Fionns Career

By alex mitchell

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Fionn had begun to make more friends in the city. One of them was Luke, the cute teenager from the newsagent. About a year older than Fionn, he seemed a man of the world to the younger, less experienced boy. Fionn was particularly pleased that Luke seemed to attracted to him and invited him over one afternoon.

The two teens were looking at a photo album of Fionn, naked and posing, when Sam came home. He took one look at Luke and liked what he saw. After Fionn had introduced them he went to get changed.

"Gosh he's cute: Luke said.

Fionn looked at his friend with renewed interest, "You like older guys?

"I like all guys, except for the really fat and really old." Luke giggled, "Have you seen his cock? I'd love to see him naked."

:"Sam, come here, Luke wants to see you with your clothes off" Fionn called out, ignoring his friends protestations. Surprised Sam obliged. He hadn't expected this at all but wasn't about to miss out. Standing in front of the two boys he casually fondled his already hard cock, revelling in the look of mingled embarrassment and lust on Luke face.

Fionn stood up, dragging his friend to his feet with him.

:" think it's only fair to be naked as well" he said as he began to undress his friend. Luke was too surprised, and horny, to object and soon the two young men stood naked in front of Sam. Sam looked the new lad over and liked what he saw. Luke, like Fionn was slender, though more muscular than the other boy. He wasn't as tanned either. He had a cute face, smooth upper body and a cock that was hard as anything. It was cut, about as long as Fionns but thicker. The veins were more obvious and the head was more of a red colour than Fionns plum.

It had been Fionn who had started but now Sam took over.

"On your knees boys, "he barked and watched as the two obeyed. Fionn knew what was expected of him and was able to discretely guide his friend. Once they were lined up in front of him, Sam stepped up close and began to rub his cock over Fionns face. He then did the same too Luke, taking delight in rubbing his thick shaft over his plump lips, along his cheek and forehead. Back at Fionn he commanded the boy to suck.

Without using his hands he took the thick cock into his mouth. Sam pushed it deep down the boy's throat, thrilling at the sight of Fionn swallowing the whole shaft. After a short while he pulled out and slapped the shaft against Luke face,

"Your turn" he growled, "No hands" as Luke had made to reach for the cock that was in his face. Tentatively the boy swallowed the head then gagged as Sam thrust the whole length down his throat. Luke wasn't an innocent though and soon adjusted.

"That's it boy, swallow that cock/" Sam reached round and took a fistful of Lukes abundant blond hair. He then began to face fuck the lad, using his grip to push Lukes head in time with his thrusts.

"Fionn behind me."

Fionn quickly obeyed and he knelt behind the older man. He spread the hard arse cheeks and buried his face between them. Unfortunately Sam wasn't in the best position for Fionn to reach his arsehole but he tried. Sam, legs spread, luxuriated in the feel of the hot mouths, one in front and one behind. Fionns tongue lapped the older mans arse cheeks, striving for the hole.

Eventually Sam decided a better position was called for. He pulled out of the mouth of the boy in front of him and ordered them both to stand in front of him. The two of them stood, one relaxed under the scrutiny, the other nervous but highly aroused.

Sam took a cock in each hand and guided them towards his bedroom. There he lay on his back on the bed and lifted his legs, spreading them wide and exposing his hole to the sight of the two teenagers.


Fionn immediately knelt down on the floor in front of Sam and buried his face in Sams arse, his tongue probing the older mans arse hole. Luke, not exactly sure what he was supposed to be doing, knelt on the bed and bent over the mans crotch. With ease, Sam grabbed him and spun him round so that Luke was positioned over the man, his face pressed up against the hairy crotch, his own cock hovering over Sams face.

As Luke began to suck on the thick cock, Sam began exploring the lads' body. Luke had plenty of pubic hair, his balls and arse hole were hairy, unlike Fionns naturally smooth body. Sam would take care of that later. He pulled on the cock, taking it into his mouth. As he sucked he probed the tight hole in front of his eyes, watching it wink at the pressure.

Sam gave as well as he got, soon Lukes hole was liberally wet from the licking he gave it. He pushed Luke off him and rolled over, forcing Fionn away.

"On your back on the bed" he commanded the smaller teen, who quickly obeyed. Once Fionn was lying straight on the bed, Sam positioned the other over him. Now Luke was lying on top of Fionn, their smooth young bodies rubbing against each other. Fionn, who knew what Sam would want, began to kiss Luke, who responded likewise.

As the two twinks kissed, rubbing their hot hungry bodies together, Sam grabbed hold of Lukes legs and spread them wide, exposing the boys arsehole. A jar of lubricant stood on a small table and Sam used it to liberally coat his staring, leaking cock. He then positioned himself above the teens and pressed his cock against the slightly open hole of the teen on top.

