Fionns Career

By alex mitchell

Published on Feb 13, 2023


Sams cock ached. Constrained in his jeans his hardon begged to be released. The fact that he was surrounded by the boys swim team, 20 or so naked teens, laughing, carrying on, parading around in all their teen splendour, didn't help.

He had been cleaning the boys change rooms when the swim team had suddenly appeared, surrounding him in near naked teen flesh. All of them were dressed in their tight swim suits, black with red piping, the name of the school blazoned across their butt cheeks. These quickly came off, no modesty or shyness amongst this lot.

Sam could have left, but there was no way he was going to miss this delightful show. So he carried on with his mopping whilst surreptitiously perving on the teens. Everywhere he looked he would see something that thrilled him, a boy bending over, his arse cheeks spreading apart. Another, casually towelling his back, all the while his flaccid teen cock swinging to and fro. One would lift his leg onto a bench giving Sam a view of the curves of his arse cheek, balls hanging low.

While he was looking Sam counted to see how many were cut, how many weren't. Nowadays fewer boys were circumcised. Five years ago and almost all of them would be, today less than half were. He compared the colour of their pubic hair to that on their head, and was always intrigued to see blond boys with brown pubic hair. Sam was very much in paradise.

As they had entered several of the boys greeted him. He had greeted them back, wondering idly what they would think if they knew how much he wanted to fling them on their backs, raise their legs and thrust his cock up their probably virgin holes. How he would love to do this.

As he put some paper towelling into a holder he was surprised to hear a voice greeting him from behind. He turned and almost stumbled at the sight of the naked 15 year old standing in front of him. Forcing himself to look into the boys very cute face, rather than at his delectable groin area, Sam saw it was a boy called Joel.

Joel was the son of a poker mate. Friendly, outgoing, popular amongst his mates. He always had a cheerful hello for his fathers friend.

"Dad wants to know if you'll be coming to the poker game tomorrow night?"

"Um sure Joel, " Sams voice had grown husky with lust, his cock almost bursting out of his jeans. He casually bent over to pick up a paper, getting a good eyeful of the teens cock and balls. He was surprised to see how big the boy was. Dangling flaccid the teen cock was about 4 inches long. Sam wondered how big it would be hard and if the teen was finished growing yet.

Standing up he rearranged himself in his jeans, watching the boys face to see if he noticed. Joel didn't give it away if he did. "Will Fionn be coming?" Joel asked, "I've got a new Sega game which I want to show him"

"I'll bring him."

"Cool" Joel turned round and strode back to his friends, giving Sam a good look at his pert round arse.

Fionn was Sams boy toy, his sex slave who lived with him. Only a couple of years older than Joel, Fioonn was a gorgeous pretty boy, Sams puppy boy, always available for fucking. Now looking at the naked teen in front of him, Sam wished he could add him to his kennel.

Fionn and Joel had struck a casual friendship that seemed to be close to hero worship from the younger boy. Sam often wondered what it would be like to have the two fucking each other.

With a sigh he turned round, tearing his eyes away from the wonderful perve sights. .......

Fionn was sitting on the floor in Joels room. Out in the lounge he could hear the poker game, Sams growl, Franks laughter and the quiet voice of the two other men playing. In the bedroom though, he had eyes only for Joel. The lad was a bit nervous, constantly jumping up from the floor, readjusting his crotch, giving Fionn sideways glances. Was it just his imagination or was the boy aroused by him?

Finally he could bear it no longer, "What's up Joel?"

The boy looked at the floor for a bit then looked at the older teen.

"You and Sam, you do things together don't you? You know sex stuff. It's just that Dad says things and well I wondered if you could help me?"

Fionn raised his fine dark eyebrows in question.

Joel continued in a rush

"I turned sixteen a couple of days ago and in my family there's a tradition. It's an initiation that turns you into a man. The men in my family get together for a poker game and the winner, well he gets to take your cherry."

Fionn stared at the younger teen, his cock suddenly rock hard.

