Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on Apr 14, 2005


Firefighting Brotherhood Part 3, Jeff's Recovery By: FireJock_15

I am sorry this took so long again. I got side tracked and didn't get back to writing until this week. Just as an update, Brad has asked me to become his husband. Thats right, it may not be legal, but we are going to be getting married. He was so sweet about it, and so damn romantic. I will include that story in the next chapter.

I would like to send a special Thank You out to Milt Carnes, a Lieutenant with the Steelton Fire Department in Steelton, PA. Milt has been a great friend and is a very special person. He taught me that I can do anything as long as I work hard and put my mind to it. Not to mention he is a really cute guy and a hell of a firefighter and Lieutenant. Thanks for all of your help!

Authors Note

This story is meant as a work of fiction. I am a firefighter/paramedic. The characters portrayed are loosely based on fellow firefighters and paramedics I have worked with over the years. The names have been changed to protect the "closeted".

Please leave me feedback at:

I heard screaming in the distance, smelled smoke, and could feel a lot of heat. I couldn't see anything. I was wearing fire gear, but no air pack, and I was crawling through a burning hallway. All of a sudden the floor beneath me opened up and I fell through the opening. I could feel myself falling. I could feel the heat getting unbearable. I could see flames all around me. I tried to scream, but when I inhaled I could feel the heat burning my throat.

I woke up laying in a hospital bed, dazed, confused, and scared. I tried to talk but could only whisper. I don't know what I said, but I looked over and Brad was asleep on a chair at the foot of my bed. Dave was asleep in a chair in the corner of the room, and Charlie was asleep in a chair near Dave. I tried to sit up and I felt the room start to spin. Horrible pain shot all through my body and then the blackness came over me.

Once again, I woke up in a hospital bed, still a little dazed. Brad was still in the same chair watching me through his tears. When he saw that I was awake, he jumped out of the chair. "Jeff, I thought I had lost you, I was so scared. Jeff, I love you so much, and I dont want you to ever leave me."

That was more than I could take, I started to cry. At that moment I knew exactly how much that man truely loved me, and how much I truely loved him. I knew that I had found that one special person.

Things were starting to clear up. I remembered being in the row homes. I remembered trying to dig through the rubble to get to my crew. I remembered dad hugging me. I must have been dreaming earlier. The whole part about falling through the floor scared the hell out of me. That was one of my worst fears and one of the recurring dreams I've had since I stared at the fire department. But I was safe. I was in pain, but I was ok. Brad was still crying, his head resting on my chest. I didn't want him to ever leave that spot. It felt so good, so natural. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his weight resting on my arm was causing horrible pain to shoot through my arm and up my shoulder. Brad lifted his head, and must have seen the pain on my face. "Oh God, I am sorry, I didn't even..."

"Shhhh....." I said, covering his mouth with mine and he began crying even harder. We let our kiss end and he looked into my eyes. "Jeff, I am sorry, I should have been there with you, I should have followed you into the house."

"No, we both did what we were told to do. We both had jobs to do, and we did them." I said. "How are the other two doing?"

"They are fine. The doctors checked them out and they went home. You guys got them out in time."

"Good, how long have I been in here?" I asked.

"It's been 2 days. The doctors said they were keeping you really drugged up to help keep the pain down. I thought you would never wake up." Brad sobbed.

"I couldn't let that happen, I couldn't go for the rest of my life and never see the man I love again. So I had to wake up. I needed to feel you in my arms again." I said, starting to feel the tears in my own eyes again.

I spent a little over a week in the hospital. Brad was there every night. I finally got to come home and Brad took very good care of me. My injuries and rehab meant no work for several more weeks, but I would go to the station with Brad and spend time with the guys. They would bust my balls every chance they got. Dad visited me every day. I was bored out of my mind, and it was killing me having to sit there and watch the fire trucks go out the door to calls, and I had to sit there in the station.

Finally, the day came for me to return to full duty. I woke early that morning and was fully dressed and ready for work by the time Brad got up. "Wow, a little anxious to get back to work baby?" Brad asked.

