Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on May 11, 2006


Authors Note

Sorry this chapter is so short and that it took so long to write, I have been really busy. I am already working on chapter 6, so that should be along in a few days.

This story is meant as a work of fiction. I am a firefighter/paramedic. The characters portrayed are loosely based on fellow firefighters and paramedics I have worked with over the years. The names have been changed to protect the "closeted".

If you are under the age of 18, it is illegal in your area to view adult material, or you are offended by homosexual sex, then don't read any further.

Please leave me feedback at:

Last Chapter

We finished our meals and the rest of the day went by slowly. Not many calls and the ones we did get were nothing. It was finally time to go up and relax in the bunkroom. I walked into the lounge, said goodnight to the guys, grabbed Brad by the hand, and lead my fiance up to the Captain's Bunkroom.

Chapter 5

It had been a wonderful night. Brad and I had hardly gotten any sleep at all. I noticed the sunlight starting to come through the window and I knew that even though I didn't want to leave my lovers side, I had to get ready for my overtime shift this morning. I slowly crawled out of bed and showered. Once I was dressed I gently kissed Brad on the forehead and he rolled over.

"I love you sexy" he said.

"I love you too baby, I'll be home as soon as I can tomorrow morning."

"Ok, I'll be waiting, be careful."

So I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of coffee and walked into the bay.

"Morning Lou, how was your night?" Dave asked.

"My night was great, still a little tired though"

"I bet you are, so are the rest of us, kinda hard to sleep with all the noise that was coming out of the Captain's bunkroom." Brad laighed.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I guess we got a little carried away last night." I said.

"Yep, sounded like a hell of a lot of fun."

"Sure was, well I gotta head out, I gotta be at station 8 by shift change." I said already heading towards the Captain's truck.

"Ok Lou, be careful, I hear that station is really nasty."

I got into the truck and headed for station 8. When I pulled into the parking lot there were a few cars sitting there. I walked in and headed for the alarm room. I noticed that the station seemed to be falling apart. It was a run down old station with barely enough room for the fire engine and medic unit that were stationed there. I walked into the alarm room and nobody was there. I thought that was odd because there is always supposed to be someone in the alarm room. So, I walked into the lounge. There was the crew, all sitting in recliners watchinig tv with the lights out. The medic that I was replacing quickly got up and walked toward me, handing me his keys as he walked out the door. He never even said a word to me. I said good morning to the other guys and never got a response, so I walked out to check the medic unit. After checking the unit I decided that I didn't want to spen all day in this God forsaken station, so I headed out for breakfast. I didn't get far before I heard the familiar voice come across the radio.

"Medic 8, Ambulance 5 respond, 2246 Greene Street, unresponsive person."

I grabbed the microphone, "Medic 8 responding."

"Ambulance 5 responding"

"Medic 8, Ambulance 5, your patient is a 74 year old female, family stated that she is unconscious and her breathing is irregular."

I turned on the red lights and headed for the address.

"Medic 8, Ambulance 5, the caller is stating that the patient is now not breathing, we are giving CPR instructions." the dispatcher said.

"Ambulance 5 on scene"

"Great, what a way to start the morning." I thought as I pulled up in front of the house. I grabbed my bag and my heart monitor and headed inside.

"What do you got?" I asked as I walked in.

"74 year old female, working code, AED won't let us shock her." said Josh Michaels, a young and ruggedly handsome EMT who had recently joined the department from a private ambulance service in the city.

"Ok, lets get started, Josh, hook up my monitor and I'll try to get her intubated." I said.

I quickly got the patient intubated and got an IV started.

"You guys gonna be ok getting her out to the ambulance?" I asked.

"Yeah, we got it, go ahead and get set up in our truck." Josh said.

I headed out to the ambulance and started getting the meds ready. Josh and his partner brought the patient out of the house and we headed to the hospital. Josh worked in the back of the ambulance with me and we did CPR the whole way to the hospital. Once we got the hospital, I told the doctor what was going on and went out to clean up the back of the ambulance. Josh got into the ambulance with me and was helping me.