"Your father gambles you to someone to fuck? And tonight?"

Joel nodded,

"Yeah, usually it's only family members but only Uncle Jack could make it tonight. He took my older brother when he turned sixteen but Bens overseas and couldn't make. My Uncle Jo was going to be here but he had to work suddenly and Pop - well he can't do that sort of thing anymore. So Dad had to get someone else to help."

"So Sam and that other man, what's his name - Col?"

Fionn pictured Sam riding the teens arse and his cock became unbearable, bent almost in half as it was.. He quickly reached down his shorts and straightened it up. Joel saw and was blushing but obviously interested.

"Do you want to do this, be_"

Joel interrupted

"Of course I do, it's just that, well if it had been Dad and Ben and my uncles it would have been alright, but I don't know the other two and I'm, I'm .. I was hoping that you might be with me when the winner, you know, takes my cherry."

Fionn stared at the younger boy, "I suppose I could, I better talk to your Dad though."

Joel gave Fionn a hug, "Thanks Fionn, I'm sure that he will be fine with it"

Fionn was facing Frank as he stood in the door. He quickly got the mans attention and waved him over. Curios Frank stood up and strode into the rhe corridor where Fionn had withdrawn to.

"Joel told me what is happening tonight, how he is the prize for the winner. Do you do this all the time?"

Frank was a big man and he seemed to tower over the slight teenager. He grinned at the lad, "Sure, I know that my grandfather was made a man by his own father"

"It's just that Joel is a bit scared with two who aren't family. He wants me to help"

Frank easily remembered how nervous he had been when it was his turn, even though it had been his beloved Uncle Ernie who had had the winning of him. He hadn't wanted to involve non family but had been desperate. He had chosen the two men he could trust the most. Col had been a friend since school. Together the two had explored male/male sex together until they had married. Sam he knew all about and often envied him this gorgeous pretty boy who was his sex toy.

So these two he could trust to do the right thing, though neither knew yet what the prize was. He could understand how his second son, gentle, sensitive yet eager to be a man, felt. Frank was rather glad that Joel had confided and trusted this other teen. If anyone knew what would be required it would be Fionn. Frank reached up and stroked Fionns smooth brown cheek, ran his finger over the delicate lips.

"I envy Sam, having you. I've wanted to fuck you the moment I first saw you but didn't want to intrude on Sams territory."

His finger traced down Fionns neck, then ran down over his shirt.

"I tell you what, if Sam is agreeable then yes you can help." He hand had reached Fionns crotch and he grabbed hold of the teens cock. He rubbed at the bulge, "But I want you, this, after it's over, agree?"

Fionn nodded, was about to speak when Sam called out, "Frank you playing or what?"

Frank grinned, gave Fionns cock a final squeeze then left "Oh I'm playing all right."

Joel jumped up of the floor when Fionn re-entered the bedroom, an anxious look on his face.

"Did Dad agree?"

Fionn approached the other boy, took him in arms and kissed Joel firmly on the lips. Joel melted into Fionns arms as his kisses moved up over the boys cheek to his ear.

"Yes" Fionn whispered.

He could feel Joel relax completely and felt somewhat honoured at the trust. So he was perplexed when Joel pulled away. The sixteen year old looked bashfully at his feet and then at Fionn.

"We better not do anything or I won't be able to stop, I'm for the winner, remember."

It was about an hour later when the two boys were called out. Fionn wrapped his arm round the younger boys shoulder as they stepped into the lounge. He saw immediately who had won. Joel's Uncle Jack looked very disgruntled, clearly he had wanted to be the one who would pluck his nephew. Sam sat back in his chair but it was Col who was the winner, he was busily putting away notes into his wallet.

Frank stood up and took hold of the boys shoulders.

"Gentlemen, as you know my son turned sixteen the other day and needs to become a man. Tonight's winner is the lucky devil who gets to pluck my sons cherry, and as a special bonus, you get two for the price of one, so to speak, for Fionn has agreed to come along with the package." Sam bolted up in the chair, his acceptance at losing the game turning to chagrin. It took Col a bit to understand what had been said. When he did his jaw fell open, giving him a rather comical look.

