
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 17, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Fireflies Part One

Some lives have a pivotal moment, mine came at the tender age of five. My parents and I left our suburban home very early in the morning. We drove through cities and county side. We pasted several state lines and finally arrived at my grandparent farmhouse.

All of my cousins arrived and we had a great feast. After dinner, while our mothers cleaned up, our fathers took us out to the front yard. It was just past twilight and I was stunned by the beauty of the night sky packed with stars both large and small. The sky was filled with tiny lights and then suddenly they began to dance around my head.

I couldn't believe it, to me the stars had come alive and were like little fairies, fast flying sparks or lanterns from space ships flying around me, I was captivated by the experience and my imagination went into overdrive.

Soon my dad handed me a small jar and I joined the other kids racing around catching my flying stars. Soon I had a dozen or more and they each blinked a beam in my direction and I felt a special connection with my new little friends.

Bedtime came and dad took me up to my room filled with a huge farmhouse bed, he placed my magic jar beside my bed and I watched it determined to lay awake all night enjoying the magic lights and my connection with those bright little beams. Now I had no fear of the night and the darkness that could encourage spooky imagines that creep into a little boys mind.

As with all children, sleep slips in and takes over. My next memory was the sun dancing on the country dust between me and my window, the sounds of a rooster and the quiet humming of a combine wheel pedaling in some adjacent field. It took a minute and then I remembered my little friends and their lights that led me into dreamland.

I grabbed the jar and screamed with shock. My mother came running into my room and rushed to her hysterical son. She soothed me while asking what was wrong. Through my tears I cried,

"They're just bugs"

It may seem like a simple thing to you, it did to my mother who assured me that there would be more to capture that night and we could just throw these away.

Just throw away my dreams, they were nothing more than a jar full of bugs, but they were my dreams. I stopped dreaming that day. I stopped wishing, I stopped hoping. I became somewhat of an introvert, not wanting to lose again, not wanting dreams that die.

Now in my teens, a junior in high schools, I went through day to day life with school mates, but no real chums, comfortable relationships, but no true friends. My father had left us five years back finding a new love and he and his new family moved to California, no big deal, just another loss.

Mom, my sister and I had grown into a routine. We had a house in a somewhat rural area, with not many neighbors. I was happiest when left alone and Mom fell in love with her work and so the days went on.

Most of the kids at school had just accepted that I was a loner. I was treated nicely, but they had stopped inviting me to parties or social occasions back in middle school.

There was one kid, Brett who lived just down the street from us; he would stop me in the hall from time to time, or find a seat near me in class, asking lame questions or just making chatter. There was nothing wrong with him; it just never occurred to me that he was actually trying to be my friend.

On day in the library Brett sat next to me while I was working on a project. He wouldn't stop talking; even in a whisper it was enough to draw the attention of the librarian. You know the kind that can kill with just a look. I finally made an excuse and moved away.

I did have dreams again, you can't really stop them. Sometimes I would dream of my flying stars, filled with hope, I would wake and remind myself, they were just bugs, just Fireflies.

That night was one when my Fireflies came back to me. Sometimes I could close my eyes tightly and they would appear like sparks in the darkness of my brain, but that night they seemed real again, but it was difficult to tell in the fog and smoke. It was difficult to breathe as well and the heat was intense.

I looked around me and saw my Fireflies dancing above me; one fell to my face and began to burn my skin. Just them the door to my room flew open and the new air moved the flames onto my bed. In the smoke a pair of strong hands pulled me from the fire just as it engulfed my bed. My boxers had caught a spark and they were ripped from my body and I was half carried and mostly dragged from my room to the front lawn of our burning house.

Smoke and tears filled my eyes, my lungs bellowed smoke when my limp naked body was squeezed from behind. I began to breathe and turned to view my rescuer; it was Brett.