"Hell yeah, I hate not being able to do anything, and watching you guys go out on calls without me. Hell I was afraid that you might hook up with some hot firefighter and forget about me." I giggled.

"Well, there was this one Captain, but I thought about you the whole time, kinda." Brad said, a shit eating grin spreading across that adorable face.

"Yeah, thats what I thought. A little Lieutenant isn't good enough for ya." I laughed.

"Well, you may be a Lieutenant, but there isn't anything little about you. Besides, you are my love and my life. I don't know what I would do without you. I sure as hell would never do anything to risk losing you." Brad said, smiling widely.

"I know, and that makes me the happiest man in the world." I said. "Now lets get moving, I don't want to be late my first day back. Get that hot ass of yours in gear."

Brad and I pulled into the parking lot and I noticed there were more cars then normal. I really didn't think much of it. We walked into the station and straight to the kitchen. I needed a cup of coffee and to sit behind my desk again. As we walked into the kitchen, I heard the screams.

"Welcome back Lou!"

I was suprised. I didn't think the guys would do anything like this. I sat and talked with the guys for a few minutes and then excused myself. I went up to the office and settled into the office chair. God it felt good to be back in my chair. Then the intercom buzzed. "Lou, your dad is on his way up."

Chief Rourke walked through the office door with a huge grin on his face. "It's great to see you back son. I know you've missed the place."

"Damn straight I have pop. I hated that time off, and rehab sucked."

Dad laughed. "I have your replacement fire gear in my truck, why don't you come out and get it."

"Ok pop, lead the way." I said.

We walked out to dads truck and he opened the back doors. He reached in and pulled out a few boxes and we carried them into the station. I opened up the first box, it was my replacement bunker pants and a pair of bright red suspenders. I looked at dad and he gave me a huge smile. "Now pop, you know I haven't worn red suspenders since I was a rookie. Now where are the black ones?" I said giggling.

"They are in the box with your jacket." Dad said.

So I grabbed the box and opened it. There were my black suspenders. I pulled them out and took my bunker jacket out of the box. I hadn't noticed that all of the guys had crowded around us and were watching what was going on. I put the jacket on and it was a perfect fit. I heard murmurs from the guys, but I thought it was just them being typical firefighters. I took the jacket off and saw the look of shock on Brad's face.

"What?" I asked.

"Look at the jacket baby." Brad said, now smiling as widely as dad was.

I looked at the front of the jacket, it didn't look any different then my old jacket. I turned the jacket around and read the back. Well, they had spelled my last name right, Rourke. Then I noticed the rank designation, Captain 2. I started laughing.

"Thats funny, they really screwed up on my jacket." I laughed.

"No son, they didn't. I wanted to suprise you, you passed the Captains exam before you got hurt. I made the guys promise not to tell you or Brad, and we never posted the promotion list in the station. You are the first Captain to be stationed at this house since the sixties. Congratulations son, I am so proud of you."

I didn't know what to say. Everyone was hugging me, and congratulating me. I really was speechless.

"Ok guys, the Captain and I have a lot to talk about." Dad said, as he grabbed my arm and started walking upstairs. Once we got into the office dad started talking.

"Well, things are really going to change. You don't have to change stations, but you won't be riding on the Engine anymore. You know that there hasn't been a Captain stationed here for almost four decades. You are not only the Captain for this station, but for the whole hill district. You will have to respond to every call in the hill district. You're gonna be busy." Dad said.

"Ok, well how is this going to work then? There is nothing in this station that goes on every call in the district." I Said.

"Your new truck should be ready by this afternoon. They were just testing the radios when I left the vehicle manitenance center. I must admit, I am a little bit jealous, big promotion, nice pay raise, even a brand new truck. And a Ford Expidition at that. Someone in the Chief's office must like you. I don't know why." Dad said, laughing.

"Yeah, neither do I." I laughed.

"I will pick you up around noon, and we will go pick up our new trucks." Dad said.

