
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 22, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. Thanks Skeet for editing this story and making it better for the reader.

Fireflies - Part Three

Back In the room, Brett pulled off his shirt and said, "Shower time".

He was facing away from me as he dropped his clothes at his feet. I was removing mine too and actually finished before him standing naked as he turned and gave me a strange look.

"Oh did you want to join me John", he asked surprised.

"Oh no, sorry I just thought, well I don't know what I was thinking, sorry", I stammered.

Even my dick was embarrassed, doing its best to bury its head in my hairy bush.

"No John, please join me, you know, less water used is good for mother Earth", he said as he smiled.

"No, Brett I can wait, I just wasn't thinking", I replied.

He came over to me, taking me by the hand and without speaking we entered the shower and felt the warm water splash between us. Less scrubbing was required, but each took their turn washing the others back, applying shampoo and carefully making sure not to get too close to each others extended appendages. After drying off, Brett pulled on his dick and pointed it into the toilet, taking a minute to relieve himself, then he walked out to the bedroom giving me some privacy to do the same.

I wrapped the towel around me and rethinking, I left it behind, and walked into the bedroom where I saw him sitting with crossed legs on the bed holding a controller. So freshly clean, so innocent and full of youth, almost child-like, until you focused on his groin. His soft cock hung loosely over a fuzzy ball sac, extending away from a nice patch of fine hairs, it was the proof of his manhood and the vision of a child was definitely left behind.

He pulled his hairy calves off the bed and patted a place next to him. "Come play with me", he persuaded.

I sat leaving a small space, he quickly moved toward me filling the void. Our legs tangled somewhat and from knee to ankle our hairs bushed together. Moving up and above the knee both sets of legs lost their shading which was present below. The hairs became finer and harder to see and gave out just below the hips, but came roaring back in full growth over our cocks and spreading down to a fuzzy cover over our balls. Neither of us had much hair to speak of on our upper body, other than what grew within our armpits. We were at the early stage of our maturity, the sexually primed part and both our dicks had risen in hopes for attention, and his had risen a bit more than mine.

"Lets go to bed", he said quietly. We did and were under the sheet facing each other, just inches away.

"Thanks for helping me clean up tonight", he said.

"Do you mean at the Pizza Oven or in the shower?", I teased.

"Both", he laughed.

"It was fun", I remarked.

"Do you mean at the Pizza Oven or in the shower?", he volleyed?

"Both", I said and we laughed.

It was quiet for over a minute. I had closed my eyes tightly, seeing sparks and hoping for Fireflies.

"Brett, can I play with you?" I held my breath.

"Were not talking X Box are we John", he asked in a whisper.

"No", I responded.

"John", he said. "I cant let you do that, unless you allow me to return the favor."

"Okay", I said in agreement.

Our hands passed over one another under the sheet heading for our appointed destinations. His touch was like feathers against my skin. My hand glided over warm silk drawn tightly over a titanium rod. He wrapped me with his fist. I traced the outline of his head and flicked at his hole.

It didn't take us very long and cords of cum lay on our naked bellies. We were both breathing hard. Brett leaned forward and ran his tongue through the puddle forming in my naval.

I said, "What are you doing? Thats gross."

He laughed. I said, "What does it taste like?"

He went down again for a second helping returning to face me and in the night light he showed me the milky cargo in his mouth and then he kissed me, pushing his tongue through my teeth. I had a taste of his red lips and my cum all at once. I pulled back. "Are we supposed to do that?", I asked innocently.

He laughed and said, "Yeah, I picked up the kissing option when I got the license to have sex with you."

"I don't think that was sex, was it?" I questioned.

"What, you're Bill Clinton now?", he asked.

"No, I just thought you had to stick you dick into something for it to be real sex, thats all", I reasoned.

"Okay, lets get to it", he said. He turned and went back down taking my dick into those red lips caressing all of it.

I wasn't sure about this, but there in my face was that silky hair, those fuzzy balls and one really nice dick. I began to lick along the shaft. Brett pulled off my pole and said, "Geez, what the heck are you doing?"

I giggled and used my tongue to lick along the underside of the head.

"John, you're driving me crazy. What the hell are you doing up there?", he asked excitedly.

I licked all around the head flicking at the pee hole and to both our surprise, I placed my lips over the top and sucked him in. He exploded. I thought I might drown, but kept swallowing as best I could. It seemed to last a while and soon I had control of the flow.

Afterward, he said, "John I'm sorry I should have warned you, but God I just didn't expect you to do that."

"It's okay. I wanted to taste you anyway", I assured him.

"Kiss me so I know how I taste", he begged.

"I'm sorry I swallowed it all, next time Ill save some", I promised.

"Next time?" he joked. How soon is that?"

"Can we rest for awhile?", I asked.

"Sure", he said. Brett came up for air and we cuddled together falling to sleep.

Twice more in the night the Fireflies danced as we made love. Morning light brought a knock at the door and we quickly covered our nakedness in case it opened. Through the door Brett's dad asked if we were going to church. Brett yelled back that we were going to skip it and just stay in bed. We heard him laugh and tell us to have fun. Not wanting to disobey, we did it another time. It had been a while since I had felt this happy. We left the light off in the shower and our hands enjoyed moving around freely.

Later we played ball in the yard with his sisters. I didn't know he had siblings, but there were three of them and he explained thats how he conned his folks into giving him the room above the garage.