I had not seen him shirtless before and although we were both about 5' 8"and thin, he was more muscular than I. Standing there in front of him I got goose bumps and my body began to shiver. My mouth fell open when he pulled his shorts off and handed them to me, standing in only tidy whiteys and untied sneakers he said,

"Here you can wear these for now."

That's when I realized I was naked and quickly slipped his shorts over my legs as I watched Bret disappear back into my burning house.

Neighbors began to arrive and the fire department came roaring up as Brett dragged my sister out to the lawn. By now Brett's folks had arrived and took my sister from him. I stood like a stone figure not knowing what to do. Within minutes Brett had my Mom under his arm and she was free from the flames. We stood as family for a few minutes watching our house and all that we owned go up in smoke. The Firefighters treated us and offered to take us to the hospital, but none of us wanted to endure that pain.

The embers rose above the old structure and took flight, blinking back their brief signals that they had taken our stuff, but thanks to Brett not our lives.

Everyone gathered around, the Preacher was there and church people offering us help and a place to stay. Brett said to my mom that he would like to care for me until we figured out what we were going to do. Under the circumstance she agreed.

Mom and my little sister went with one of the church families and Brett's folks walked back to their place a few yards ahead of Bret and me. I was shoeless and shirtless; Brett had ripped his briefs along the back and had soot clinging to the moisture on his body, but he walked along as if all was normal, I felt uncomfortable being half naked, but was glad he had given me his shorts and saved my life.

It was early morning, maybe 3 A.M. and the sky once clear, was filled with the smoke from my life. We arrived at Brett's and I learned he had a room over the garage back behind the family's house. We walked through the side door where in the dim light I could see two cars an old lawn mower and a barrel of what smelled like oily rags.

Up the stairs we arrived to a door, once opened it showed a nice size room with a large bed, the normal bedroom furnishing of a teen boy and another door leading to what I guessed was a bathroom.

I followed Brett to the bathroom; he looked at me and smiled warmly saying,

"You look like shit"

"I smiled and said "You smell far worse."

That's when Brett removed his briefs throwing them into the hamper beside him and said,

"Give me my shorts."

I had been naked around other boys, but not much. We had to take P.E in the first semester of our freshman year of high school. Like the other boys I grabbed a quick shower after a hard workout, always being careful not to be caught checking anyone out for too long. It was normal and I knew other guys checked me out, we all wanted to make sure we had all the right equipment and make a mental note of who had been blessed with just a little more.

This was different, I had never been with one boy alone and naked, I wasn't sure how to react. Brett turned his back to me and stated the shower and looking back over his shoulder he said,

"John, I was hoping you'd help me get the soot of my back"

"Oh, yeah, sure, I mean okay I guess I could do that."

I dropped Brett shorts and they made a metallic click when hitting the tile floor. Brett reached down and removed his lighter slipping it into the drawer before throwing the shorts on top of his soiled briefs. He saw me looking at the lighter and said,

Some times a catch a quick smoke, don't tell my folks okay?"

"Yeah I mean no, I won't say anything."

"Good, the waters warm enough, get under it and I'll get the soot off of you."

Facing the stream and allowing it to roll down my head and flow over my shoulders, it cascaded over my chest and reached my pubic area just as I felt a touch on my back. It was Brett rubbing my skin with a creamy soap.

His fingers dug in, massaged as he washed the dirt from me. I was glad I was facing away from him because my dick decided this would be a good time to stretch out and look around. My mind was screaming "No, stop, down boy", but all who have passed through teenaged boyhood have come to learn, that at sixteen the penis is deaf. It acts more like puppy oblivious to commands.

Brett's hands were soft yet strong, they were stimulating and I began to curse myself for avoiding touch all these years. Forsaking the actions of my dick, my mind moved on to the great Ying Yang debate, "Gosh this feels good" "You shouldn't be enjoying this".

Down the arch of my back and onto my posterior lobes, his hand traveled and gently washed away whatever soil he was finding. Then a gentle smack on the butt and he said,

"Okay turn around let's check out the front."

