
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 20, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. Thanks Skeet for editing this story and making it better for the reader

Fireflies Part Two

The cameras blasted and reporters held microphones to our lips and there was a little pushing a shoving to be the first to attack.

"Brett, it's Brett Norton right?" one yelled.

"Jonathon, tell us what it was like being saved by Brett," from a lady pushing foraward.

"Jonathon the last name is Willis, right? from the guy on the left

"Brett, tell the viewers at Channel Two News how you discovered the house on fire"? from the well dressed short one

"I woke up and looked out my window; I saw the smoke and knew I had to get down there to save John and his family of course."

"Jonathon, what's it like to have a friend like Brett? from a reporter pushing from the back.

"He's something else", I replied.

"Have you found a way to thank him?" Short guy again.

"I'm working on it", I said.

"Brett, how long have you two been buddies", I wasn't sure who yelled this one

"We've known each other since first grade," he said.

I looked at him in wonder, I don't remember him in first grade, but then I don't remember anybody from first grade.

"Brett did you see the arsonist running away?" The carmera man jumped in.

"Jonathon yours is the third house from your school that has been hit, do you think there is any connection between you and the other kids?" Pushy guy, now up front.

"I don't know the other kids", I replied

"What about you Brett, can you think of anyone who might be burning these homes?", he asked.

"It looks like my Mom's singling for John and me to come to breakfast, thanks for coming over and goodbye". answered Brett

Brett and I moved into the house and over to the kitchen table joining Mrs. Norton.

"Have a seat Jonathon. I'm so sorry about your house burning, but we're glad you're here with us for awhile", she said.

"Thank you Mrs. Norton", I replied.

"You know come to think of it, I can't recall if you have ever been to our house before.", she said.

"No, this would be the first time, pass the milk please", I asked.

"Well Jonathon", she started again.

"Mom, let him eat and he prefers be called John.", said Brett.

I gave him a glare and said to his Mom, "Jonathon is fine Mrs. Norton."

Who is he to say what I like and how did he know that anyway I thought?

"Well I'll call you John if Brett insists. After all, you two know each other far better than I". she said.

Okay, I thought, whatever.

"John, your mother called and I was heading up to get you just as that gang of reporters arrived. She wants you to come down to the church to meet her and your sister, something about them having some clothes for you to use. However I see you had no problem getting in to Brett's things", she said smiling.

"Yes, Brett said I could borrow a few things. He's been great", I said smiling at both of them.

"Brett honey, will you take John down to the church before you go to work?", she asked

"Sure Mom and maybe I can get Mrs. Willis to bring him to the Pizza Oven, I'm sure I can talk Vic into a free order under the circumstance", said Brett.

"I didn't know you worked at the Pizza Oven", I said.

For some reason Brett's face turned red and he turned away. I hoped I didn't say anything wrong.

After breakfast we made sure the press had left and headed to Brett's car. The garage door went up and out came that over whelming odor of gas. Brett saw my look and explained that his dad had been repairing the lawn mover and spilled some gas, cleaning it up with some of the rags.

I said, "Okay Brett honey, drive me to the church." I got a fist to the arm for that one.

We played the radio and tried to sing along to familiar tunes and before long pulled up outside the church. Inside I saw Mom and my sister Sara. Mom gave me a big hug and Sara cried and hugged Brett thanking him for saving her family. I thought I saw a little moisture in the corner of Brett's eye.

"Jonathon sweetie, go find Mr. Sal. He has some clothes that might fit you until we're able to get some new ones",said mom.

I rolled my eyes. Mom knew I didn't like Mr. Sal, but he was a pillar of the church.

Sal Manaccio always made me feel uncomfortable. He was big and fat and oily and looked at me like he wanted to eat me or something. I always tried to keep my distance. So I gave it a try, "Mom do I have to go back there with Mr. Sal?" I begged.

"Please sweetie, be a good boy. He is very nice and seems to take to you. He could help you a lot, so go find him and cooperate." Her voice sounded final and then Brett added smiling,"Yeah sweetie, go be a good boy for Mr. Sal."

I gave him the, 'I'll get you later' look.

I found Mr. Sal way in the back in one of the Sunday school rooms.

"Well Johnny, it's good to see you my boy. Come let Mr. Sal give you a hug, you poor boy", said Mr.Sal.

"Yes Mr. Sal", I said.

The hug lasted way too long and it was difficult to pry my body away from his wondering hands.

"Well, well Johnny, you have grown. Let's see if I can find some nice shirts for you. Take yours off so I can check the size", he said.

"Medium is fine Mr. Sal", I said.

"Jonathon, I need you to cooperate if I'm going to help you and your family", he said.

"Yes Mr. Sal", I said as I removed my shirt.

"Very nice, you"re developing very nicely. yes a medium should work. Now slip those shorts off and let me see if I can find a size inside", he commanded.

I slipped my shorts down and off my body before I remembered I was wearing Brett's stars and stripes.