Soon Mom and Sara arrived and everyone relaxed and enjoyed a nice afternoon. Mrs. Norton was a great cook and I think Brett and I ate more than our share. I can't imagine why we were so hungry.

Later in the evening Brett and I went into the kitchen for a soda and I saw Mom and Mrs. Norton looking at some pictures.

"What're you looking at Mom?", I asked.

"Oh look sweetie Mary gave us some pictures of Brett that had you in them to help replace all the ones we lost", she said smiling.

I was stunned. There on the table was a stack of photos. One was a valentines party in grade school showing Brett handing me a heart shaped valentines card. Another was a playground shot with Brett pushing me on the swing. There were some from Middle school too. The Eighth Grade Science Fair when I received a Blue Ribbon. In the photo Brett was standing next to me holding an Honorable Mention. Another was a photo taken in the halls, showing Brett smiling walking behind me. Another one was the day we had to pass the swimming test in P.E. Brett's skinny body was next to mine, and so on.

I didn't remember any of this. I didn't remember even knowing he was around at all and yet there was proof. He had been there all along. I didn't know what to think. I looked at Brett and he turned red and moved back outside.

After Mom and Sara left, I went looking for him and he was gone. I got undressed and slipped into to bed. In about an hour Brett came in and quietly removed his shirt and jeans. I watched him in the darkness place his lighter in the drawer, slip off his briefs and slide in next to me. I placed my hand on his bare chest. He placed his hand over mine.

"I missed you", I said softly.

"Yeah, just needed to get some air", he said.

"And a smoke?", I questioned.

"I'm trying to quit, but never mind all of that, tell me again how much you missed me", he said.

"I guess I missed you a lot through the years. I'm sorry", I said.

"You're here now, thats all that matters", he spoke softly.

I moved my hand down his body finding my target.

"It's late and we have school tomorrow", he warned.

"I know, I guess we better hurry", I continued.

Dressed and heading down the stairs I started walking towards the bus stop. Brett said, "Hey where are you going?"

"Oh thats right you could drive me right", I said stopping.

"Yeah if you think you'd like to be with me", he said smiling.

I pinched his butt, he pushed me a little and we laughed as we drove off to school.

More kids came up to me than I even knew had any idea who I was. Everyone wished me well and asked about the fire. Then things tapered off when the news that the quarterbacks house had been set fire last night. I looked for Brett, the bell rang and I started toward Science class.

As I walked in the door I ran right into Brett and surprised I asked, "What are you doing here?"

He turned red and looked away for a second and then quietly said, "Were both in this class John."

"You two get a lab table. We have a lot to do and need to start right away.", That came from our science teacher Mr. Evens.

Mr. Evans was not one to mess with. His words were sharper than a scalpel if you set him off in the wrong direction. He moved around the room and eventually arrived in front of our lab table. Watching Brett and I charting the parts of the frog we were dissecting he said, "Pay attention Norton, you could learn a lot from Willis here."

"Yes, Sir Mr. Evens. I know I'm in good hands", he remarked politely. "Sorry about the house fire Wills, I hope you and your family will recover, but don't let that interfere with your studies. You'd make a good scientist", Mr. Evens said.

"Yes sir, we'll be fine and thanks. I'll stay on the studies", I replied.

Our legs rubbed and our hands touched from time to time, but I don't think anyone could tell that anything had changed. After Science, Brett and I walked out the door. He was going one way and I was going the other. Pulling me aside he smirked and mocked Mr. Evens, "Good job Willis, your house burnt down, but pay attention to that frog young man."

I think the only one who heard us was the Janitors, who smiled with understanding, moving his broom past our feet.

"Hey, you want to meet at lunch?", Brett asked.

"Do we have it the same time", I questioned.

Brett looked at his feet and said, "Yeah, do you want to meet or not?"

"Yes I'll look for you, okay", I replied a little embarrassed.

"Sure, see you later", he replied as he walked away.

"I always grab my food and sit out under the trees", I told him going through the line.

He said, "Yeah, I know, we can do that."

We sat on a bench next to one another balancing our trays, eating and talking. The talking part was something I wasn't use to, but I found that I was actually enjoying it. Brett was interesting and had a point of view about almost everything. We didn't always agree, but we laughed it off when we saw things differently.

He took our trays back and we finished the last few minutes of our lunch time just being near each other. It was nice and I hated for it to end. The bell rang and as I watched him move away, I started thinking about the end of the day when I could be with him again.

Meeting him at the car, Brett and I headed back to our place. Brett asked along the way if I had any homework. I told him no, and he smiled and said he had none as well.

In the driveway my moms car waited and we both were surprised. The door slamming behind us, we saw Sara helping Brett's sisters with their fresh baked cookies. We both grabbed one and balanced it between hand and mouth blowing off the heat. Mom told me that she had brought my bike over and placed it next to the garage. At least our garage had been saved from the flames and we had not lost my bike or the car.

Brett's mom told us they were all going to his sisters performance at school and then shopping at the mall.

Mom said, "Do you want to come with us sweetie? Maybe we can find some new clothes for you to wear."

"Can't, sorry John and I have a project", Brett interjected before I could reply.

I looked at him, but said nothing. Brett's mom told us that she would leave some chicken warming in the oven and there were biscuits and veggies if we wanted to heat them up.

"Thanks Mom, Ill come down later and bring it up for John and me", he said.

We both grabbed two more cookies as the girls yelled at us as, and we headed up the stairs. I couldn't wait to find out what project Brett had in mind.

To be continued... Your comments are welcomed

Next: Chapter 4

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