"Our new trucks?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We are replacing the old Chief's trucks. I bet you will look nice in your nice new Expidition, but I know I will look dead sexy in the brand spanking new Excursion." Dad said.

"I bet you will. As sexy as a ninety year old geaser can look that is." I laughed.

"Damn, that was harsh, this really is a tough crowd." Dad laughed. "See ya around noon."

"Alright pop, be careful, and I love ya."

"I love you too son."

I walked downstairs and was greeted by cheers and high fives all around. Brad came over and kissed me on the cheek. "Congratulations honey. I am so proud of my big sexy Captain." He said.

"Thanks baby, we are going to be celebrating tomorrow night." I winked at him and he flashed that heart melting smile. "Pop is picking me up around noon, and we are going to pick up our new trucks." That made Brad give me that "what the hell are you talking about" look.

"My promotion is to Captain of the district. I have to respond to all the calls in the district, so they bought me a truck. They also started replacing the old Chief's trucks, so Pop got a new one too." I said.

"Thats great, I can't wait to see it." Brad said.

"Oh, you will see it soon enough, and tomorrow night, we will be breaking it in, the right way." I said, flashing my biggest smile at my lover. Brad blushed a very bright red.

The morning seemed to drag by. The guys said it hadn't been busy since they caught the arsonist. I spent the rest of the morning catching up on reading the department memos and reading some articles about new ways to fight fires. Around 11:00 I walked downstairs and saw that the guys had the grill out. They were going to be cooking steaks for lunch, and they even bought one for dad. "We'll have them all ready by the time you two get back." Dave said. "So don't fool around, or your steaks will be cold."

"Oh, don't worry, Pop and I would never allow a steak to get cold waiting for us. You know us Irish guys, steak and potatoes all the way. And tomorrow night the beers are on me." I said just as dad was pulling up onto the station ramp.

"You ready son, I don't want to keep the shops waiting. You know Shop 1 is a busy man. If we are late he will have a fit, and I would have to go to confession if I had to listen to one of his bitch sessions. You know it's a sin just hearing that many curses come out at one time." Dad laughed.

"Don't keep him too long Chief, we've got steaks to celebrate. They should be ready when you guys get back. you still like yours rare, or has your taste changed in your old age?" Dave shouted to dad.

"Old age, I would resent that if I didn't know how old you are. I remember when you first joined the department. I think Ben Franklin was the Chief of Department then, wasn't he?" Dad said Laughing.

"Alright you two, lets put our egos back into our pants and play nice." I said, laughing hysterically.

"Yes Sir, Captain." Dave shouted, snapping to attention and saluting, almost dropping a steak onto the ground as he did it.

I got into dads truck and off we went to the shop. We pulled up and Master Mechanic Donald O'Leary came walking over to dads truck. "I don't see why all you Chief's need new buggies. Hell in my day, the Chief's got new cars when the old ones died, or got wrecked. That was the only way." Don Said.

"Yeah, but that was when they truly were buggies. All you had to do was replace the horses with new ones." Dad said laughing.

"Don't you get smart with me youngin, I can still kick yer ass with one hand tied behind my back." Don said.

Dad laughed and so did Don as they hugged each other. "It's good to see you Don, how's mother doing?" Dad asked.

"Well she is doing ok, she still has the gout, but at least she can't run away from me." Don said with a wicked smile on his face. We all laughed

As we walked into the shop, I caught sight of two new trucks, sitting side by side at the end of the row. I saw my nice new Expidition, all white with a reflective red stripe running down the side and a maltese cross with our department name on it. The back window had an American Flag sunscreen, and I noticed on the driver's side door, just below the window, printed in gold script lettering "Captain J. Rourke" and underneath was written "Fir Na Tine" which means "Men of Fire" in Irish. I almost wanted to cry as I saw the truck and the look of pride on my dads face. Then I saw his truck. The brand new Excursion with an identical paint job and in the gold lettering was written "Battalion Chief P.Rourke" and underneath was written "Neart, Grá agus Onóir" which means "Strength, Love, and Honour" in Irish. I saw dad starting to tear up.

