Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on May 30, 2005


Firefighting Brotherhood Part 4, The Engagement

Authors Note

This story is meant as a work of fiction. I am a firefighter/paramedic. The characters portrayed are loosely based on fellow firefighters and paramedics I have worked with over the years. The names have been changed to protect the "closeted".

If you are under the age of 18, it is illegal in your area to view adult material, or you are offended by homosexual sex, then don't read any further.

Please leave me feedback at:

Last Chapter

"Yeah, I think its great. I hope I find a guy who loves me as much as you guys love each other, and isn't afraid to show it." Jimmy said.

"We hope you can find that special guy, it's a wonderful feeling." I said.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Jimmy said. "Well, I am ready to go."

"Alright, lets get out of here." Brad said. "Hey Jimmy, would you like to come over to our place and hang out for a while?"

"Sure, I would love it." Jimmy said, grinning widely.

"Yeah, I think we can all have some fun tonight." Brad smiled as we walked out of the bar and over to my truck.

Chapter 4

Jimmy crawled into the backseat as Brad and I got into the front. Of course, Brad was driving because he was the sober one. On the ride to our house, I started leaning over the consol and kissing Brad's neck, licking his ear, and rubbing his cock through his pants. I could see Jimmy in the backseat rubbing his cock through his own pants. I knew Jimmy was enjoying the show that Brad and I were putting on, and I don't know if it was the alcohol or what it was, but it was turning me on knowing that he was getting off on us. I could see a nice bulge in Jimmy's jeans.

We finally pulled into our driveway and all three of us went into the house. As soon as we were through the door I started ripping Brad's clothes off. Jimmy just stood by the door watching, not knowing what to do. I got Brad down to just his boxers and was rubbing, kissing, and licking all over him, when I realized that I had forgotten about our guest. I walked over to Jimm y and started kissing his neck. Brad walked over and started rubbing his hands up and down Jimmy's chest. I was licking and nibbling on Jimmy's ear and started undoing his belt. I very quickly got his pants off and now he and Brad made a very cute pair both standing there in nothing but their boxers. I looked over at Brad and he had a cute smile on his face, but he also looked worried. I knew what was on Brad's mind.

"Jimmy, there are a few ground rules here, you have to agree to them before we go any farther." I said.

"OK, anything you say Jeff. You guys are in charge here. Jimmy Said.

"Alright, the first rule tonight is to have fun, rule number two is nobody fucks Brad but me, and nobody fucks me, so we can enjoy each other and have alot of fun together and neither of us has any problem with sucking dick, but that is as far as it goes, unless you are a bottom." I said.

"Thats great," Jimmy said, "I'm a bottom. Will it be OK if one or both of you fucked me?"

"Hell Yeah." Brad shouted, now grinning from ear to ear.

We migrated back to the master bedroom and all three of us fell onto our huge bed. It was a tangle of bodies, arms, legs, tongues, cocks, you name it, they were all being pressed together, rubbed, kissed, licked, sucked. I found Brad and started licking on his already hard cock. I was enjoying the taste of him when I felt Jimmy starting to suck my cock. Jimmy took all of me into his mouth, he was not as good at it as Brad is, but he was doing ok. I was enjoying this, I had the cock of the most beautiful man in the world in my mouth and had my cock buried in the throat of another cute guy. We stayed that way for a while, and then I wanted to taste Jimmy. We all swung around and I started sucking Jimmy into my mouth. He had a nice dick, but not as big as my Brad. Jimmy was sucking on Brad. I looked up at Brad.

"I want to see you fuck him baby." was all I needed to say. Jimmy got on all fours with Brad behind him. I got under them and started sucking on Jimmy again. I could feel Jimmy tense as Brad entered his hot hole. Brad went slow, his huge cock is not easy to get in quickly. After a while I felt Jimmy shudder and I knew Brad had hit bottom. Brad slowly started rocking in and out. I could feel the motion as I was sucking him. Brad reached behind him and grabbed my cock and I thought I was going to shoot right then and there. Brad started picking up the pace, fucking Jimmy like a pro. I felt Jimmy tense up, and I knew I was going to get a treat. I could feel the hot splashes against the back of my throat and started swallowing it all. Jimmy may have shot his load, but Brad was not done yet. I pulled myself out from under Brad and got behind him. I started licking Brad's ass and around his hot hole. Brad knew what I was doing and turned his head around. "Fuck me baby, I want you so bad." Brad said. I grabbed the lube and quickly lubed Brad up. I slid in easily. I was like an animal, I started fucking Brad hard and fast. In a few minutes I felt Brad tense and I knew that he was ready to shoot. The feeling of his ass tightening against my cock was more than I could take and I started to shoot into Brad at the same time he was shooting into Jimmy.

