Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on Jan 22, 2011


This story is meant as a work of fiction.

If you are under the age of 18, it is illegal in your area to view adult material, or you are offended by homosexual sex, then don't read any further.

I hope you all enjoy it and please leave me feedback at:

Last Chapter

Billy just grinned. We chatted for a while and Billy's doctor came in and said that he could go home tomorrow. I said that we would be there to pick him up and the doctor said that we should get there around 10:30. Billy and I thanked the doctor and he left. I told Billy that I had to get back to work and started to leave the room. I stopped before I got out of the door and turned back around. Billy was just staring at me, not saying a word. I walked over to the bed, leaned down, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I will see you tomorrow morning. Now, don't let that kiss on the neck and the pat on your junk keep you too worked up. Take care of that thing, just don't get caught by any of the nurses." I said as I winked and left the room.

I went back to the station and told Brad about the visit with Billy. I thought he was going to pee himself he laughed so hard. He told me that I really shouldn't tease the boy like that and he started laughing again. I told him that I was going to head to bed early tonight so that I could be up early in the morning. Brad said he was planning on doing the same thing as long as the station bells would let us sleep. The rest of our shift went by with a few calls. We both got some sleep and headed home as soon as the next shift came in. We had to finish getting the house ready for our new arrival.

Chapter 7

Brad and I got home and While Brad was busy cleaning up the house, I got the job of making the spare room into a room fit for a 15 year old boy. I may be gay, but I'm not the decorator in this relationship. I cleaned the room up, put fresh sheets on the bed, and put a few small things in the room. Brad came in and put a vase of fresh cut flowers on the small desk. I didn't want to do too much to the room until Billy got here.

"Ok, the house is tidied up and the room is ready, now what else do we need to do before we pick Billy up?" Brad asked.

"I think we have everything covered. Mom and pop are coming over for dinner so we have to go shopping later, but I think we are ready." I replied.

Brad and I sat in the den and chatted for a while and before we knew it it was time for us to go get Billy. We left the house and headed for the hospital. When we walked into Billy's room he was dressed and waiting for us. Billy seemed excited but I could tell that there was something bothering him. I didn't say anything, I figured we could talk about whatever was bothering him once we got home.

"Ok buddy, I talked to your mom and we can go over to your house and get your things tomorrow. We're going shopping today though cause your gonna need some new clothes. Now, don't worry about us buying you things, Brad and I have really good jobs and you don't need to worry about us spending our money. Brad loves to shop, so keep him happy." I said.

"But I don't want you guys spending a lot of money on me." Billy objected.

"Listen, while you are with us you need to realize that we are going to take care of you, and that means that we are going to buy you what you need, and I know how Jeff was raised and I was raised the same way, so we are going to spoil you like we were spoiled, so just enjoy it." Brad said.

"Ok" Billy replied, just looking at the two of us.

"Good, now lets get you out of here!" I said.

Billy's nurse came in and we signed the paperwork and a nice young orderly came into the room with a wheelchair. Billy protested at first but the orderly told him that it was hospital policy and he could get fired if he didn't do it.

"Well, I couldn't let a good looking guy like you get fire." Billy said.

"Ah, ok." The orderly replied.

"I apologize for Billy's boldness.", I said to the orderly, "Young hormones, if you know what I mean."

The orderly just looked at me with a shocked look on his face and shook his head.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." he said, now laughing a little bit, "Thank you for the compliment, your really cute yourself, too bad your a little too young for me."

When we got out to the truck I shook the orderly's hand and thanked him for being so nice and again I apologized for Billy's comment.

"No Problem, it was a pleasure." he said, "And don't worry about the comment, I'm flattered. I don't think my girlfriend would like it, but I don't care."

"Oh, your straight?" I asked.

"Well, I guess I'm actually bi, I like whatever feels good, doesn't matter if its with a girl or a guy. I'm more attracted to girls, but there are some really hot guys out there too, just like you three." he said.

Now I was blushing. "Thank you." I said, "I take that as a compliment. Now we will get out of your hair and take our horn ball home with us."

"Hey, do you guys mind if I keep in touch, I would like to see how the little guy is doing in a couple of days." The orderly said.