"Well, aren't we patriotic", he smirked. "I'd like to see those flying from your pole", he laughed to himself.

"No size marker in the shorts. Let's have a look in your briefs, maybe we can find what we're looking for", he snorted.

"They're not my briefs", I said backing against the wall.

"Oh so we're playing swap the panties with our Bunk Buddies are we? We'll keep that our little secret for now Johnny, but let's see what you're packing", said Mr. Sal.

He moved in. His stubby fingers hooked over the upper ban, his hairy knuckles brushed against my skin and I felt my briefs being pulled down and away, and then we heard,


I felt the slap of the elastic ban smack my belly. Mr.Sal turned towards the door and I looked to see the intruder. It was Brett.

"Well it looks like your trading partner has arrived", Mr. Sal said and he didn't look happy.

"Leave him alone Mr. Sal." It came as a command not a request.

"I'm only trying to help the boy,if I can't find his size I can't give him any of these clothes", he reasoned.

"I have more than enough for him to share", retorted Brett.

"I'm sure you do", Mr. Sal smirked checking Bret out from head to toe.

My reaction time must have been damaged in the fire, because although this event transpired in less than a minute I stood motionless through it all. Before I knew it Brett was on one knee in front of me. He had grabbed my shorts and shirt from the table and was lifting one leg at a time placing my shorts over my sneakers and bringing them up my legs. He pushed closed the snap and pulled up the zipper and I think he gave me a quick squeeze. I pulled my shirt over my head and Brett smoothed it over my chest making me as presentable as possible under the circumstances.

As we headed out the door, Mr. Sal, said, "Anytime you boys want to play your dressing game again, I'd love to watch."

Brett turned as we walked away and shot him a bird.

Back in the front of the church with Mom and Sara, Brett told Mom that we didn't like what Mr. Sal had to offer and that he had more than enough to share between us for now. Then he told her that he had to go to work, but asked her to bring me and Sara to the Pizza Oven later for a free meal.

"Oh we love that place, don't we Jonathon?" she said

"Yeah, I guess", I replied. I got the look from Mom, Sara was cheering, Pizza Oven, Pizza Oven.

Brett turned to me, green eyes, great smile and said,

"I'll see you soon and after dinner, I'll take you back to our place."

Our place, I thought? No one could see him give my hand a small squeeze and he turned and went out the door.

After Brett left mom turned to me giving me that motherly smile and said, "He seems like a nice boy. I hope you're showing him some appreciation for all that he's done."

"I'm trying", I said.

"Good, I think he's really trying to have a relationship with you", she replied.

I became defensive for some reason. "What do you mean we're not doing anything", I said cautiously.

"She means a friendship. Don't be a weirdo John", Sara chimed in.

"I'm not weird", I said again. Way too much defensive.

We busied ourselves cleaning the church. I helped, but was stopped often by people telling me they were sorry to hear about our house and hoped that the arsonist would be captured soon. Over and over again I heard how lucky I was that Brett came along just in time to save us. I continued to shake my head and smile politely.

Brett spotted us arriving at the Pizza Oven and hurried over to seat us in his section. Vic, the owner came out and offered his regrets at our loss and said that tonight's meal was on the house. He turned to me and smiled saying, "any friend of Brett's is like family at the Pizza Oven."

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

Drinks arrived and the order taken, Sara, Mom and I settled back waiting for our meal. Mom said,

"I'm glad you've finally noticed Brett and the two of you are becoming friends. He's always so nice to us when we come here.

Confused, I asked "What do you mean?"

"Oh Jonathon, you've got to wake up and see that there are other people in your world. Have you never noticed that every time we come here, Brett goes out of his way to come by our table to say hi and check on us? Even if we're not in his section", she said.

"Yeah, remember the time John dropped his napkin and Brett tripped over a chair trying to rush him a fresh one?" Sara said laughing.

I said, "Was that him?"

"Jonathon, you are in your own little world. I hope you open up and let some light in and maybe find a friend." Mom seemed to be giving up on me.

I smiled thinking about her words and said, "I'll try."

The pizza was great and Brett checked on us far too often. Soon the dinner was finished and Mom and Sara kissed me goodbye leaving to return to the Martindale's where they were staying. Mom said they had offered to clean out a storage area to make room for me, but I said I didn't want to hurt Brett's feelings and leave him right now. That's when Mom told me that Mrs. Norton had asked her and Sara to join us all for Sunday dinner and that she would see me tomorrow.

I couldn't just sit there, so I helped clean up the tables and helped out where I could. At the end of the night Vic put his arm around me and slipped a five in my pocket, saying I was welcomed there anytime. He made me feel like I belonged and that was nice for a change. Brett smiled a lot while watching me pitch in. Soon the restaurant closed and we headed for his car.

The radio played softly as we drove along, neither of us saying much, both I'm sure wondering where this night would take us.

To be continued... Your comments are welcomed

Next: Chapter 3

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