Fionns Career

By alex mitchell

Published on Jan 15, 2023


17 year old Fionn was standing by the swimming pool, wet, totally naked and with a raging erection. It had been three weeks now since he'd become the sex slave for the owner of the house, Sam. Then Sam had stipulated that Fionn must always be naked when home.

Being naked was still a very unusual and sexual act for Fionn. Just taking off his clothes when he came home, caused Fionn to become aroused. Wandering around the house, his stiff cock bobbing up and down with every step was both exhilarating and uncomfortable.

Being outside was nerve racking. Even though the back yard was totally screened by a fence, 2 metres high and with bush covering it, Fionn still worried that someone would espy him. Logically he knew that the only way someone could see in was to climb a very difficult tree, and that the neighbours were all in their eighties and unlikely to even contemplate such a thing. (Wouldn't they get a shock if they knew what happened in the backyard of their neighbour?)

Fionn stood by the pool, absentmindedly stroking his hard 7 inch cut cock. The swim had been refreshing and now it felt good to let the sun dry him off. He could almost feel the sun tanning his still very white buttocks.

He heard the sliding door open, and repressing an urge to duck behind a bush he turned to see Sam standing at the door. The older man was still dressed in his work clothes and was eyeing off the naked young man. Unable to help himself, Fionn covered his groin with his hands, causing Sam to smirk.

Sam moved closer to the boy and taking his hands moved them aside. He looked at the beautiful sight of the hard young cock, standing straight up, the balls tucked in tightly and the small bush of brown pubic hair, almost the only hair on the lads body. This view always took Sams breath, how he loved the sight of a firm young twink in all his glory.

He turned Fionn round so that he could admire the firm backside. Fionns arse was small, firm and smooth. Sam ran a ringer over one of the globes, smiling when he saw it twitch, He the probed the cleft with his forefinger, causing Fionn to lift onto his toes in the protest.

The sight and feel of this beautiful young body was causing discomfort in Sams jeans. He turned the lad around and held out his arms.

"Undress me boy"

Sam had already removed his work boots so Fionn started on his shirt. As he slowly undid the buttons he could smell the older man. It was a mixture of sweat, grass and diesel. Sam worked as a groundsman at a local High School.

After he unbuttoned the shirt he fondled Sams nipples, Sam loved having his tits played with, just as much as he loved playing with Fionns. In fact Fionns nipples were now constantly swollen from all the pinching and biting Sam gave them.

He ran his fingers through the mans chest hair then let them drift down to his groin. He rubbed the swollen cock through the jeans, causing Sam to moan and growl. Slowly he unzipped them and reached in to tease the man. The belt was next and he pushed the jeans down to the mans ankles, Sam kicked them away and stood only in his tight red jocks. Fionn knelt down and rubbed the swollen cock. He then slowly peeled them away.

As Sams short stubby cock was exposed Fionn ran his tongue over the cut head, paying particular attention to the piss hole. He then engulfed the whole cock as the jocks fell to the ground.

"You've become a great cock sucker boy" Sam groaned as he pushed on the back of the lads head, forcing his cock down Fionns throat. Only a couple of weeks ago this would have caused Fionn to gag, but he now had plenty of practice and had mastered the art of stopping that reflex.

Sam face fucked the boy, his heavy balls hitting Fionn in the chin. Fionn massaged the mans hard arse cheeks, squeezing them as he knew Sam liked.

Before long Sam could feel his cum boiling up inside him. He enjoyed cumming in Fionns mouth or all over his face just as much as he enjoyed cumming inside the lads arse. In fact he couldn't cum often enough to enjoy all the delights of seeing the boy with cum dripping on his face, splattered over his arse cheeks, oozing out his hole.

He withdrew and dived into the pool, wanting to cool off his ardour. Fionn was a godsend to the older man. He was just what he liked, smooth, slim, young. For 10 years Sam had worked at the school, surrounded by teens just life Fionn. All those teen arses and cunts just screaming to be fucked. He liked the young ones, only twelve or thirteen just as much as the older ones.

All those years and he couldn't touch even one. Now he could come home and have the delectable, sexy, ever available Fionn waiting for him. Surrounded all day by fuckable teens he knew that he had relief waiting for him at home. Just knowing that Fionn was there, naked, his proud young cock always hard just made the days pass quickly.

He surfaced and saw Fionn now, standing at the edge, watching him. The only hair on the boy was a light dusting on his lower legs and a small neat bush of pubic hair. Sam had had Fionn shave his under arms smooth and keep his bush neat. As the lad was naturally smooth elsewhere, that was all that was needed. His body was slender, not muscular, but with nice boy curves. His bubble butt ran into shapely legs.

Fionn was eyeing off the older man. Sam wasn't what he desired but he was still new to sex and the sight of any man naked, his arse and cock was still exciting. IN fact Fionn liked himself and boys like him. In that respect he was just like Sam. Fionn was a natural submissive and eagerly submitted himself to the older mans aggressive attentions. Sometimes he wondered what it would be like to master a boy just like himself. A Puppy boy as Sam called him.

When Sam waved him in, Fionn jumped in knowing what was to come. The older man grabbed him and kissed him hard, his hands roving all over the boys body. Fionns arse cheeks, were squeezed, kneaded, slapped and spread. A rough finger probed round his hole. He felt the mans short but very hard cock being pressed against his belly, rubbed against his thigh. Another hand pinched his nipples, causing Fionn to cry out.

Sam was working a finger into Fionns tight arse hole when he suddenly stopped kissing. Pulling back he stared at the teenagers face.

"You know what you need? Toys"

Sam began pulling himself out of the pool, leaving a puzzled and frustrated teen lad staring after him.

"Come on lad, don't just stand there, get dressed, we're going shopping."