"No, no problem at all. My names Jeff and this is Brad and I guess you know our horny guys name is Billy." I said.

"Well, Nice to meet you Jeff and Brad, My name is Brent." he said, as he was reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small note pad and pen. "Can you write down your number or something and I can give you a call later."

I took the note pad and pen and wrote down our names, address, and phone number and handed it back to Brent.

"Here is all of our info, call us, we will have lunch or something." I said.

"Ok, I will call soon." Brent said.

Brad and Billy were already in the truck when I got into the driver's seat. I had to answer a lot of questions about the conversation with Brent. Brad asked if I gave him my number and I told him that Brent wanted to check up on Billy so I gave him our names and our phone number. Brad just looked at me with that what am I going to do with you look on his face.

When we pulled into the driveway of the house Billy got out of the truck and just stared at the house.

"This is really nice, and it's really big." Billy said.

"Funny, that's the same thing Brad said to me on our first date." I laughed.

Brad's head darted in my direction, "Actually, I think that was what you were saying to me on the beach that night babe." he said.

We both laughed and Billy just kept staring at the house.

"Come on inside Billy, there's a lot more to see." Brad said as we walked into the house. Brad gave Billy the grand tour and Billy was really excited when he saw the pool outback and the hot tub on the back deck. We showed Billy his bedroom and he started crying. He told us how happy he was and that he couldn't believe we were being this nice to him. We decided that we needed to head out and get the shopping done since mom and pop were coming over for dinner.

We headed out shopping. Brad and Billy were busy buying a little bit of everything. They got Billy clothes, things for his room, shower supplies, a video game console, and a laptop. We headed to the grocery store and got what we needed for dinner and headed home.

When we got home I started making dinner and let Brad and Billy head up to get his room set up. I was busy making our roasted chicken for the evening and noticed that about and hour and a half had gone by and I hadn't heard a peep out of those two. I walked upstairs and found Brad an Billy both laying on their stomachs on Billy's bed giggling like a bunch of school girls.

"What in the hell is going on in here?" I laughed.

Brad and Billy both snapped their heads around and started laughing.

"Nothing baby, we're just getting to know each other." Brad said.

"Yeah baby, just having some fun." Billy said.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at them sternly and we all started laughing. I saw my chance while they were laughing so I ran into the room and dove on top of both of them. We were laughing and wrestling around on the bed. I remembered how ticklish Billy was so I started tickling him on his sides and belly. Billy was squirming around on the bed and Brad had straddled my waste and was trying to tickle me. We must have looked like quite a sight with the three of us in basketball short and tee-shirts wrestling around on that bed. We wrestled for a little while and then I noticed that this close wrestling with these two hot guys was getting me more than a little excited and I could feel that Brad was getting a little hard as he was sitting on my groin and belly. I figured we had to knock it off and get ready for dinner.

"Alright, enough fooling around, we got to get ready." I said.

"Feels like your just about ready now." Brad said as he reached down and grabbed my dick through my shorts.

"Your pretty hard there yourself babe." I said as I gave Brads covered dick a quick grab.

"Wow, those are both huge bulges." Billy said as he eyed both of our crotches.

"Yeah, we're both pretty lucky I guess, but that bulge there looks pretty damn big too." Brad said as he looked over at Billy's crotch. Billy tried to cover his bulge with his hands.

"Now, now, there will be none of that!" Brad said, "In this house, we are not ashamed or embarrassed by our erections. We wear them proudly. We're both firefighters and we walk around the station in our underwear sometimes, so we do it here at the house too. Just not when company is coming over. Billy, you don't have to hide your hard ons from us, we don't care."

Billy moved his hands away. "Ok, I'm just not used to this all." Billy said.

"It's ok, you will learn that we are not shy, and we do like to have fun. Don't worry about this stuff." I said as I leaned over and gently patted his tenting shorts, "This is gonna happen a lot at your age, and we don't care. Be proud of what you have, and from the looks of it there is a lot there to be proud of." I said.

We all got up and headed to the kitchen. Thankfully my hard on was deflating and I could see that Brads was going down a little, but Billy's was standing proud. Brad poured Billy a glass of juice and we all started getting the table set for dinner. Brad said that he was going to get a shower and get ready. Billy and I sat at the island in the kitchen and chatted over some juice and a couple of chocolate chip cookies.

