Fionns Career

By alex mitchell

Published on Feb 5, 2023



When the lights came on, Fionn tugged at the ropes that bound him to the bed. They didn't give much and so Fionn had to lie exposed to the view of his captor. He was naked, tied spread eagled to the bed; his hard cock bound tightly with string so that it stood out obscenely from his body.

The teenagers' smooth, hairless body was slick with sweat from his struggles; his sweat darkened hair lay limply over his eyes so that he couldn't see what was happening. He felt a feathery touch on the sole of a foot and squirmed, mumbling into the gag that kept his cries quiet.

The touch ran up his leg, teasing the scant hairs on his calf. The back of his knee was tickled, causing Fionn to jerk his leg away as much as he could from the teasing touch. His smooth, naturally hairless inner thighs were stroked, the touch going as far as but night quite touching his bound balls.

The tickling sensation ran to the sensitive spot between his legs, just behind his balls. Fionns whole body jerked at that touch, his hips arching from the bed. Avoiding his genitals, the torment ran over his hips, tracing the line of his pubic bone and then up toward his chest.

A desperate sound ensued from Fionn as the clamps attached to his small, poutty nipples were pulled and twisted. Unable to escape the torment, all the teenager could do was twist and moan.

Finally his nipples were left alone and instead a hand brushed the hair away from his eyes. Fionns brilliant blue eyes, dark from exhaustion, looked into the eyes of the man who had had him tied to the bed for the whole night. Sam looked back, smiling as he bent over to kiss the teens forehead. He then gently lifted Fionns head and removed the gag.

"I thought you would never be sated" Fionn muttered as he stretched his newly released right hand.

Sam reached over and released the other arm and helped Fionn sit up. Fionn was a puppy boy to the stocky, muscular older man. As such he was at the beck and call of his master, willing and eager to please and satiate the mans sexual desires. But even he had limits and nearly eights hours of torment had exhausted him.

Fionn was rubbing his hands as circulation rushed back in when Sam removed the clamps from his nipples. The rush of release was too much and he bent over in pain, clutching at the sensitive nubs.

Sam held him, waiting for Fionns sobs to quieten. The night had been a fulfilling event and Sam was completely sated. He stroked the teens hair, his slender neck and ran fingers down the back. Once Fionn was quiet again he had the teen turn over so that he could inspect the markings on the boys' buttocks.

Fionns round, tanned buns, firm and peachy were now striped with angry looking welts, intermingled with bite marks. Sam had used a cane to good effect but only after turning the brown globes red from the hard palm of his hand. There was no broken skin though, Sam knew what he was doing and the welts would clear up in a week or so leaving the buttocks as smooth and blemish free as they had been before.

The hairless hole, crusty with dried cum and lube had also received attention from Sams hand, his fingers, cock and various toys. In fact Fionn doubted that there wasn't a time when he hadn't had something thrust up his arse.

As Sam released his legs, Fionn took stock. It had started last night when he had come home from late classes to find Sam in a mood. Before Fionn could react the naked man had grabbed hold of him and forced him to kneel on the floor. As was expected of him, Fionn had struggled but his slender form had no hope against the much stronger man.

After having his clothes ripped off him, (thankfully nothing special and he hadn't been wearing underwear), Fionn had been tossed over the man shoulder. Fionns arse cheeks were repeatedly slapped before he was tossed onto his bed. Even as he was bouncing, Fionns wrists were being bound by the loops of cloth tied permanently to the bed.

That had just been the start of long and sex filled night.

"So what got your goat yesterday?" Fionn asked as his feet were released.

Sam sat on the bed and gently pushed Fionn on his back so that he could release the teens cock and balls from their bindings. Fionn winced as his sore cock; red raw, from being over worked was unbound. Sam had constantly manipulated the 7 inch cut rod, not relenting even when the teen had run dry after the fourth cum.

"Had a run in with a couple of fucking skate boarders! The wankers got me so worked up. The cheeky sods need a lesson or two."

Fionn nodded ruefully. Sam had released his anger and frustrations out on him instead of the teenage boys who had created it in the first place. Sam had probably imagined a different teen tied to the bed during the night.

Exhausted, covered in dried sweat, cum and lube, body parts sore and aching Fionn looked a mess. There was cum dried in his hair, on his face, chest and belly. There was cum, both his own and Sams all over his cock and balls and all of this was mixed with sweat. He smelt too and was aching for a hot shower and some sleep.

Sam lifted Fionn up and carried him into the bathroom. A hot bath, smelling of lavender was already drawn and Sam lowered the slight teenager into the water. Fionn was unable to suppress a cry of pain as first the welts on his butt, then his raw cock eased into the water. But he relaxed into the steaming water and let Sam wash him clean.

While so violent earlier, all but raping the teen, Sam was the picture of tenderness now. By the time he had finished washing his beloved puppy boy, Fionn was almost asleep. Gently he lifted the teen, wrapping him a large towel and dried him off, soothing away Fionns muttered complaints.

Sam eased himself into his bed, next to the sleeping Fionn. After he'd put the boy to bed he had cleaned up in Fionns room, removing the soiled sheets and cleaning the mattress before remaking the bed. Now he was content and fell asleep without disturbing the teen.

Next: Chapter 6

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