"Now don't go getting all sentimental on me you old fool!" Don said.

"Oh, I must have gotten some dirt in my eye, this shop is a mess." Dad said.

"Well, you two slackers better get back to work, I will see you guys tomorrow night, I heard the Captain is buying the drinks." Don Laughed.

"Oh yeah, I guess I will have to make a stop at the bar then." Dad said.

"Yeah, we are going to a regular bar, right? Don asked. "The last time I follwed your little rugrat and his pals I ended up sitting in a corner watching guys dancing with guys and girls dancing with girls. I am still having flash backs." Don said, now laughing hysterically.

"Yeah Don, we are going to a normal bar, I promise. You know the normal spot we're meeting around 9." I said.

"Ok, I will be there." Don said.

With that Dad and I got into our new trucks and headed out. We returned to the station and enjoyed a great lunch, laughing and talking. After lunch, dad left and I started putting my things into the new truck. My new fire gear, a couple of fire extinguishers, an air pack, and a few other small items. I walked inside and sat down to watch some tv. Well, it seemed like it was going to be an uneventful day. I was beginning to think that I would never get my first call as a Captain. I was wrong, the bells in the station started going off.

"Station 11, Engine 7, Truck 5, Rescue 3, Captain 2, respond, 152 Andrews Avenue for a residential fire alarm."

Well, my first call was going to be a simple one. I jumped in my truck and grabbed the radio.

"Captain 2 responding" I said.

"OK Captain 2, 152 Andrews Avenue, the alarm company is reporting zone 4 smoke detector activation. Nobody is answering the phone at the residence."

"Captain 2 copies" I said.

I pulled up to find nobody home at the house and no signs of any fire. I called the dispatcher and asked them to have the police respond, just in case we had to break into the house. Just then the owner of the house pulled up along with Engine 11.

"What's going on here?" He asid, as he was running over to my truck.

"Well, we got a call from your alarm company, your alarm is going off, and we can't get into the house." I said.

"Alright, I will let you in to check everything out." He said.

The crew from Engine 11 and I walked with the owner up to the front door, and after he opened the door we went inside. We found that there was a faulty smoke detector in one of the upstairs bedrooms. I called the county from my portable radio and told them to send all of the fire trucks home, and I would handle getting the report information. I went back into the house to get the information. I had'nt noticed it until I got back into the house, but damn the owner was cute. I must be getting old, I did'nt notice him. How could I miss someone who was 6' tall with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Thank you so much, I am glad you guys got here so quick." He said.

"Well, thats what we are here for sir." I said, in my most proper voice.

"Sir, who walked in? You can call me Scott." He said, laughing.

"Ok Scott, I'm Jeff, and I'm glad to meet you. I have to ask you a few questions for my report, is that ok?" I said.

"Ok Jeff, ask away." Scott said.

I started asking him questions and filling out my report. I had almost finished my report, but I had to know the names of everyone who lived in the house.

"Ok, one last question, I need to know the names of everyone that lives here, and their ages." I said.

"Well, thats an easy one. Me and thats it." Scott said.

"Your kidding me, someone as cute as you are living all alone, I can't believe that." I could'nt believe I had really just said that. I noticed him blushing.

"Yeah, I don't know what to say, I am all alone. I broke up with my ex about 3 months ago." He said.

"I am sorry, I should not have said that." I said. Now I was the one blushing.

"It's ok. Don't worry about it. You are not the first person to ask me that question." Scott said.

"Well, I am sure they were not here to make sure your house wasn't on fire. That was very unprofessional of me. I should really get going, and get out of your hair." I said, now wanting desperately to run for the door.

"Well, if you are sure you have to go, you don't have too, and by the way, you aren't to bad to look at yourself Jeff." Scott said.

"Thank you, but I do need to get back to the station." I said.

"Ok, would you guys mind if I stopped by the station sometime, I have loved fire trucks since I was a kid." Scott said.