"Jeff, thank you so much for doing this for me." Billy said.

"Hey, I couldn't just let you go and not know what was going to happen. I know how you were feeling that day, It was really hard for me to come out to my family and friends. Brad and I wanted to help out and we knew that this was the perfect way to do it." I said.

"You guys are awesome. I was a little afraid because I didn't know what this was going to be like, but now I know that this is going to be great. I'm probably gonna be walking around with my dick hard all the time because you too are so hot, but I will get used to that." Billy said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, mine's hard almost all the time from being around Brad, and now I got another hot little man around the house. Just remember, Brad's mine, you can look, but no touching." I said laughing.

Billy scowled, "Alright."

We were both laughing as Brad came walking into the kitchen with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I thought we were going to have to pick Billy's jaw up off the floor.

"My God, you are HOT!" Billy said.

"Thanks cutie, your not too bad yourself." Brad said back.

"Ok buddy, your turn, get your ass upstairs and get ready for dinner." I said.

"Ok." Billy said as he walked slowly out of the kitchen. I thought he was going to walk into the wall as he was staring at Brad's ass as he was walking out.

"Hey Billy." I hollered.

Billy stuck his head back in the kitchen door. "Whats up?" he said.

"Take a few extra minutes and take care of that little problem you got there. Can't have you walking around the house with a boner while mom and pop are here." I said laughing.

"Oh don't worry, I plan on taking care of it right now!" Billy said.

"Call us if you need a little help with that." Brad said in his most seductive voice.

Billy ran upstairs. Brad headed into our bedroom to get dressed and I finished up getting most of the food ready. When Brad came back I told him what needed to be finished and I headed downstairs to grab a shower in the pool changing room.

The hot water felt great running down my body, and I couldn't help but take care of my little problem just like Billy was doing upstairs. When I finished cleaning myself off I slowly started stroking my dick while the hot water was running down my abs. I stroked my dick and was picturing Brad sitting on top of my like when we were wrestling. I was really enjoying my stroking and I was speeding up. I could feel that I was gonna bust soon so I started massaging my balls with my other hand. That was all I needed to send me over the top, I started shooting cum all over the shower wall. I was still picturing Brad riding my cock as I was shooting, but then a quick picture of Billy's hard crotch slipped into my mind and I felt another orgasm rock my body. I felt my knees getting weak and another load of cum shot out all over the wall. "Damn, that felt awesome, but I gotta get that shit out of my head." I thought.

I cleaned myself and the shower and figured that I would give Billy a little show of my own. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked up to the kitchen. Brad and Billy were sitting at the island talking.

"Your abs are perfect." Billy said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks." I said.

I made sure that I strutted around the kitchen for a few minutes before I headed upstairs to get dressed. Mom and pop showed up and we had a great dinner. Mom fell in love with Billy and pop was busy telling him stories about all the fires he had fought over his career and telling him about some of the ones that I had fought. Dad even got out my picture books and started showing Billy all of the pictures and newspaper articles about fires and rescues that I had been on.

"You really saved this ladies life?" Billy asked.

"He sure did, he's just like his old man." Pop said with a big grin on his face.

I could see that Billy and pop were going to get along just fine. Pop looked like a kid at Christmas time. Brad, mom, and myself went in and started cleaning up in the kitchen. mom told us how much she loved Billy and that she couldn't wait to go on vacation because she was going to spoil him. Brad and I laughed and told her that we had already figured that out. After we finished cleaning we sat in the living room and had coffee. Pop was in the one recliner, mom sat in the antique rocking chair, I was sitting on the couch and Brad had snuggled up and was sitting with his head resting on my chest, and Billy had sat at the end of the couch and now had snuggled up and had his head laying on Brad's arm. Brad lifted his arm and Billy snuggled into to Brads chest. This was the best feeling in the world. It reminded me of when I was a kid and we would relax like this on a Sunday night. Soon I could hear Billy's breath become deeper and I knew he had fallen asleep. Mom and pop said that they had to go, so we said our goodbyes with lots of hugs and they left.