"So Jeff, how are you doing, its been a while since I was at station 13." Josh said.

"Oh, I'm ok, tired, but ok."

"I heard about the engagement, congratulations."

"Thanks, yesterday was the best day of my life." I said.

"Thats great, you two are perfect for each other."

"Yep" I said.

We finished cleaning up and the ambulance crew drove me back to my truck. I got back into my truck and headed back towards the diner for breakfast. I got to the diner and ordered my usual. Breakfast seemed to go quickly and I was back in my truck driving around the city. About 2 hours later the radio perked up.

"Medic 8, Ambulance 7 respond, 3147 North 6th Street for an overdose."

Once again I grabbed the microphone, "Medic 8 responding."

"Medic 8, 3147 North Sixth Street, 15 year old male semi-consious, overdosed on prescription meds. Medic 8 use caution there was a lot of screaming in the background. PD is tied up, they will get there as soon as they can." The dispatcher said.

"Medic 8 copies." I said.

I pulled up in front of the house and grabbed my bag and monitor. As I headed up the front steps I coud hear peeple sreaming in the house. It didn't sound like angry screaming though, it sounded more like a worried mother. I knocked on the door and a middle aged woman opened the door.

"He's upstairs, please hurry." she shouted.

"Ok, what room is he in?" I asked.

"Up here, follow me." she said as she took off up the stairs.

I followed her up the stairs and into the front bedroom.

"Ambulance 7 respond, 3147 North Sixth Street for an overdose." the dispatcher said over the radio.

As I walked into the room she quickly left the room and headed down the hall. I sat my bags down and started heading for the boy that was laying on the bed. All of a sudden I heard a gruff husky voice behind me.

"Get the fuck away from that faggot. Let him die."

I quickly turned around to see a very large man standing between me and the door.

"Listen, someone called 911, I have to at least check him or I will loose my job." I said.

"You touch him and I'll kick your ass, let the little fucker die."

I very quickly hit the emergency button on my radio, sending a silent mayday into the dispatchers at the communications center.

"Ok, listen, let me pick up my bags and I'll leave the house and get back in my medic truck." I said.

"You aint goin nowhere fucker, your gonna stay right here and watch this little shit die."

"Medic 8, acknowledge." came the dispatchers voice over the radio.

I reached for my radio and the man started coming toward me.

"I have to answer them, if I don't they will send the police to find me." I said.

"You aint gonna touch that radio, and by the time those pigs get here they might just find you laying on the floor dead just like that little queer over there."

I grabbed my radio and hit the emergency button again. Once I did that it leaves the radio microphone open so that the dispatchers can here everything that is going on.

"Ok fucker, your dead." the man said as he lunged for me.

"Ambulance 7, respond now 3147 North Sixth Street, Medic 8 needs help." came across the radio.

The next thing I know I am flying backwards across the room and the man is landing hard on top of me. I tried to cover my face, but he was able to land 2 good blows. I felt the room starting to spin, but I tried to fight off the feeling of blackness that was overtaking my mind. I felt blood running down my neck and knew he had ripped open my stitches on my chin.

"Ambulance 5 enroute to North Sixth Street, Jeff we're on our way." came across the radio.

"Ambulance 5, PD is enroute, Ambulance 7, come on, we need your help out there." the dispatcher said.

I was now wrestling with this very large man. I was being thrown around like a rag doll.

"Ambulance 2, we're heading that way."

"Engine 13, Truck 13, Rescue 2, we're heading to North Sixth to assist the Captain."

"Medic 2 likewise."

I was starting to get really worried. I knew I couldn't keep fighting him off. He was really beating the crap out of me. I landed on the floor next to my heart monitor and saw my chance. When the man lunged at me I grabbed my heart monitor and swung it with all my strength. I heard a very loud crack and a large thud. I had connected. The monitor had hit the man right in the side of the head. I laid there for a few seconds and heard the woman screaming down the hall. I slowly got up, still feeling weak. I headed over to the bed and found the boy barely breathing. As I was trying to get him to come around I heard shouts at the bottom of the stairs.