Turn around? I was sure it wouldn't be safe without a sign hanging from my navel reading, "Caution long load ahead" I turned and pretended that being in a shower inches away from another naked boy was just another daily occurrence.

My god his smile, it's really nice. He had really white teeth, very straight. His normally light brown hair had darkened and was matted against his forehead. His eyes were green maybe hazel, hard to tell through my watery vision. His ears seemed to stick out without the normal hair covering the top of them. He wasn't Dumbo mind you, but I noticed that his ear lobes hung free, I think mind are attached, I just wasn't sure at this point. Brett had just a whisper of hair above his lips, not enough to be called a mustache. His lips, they were red and pronounced and helped form that great smile, god what a beautiful smile.

Brett rubbed more creamy soap into my chest. My eyes past his well defined shoulders where two muscular appendages hung, his hand moved over my nipples and they felt like road bumps under his touch. I could see his were nickel sized, dark brown and extended for some reason.

He rubbed the muscles in my arms and small hairs fought the flood to stand tall against his contact. He returned to my torso concentrating on some spot just above my navel. His was tucked neatly inside and looked like it had just a few hairs trying to sprout from beneath. He was finishing just above my pubic area, when my eyes continued to travel downward a few inches, before they spied a grove of dark curly hair. I wanted to look, hell I wanted to stare, but I fought back and forced my eyes back up to his face where I found his green eyes staring deeply into my brown pupils. He smiled and reached out his two hands taking me by the arms and we did a short half circle dance placing him under the warm stream of water.

Brett turned his back to me and I felt I had lost the chance to look and was angry that I even considered taking it. Before I could move, Brett reached back pulling my arm in front of him, cupping my hand in his, I felt it filling with a slippery substance. He let go and turned his head with one word,


I moved the liquid through Brett's hair, a totally new experience for me. My hair has been kept short sinse childhood never wanting to mess with it or caring if it made me look better or worse. His hair was soft and my figures enjoy the tickling sensation they made moving between them. The soapy lather rolled off his shoulders and his skin glistened and reflected the ceiling light. Brett had freckles along his shoulders and a few on the upper back, probably from summers going shirtless; I had that in my vision now.

His arms were strong and I enjoyed feeling his biceps ripple and this triceps move as I rubbed the soot away. My hands gradually moved down his arms until I reached his hands. I didn't want to hold them, or did I? He moved them away. I returned to his back as he had done to mine, I washed down and onto his butt just slightly touching his crack which made him wiggle and send out a little laugh.

The water turned cold and he reached up shutting it off saying,

"I got most of the dirt off my front, thanks for the help."

With two towels we dried ourselves and stood like mirrors in front of each other. We were a lot alike, and probably like most boys our age. I would think that placed in a crowded room with a hundred other boys; we would not be selected as the cutest, or the ugliest. The truth is we probably wouldn't be selected at all, we were, I don't know, I guess just normal.

"Do you need to pee?" he asked

There was no way I could stand there in front of him and make my urine flow and I said no and headed back into the bedroom while I heard his steady stream splashing into the toilet bowl.

What is the proper behavior while standing naked in another boy's room? I turned on the television and the X Box. It was loaded with my favorite racing game. I sat on the edge of the bed and began to play. Brett entered the room walking towards me with no towel, wearing nothing, my car crashed. I had pushed restart by the time he stood in front of me and asked,

"Can I play with you?"

I opened my legs wider my dick perking up again and said,

"Yeah I guess if you want."

He laughed and said "Good, hand me the other controller"

My car crashed.

Sitting together on the bed, knees touching naked shoulders rubbing, my car crashed.

He said, "It's been a long day, are you ready for bed?"

"Yeah I guess I'm tired."

"I'll get in first if you want." Brett offered

"Okay", I said

I watched him roll over to the other edge of the bed and cover his body up to his chest with the sheet. I rolled in staying as best I could on my edge, but still able to feel the heat of his body just a foot away.