"Ok buddy, time to hit the sack." I said.

"Yep, I'm beat." Billy said as he started to walk towards the stairs.

"Oh no young man, get your butt back here and give us goodnight hugs." Brad said.

Billy hurried back and hugged Brad and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He gave me a hug and I kissed him on the forehead.

"Goodnight guys. I love you," Billy said.

"We love you too Billy." I said and Brad repeated the sentiment.

Billy headed upstairs and Brad and I snuggled on the couch for a little while. We decided that we needed to get a little sleep too, so we headed upstairs and quickly undressed and snuggled into bed. I was tired, but I was also very horny. I snuggled in close to Brad, and I knew that he felt my hard dick pressing into his ass.

"A little excited tonight gorgeous?" Brad asked as he was rolling over to face me,

"Just a little." I said as I leaned in and kissed my hot lover. We kissed passionately for a while and I started moving my kisses onto his neck and his shoulders. I knew that drove Brad nuts. He was moaning softly and gripping onto my back. I kissed my way down his smooth chest and spent plenty of time on his nipples. I slowly worked my way down his chest and ran my tongue all over his hot abs. I licked around his belly button and let my tongue follow his neatly trimmed trail down to the trimmed bush at the base of his beautiful cock. I never actually touch his cock, I licked around it and down around his smooth balls and onto his inner thigh. I licked, kissed, and nibbled my way down his right leg and worked my way back up his left leg. I worked his inner thigh and then slowly started licking his balls. I worked them and sucked each one into my mouth. I started licking my way up his hard shaft and licked around the head, spending a lot of time licking around the underside of the head since I knew that Brad loved it. I slowly took him into my mouth and started taking slow shallow strokes down. I kept it up slowly working down farther. By the time I had worked his whole shaft into my throat Brad was begging me to go faster. I started deepthroating him more rapidly. I could feel his heartbeat through his cock. I sped up my action and Brad was bucking his hips off the mattress to meet my down strokes. I felt his cock grow bigger in my mouth and I knew he was ready. I took one last very deep down stroke and pulled all but the head out of my mouth. I felt his head expand and the hot rush of cum fill my mouth, I licked my tongue around his head as I was swallowing his cum. Brad was breathing really heavy and was moaning loud. I knew Billy could hear what was going on, but I really didn't care at this point. I let Brads softening dick out of my mouth and kissed him hard. Brad's tongue darted into my mouth and we shared his flavor.

I rolled over onto my back and without a word Brad was on top of me. He spun around and started sucking my cock while his sweet bubble ass was right in my face. I dove in and started eating his hot little hole. Brad was slowly sucking my dick, like I had done to his. I tongued his hole and started working a finger in. I fucked his tight little hole taking turns with my tongue and my finger. I couldn't stand it anymore and I told Brad that I needed his ass. I reached into the nightstand and grabbed the lube. I lubed up Brad's ass and he lubed up my cock. Brad spun around so he was facing me and he slowly started working his way down my dick. His hot ass felt so good wrapped around me that I thought I was gonna cum right there. I had to concentrate to not loose it. I felt Brad's ass crush into my own well trimmed bush and I knew that I was buried as deep as I could go. Brad started riding my cock. He was taking it nice and slow. He kept up his rhythm for what seemed like hours. I was in heaven. Brad started picking up his pace and before long Brad was riding me so hard that the headboard was pounding into the wall and I thought the bed would break. I was thrusting my hips up to meet his sweet ass. Brad started rubbing my chest and playing with my nipples, he was working my body like an expert. I was lost in my building orgasm, grabbing Brad's shoulders and driving him deeper onto my cock. I was pounding hard now, moaning and cursing. I heard something fly off the nightstand and crash onto the floor. I was done, I felt my balls tighten up and I started blasting deep inside Brad. At the same time I could feel Brad's hard cock erupt shooting onto my chest and face. When it was over Brad collapsed onto my chest and we laid there for a few minutes with Brad nuzzling my neck.

"Wow sexy, that was amazing." I said, "But I think we are gonna need a shower, and probably gonna have to clean that wall up tomorrow."

Brad laughed softly, "Yeah, I think we made a mess."