"Y y you mean that you want me to to to" he stammered.

Jack chuckled, "to fuck his son, that's right you bastard. If it hadn't have been for that Ace you had, I would have had the pleasure."

Sams hand came down hard on the table. "Why didn't you tell me Frank?" he growled. Frank looking a bit worried said, "Do you mind if your boy is involved?"

"Fuck no" Sam grunted, "but you could have told me, I would have brought more money"

Frank and Jack burst out laughing, Sam quickly joining them while Col simply looked stunned at his good fortune.

"You could at least let me watch." Sam continued. Frank, grinning, reached into a cabinet and pulled out a video camera, it was the latest in video tape with all the best gadgets. He handed it to Sam, "Tell you what, seeing as how you're so good at taking photos, why don't you video tape it."

He winked at Fionn who blushed, obviously Frank, and perhaps Jack had seen Sams albums.

The two boys, were led into Franks bedroom, Col, Sam and Jack following them. It was a large room with a very big bed. It was somewhat frilly, Frank was married after all but Fionn wondered how many boys had been ridden in here.

There was a full length mirror along one wall and another smaller full length standing on a base to the side. There was plenty of room and Sam quickly scoped the room for the best places to stand.

Frank hugged Joel, "make me proud son" and then he and Jack left them to it. Every one stood round rather awkwardly. Sam was busily working out the zoom and such on the video camera, testing how the video cassette fitted in the devise. Col, who obviously didn't know what to do about his good fortune, just shifted from foot to foot.

Fionn couldn't stand it any longer and decided he would have to take charge. He caught Sam attention, who immediately hoisted the camera onto his shoulder and began filming. He then pushed Col onto the bed.

"Why don't you sit there while Joel and I get undressed."

He then took the younger boy into his arms and kissed him lightly on the cheek. His kisses moved up to the boys ear where he nibbled lightly on the earlobe. Joel sighed, arching his head back as Fionn whispered in his ear.

"Just relax and follow my lead ok." He saw Joels eyes dart towards Sam who was slowly circling them

"Don't worry about him, pretend he isn't there, just concentrate on what I'm doing. Remember this is about you. They want you but only you can let them. Just the sight of you naked will cause their brains to go to mush. "

Fionn continued to kiss and lick the boys ear while he began to unbutton Joels shirt. As he undid each button he ran his fingers lightly across the exposed skin. He could feel the boy shiver at each touch. Now his lips sought Joels, parting them and flicking his tongue into the boys mouth. As he did so he caught a glimpse of the camera, getting a close up of the kiss, and then of Col sitting on the bed, massaging the lump in his jeans.

Fionns hands continued to unbutton the shirt. As Joels small nipples were exposed, Fionn gently ran a fingernail over them, causing the nubs to stiffen. By the time he had reached the bottom of the shirst and was drawing it off the boys smooth tanned shoulders, he could see that Col had pulled his cock out.

Joels shirt fell to the floor and Fionn ran his fingernails down the flawless skin on the boys back, exploring the muscles swimming had given the teen. His hands circled the tiny waist and then reached the pert round mounds of Joels arse. Sam was now behind Joel, filming Fionns hands massaging the boys rump.

Fionns was now sucking on Joels slender neck, licking his away along the collar bone as he unzipped the jeans and pulled them apart. Soon they too were on the floor, exposing Joels swimming legs. Fionn ran his hand over the smooth warm inner thigh, then pulled on the tight under wear, Sam filming it all. The white undies joined the rest of Joels clothes.

It was Sams gasp that caused Fionn to look down and behold the boys adornment. He was BIG. Easily nine inches long and two wide, Joels cock hung at right angles to his torso, seemingly too heavy to stand upright. The foreskin was pulled right back, exposing a shiny red cock head, already leaking a little pre cum.