We collapsed ont the bed and layed there for a while. Before long, I could feel my dick getting hard again, and I looked over at Brad and knew it was time for round two. I had never bottomed for Brad before. I had always been the top man. I looked into Brads eyes, "I want to feel you inside of me baby." I said.

"Jeff, are you sure, you've never" Was all I would allow Brad to get out before I leaned in and kissed him. I had never told Brad that sometimes I liked getting fucked, and tonight I wanted to feel the man of my dreams deep inside of me.

Brad kissed his way down my chest and stomach and started licking my ass. He was driving me wild. After a few minutes I felt Brad get up and I could feel the tip of his cock grazing my waiting hole. He slowly started pushing against my pucker. I felt the pressure and knew he was almost there. All of a sudden I felt the head pop in and I cried out. Brad stopped "Are you OK Jeff?" He asked. "Yes baby, I'm fine, that just feels so good." I said. With that Brad started driving deeper into me. I felt his pubes crush against my ass, and I knew he was all the way in. Brad started slowly sliding himself in and out of me. I could feel the heat of his cock in my hole. Jimmy was laying on the other side of the bed stroking his own hard dick. I was enjoying the feelings that Brad was causing.

"Fuck me faster baby, I want you to ram me hard." I moaned. Apparently this had a good effect on Brad because he started fucking like an animal. He was pounding me hard and fast from behind. I could feel his breath on my neck. I knew I wanted to feel him shoot his love inside of me. I wanted to take it all. Brad was pistoning like a machine, pulling his cock almost the whole way out and then sinking it back to the base. I could feel his balls slapping against mine with each thrust. I was in heaven. Jimmy scooted himself over and I started sucking his throbbing cock. I could hear little grunts and groans coming from Brad, so I knew he was almost ready. I started sucking harder and faster on Jimmy. Jimmy moved himself around so he was under me sucking my cock into his mouth. I could only take that for a few minutes. I felt my balls draw up close to my body and I tried to tell Jimmy that I was cumming, but he just thrust his cock deeper down my throat. I felt myself losing control and at the same time felt Jimmy tensing up. I knew he was cumming too. My head was spinning, but I felt Brad's cock grow bigger inside of me and the hot jets of his love hitting my insides. Again we collapsed onto the bed in a pile of body parts and cum.

"Please, fuck me, I can't take anymore of this teasing." Jimmy said to me as we were laying there. He rolled off of the bed and bent over it with his feet on the floor. I got off of the bed and got in position behind him. I wasted no time, he had already been fucked tonight, so I was going to hit it hard and fast. I plunged my shaft all the way into him in one thrust. I saw Brad's angelic face watching me, slowly jacking himself off. I started pumping in and out of Jimmys ass. It was a great feeling, but nothing like the feeling I get from making love to Brad. Brad came over and started feeding his cock to Jimmy. I leaned over and started licking Brad's neck and kissing him. Brad was really getting into things and started really driving his hips back and forth, driving his cock down into Jimmy's throat. He was really skull fucking this poor kid. I heard Jimmy gag a few times and could feel him tense when he did, but Brad didn't stop. Next thing I know Brad is shuddering and shooting his load straight down Jimmies throat. I felt Jimmy tense up a bit, but I was not ready to cum yet. Brad walked over to the chair in the corner of the room and just sat there and watched as I kept slamming my 7.5 inches into Jimmy's hungery hole. I finally felt that flush of hot liquid rising up my shaft and started shooting into Jimmy. I finished and pulled myself out of Jimmy and laid down on the bed. Jimmy laid down beside me and Brad crawled in on the other side.

I was ready to sleep, but Jimmy said that he had to leave, so Brad called him a cab. We waited until Jimmy had left and then Brad crawled back into bed with me. I waited to feel him snuggle up against me, but he didn't. I figured he was too tired and just wanted to get some sleep.

I woke up the next afternoon groggy and a little hung over, and Brad was not laying beside me. I got up and showered and walked out to the kitchen. Brad was sitting at the breakfast counter smoking a cigarette. I knew something was bothering him, he had an upset look on his face, and he never smoked.