"Sure, that would not be a problem. Station 11 is closest to here. It is on the corner of North 46th and Lexington. I am sure the guys would love to show you around anytime." I said.

"Cool, is that your station?" Scott asked. "I would really feel more comfortable if you were at the station."

"No, I work at Station 13, at 5185 North 60th street. You can stop by there anytime you want." I said.

"Ok, I will definately stop by." Scott said.

I shook Scotts hand and left. I jumped up into the truck and realized that I had been getting a little excited in Scott's house. My dick was definately semi-hard. How could I let that happen. I hoped Scott had not noticed. I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.

I got back to the station and spent the rest of the night answering calls for fire alarms, gas leaks, and a child locked in a running vehicle. Finally it was time to go home. I drove my new truck and Brad drove my truck. Once we got home, I was exhausted. I grabbed a quick shower and crawled into bed. A little while later I felt Brad crawling in beside me, naked as usual. God he is such a gorgeous man. I felt him snuggle into my back and his arm went across my waist. It felt so good to have him laying there with me. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck, his chest on my back, and his hardening dick against my ass. I wanted to feel him inside of me, but I was too tired, and it would have to wait until later tonight. I drifted off to sleep with my angel snuggled into me.

I woke up to a strange, but awesome feeling. Brad was expertly sucking my now rock hard cock. "Oh God baby, that feels so good." I moaned. Brad would deepthroat me, and then bring me almost completely out of his mouth so that just the head was between his lips and he would swirl his tongue under the head of my dick hitting all the right spots. He took his mouth off of me and started licking down ny inner thigh and around my balls. Slowly he took them into his mouth one at a time. He was driving me crazy with his mouth. Then he took my aching cock back into his mouth. I was going to explode. I grabbed the back of Brads head and pushed myself deeper into his mouth. I could feel my balls drawing up closer to my body and the white hot liquid boiling through my shaft. I launched shot after shot into my lovers mouth. Brad swallowed all 6 shots and was still licking and gently sucking on my deflating dick.

Brad moved up beside me and started snuggling into me. I ran my hands all over his chest and down his stomach were his cock was sticking straight up leaking little drops of precum into his belly button. I rubbed around his cock, careful not to touch it. I massaged around his hips, and down around his balls. I slowly moved my hand up his thigh and across his cock. I rubbed up his cock to the head and slowly let my fingers tickle the underside. I looked up at Brad and smiled.

"Well, I am still a little tired, and we need to save our energy for tonight." I said.

"WHAT, you can't do that, you can't leave me like this!" Brad Screamed. "I am gonna explode!"

We wrestled around on the bed for a little while and I continued to tease his cock with whatever bodypart was closest to it.

"Well, I gotta get a shower." I said, dashing off of the bed and sprinting for the bathroom. I could have made it to the bathroom, if I really wanted to, but Brad tackled me and we both landed on the floor in a pile of naked body parts.

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T" Brad screamed.

"Bitch you better get off of me, I'll kick your ass!" I laughed.

"Bitch, who you calling a bitch, I'll make you my bitch!" Brad laughed.

We were both laughing hysterically on the floor, rolling around kissing, caressing, and loving each other. I finally got Brad in the position that I wanted him and muscled my way on top. "Now we'll see who the bitch is!" I said. Brad smiled and started rubbing my chest. I started licking and nibbling my way down his chest and stomach. I grabbed him by the shoulder and roughly rolled him over onto his stomach. I started kissing my way down his neck and back. I licked around the small of his back and started licking down farther towards that beautiful bubble ass. Brad was squirming around and breathing very heavily. I licked my way back up to his neck and let my weight gently push into him. I started rubbing my hard cock up and down through the valley made by his sensual ass.

"You know Brad, I love you so much." I whispered into his ear. "But, I gotta shower."

I quickly jumped off of the floor and ran into the bathroom, jumping into the shower.

"WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I heard Brad scream as the water started running down over my head. I heard Brad get up and storm into the bathroom. He grabbed the shower curtain and ripped it open.