Fionn waited while Sam took his time filming the boys whopper. It was then that he noticed Col was wanking furiously. Damn the man, he would be spent before he had done anything. He stepped away from Joel and quickly removed his own clothes. Thank god he didn't wear underwear anymore.

As Sam filmed them, Fionn took hold of the boys large cock and guided him over to the man. Col looked at the boy in front of him in wonder, his eyes wide. Tentatively he reached out towards the boy and Fionn saw to his amazement that the man was actually shaking. Barely even touching the boy, Col took hold of the large boy cock. Fionn watched with amusement as the man handled it like a gearstick in a car. His amusement faded as he realised something. Col had little or no experience. And here he was, about to take the boys virginity.

He felt angry for Joel. Joel deserved better. Sam would have been ideal. As rough as he liked it, Fionns Master knew how to make a boy body sing. Col would just botch it. At least he would without Fionns guidance. Joel had been right to ask Fionn to help.

As he watched, Col anxiously wrapped his lips round Joels cock head, . Joel leaned back, almost staggering as warm lips enveloped his cock for the first time, Fionns anger turned to pity. It wasn't the mans fault that he didn't know how to pleasure a boy. Even Sam, who had plenty of access to teens, who knew how they clicked and what they wanted hadn't had much experience sexually with them.

Though only a small percentage of men were exclusively gay like himself, Fionn knew that a lot of adult men desired male bodies, especially teens like himself and Joel. Given the chance and the right circumstances, half the men Fionn saw in the streets would be only too eager to slip their cock into the tight hole of a teen boys arse. But how could they?

As he watched Col inexpertly suck on a boy cock, probably for the first time in his adult life, an idea ran round Fionns mind. He tucked it away to ponder later, he was needed now. He steadied the boy, wincing in sympathy as teeth obviously scraped tender cock flesh.

Sam was filming it all, the look of bliss on Joels face, the way the boy was now trying to get more of his cock down the mans throat. Col was filmed as he hungrily sought the boys meat, fingered the ballsac, the look of lust on his face as he sucked cock and pulled at his own.

Fionn could tell that Joel was approaching a climas. He was standing on the balls of his feet, only Fionns support keeping him upright. His breathing was harsh, his chest heaving up and down as he gasped for breath. Fionn could see that Col hadn't a clue at how close the boy was.

He pushed at Sams shoulder motioning towards the boys cock. Sam took the hint and focused the camera just in time to catch the boy blowing his load. Col, taken by surprise, gasped and spluttered as boy jism pumped into his throat. More of it leaked out of his mouth as Joels cock continued to pump its load. Soon Col was drooling strings of boy cum, a look of surprised delight on his face.

It was then that Fionn got a good look at the mans cock.. Thick and squat looking, large thick veins stood out like ropes along its length. The head looked way too big for the shaft and their appeared to be lumps around the base. The hair was black and scraggly, growing halfway up the shaft. It was the ugliest cock he'd ever seen! Poor Joel was going to get that up him. He also noticed that the man had cum. Reflecting on that Fionn decided that was probably for the best. This way the man wouldn't be in such a rush to fuck. Having spent his initial lust, hopefully Col would be able to take his time and ease into the boy.

But now Col had to be aroused again. It was time for Joel to learn how to give a decent blowjob, one a lot better than he had just received. Fionn stroked the boys smooth back, brushed his lips over the youngsters cheek as he whispered into the boys delicate ear. Joel nodded and knelt down in front of the man.

At Cols questioning look Fionn explained.

"you haven't done your job yet so we need to get you ready again."

At the reminder of what he had yet to do a look of mingled panic and desire came over the mans face. Fionn knelt down and began explaining to the sixteen year old the delicacies of sucking on a cock. Joel listened carefully, taking note of what to do. He eyed the cock in front of, comparing it harshly to the slender erection on his friend.

As Joel began to suck on the mans cock, Fionn slipped behind the lad, allowing Sam to get in close and film the boys rosy lips enveloping their cock. Fionn eyed the beautiful, round buttocks. He could almost see the tight rosebud hole and wished it was him that would be opening it up.