Fionn felt the extra weight as Sam mounted Luke. He felt crushed by the two bodies, but the bed provided him with support and he relaxed, enjoying the feel. He continued to kiss Luke, holding the teen to him as Luke tensed up as he felt the intrusion from behind. It didn't surprise Fionn when he heard a loud slap, Lukes body bouncing in surprise and Sam growling "Relax boy'

Sam liked to slap the arse cheeks of the teen he was fucking and Luke would get a lot more yet. Though he was expecting it, Fionn grunted as the full weight of the older man settled on top of them. Sam had buried his shaft in the hot hole of the teen below him and now began to slowly fuck. His heavy balls slapped against the teens arse cheeks, his hips doing likewise. Soon his hands were busy, their hard palms coming down on the firm white cheeks, turning them red, even as his thick cock pounded into the tight hole.

Sam was close to cumming, the newness of another hot teen twink too much for him. A couple of times he pulled out, trying to last longer, but the sight of the two teens locked together was too much and he was soon pounding into the eager hot arse.

Luke had buried his face against Fionns shoulder as he was ridden hard. Fionn kissed the delicate ear in front of him and whispered "You ok?"

"Fuck yeah, "was the breathy reply.

From experience, Fionn could tell from the grunts and the speed of the thrusts that Sam was close to cumming. Rather surprised at himself, he was too. The presence of another teenager, his firm young body pressing hard down on him, whilst being fucked by an older guy played to Fionns desire of being sexually dominated.

He could feel Lukes hard cock pressing into his crotch the pain/pleasure as the cock head speared into him with every thrust of the man on top. Luke was panting heavily too and Fionn wondered if he was close. By now he was bursting and the sounds of Sam cumming in Lukes arse was too much. He cried out as he thrust his own hips against Lukes, feeling Luke being pressed down by the man on top of him. Luke gasped out that he was cumming and Fionn felt both his own and Lukes cum spurting between their bodies.

Sam had rolled off and the three of them lay gasping for breath. When Luke had tried to roll off, Fionn had held him too him. He gently kissed the smooth young shoulder, caressed the messy blond hair. He really fancied Luke and was glad that the other teen liked being dominated as well.

As for Luke, he lay on his friend, astonished but sated by the turn of events. Something like what had just happened had been a fantasy he'd had but had never known how to pursue. That this shy, naïve seeming lad he had befriended would lead him to it was amazing. But it wasn't over yet. Luke didn't know of Sams appetite, how resilient he was. For Sam, having one sweet, smooth eager teenager, ready to satisfy his sexual desires was a dream. Now he had two and Sam had only just begun to sate himself today.

He reached over and caressed the smooth white back of Luke, ran his hands down to the firm round arse. He marvelled at the feel of the buttocks, squeezed one of the melons, and then his palm came down hard on the flesh, leaving a red imprint on the white skin.

Luke jumped at the unexpected assault and rolled off Fionn, staring at the older man in surprise and consternation. Fionn merely grinned; he knew that they weren't done yet.

Sam stood up, glared down at the two teens, noting the drying cum on their stomachs with pleasure.

"Fionn get your toys." Fionn scrambled off the bed, rushing out of the room as Sam yelled after him, "and the shaving gear"

Luke stared at the man wondering what was about to happen. Sam stood naked, his cock stiffening again as he glared at the hapless teens in front of him. Before Luke could respond, Sam swooped down and grabbed hold of the teenagers ankles, lifting Lukes legs into the air, spreading them wide.

"You've got a hot arse boy, but you need a shave."

Luke looked up between his legs, saw Fionn appear behind the man with a black box, a can of shaving cream and a towel. The box disappeared out of sight then Fionn was placing the towel on the bed, positioning it beneath Lukes arse. Luke felt quite vulnerable but was reassured by Fionns comforting grin. The other boy lifted his arm, exposing a smooth hairless pit and made a downward motion with his other hand, like someone running something down the flesh.

With that he disappeared again, leaving Sam shaking the shaving cream. Luke lay back as he felt the cream gush over his crotch and down his arse crack. Sam smeared it over Lukes balls and the base of his cock, chuckling when he lads cock start to rise.

"You boys just can't help yourselves, always ready for it."