Fionn looked around him, his mouth open, his cheeks flushing red. The wall in front of him was taken up totally with a glass fronted cabinet. Inside was a huge array of things that he had no name for, no idea what they were for, except that the naked women and occasionally men, displayed on packets indicated that these things were for sex.

Behind him was rack of clothing, except that Fionn knew that none of these items would appear in K-Mart. Black leather or lace seemed to be the going fashion here, and many of them wouldn't leave much to the imagination.

Sam was wandering round the store, muttering to himself. He stopped in front of a display case full of dildos. He looked at Fionn as if considering what size would fit the lad.

"Sam, look at this, is this what women really look like?"

Sam looked at the video Fionn was holding. On the front was a picture of a woman with large tits sitting on a chair. Her legs were spread wide. "Sure"

Fionn shuddered, "It's gross, why on earth do men like that?"

He put the video back on the display then crouched down to view some others closer to the floor.

"Here look, there's some gay stuff here."

"Cute boy"

Sam nodded at the staff member who had approached him.

"Isn't he, I'm looking for some toys for him"

The man nodded, running a hand through his goatee.

"Do you do much playing?"

"All the time."

The staff member was looking at Fionn, his eyes narrowed with speculation. What he saw pleased him very much. Fionn became aware of the concerted stare and stood up slowly. When their eyes met he blushed and looked back at the floor, causing the man to chuckle. Fionn shuffled around to stand closer to Sam, as far from the other as possible.

All the time that Sam spent choosing items for his puppy boy, Fionn was aware of the brooding stare from the cold eyes of the other man. When Sam held up a flimsy cotton g-string to Fionns waist the man spoke up.

"Why doesn't he try it on?"

Sam gave a piercing look at the man then looked around, there was no changing booth. He looked at the staff member again, who added

"We have some great deals at the moment, but no refunds."

Fionn undressed at Sams orders, wondering if his whole body was blushing. He couldn't believe that Sam was making him take off all his clothes in front of a stranger. Hesitantly he dropped his underwear, not taking his eyes off the floor.

A whistle from the staff member made Fionn jump. He hadn't realised that the man was standing next to him. Fionn felt a finger run down his shoulder and stared at Sam beseechingly. Sam held out the g-string.

The scanty piece of cloth was awkward to deal with. The string that ran up his bum crack was uncomfortable, like when his undies got caught up there. The cloth didn't even have a chance at covering his hard cock.

Both men were now standing together, admiring the young twink..

"Very nice indeed." Said the staff, "You know what else would look good."

He pulled out a leather jacket and handed it to Sam, who gave it to Fionn to put on. Other items joined the list, dildos, vibrators, cock rings. Fionn wondered what the handcuffs would be for. When Sam protested that he couldn't afford to buy all these items, the man just mentioned something about coming to an arrangement.

When the two men were discussing the uses of a particular item that looked like a series of red ping pong balls on a string, Fionn began to come to realise that he might somehow be part of the deal.

Sure enough, after a discussion that was obviously not about the ping pong thing, the man approached Fionn . He walked around the boy, eyeing him off from head to toe. Fionn shuffled his feet, feeling really embarrassed at this inspection.

Sam approached them,

"I've got a great deal for all this stuff Fionn, "he said, "Just do as you're told, OK?"

That was obviously a question; Sam was giving Fionn an out if he really didn't want to do this. Sam was a masculine, dominant man but Fionn knew that he was safe with him. He might order him around; spank him till his butt cheeks were shining red. His nibbles might turn into bites but Fionn knew that Sam would always respect his limits.

Knowing this, Fionn didn't want to disappoint his master. He wanted to prove that he was a real Puppy Boy, eager to please and so he submitted to the staff members attentions with grace. Giving Sam a wide smile, Fionn took a provocative pose, showing off his assets to the mans attentions.

The staff member, who Fionn had begun to think of as Bruce, (after a man at home who had a reputation for being a sleaze), was obviously impressed with what he saw. He stood in front of Fionn and took hold of the lads cock. Squeezing it in his palm, Bruce nodded with approval. He then fondled Fionns balls, let his fingers slide underneath. Fionn spread his legs wide as the mans fingers probed for his hole.

Satisfied with Fionns equipment, Bruce turned his attention to Fionns arse cheeks. He squeezed each firm bun, slapping them as he let go. Fionn bent over at Bruces instructions and felt his cheeks being spread. Breath tickled his hole and he squirmed a little. It all felt like being inspected by a doctor.

Next he was ordered to get down on his hands and knees. He felt a cool hand run down the length of his back to cup an arse cheek. The hand then ran along the crack to fondle his balls and cock. Another slap.

Wondering where this was going, Fionn continued to stand, crouch, kneel or lie in various poses. Always the man would touch just a part of Fionns body. He would a hand down Fionns smooth cheek, stroke his neck. A finger would trace the shape of his pecs, his slightly swollen but still small nipples or his flat tummy. Even his legs gained attention, similar, Fionn thought, to a horse being inspected.

Highly aroused by all this attention Fionn was impatient for it to go further but Bruce seemed content just to inspect. Finally the man moved away, began undressing. Bruce was a bit of a disappointment to Fionn. He was skinny and white, his cock wasn't all that much to boast about.

The fucking was no great deal either. Pushing Fionn down onto his hands and knees, Bruce rode the twink with jerky thrusts. It didn't take long, just as Fionn was starting to get into the rhythm of being fucked the mans breath became hoarse and rapid. He gasped out some words and then collapsed on top of Fionn, breathing harshly. Bruce quickly stood up and got dressed. All business like he stepped behind the counter totalling up the costs of the purchases, leaving Fionn frustrated and unsatisfied.

Fionn resolved that Sam was going to try out all of those toys when they got home.

Next: Chapter 3

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