We both laughed. I kissed Brad and he rolled over onto his back. I got up and headed for the bathroom to start the shower. When I opened the door I saw that the door to Billy's room was slightly open. I figured he was awake so I walked over and peaked inside. Billy was laying there in bed watching TV.

"Hey buddy, sorry if we kept you awake." I said.

"It's ok, that sounded hot. Did you guys break something?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think we knocked something off of the nightstand, and we're probably gonna have to get a new bed and paint the wall, but it was great!" I said.

"I bet, it sounded like it." he said.

"Well, we're gonna grab a shower and get some sleep. I'll see ya in the morning, we'll go out an get some breakfast when we wake up." I said.

"Sounds good to me." Billy said.

I noticed that Billy had been staring at me the whole time. I had forgotten that I was naked standing in his doorway. I figured that we had given him the speech earlier about not being shy, so I didn't say anything and I turned and walked into the bathroom. Brad joined me after he had changed the sheets on our bed and we showered and snuggled back into bed.

"I love you Jeffery Patrick Rourke." Brad said.

"And I love you Bradley Michael Hannigan." I said. I kissed my lover and we fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning I was awakened by Billy jumping onto the bed between me and Brad.

"Good morning guys!", Billy said, "Come on its nine o'clock already."

Brad just grunted and slowly opened his eyes. I laid there and just looked at Billy. I wasn't quite awake yet, but I quickly remembered that Brad and I sleep naked and we both always wake up with very hard and very prominent morning wood. Billy also quickly noticed this fact. He blushed a deep red and jumped off the bed.

"I'm so sorry guys." he shouted as he ran out of the room.

"I better go after him, I don't want him to be upset and think he did anything wrong." Brad said.

"Well, you better put some undies on or something." I said.

"Yeah, good idea." Brad said as he grabbed a pair of boxer briefs and walked out the door. I got up and started getting ready for the day. I figured I would let Brad handle this one. After a little while Brad came back into the room and said that everything was fine. We finished getting ready and the three of us headed out to the diner for breakfast. When we got to the diner I saw that pop's truck was sitting in its usual spot. We went inside and sat down with him.

"Hey guys, fancy meeting you here," pop said.

"Yeah, we decided to slum it this morning." Brad said, drawing a quick angry glance from the waitress until she realized who it was.

"Wow, I didn't recognize you guys without your uniforms on. You look just as good in regular clothes." she said.

"Damn right they do, there my sons!" dad said chuckling.

"Good thing they got their looks from their mother." she said, "So which one of you two handsome men is single?" she said.

"That one." Brad and I both said, both pointing to Billy at the same time.

Dad almost spit coffee through his nose. When he composed himself he said, "damn boy, they threw you right under that bus." We all laughed.

Meanwhile the waitress was still standing there waiting for an answer.

"Well dear." I said in my most seductive voice, "I am spoken for and Brad here is madly in love with someone."

"Lucky girls, both of em." she said.

"Well, I must be honest, Brad is madly in love with me, and I am spoken for by him, so no lucky girls, just lucky boys." I said.

She looked at me like I had grown another head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get personal." she said, "What can I get you guys?"

"It's ok dear, we get it all the time." I said.

We all ordered our breakfasts and chatted with pop. When we were done pop headed back to work and we headed home.

The next couple of weeks seemed to fly by and Billy was settling into our home nicely. We had gone to his old house and gotten what he wanted and he had started turning his room into his own space. He had pictures and posters on the walls and had placed a few small things around the room.

Before we knew it it was time for our family vacation. We spent the day before the trip getting ready, shopping with Billy to buy him swimming gear and some beach clothes, and packing. We loaded up the truck that evening so we could leave early the next morning. Mom called and said that pop had been driving her nuts all that morning, so they were already at the beach house. We told her that we would see them early the next morning and we all headed to bed.

The next morning we were up early. We all loaded into my Tahoe and started our first family vacation together. Billy was full of excitement and was asking a million questions. Brad was trying to answer all of them. I figured now would be a good time to tell them my little surprise.

"Guys, I need to tell you something." I said.

"Whats up baby?" Brad asked.