Fionn reappeared with a basin, steam rising from it, which he carefully placed on the bed. He then knelt in front of Lukes face, his own slender cock erect and pointing at Lukes lips. Luke needed no urging and began to give the other lad a blowjob. As he sucked on the cock, his hands caressing the tanned bum, he felt the razor doing its job. Sam was a careful and skilled practitioner at this and soon there wasn't a hair left on Lukes balls, his perineum or anywhere in his butt crack. They were as smooth as Fionns. Fionn still had a neat bush of pubic hair round the base of his cock so Luke was startled when he felt his being shaved off. Gently Sam cleaned Lukes crotch and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Luke was now entirely hairless; not even the line running up to his belly button was left. Reaching into the box that Fionn had brought he pulled out a Polaroid camera. Quickly he took a photo of the smooth crotch, its hard young cock pointing towards the belly, the balls loose in their sack. He lifted Lukes legs and took another photo of the arse hole, now free of hair.

Sam put the photos on a small table, along with the camera, then slapped Fionns brown arse, telling the lad to move. He lifted Lukes arms and looked at the pits. "They need a shave too."

Though he wasn't sure about having his underarms shaved, Luke didn't object and soon they were as smooth as a young boy.

Now that he was ready Sam lifted his camera.

"Don't worry lad, it's for my collection only", he said as he saw the objection rising in Luke face. He then quickly snapped off a photo of the cute naked twink. Motioning Fionn to lie down beside Luke he took another photo of the two of them lying their. Then had them raise their legs and spread their arse cheeks. Photos appeared of the two teens, playing with each others cock, kissing; Luke on top of Fionn, his white skin contrasting with Fionns tanned body.

After a dozen or so photos Sam put the camera aside again and looked at the two randy teens. He reached into the black box and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, leering at Lukes widened eyes and Fionns knowing look. Quickly he handcuffed the two boys together, then pulling their free hands up he tied first Luke then Fionn to the loops of cloth at the corners of the bed.

Luke hadn't even noticed these loops before but he was comforted by Fionns squeezing his hand.

"Just go with it" Fionn whispered, "It's just a bit of fun"

Sam rummaged around in the box and pulled out a ball gag and dangled it over Lukes face.

"I've only ever had one twink to play with before." He looked between the two of them, making up his mind then before Luke could react he had forced it between his lips and Luke was gagged. A cloth, which Luke saw was simply a hanky, was balled up and placed in Fionns mouth. Now that they were tied and gagged, Sam took another photo and then began to play with his toys.

First he ran his finger tips lightly down Lukes body, starting at his neck and running down to his toes, causing Luke to shiver. Sams mouth followed the same path, his lips and tongue teasing the boy. Fionn received the same treatment, though Luke noticed that Sam used his teeth more. He could see Fionn shiver with each little nip. Now Sam payed attention to their cocks, squeezing, stroking and fondling each one, playing with their balls, driving Luke wild. Now he lifted their legs and their arse holes received the attention, unable to help himself Luke spasmed as Sams tongue played over his recently fucked hole and he came, spurts of the creamy juice reaching his chest.

Sam stood up, shaking his head.

"No control, no control at all. I'll just have to teach you a lesson"

He reached into the box again and out came a belt. Soon both boys arse cheeks and thighs were red. Luke body shook with each slap, though his cock remained hard, despite cumming. Fionn, he noticed, received harder belts, his cock and balls copping it a bit too, though Sam was careful with Luke.

More toys came out; larger and larger dildos were inserted into teen arse holes, stretching them wider and wider. Vibrators drove Luke into a frenzy, though by now Sam had slipped cock rings over both sets of genitals to keep them nice and hard. He flicked each newly sensitised hard cock with his fingers.

A series of small red balls, strung together were inserted into Lukes arse, and then quickly pulled out. Over and over again. More photos were taken. By now Sam was driving himself crazy and without warning he mounted Fionn, his thick cock thrusting hard into the worked over hole. A few quick thrusts and he pulled out, only to mount Luke.

He rode each boy, a few frenzied thrusts in turn. While fucking one, he would play with the others cock, squeeze their balls or force three or four fingers into the unoccupied hole. Nipples were twisted, pinched or bitten. Soon Lukes nipples were red and swollen, painful to touch but exquisite in their pain/pleasure.

Then Sam was cumming all over Luke. His hot cum spattered over Lukes arse cheeks, his hole, balls and cock. Sam thrust his now deflating cock into Lukes arse for a few quick pumps before collapsing over the teen, gently biting his shoulder. After catching his breath he stood up and reached for his camera again. taking several photos of Lukes cum spattered body. He then untied both boys, kissing each of them lovingly and tenderly.

"Hot, hot teens, so gorgeous and randy -- thank you." He murmured.

Both boys were highly aroused and Sam had Luke fuck Fionn while he took photos. Lukes cock pistoned into his friends arse and before long both boys were cumming. They collapsed exhausted on the bed, their naked bodies curled up round each other. A couple more shots of the now sleeping 17 years olds and Sam gathered up the many photos and left them alone. He had a new album to make now.

Next: Chapter 4

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