Fionns Career

By alex mitchell

Published on Jan 9, 2023


What is a Puppy Boy? A puppy boy is a twink who is under 22 years of age, slender, smooth bodied, pretty rather than handsome and looking younger than his years. I'm not very good at describing people so the best way to describe a puppy boy is to think of a well know real example -- think Jesse McCartney or Leonardo Di Caprio when he was younger. Physically they are prime examples. Puppy boys are also -- willing, eager to please, submissive, innocent but eager to learn. The following stories are about a Puppy boy, Fionn McDhiughaill and his life's career. They are based on my fantasies and remember that any stories involving underage are just that, fantasies. I hope that you enjoy them.

The Beginning of Fionn McDhiughaills' Career

This is the story of a cute, shy young guy called Fionn. In 1988 at just 17 years old he moved out of home for the first time to study in the big city. His parents had arranged for him to rent a room in the house of a business acquaintance. Moving out was a big deal for Fionn. For several years now he had known he was gay but had hidden it from fear of small town gossip. Now in the big city he hoped that he would be able to learn more about what it meant to be gay, to lose his virginity and perhaps to meet someone special.

The house he was staying on was a typical three bedroom house in suburbia, nice garden, excellent swimming pool and not far from the university. Sam, the owner was in his 40s, nice enough, muscular, a little paunchy, hair starting to go grey. He made an effort to make Fionn as comfortable as possible. He worked as a yardsman/handyman in a local school and enjoyed cooking meals for someone other than himself. The two of them got on all right.

Within the first couple of days Fionn made his first discovery about being gay. He discovered in the local newsagency a magazine called `Outrage'. Outrage was a lifestyle magazine for gay men and for a week Fionn wandered into the shop to look at its cover, trying to build up the courage to buy it. Every time he thought he would but something would stop him. Some old woman, who reminded him of his grandmother, would be at the counter. Or children would be around and he would be too embarrassed to buy it.

Finally he called up the nerve and marched up to the counter with a copy of the mag. Then he realised that person serving was a REALLY cute young guy and Fionn almost chickened out. But it was too late and the young man was taking the magazine from Fionns hand. He looked at the mag and smiled at Fionn.

"This is a good mag.; you should get a lot out of it."

Fionn blushed, his face going quite red, stammered something and fled the shop. The magazine was real eye opener. Lots of interesting articles, a semi nude spread of a body builder type, who didn't do much for Fionn. As Fionn came from a coastal town, he had seen men and boys with less on. The classified pages fascinated him and he spent ages pouring over the ads, trying to decipher such things as GSOH, or what straight acting meant.

The next issue was in the newsagency a couple of days later and Fionn waited until the REALLY cute young guy was serving again to buy it. This time he was able to smile at him and got all fluttery over the smile he received back. Again he pored over the magazine taking everything in.

The next night Fionn had just gone to bed when Sam knocked on the door.

"Can I come in Fionn, there was something I wanted to talk about"

Fionn sat up and switched on the bed lamp. This was not like Sam. Sam sat on the side of the bed; he was dressed in his usual red towelling dressing gown. It hung open a little below the belt and Fionn got a glimpse of Sams cock as the man sat down. Sam often wore nothing under his robe and though Fionn wasn't attracted to the man as such, the sight of a cock was still a big deal and Fionn often looked out for such glimpses.

"I was looking for something which I thought I had stored in you wardrobe, " Sam started, placing a hand on Fionns sheet covered knee, "When I found a magazine. Are you gay?"

Fionn stared at Sam horrified. He couldn't believe that he had been found out already. He tried to stammer something but Sam stopped him.

"It's ok if you are you know, I'm bisexual myself."

By now his hand had moved up Fionns thigh and was perilously close to his groin. Fionn was naive and it only just now occurred to him, the nearness of that hand and what it meant. He stared at the man. Fionn was highly sexually charged most of the time. He was just 17, had buried all his sexual impulses for the last few years, (except for wanking which he did a couple of times a day) and the mags had awakened him.

So now he was sitting here, nervous as hell but aroused as well. His cock was pressing hard against his thigh and Sams finger was just touching it. Did he want to have sex? YES! Did Sam want sex? It seemed so. Did he want sex with Sam?