"Well, I know that we love our family vacations with mom and pop, but I figured that we might want some privacy this year. It's always tough on you and me when we go because we can't relax and be as sexual as we like to be and with Billy coming along I thought that he might meet a friend or friends and like to invite them over for whatever so I rented us the beach house next to mom and pops." I said.

"Jeff, did you tell your parents?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, we already talked about it and they agreed that it was probably best. they thought that Billy might be more comfortable bringing company over if it was just us at the house." I explained.

"Mom and pop are the best. They are so understanding." Brad said.

"Yep, but we are still going to spend a lot of time with them. Now Billy, there are some ground rules. You can bring home any friends you want too, but none of them are allowed to be cuter than Brad." I said.

"That would be almost impossible." Billy said.

"If you make a mess in the house with a friend, clean it up. I don't want to be walking or sitting down in any cold or dried cum." I said.

Billy started laughing.

"And no having sex in our bed!" I said, "You have a huge room with a queen size bed, use your own." I laughed.

"Got it." Billy chuckled.

Brad just shook his head. We pulled up at the beach house and mom and pop were sitting on the porch waiting for us. Pop and Billy helped me unload the Tahoe while mom and Brad were putting things away. When we finished we spent a little while sitting on the huge wrap around porch chatting and watching the waves roll onto the beach. I noticed that Billy's head was whipping back and forth like he was watching a tennis match as every good looking guy walked by on the beach.

"Oh, we're gonna have to watch this one." pop said, "It's gonna be like having you down here when you were his age. What was your top score that time, wasn't it 9 different guys in 13 days?"

I blushed all over.

"Really, I've never heard this story." Brad said.

Pop proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes telling Brad and Billy how I had spent two weeks of my summer when I was 16 being the biggest possible stud I could be and how pissed off my oldest brother had been because he was 18 and only got 3 different girls back to the house in the same amount of time and he hadn't scored with any of them. Half way through the story mom decided she didn't want to hear any more so she got up and went inside. Brad and Billy were clinging to dads words. He proceeded to tell them that I had scored in some way with each of the 9 that I had pulled in.

"I just don't know how he did it!" dad said, "It was like he was an Irish Don Juan. He had them lined up everywhere we went."

"Ok, I think that's enough story telling for this morning pop." I said.

"We will chat later." Brad said to pop.

We went inside and mom and pop said that they had plans for the day. Pop was going to go golfing and mom was spending the day shopping in town. Brad's eyes lit up when he heard her say shopping. I told them that we were going to get settled in and then show Billy around town and the beaches and we would catch up with them later for dinner. They left and we decided to walk down the beach for a while. We all put on our board shorts and headed out for our walk. Billy was busy looking at all the sites. His attention would go from the ocean and the beautiful beach to whatever hot guy was walking by or laying on the beach. I noticed that we were getting alot of attention ourselves as we walked by. Both girls and guys were turning their heads to look at the three of us hot guys walking down the beach in just our board shorts and sandals. I also saw that Brad had noticed this too and he reached over and wrapped his hand around mine so we were holding hands while we were walking. This brought even more turned heads. We walked about a mile and decided to head back towards the house. When we got closer to the house Brad suggested that we stop for a while and watch the ocean. Billy said he wanted to go swimming and we all thought that was a great idea. We all ran into the ocean and began playing around, wrestling, and Brad and I took turns tossing Billy through the air and into the ocean. We were having a great time. Now I knew how pop felt when we were kids and I was loving every minute of it. I noticed that Billy had worked his way down the beach a little and was now swimming and playing pretty close to what appeared to be a very handsome young man.

"We should get down there with him." Brad said. "I don't want him getting lost."

"It's ok babe, he's got something on his mind." I said as I drew Brad's attention to the sexy young guy that Billy was now talking to.

"Oh!" Brad said, "Guess we should give him some space."

"Lets just stay here and see what happens." I said.

We watched from the beach as Billy was making small talk with this guy. It went from them standing there talking to them sitting in the sand talking to them sitting very close together in the sand talking to them talking and Billy with his hand on the guys upper leg. Damn, this kids a quick worker I thought.

"He might break your record." Brad said, looking over at me.

"Yeah, he just might." I said.


Next: Chapter 9

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