Sam followed, zooming in on the delicate, virgin hole. He was constantly having to adjust himself.

While Joel continued to suck on the cock, slowly arousing the man, Fionn knelt down and began to gently stroke the sensitive skin on the boys inner thighs. He tickled the slightly hairy scrotum, ran his fingernails across the area where legs joined the buttocks, blew gently down the crack, and began to tickle the tight hole. All this created the desired effect and Fionn could see the lads cock was once again straining upwards.

Now he began to work on the tight hole. With a wet finger he rubbed against it, pushing ever so slightly. To his surprise it opened slightly and then further, allowing his finger to enter. Had the boys been experimenting? He glanced at Sam who was filming all this, then pulling his finger out, leaned in and gave the rosebud a kiss.

He heard Joel moan from around the cock as he began to caress the ring with his tongue. Soon Fionn could see that Joel was close to coming and desisted, instead reapplying his finger. Soon he had worked two fingers in and began the job of stretching the muscle. All of this was having an effect on the older teen and he wondered if he would be able to resist cumming in his hand.

Sam tapped him on the shoulder and looking up Fionn saw that Col was almost at fever point. He stood up and pulled the teen to his feet. Motioning the older man to get out the way, Fionn positioned Joel on the bed. Joel was bent over a corner, his virgin arse sticking up, his face down on the cover. Taking hold of Cols hard cock he guided the man to the virgin passage.

Fionn wondered how this was going to work. The size of the mans cock head was enormous compared to the small hole it was suppose top go in. There was a tube of lubricant already on the bed and Fionn applied plenty of it to both cock and hole. He then lined up the cock and motioned for the man to push.

Joel hissed as the cock head pushed against him. Fionn sat beside Joel, stroking the boys brown hair, whispering into his ear. Col eager now to get in was pushing hard, with Sam filming the entry. Suddenly Joel tensed up, his upper body lifting off the bed. He cried out at the cock breached him and with a grunt, Col thrust the entire length of his cock into the boys virgin passage.

Col began fucking immediately. A couple of times his cock slipped out but the man quickly reinserted it. Fionn held onto the boy, stroking his sweaty shoulders and back, caressing his hair. He expected Joel to complain, cry out in pain as his arse hole was pummeled by the thick cock. Instead he just bit down on his lip, a look of determination on his cute face.

Before it had really begun, it was over. With a cry of ecstasy Col spent himself inside the boy. He collapsed on the bed, panting heavily while Sam zeroed in on the open and no longer virgin hole.

Joel, seemingly taken aback at how quickly it was over, looked at Fionn.

"Please, you fuck me now" he begged.

Hesitant to do so, it was the combination of the boys pleading look and his own desire to mount the lad that moved Fionn behind the boy. His slender cock slipped in easily, causing only a slight groan.

"Fuck me " the boy cried, pushing his arse against Fionns hips. Needing no further urging Fionn began to ride the boy, his strokes quick and easy, filling the lads now eager hole. Now Joels breath was coming in gasps as pleasure began to override the pain. Soon he was moaning, his hand working on his own cock.

The two teens began to fuck in tandem, Joel learning to match his own rhythm to Fionns. It didn't take long before Fionn was filling the boys hole with his own cum, while Joels splattered all over the bedspread, Sam catching every moment of it.

It was over, the two teens lay together on the bed. Joel looked at Fionn, triumph in his eyes.

"I'm a man now" he whispered, " and it was you who did it, thank you."

Later, after Frank had tenderly washed his son, kissed him goodnight and tucked him into bed, all the time with a proud grin on his face, three men and Fionn watched the video tape of the deflowering. Col had excused himself, saying how exhausted he was, and expressing hope that he could see either of the two teens again. (Also hinting that he would like the chance to win the poker game when it was time for Franks 13 year old son to be initiated)

So Frank, Jack, Sam and Fionn watched the tape and it came as no surprise to the twink that he became the centre of a gang bang that seemed to last the rest of the night.

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