"Whats wrong handsome?" I asked.

"I think we made a mistake last night, I couldn't stand watching you fuck him. Did you enjoy that?" Brad asked.

"I thought you wanted everything that happened last night, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you baby. I love you." I said.

"I know you love me, but did you enjoy fucking him last night?" Brad asked again.

"I enjoyed being with you, he was just a little bonus. I didn't need him to have fun. Besides, I wasn't the only one who fucked him. You didn't seem to be objecting then." I said.

"BULLSHIT, you enjoyed being with him, I saw the look on your face. You were really getting into it. You loved doing him last night. Was he better than I am? Did you like it more with him?" Brad was firing questions off faster than I could answer him. And he was getting more and more upset.

"Brad, I love you , and only you. I could never enjoy being with anyone more than you. Yes, I enjoyed what happened last night, I am a man, how could I not enjoy sex with a cute guy. But baby, I have you, and you are the most important thing in my life. You mean everything to me, I don't know what I would do without you." I said, starting to get more emotional.

"BULLSHIT, I know what you would be doing without me, HIM! I guess you'll have to find out what you would do without me." Brad screamed grabbing his keys and running out the front door.

I ran after him, but I found out that running was not a good idea with the hang over. I made it to the door, but fell flat on my face on the porch.

"Jeff, are you OK?" Brad hollered, stopping at the front of his car.

"I'm fine, why do you care. I thought you loved me, I thought we could work through anything. Now when we have a problem and need to talk, you run out on me. Just go!" I shouted, realy pissed off now.

"Fine, I'm outta here!" Brad huffed, and got into his car and tore out of the driveway.

I got myself up and walked back into the kitchen. "What in the hell had I just done? Why did I get so mad? I really screwed things up this time." I thought to myself. It was then that I could feel the blood running down my chin. I walked into the bathroom to see a pretty nasty looking cut on my chin just below my lip. "Yep, it's gonna need stitches." I thought. I called dad and told him what had happened and asked him if he could give me a ride to the emergency room.

there I was sitting in the emergency room with pop, crying to myself, thinking how stupid I was. I had already seen the triage nurse, and now I was waiting for one of the registration ladies to get me registered so I could get my stitches and go home and pout.

"Jeff Rourke, window 4." Came over the intercom, so pop and I walked to window 4 and sat down.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" The registration girl asked. She was the cute redhead that all of the firefighters and paramedics drooled over when they went into the hospital.

"I fell this morning and cut my chin." I said. Now I must admit that she was a good looking girl, and that I, being the natural flirt that I am, had flirted with her every time I went into the emergency room. I was starting to think about why I was gay. "If I was straight, this would never have happened." I thought.

"Well, we will get you all taken care of. Has your address or insurance information changed?" She asked.

"No, still the same." I replied.

"Your emergency contact still Bradley Hannigan?" She asked.

I started to cry again. "No" Dad replied, "You better put me down for that." While dad was giving her his information I was sobbing. I knew I had screwed up. I should never have run after Brad and hollered at him like that. I loved him, what was I going to do.

Well, after spending 4 hours at the emergency room and getting a lecture from Doctor Jenkins, I was back at home, sitting on the couch drinking a beer and feeling sorry for myself. Thats when it hit me, I was going to have to have to see him tomorrow at work. What was I going to do, how could I spend a whole shift with him, and not tell him I loved him, or kiss him? I didn't know the answer to that. I thought maybe he might come home tonight and I could really apologize to him, but I doubted it. I finally gave in to my tiredness and crawled into bed.

I woke up the next morning, alone and devastated. I showered, got dressed, and left for work. As I pulled onto the ramp in front of station 13, I noticed that Brad's car wasn't there yet. I walked in, said good morning to Dave, and walked up to my office. I sat down in the chair and just zoned out. I never even heard Dave walk in.

"Hey Lou, I noticed you're alone this morning. Everything OK?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine bro." I said, feeling the tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"If you need to talk, I'm here. I know what it's like to fight with the one person you truly love. Just remember, he loves you as much as you love him. You two were meant for each other." Dave said, walking away.

That was more than I could take. I had to get out of there. I walked out to my truck and started driving around town. I had been driving for about 35 minutes when the radio perked up. "Engine 13, Engine 16, Resuce 2, Rescue 7, Captain 2 respond, the intersection of Morning Side Way and Swatara Street, for an accident with entrapment."