Sam was talking something about different sexualities being fine, his hand stroking Fionns thigh, driving him crazy. Then Sam said "I want to have sex with you/" and Fionn said yes automatically. It was going to happen.

As soon as Fionn said yes, Sam stood up and dropped his robe. For the first time Fionn was a looking at a completely naked man. His cock lurched with lust as he stared at the older man. Sam was reasonably fit, other than the slight paunch he didn't carry any excess weight. He was muscled, from working outdoors rather than gym work. His body was tanned all over, answering Fionns speculation that Sam sunbaked nude. His chest was covered in graying hair and a thick line of hair went from Sams bellybutton down to his groin.

And that was what captured Fionns attention. Sams cut, 5 inch, reasonably thick cock was standing at a 49 degree angle, pointing upwards. There was a thick bush of hair around its base and a heavy set of balls hung underneath. This was the first time that Fionn had seen a fully adult mans genitals and he was wrapped.

At the moment Sams cock was leaking pre cum, so eager was Sam. Sam liked teenage boys, and girls too for that matter. Working at the school he was constantly surrounded by gorgeous teens in uniform. All day he would see sweaty boys playing on the fields, attractive girls in short skirts. There were several that always caught his attention and he often spoke to those he particularly liked. But he made it a rule to go no further. He didn't want to risk his job.

So when Fionn moved in it was an opportunity just waiting for him? Fionn was everything he liked in teenage boys. Slender and cute with a nicely tanned body. He wasn't muscular, which Sam liked. Nor was he skinny. Fionn had rounded buns, just crying out to be played with, parted and fucked. Sam took opportunities to see more of Fionns body, encouraging the boy to go swimming in his Speedos. He loved the way that Fionn was completely hairless, his smooth brown skin shining when wet. That Fionn often wore a tank top and shorts that fitted snugly was a bonus. In the late eighties baggy shorts weren't yet the rage.

Sam had taken to wearing nothing under his robe and had been rewarded with catching the boy sneaking a look. He had resolved to have the boy if he could. That day he had searched through Fionns belongings and was very pleased to see the Outrage mags.

Now he stood naked in front of the boy and was wondering how he was going to stop himself from cumming right there and then. He sat back on the bed and took hold of the sheet, removing it from the teen's body. He looked at Fionns crotch, seeing the boys' hard cock straining the flimsy cotton fabric. One of Fionns balls was exposed and Sam wanted desperately to suck on it. All in good time he told himself.

Sam reached up and began to unbutton the pj top. As he did so he ran his fingers lightly over the smooth skin of the lads' chest. It was like velvet to the touch. Now it was time for the pants and he tugged lightly at the shorts. Fionn lifted his legs and for the first time since he was a toddler, he was naked in front of a man.

Fionn blushed as the pants were pulled off. He crushed a desire to place his hands in front of his crotch. The feelings that ran through him as he lay naked in the lamplight were almost overwhelming. The lust on the mans face, as Sam stared at his crotch, was obvious.

Fionns seven inch cock was cut, slender and pointed towards his belly and bent slightly to the left. Sam couldn't believe how wonderful it looked. The fact that it was probably virgin made it even more alluring. He reached down and ran a finger down the length of it, causing Fionn to gasp.

As Sam began to explore his cock, Fionn took a closer look at the naked man. He liked the way Sams cock looked, marvelled at how big and heavy looking his balls were. To actually see another mans genitals was almost overwhelming, as was the feelings he was getting from being fondled.

By now Sam was grasping the teenagers cock firmly in his fist as he explored the lads' balls with the other hand. They were almost hairless, seeming to be about half the size of his. He cradled them in his palm, rolling them round gently. But his cock was aching and he wanted to explore more of the boy.

He lay down next to Fionn, his sturdy short body pressed up against the slender one of the lads. He pulled Fionn up against him so that their cocks rubbed up against each another. Tentatively at first and then hungrily he kissed the boy, letting his lips roam over Fionns mouth. As he kissed, his hands roamed over the boys body, revelling in the smooth warm skin. For the first time in many years Sams lust was being fulfilled.

As they kissed Fionn was lost in the sensations of being touched. He registered the hard cock pressing against him, the urgency of the mans hands exploring all over him. He jumped as a hand gripped a buttock, and thrilled as he was felt up in places where no one had touched him before.