Sleep wins no matter what. I woke, feeling Brett spooning me, something hard pushing among soft hairs brushing my backside, his hand rested on my side. My arm was stinging like the blood had stopped rolling into it sometime ago. I didn't want to move and began contemplating the amputation process. It had to be done.

I gently rolled onto my back while pushing him gently in the same direction. I could see the sun peaking through his closed blinds, the same thing that happens to me each morning.

Brett had rolled with me, now his hand and forearm rested next to mine. Looking down with just the sheet over our lower bodies, it looked like the circus had come to town. Two tents resting on high poles and I had to admit his was the Big Top.

I looked over to make sure Brett was asleep, thinking this would be a good time to have a look at that pole. I quietly moved the sheet off my body raising it just enough to take a view of my dick. Standing tall I admired it. I had determined lately that when hard I could cover the base with my fist, leaving the head and just enough of the shaft to take a good stroke and that was more than adequate. Looking at Brett's outline, I figured he could get up a good head of steam with his. Now I had that vision in my head and so I had to look.

I pulled the sheet higher lifting my knee to help in the process. The curly hairs appeared covering the base of the pole. Now dried the hairs were a lighter brown than mine and that made good since considering that our hair color differed as well. Blue veins pushed up and around the lily white meat and the crown had a wide edge forming the beginning of the head. Both of us had been circumcised and light through the sheet showed a reddest hew over the head ending with a slit in the center.

As I was calculating size, shape and other deferential, the sheet flew off us both. I looked and my green-eyed bedmate was awake and smiling at me.

"I see you get that way when you have to piss too." He said

He moved towards me and rolled his body on top of mine. My involuntary breathing senses had stopped and before I could really feel his naked body pushing against mine his feet were on the floor and he was moving away from me towards the bathroom, with a yell back, sorry I really got piss.

I had been caught, what the hell would I say when he came out? Would he call me names and throw me out of his bed? In a minute the hard stream stopped and I had a vision of him shaking off the last drops. Damn visions!

Out he came and said,

"You're up"

I realized he meant it was my turn to pee. I rolled out of bed and pasted him heading towards the dresser.

When I came out he was facing the dresser and I was facing his white cheeks. He turned and said while going through the top drawer.

"Are you ready to get into my underwear?"

"Yeah, I mean I guess I don't have a choice."

"Sure you do" he said, "I know you normally wear boxers, but I'm into to briefs. Hey, these will be fun" and he turned holding two pair of bikini briefs.

"I can't wear those", I objected, "What would people say?"

"I don't know, do you plan on pulling your pants down a lot?' he smiled

What a great smile, but a bit wicked this time.

"No," I blushed

"You want the stars and stripes or the ones with the fruit on them?" He asked

"I better go with the stars."

He threw my pair at me and hopped around on one foot while pulling his pair over one and then the next foot and up the body they went. I watched as his ball sac, base, pubes and finally the head winked goodbye and he adjusted himself fitting the entire package behind the banana and grapes displayed over his bulge.

I stood naked holding my pair, watching him bending over digging something out of the closet. The briefs fit him well and I watched them forming the two halves of his butt when he yelled back,

"I'm about nine and a half, how about you?"

"I'm thinking, bull crap buddy, you may be big, but you're no nine and a half.

He spoke again, "What shoe size are you?"

"Oh that's fine you may be a little bigger, but that's okay.

"Yeah I think I may be a little bigger." he smiled throwing me a pair of sneakers.

I think my pants will fit you, if you plan on getting dressed." Still smiling

I quickly pulled my small briefs over my body, quickly tucking in a dick that kept wanting to peak out over the ban.

Brett gave me a pair of cargo shorts and he found another pair almost the same. Two knit shirts, socks, and a quick brush through our hair and out the door and down the stairs.

We both stepped back with surprise to what was waiting for us below.

To be continued... Your comments are welcomed

Next: Chapter 2

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