"Captain 2 resonding." I said over the radio.

"Ok, Captain 2, Morning Side Way and Swatara, three vehicles in the roadway, you have two patients trapped in the one vehicle. Witnesses say they think the car might be on fire, it is smoking alot."

"Captain copies." I said, speeding up.

I was coming down Morning Side Way and could see heavy black smoke coming from the intersection. "Captain 2 on scene working vehicle fire with entrapment, tell Engine 13 and Rescue 2 to expidite, also start 2 more paramedic units. I said as I was jumping out of my truck and grabbing for a fire extinguisher. I ran over and tried to knock the fire down with the extinguisher, but had no luck. I could hear sirens from the Engine and the Rescue, but I knew they were going to have trouble getting through traffic. I could see that the 2 older folks who were trapped in the car were both unconscious and the fire was starting to go into the passenger compartment. I grabbed a halligan bar and broke out the rear passenger side window. I reached in and was able to grab the passenger and drag her into the back seat. I got a good grip on her and pulled her out through the window. I layed her down beside my truck and went back to the drivers side window. I could see the fire was now in the passenger compartment and there was fire shooting out of the dash towards the driver. I broke the drivers window and tried to pull him out, but his legs were trapped under the steering wheel. I ran back to the truck and grabbed another extinguisher to try to keep the fire away from him. I could feel the heat of the fire on my face and arms. I knew it had to be getting really bad for him.

Engine 13 pulled on scene and I saw Brad jump off and grab a hoseline. He came over to the drivers window and pushed me back out of the way, spraying water into the window and towrds the fire. I pushed forward and again tried to pull the driver out of the window. Brad just pushed me back "We got this Capt., the Rescues here, we'll get him out." He said.

I walked back over to my truck. The Paramedic units were here now, so I just got into the truck and sat there, waiting to finish the report when the crews had cleaned up. When I had finished the report and the tow trucks had taken the cars away, I headed for the station. I was just about there when my cell phone rang.

"Hey son, how are things going?" Dad asked.

"OK pop, I'm just miserable." I said.

"I know buddy, but I got just the thing to brighten your day. You, station 13, and station 11 are being assigned to the academy today. It's training time." Dad said.

"Great, just what I need today." I mumbled.

"Oh, you know you love training, besides, all you have to do is sit there and be the safety officer." Dad said.

"Yeah, I know, what time do we need to be there?" I asked.

"In an hour, I'll see you there." Dad said, and hung up.

I pulled back up at the station and walked over to Dave. "Hey, we need to be at the academy in an hour. It's training day for us and station 11." I told him.

"Good, I love training." Dave said.

"Good, make sure everyone else knows and is ready." I said, walking away before he could answer me.

I walked out and got into the truck. I drove to the academy and spent some time shooting the shit with the instructors. These were the same instructors who had trained me when I went through the academy when I was 18. I had grown up with some of these guys hanging around the house with dad.

"Well, you are going to be on the 4th floor landing, you will be the safety there. We are going to have fires on the 3rd and 4th floors. The truck will have to go in service and go to the 4th floor landing. That will be the only access for the engine crew to the 4th floor." Matt said. Matt was an older firefighter. He had been around our house all the time when I was growing up. Dad and Matt were always really close friends.

"OK, I'll get ready." I said, grabbing my gear and airpack and starting to climb up to the fourth floor. I saw that the engine and the truck were just pulling into the academy lot. Now our academy is a top notch training facility. It has it's own dispatch center and instructors on 7 days a week. I got up to the fourth floor and got my gear and airpack on and called over the radio to the dispatch center that I was in position. I could here the other instructors and safety officers doing the same thing. I heard the firetrucks signing on the air, and then I heard Matt come over the radio. "Headquarters, fires are lit and we are ready for training."

"Station 13, Station 11, respond, reported commercial highrise fire, building is being evacuated but there are some workers unaccounted for."

I heard Brad come over the radio next. "Station 13 responding, we copied the info."