"Jeff, where are you?"

"Up here Josh, hurry up, we need to get him out of here." I shouted.

The crew from ambulance 5 and I took the boy to the hospital and Josh cleaned up some of my wounds on the way. Once we got the boy into the hospital and I gave my report to the doctor I went out to the waiting room and talked to the boy's mother.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know what to do. He told his dad he was gay and he went off. His dad told him he would kill him before he let his son be gay."

"It's ok, they are going to take good care of him here. You should consider talking to children and youth about this." I said.

"I can't my husband will kill me. He may be in prison now, but he will eventually get out and he will find me and Billy." she said.

"Well, I will see what I can do, I am gonna go check on him now, and I'll talk to you a little later. Do you mind if I come back after my shift is over, to check up on him and you?" I asked.

"No, please come back, I really need some help."

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I get off." I told her.

I walked in and checked on Billy, he seemed to be doing ok, so I left and headed back with Josh to pick up my truck. I spent the rest of my shift in a daze, bruised and slightly battered with a fresh set of stitches in my chin. I went to the police station and filled out the report for the incident and finished my shift. I headed back to station 8 and parked the medic truck. I quickly handed off my keys and got into my truck heading for the hospital. I pulled into the hospital and talked with Billy's mom again. I walked into the emergency room and into Billy's room. When I walked in I noticed that he was awake and staring out the window. He turned his head and took a really long look.

"You were in the ambulance with me, right?" he asked.

"Yep, sure was, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Scared, I don't know what to think." he said.

"Well, you are gonna be ok," I told him.

"How do you know that, my family hates me and if you knew why I did this, you would probably hate me too."

"No, I wouldn't, I don't care why you did it. I'm just worried about you Billy." I said.

"You don't understand, you really don't."

"Oh, I bet I do, if you give me a chance." I said.

"Sure, you are just being nice to me because it's your job."

"Billy, I'm not working now. I got off my shift and came right back here to see you. I care about you and I want to help you out."

"Why do you want to help me, you don't even know me."

"I talked to your mom, I know all about it Billy, and I don't care why you did it, and besides I know what you are going through. You should have seen how scared I was when I came out to my mom and dad."

"What? You're gay? You can't be gay, your a big strong, masculine firefighter. You're Gay?"

"Yeah, I'm gay, have been all my life. But I'm not important right now, you are. I talked to your mom and she says she is afraid if you come home your dads friends might try to hurt you. I thik we might have worked something out. How would you like to come home with me for a little while, until we can find a better place for you?" I asked.

"Really, whats the catch, what do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you. I just want to help, and besides I think you and Brad will get along great." I said.

"Brad, who's Brad?"

"Brad is my fiance, I think you two will get along great." I said.

I sat down on the edge of his bed. "Listen, I'm not a creepy old gay guy who only wants you in my house for sex or anything like that, I just want to help you and keep you safe."

"Wow, nobody has ever been this nice to me before, I would like to stay with you guys for a while, besides, I don't think you are a creepy old guy, but I wouldn't complain about the sex, you're sexy as hell."

"Thanks, but I don't think Brad would like that, and I think it might just be against the law, your a little too young for me." I laughed.

"Listen, I gotta get home, but I will be back a little later this afternoon, and I will bring Brad with me."

"Ok, sounds great, see ya later."

I left and headed home, As I walked into the door, Brad was sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Honey, we need to talk." I said as I waked over to the couch.

"Ok, how is Billy doing?"

"He is a little better, but thats what we need to talk about. I know we already talked about helping him out, but he needs a place to stay for a while and I hope you don't mind, but I told him he could stay with us." I said to Brad as I was starting to rub his shoulders.

"YES, thats a great idea, we will have to go shopping and get some things for the house, and we can fix up the guest room, and"

"Whoa, slow down, we have a few days before he gets out of the hospital. We don't have to do anything right away. But, we do have to go see him this afternoon, I promised I would bring you along with me." I said.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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