Sams hand continued to grip and squeezes one of the firm round cheeks as he kissed. He pulled the boy on top of him, pressing his hard cock against the boys crotch. Then he rolled over so that he was on top. Pulling away from the delectable mouth he sat up, panting and looked at the youngster beneath him. Sam marvelled at the beauty of the lad, his gorgeous pretty boy face, the slender neck, the way Fionns chest moved. He could feel the lads hard cock pressing against his arse, wondered briefly what it would feel like to have it inside him, and then dismissed that thought. He would be the one to do the fucking.

"Are you a virgin lad?" he asked.

Fionn nodded.

"Well after tonight you won't be, I'm going to take your cherry."

. Bending over he nibbled on the slender neck, then ran his tongue down to the boys chest. When he reached one small hard nipple he tongued, sucked then gently nibbled on it causing Fionn to buck under him in pleasure.

. His mouth traced the curve of the boys chest to the other nipple. This time he bit harder, causing Fionn to moan in pleasurable pain. Sam chewed on the small nipple, and then licked his way down Fionns stomach till he reached the pubic hair. All this time his hand was gripping the hard young cock, rubbing his thumb over the swollen cock head.

Fionn didn't have much pubic hair, another thing that made him look younger than his 17 years. Sam delighted in this. He licked his way round the lads groin then up the length of Fionns cock. This was too much for Fionn and as the mans wet hot mouth enveloped him, he cried out in ecstasy. His hips bucked under the weight of the man as he came, pumping his cum into the mans eager mouth.

After that, Fionn lost track of what happened. It was all a blur of pleasure and pain. He could recall Sam turning him over sometime, his thick fingers spreading his arse cheeks. He could recall the embarrassment as his arse hole was exposed to someone's sight for the first time.

There was pain as he was penetrated for the first time, mixed with a sensual submission as he felt Sams weight settle on him. He cried as the thick cock seemed to spilt his hole open only to beg Sam to return it when the man pulled it out. Fionn recalled biting his pillow as Sam rode him, slowly at first but with more vigour, finally pounding hard into him. He could recall Sams cry of pleasure as he came in the lad for the first time.

Later Fionn was on his back, legs spread wide as Sam fucked him again. There were times when he was sucking Sams cock while his own was being sucked. Fionn lost track of how many times he came. There was one time when Sam came all over Fionns chest, then rubbed the warm, milky stuff into his skin. It seemed to go all night.

The sun shining through a half opened curtain woke Fionn up. He was lying on top of the sheets, naked. As soon as realised this, and remembered what had happened last night, his cock lurched and started to grow. Embarrassed at being naked, Fionn reached over the side of the bed to grab his pj pants. As he did so he noticed the ache in bum hole. Quickly pulling his pants on, he dashed for the bathroom.

As the water sprayed over his body, Fionn thought about what had happened last night. He was no longer a virgin. And he was glad of it. Though Sam wasn't the sort of man he was attracted to, Fionn had really enjoyed the sex. To have actually seen naked man, to have touched a cock and to have been touched in return!

What really stimulated Fionn wasn't that he had been fucked (and despite the ache in his hole he was glad that he had been) but that he had been naked with a man. That someone had played with his cock and balls, stroked and fondled his arse cheeks, had probed his hole. That the two of them had been naked, rubbing against each other, cock touching cock, Sams cock rubbing against his legs, his belly and chest. That Sam had straddled his face and Fionn had been able to look at the mans arse hole as they had sucked each other off.

Thinking of all this stirred Fionn up and he rubbed his cock. He wanted more of it. It was all too much and Fionn felt the cum boiling up through his cock. With a couple of quick tugs Fionn was cumming, splattering it all over the shower wall.

After the shower he dressed and went into the kitchen. Classes didn't start until later so he could take his time. Sam was already there and eyed him over a cup of coffee. Embarrassed Fionn couldn't look into the mans eyes and concentrated on getting some cereal. Sam watched as Fionn sat down gingerly on the chair.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

Fionn didn't look up as he muttered that he was fine.

"If you're feeling sore around your hole, I've got something that could help." He nodded towards a jar on the table, "Top stuff, eases swollen tissue, dulls the pain. Stand up and I'll pout some on."

Fionn stood up. He pulled his shorts down to his knees and was about to do the same with his underwear when Sam stopped him.