Then station 11 went responding. I heard the sirens pulling up in front of the training building. I looked out over the landing and could see smoke coming out of the 3rd floor and was noticing that there was smoke rolling over my head now. I figured I was safe to not have my mask on yet, but it was there when I needed it. I heard the truck getting set up and watched as they swung the ladder up to the landing. I put my airpack mask on and headed into the fourth floor. I turned around to see Dave and Brad stepping off of the ladder with hoselines over their shoulders. They connected into the standpipe and started moving into the fourth floor. The engines had hooked up to the standpipe on the first floor and were starting to pump water into the pipes. I was in the hallway now and could feel the heat of the fire. I glanced back, Dave and Brad were just coming into the hallway from the door. They were advancing in towards the fire. I guess Matt had a few suprises in mind, because as they got halfway down the hall, the overhead burner kicked on and fire started shooting over their heads. They rolled onto their backs and Dave opened up the hoseline and started spraying water onto the ceiling. All of a sudden their hoseline went dead. I heard them call on the radio for more water. Well the water didn't come and didn't come. It was starting to get hot up here and the fire was spreading out into the hay and skids in the hallway. I saw one of the instructors come out of the fire room and he looked like he was roasting. He was heading my way. Thats when I heard the evacuation tones and the airhorns going off.

Now if any of you are in, or have been in the fire service you know, when the airhorns sound, it means get the hell out. You drop everything and evacuate the building. Now during training, this usually means that the training crews evacuate, but the instructors and safety officers stay in place. I though this was going to be the case, but I was wrong. I heard the dispatcher come over the radio, "All crews evacuate the structure, this is not a drill, all personell evacuate the structure immediately." I saw the instructor bolt for the ladder truck. I knew it was getting hot up here, but how in the hell can you loose control of a fire in a training building, and in such a short time. I turned around and headed for the ladder. I reached the ladder and started my climb down. When I got to the bottom, I took my helmet, mask, and gloves off and walked over to the other instructors and safety officers and started to ask what had happened. That was when I felt a hand grab my right shoulder and spin me around. I was ready to fight, instinctively I pulled back with my right hand ready to punch. I saw Brad standing there with a smile on his face. All of the others were gathered around us.

"I'm sorry Jeff, about yesterday, and I'm sorry I freaked out." Brad said.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked.

"No, we need to talk right now." Brad said. "Please, just listen to me. I am sorry about everything. I just got really jealous and didn't want to think about you with anyone else. I shouldn't have run out like that, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to stay there and say something stupid that might ruin everything between us."

"You coul" was all I could get out.

"No talking, just listen." Brad said. "I love you Jeff, you mean the world to me, and I proved that I could never be without you. I was miserable last night, and all morning." Brad grabbed my hands and came closer. "I want to be with you forever, I can't imagine spending another day without you." Brad said, getting down on one knee. "Jeff I hope you can forgive me. Jeffery Rourke, will you marry me, will you be my husband?" Brad slipped a beautiful gold firefighters ring onto my finger.

I didn't know what to say. I was so stunned, I just stood there staring at him.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you, I love you so much baby." I said, grabbing him hugging and kissing him.

I heard the applause all around us, and looked over to see dad standing there next to Matt, smiling and crying. I knew right then and there that I was going to be happy for the rest of my life, and that I had the best father in the world. Dad smiled and said that the whole training thing had been a set-up. Brad had gone over to their house last night and spent the night crying and talking with mom and dad. He and dad set the whole damn thing up last night while I was at home crying myself to sleep.

The instructors put the fires out in the training building and we all helped them clean up. Then we headed back to station 13 for some lunch. Brad had already set that up too. Steaks and shrimp for everyone. Now in our department every day at 7AM, noon, and 6PM the dispatch center makes it's daily announcements and lists the trucks that are out of service or out on a call. Well we were sitting down to lunch when the noon buzzer came across. "Headquarters to all stations, be advised of the following Engine 519 acting Engine 4, Engine 502 acting Engine 9, Engine 527 acting Engine 46, Truck 501 acting Truck 12, Truck 515 acting Truck 55, Rescue 6 is out of service, B platoon is on duty, no active calls at this time. Headguarters to all personell concerned, the department would like to extend our congratulations and best wishes to Captain Jeffery Rourke and Firefighter Bradley Hannigan on their engagement. For highlights of this mornings engagement festivities you can contact the training academy for a tape. Headquarters clear at 12:04."

I was blushing all over and so was Brad. I looked over at my father who had this "Who Me" look on his face.

We finished our meals and the rest of the day went by slowly. Not many calls and the ones we did get were nothing. It was finally time to go up and relax in the bunkroom. I walked into the lounge, said goodnight to the guys, grabbed Brad by the hand, and lead my fiance up to the Captain's Bunkroom.

To Be Continued........

Next: Chapter 5: Biography

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