behind me. A hand came around and took hold of my penis and held it, aiming my stream towards the drain. I said,

"You should be careful, my boyfriend is very jealous."

"How did you know it was me?" Brett complained.

"Your smell", I answered.

"So you're saying I stink", he teased.

"Not at what you're doing", I bantered.

Just then the door flew open and the deep voice of Mr. Evens spoke,

"I'm not surprised to fine you two boys here. What kind of deviate sexual behavior are you two engaging?" He asked.

I quickly flipped my dick inside my briefs as Brett pulled his hand off and away. We both turned and pressed our bodies against the urinals.

"Don't think I didn't notice all the boy play going on under your lab table today, and now this. We don't tolerate this kind of homosexual activity here at this school and you'll find that this town will not view your action too kindly as well." He moved in very close, his finger pointing at each of us "Now let me tell you boys", Mr. Evens started again.

The door popped and a bucket and mop pushed in followed by the Janitor.

Mr. Evens looked around and took a step back and whispered,

"I've got my eye on you two", then he stormed out the door.

We sat quietly and an extra foot apart at lunch. I complained,

"How did he know, is there a sign on our backs that tells the world we're cock suckers?"

"Don't say things like that John, we're not hurting anyone; we're just having fun", Brett declared.

"I don't think the world sees it that way Brett, and I'm pretty sure our Mom's aren't going to see it that way when Evens gets done telling them", I worried.

"Let me worry about Evens, John and let's not let this get the best of us okay?" he said defiantly.

I answered, "I don't know Brett, we'll see what happens."

The rest of the day moved slowly, neither of us saw Mr. Evens again that day and nothing more was said. We headed home feeling both tired from the night before and drained from the events in the boy bathroom.

I slept like a log, waking only to see Brett coming through the door."

Sleepily I asked, "Where have you been?"

"Just out, move over, I need to make love", he rolled in next to me.

We were in no hurry to see Mr. Evens again the next morning, but knew we had to go. We had decided it would be wise to split up and both found a girl to sit with in class.

Just before class began, The Dean came into the classroom and introduced a substitute teacher saying,

"Class this is Ms. Morgan and she will be teaching your class for the rest of the week. I think some of you know that last night the arsonist hit again, burning Mr. Evans home to the ground. He and his family escaped without injury, but as you can imagine there are many issues for him to address." He went on.

"We want to assist the authorities in finding the person who is setting fire to our community and bringing pain and suffering to our school. If any of you have any information you deem helpful, we encourage you to come forward at once."

I looked over at Brett and he looked away.

The day moved on, but lunch didn't go well. We sat under the trees eating our lunch more quietly than usual. A group of guys from the track team always ate at the picnic table across the walk from us. One of them, Tim Jenson came over just before the bell rang and said,

"Don't think Mr. Evens is the only one who has noticed you two. The way you look at each other, it's just so gay. Whatever you're doing, just keep it away from here."

I looked at Brett and he was staring right through Tim, I had never seen a look like that on his face, scary. The bell rang and Brett walked away.

The drive home was quiet at first. I could see Brett was still angry and I said,

"Let it go."

He turned looking at me, a tear in his eye and he said,

"He has no right to tell us how to act. I look at you like that because I love you John."

I took his right hand allowing him to drive with his left and I held it and said, "I know".

We arrived at the house and Mom and Sara were in the driveway waiting for me. I told Brett I had better handle this and he agreed waving to them and heading in to say hi to his folks.

"Jonathon sweetie, Sara and I wanted to drop by to give you the news. The Fire Marshall has finished his investigation and found that the arsonist used oily rags and gasoline to start our fire just like he's been doing with all the others."

"Oh" I said.

Sara spoke, "Yeah now Mom can get the insurance check and we can all be together again."

"Cool", I smiled.

"Well I just hope they find that person soon before any other families have to endure what we're going through", Mom added.

"They put a $25,000 reward out for him. If I knew who he was I'd turn him in and buy all new clothes", Sara dreamed.

Mom laughed and agreed, "We could sure use the money."

Sara and Mom headed off to run a few errands and Brett came out to wave goodbye and we headed up to the room.

We had homework and stayed dress needing to join his family for dinner. Later we showered together as usual. Not much conversation between us, I could tell he was still thinking about Tim and what was said.

Coming from the bathroom I turned the light out staying naked. I crawled into bed and waited for Brett. He came out and had put his shirt and jeans back on. I saw him reach into the drawer and pull out the lighter.

"No Brett, please don't go, please stop, I need you" I pleaded.

"I'll be back soon John, just keep the bed warm for me", he replied.

I jumped out of bed and ran to him. I kissed him deeply pushing him against the dresser.

"Wow, I didn't know you were this horny, I'll make it quick", he smiled.

"No Brett stay I want you to stay with me, I want to have sex with you right now", I pleaded.

I pulled his shirt up displaying his abs and navel, I slid down rolling my hands over his jeans, I felt the lighter and I pulled the jeans down his body. I took his dick into my mouth and I did my best to please him.

"Okay, okay, I guess I better give in for now", he smiled

I stripped his things off of him and took him to the bed. I held him tight. We kissed and he pushed his hard cock down and against my hole. I knew what he wanted, but stopped him.

"Whoa boy, I'm a little tender down there and not to sure I want that thing in me", I worried.

"John, you're the one who said that sex was when you put you dick in to something", he joked.

"Yeah, but if you bore me out with that thing, my crap will just fall out the hole", I teased.

Brett said, "I don't think it works like that John and you know I would never hurt you."

"Well if sex is sticking you dick in somewhere, I can think of a prefect place for mine that will also stop all this chatter", I replied.

"Okay buddy you win, but someday I want to be in you okay?" He stated.

"We'll see" and I pushed my tongue into his mouth, clearing the airways for something bigger and harder. The Fireflies danced.

To be continued... Your comments are welcomed

Next: Chapter 5

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