: Here let me do that"

Already hard again He was reluctant to let Sam do so but didn't object. Sam gently pulled at the undies, causing Fionns cock to be pulled down. As the cloth went further down, his cock sprung free, slapping against his belly. It was Sams gasp that caused Fionn to tingle all over and for his cock to harden even further.

Sams robe had come open and his cock was standing almost straight up. This obvious sign of attraction caused Fionn to realise something.

In a way it wasn't the sex with the older man that he liked, it was really being the object of someones lust that caused him to be aroused. Fionn liked being admired, liked the effect that he had on the older man. He liked the idea that Sam wanted him, that by standing here naked he was causing all sorts of angst to the man. Fionn didn't have any great desire for Sam, but he was aroused that Sam had a great desire for him. He wanted Sam to admire him. Fionn was a submissive, wanted to be dominated sexually. He wanted Sam to order him to do this or that and it was a sort of power that he had over Sam.

Sam turned Fionn around and admired the beautiful, smooth round arse cheeks on the lad. He wanted to fuck Fionn again so much. Already his cock was drooling pre-cum. He pressed himself against Fionn, rubbing his cock between the two globes, looking for the delicious hole. He wrapped his arms round Fionns chest, rubbing the smooth flat belly, as he humped the lads arse.

"You have the most wonderful arse. I have to fuck you again. "He murmured into Fionns ear.

He pushed the compliant boy over the table and without letting his cock lose contact with Fionns sublime arse, he grabbed the jar of gel and scooped a little out. He then spread the cheeks apart and applied the gel to the tight hole. Rubbing it into the area around the hole, he gently pushed a finger into Fionn. Waiting until the lads natural tension eased he began applying the gel into sensitive hole. Soon he was working two fingers in. His cock ached and unable to hold off any further he reapplied it to what felt like its natural home.

Fionn moaned and hissed a little as the blunt cock head stretched his hole, Slowly he felt it working its way in, then with one quick push, the whole of the mans cock was inside him. Fionn enjoyed the feeling of Sams body pressing against him, even as his arse hole sung with pain. Now Sam was fucking vigourously, thrusting his cock deep into the boys body.

His hips and balls slapped against the firm young buns, Sam tried to get even deeper in. By now Fionn was splayed against the table, his legs spread wide as the older man rode his arse. He could feel his own cock and balls swinging widely between his legs and had an urge to look and watch them. Sam hips slammed against him, crushing him against the hard surface. While the mans grip pushed him down.

Soon Sams grunt and moans changed.

"Fuck I'm cumming" he called out, "I'm going to fucking fill your arse with cum!"

And he did so, copiously. He bit down onto Fionns shoulder, gripping the skin between his teeth as with several short hard jabs he pumped his cum into the waiting hole. Exhausted he slumped over the lad, panting heavily. Lazily he stroked the smooth skin on Fionns back, and then ran his hand down over the boys flank. He stood up and gripped the two arse cheeks in his hands. Squeezing them hard he spread them and watched his cum ooze out of the hairless hole. Sam rubbed his cock, still oozing cum, between the smooth cheeks, spreading his cum over Fionns perimium and balls.

Fionn lay quietly as Sam admired him. He could feel the cum dripping down between his arse cheeks and over his balls. He tried to picture what it would look like.

He stood up, stretching his aching legs and back and Sam grinned at him "We both need another shower lad"

It was while they were in the shower together (another first, having a naked shower with a man!), that Sam came up with his proposal. As Sam ran a soapy hand over Fionns smooth chest he explained what he wanted. Sam really wanted Fionn BAD! He wanted to be able to fuck and suck and have all the sex he wanted with the 17 year old lad. Whenever he wanted it. He wanted Fionn to be his sex slave basically. So he offered the lad a bargain, If Fionn would be his sex slave, be available for sex when and how Sam wanted, he Sam would give the boy free board. No rent, no electricity, no money for food. Now Fionn was naive but he had good business sense. The rent money was his largest expense, using up more than two thirds of his income from his Grandparents trust fund. Without it he would have a lot more disposable income. As for being a sex slave, well that was want he wanted, though he hadn't known it.

As Sam explained the conditions, Fionns cock became excited at the prospect. Sam of course noticed this and took it as a sign of agreement. Which it was. Fionn agreed so long as his studied didn't suffer.

So Fionn began his career in the sex industry.

Next: Chapter 2

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