"You better have a ......." was all Brad could get out before I grabbed him and pulled him into the shower with me. I kissed him passionately and I could feel the tension and anger drain out of him.

"I'm sorry baby, I promise I will make it up to you tonight." I whispered.

We finished our shower and got ready for the evening. Around 8:15 we headed out to the bar. As we pulled up in front of Halligan's Pub I saw Dave's car sitting in the parking lot across the street. Brad and I walked in and Dave was already sitting in our normal corner with the tables all set up for us. Charlie was the next to arrive grabbing a pitcher of beer on his way to our tables. Then dad made his way thgough the door.

"What will it be tonight Chief?" The barkeep asked.

"Tabhair dom an rud céanna mar atá ag an fhear ar an urlar!" Dad said, in his best native Irish. Which means, "Give me the same as the man on the floor!"

Well, the look on the barkeeps face was priceless, obviously he had not grown up in a traditional Irish family like I had. "Give me a pint of Guiness please." My father said.

"Yes sir!" The barkeep smiled.

Dad made his way over to our tables, stopping to flirt a couple of times on the way. Dad finally made it to the table and the festivities started. We drank, and told firefighting stories, and were singing our hearts out. I think we were starting to annoy the other patrons, but we did'nt care. We were right in the middle of a chorus of "The Minstrel Boy" when Don walked in.

"Give me a pint of Guiness, and give the bar a round. Oh yeah, put it on the captain's tab." Don said, as he walked up to the bar.

The barkeep handed him his drink and started getting a round for the bar. I started to realize it was going to be an expensive bill for me tonight. Well the singing and drinking continued, and it wasn't long before Dave, Charlie, Brad, and myself were out on the floor dancing and having a good time. Dad and Don were sitting there, drinking and laughing as we were all having a great time.

It was starting to get late and the other patrons were all starting to leave, but we were still going strong. The barkeep had come over to our tables and was now dancing with the four of us. Next thing I knew, Dave was right behind me grinding his hips into my butt. I started to turn around, but there was Brad grinding his gorgeous ass right into my crotch. I was in the middle of the most perfect hunk sandwich. Things started getting a little hot and I noticed Charlie had walked back over to sit with Dad and Don. The barkeep had moved in front of Brad and was grinding himself into Brad's crotch. I was starting to get really excited. Then the music stopped. The barkeep went back to the bar and rang the bell for last call. We all started to get ready to leave. Dad and Don left at the same time, saying goodbye and staggering out the door towards the fire house. I knew Dad and Don would be spending the night at station 10. Neither one would drive home especially after drinking as much as they had. Dave, being the sober one of the group, was getting ready to leave and offered Brad and myself a ride to our place. We declined and Dave and Charlie headed out to Dave's car. I was in no shape to drive home, but Brad had only had two beers over the 5 hours that we were at the bar, so he was going to be driving the truck home.

Brad and I started to leave, but the barkeep yelled for us to wait. "Would you two like another drink before you leave?"

"No, I don't think we need another drink." I said.

"Well, I really just wanted you two to stick around for a little bit. I don't like being in here alone when I close." The barkeep said.

"OK, we don't mind staying for a little while longer." Brad said.

"Cool, thank you guys so much. My name is Jimmy. You guys sure I can't get you a coke or something?" Jimmy said.

"No, thanks, were OK." Brad said.

Jimmy was starting his clean up of the bar and was talking with us. "It's really cool that you two are open enough to come out to a regular bar and dance and show that you love each other." Jimmy said.

"Is it that obvious?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I think its great. I hope I find a guy who loves me as much as you guys love each other, and isn't afraid to show it." Jimmy said.

"We hope you can find that special guy, it's a wonderful feeling." I said.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Jimmy said. "Well, I am ready to go."

"Alright, lets get out of here." Brad said. "Hey Jimmy, would you like to come over to our place and hang out for a while?"

"Sure, I would love it." Jimmy said, grinning widely.

"Yeah, I think we can all have some fun tonight." Brad smiled as we walked out of the bar and over to my truck.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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