
Published on Jun 16, 2022


Fingertrap: Scene One  Hey all. This this actually something I wrote for a school assignment. See, I take a class called Playwrighting, and to pass the class we have to write a one-act, two or three character play. I felt so good about it, I decided to put it on my website, since it deals with gay issues. There are three scenes, so three different pages to wade though. So, I hope you all like it, enjoy! :)
Oh, and I know this is my third story with the name Tommy used, but I just felt like it so :P

Gold Edition - This is the Gold Edition because it is my (more or less) final, revised version of my play. It's more or less the same plot and everything, just there are changes that maybe you can spot, maybe not. So if you read it before, chances are you won't find much new here.

Fingertrap -- Scene I


Tommy, 17

Ben, 18

Jason, 17


8:30 P.M. on May 11th, 2001


Tommy Davis' bedroom. Tommy's bed is stage left and the door to his room is stage right. There is a bookcase filled with books on the back wall. His backpack is lying against his bed. There is a night table with a lamp and telephone on it. Tommy lives in a suburb of Chicago called Evanston.

At Rise

The three friends are in the middle of a poker game. Tommy is sitting stage left on a chair that's turned around, Jason is sitting in the middle, facing downstage, and Ben is sitting stage right.

(Jason is dealing cards to the three of them as Ben is talking. Tommy looks at his cards as he receives them, while Ben just holds them in his hand.)

So I tell her I'd like to go with her, right? And she says that she doesn't want to go out with a wimp, then I ask her if she thinks a wimp would win three baseball trophies in one season and she says `no' so I say, well then I can't be a wimp then! (Looks at his cards) Man...

Are you in?

Uhh...what's wild again?

Nothing's wild.

Just put in a chip, Ben. Ya know, feed the kitty!

Ok...ok... (Puts in a chip and looks at his cards again)... so this girl...

Yeah, what was her name, man? (To Jason, putting down two cards) Two.

Michelle... (To Jason) Yeah, Jason, two. (Jason gives them their cards) She was only alright anyhow...

I got nothing. I fold! I should've made queens wild.

Kings would've done nicely, Jason. Maybe next time, eh?

So...why did she think you were a wimp?

(Shrugging) I know cuz I hang around you two. (Laughs shortly and starts again quickly) Girls...ya know... (Seeing Jason and Tommy's taken back reaction) Come on, she's a ditz. She sees me hanging out with the Valedictorian and a student known for being a smart-ass. Come on...

(Mumbling) I still don't like being called a wimp though...

Or a smart-ass. You should really watch your mouth, Ben. You see, I make articulate observations...

Excuse a moi? What?

I said what do you have?

Nothing, I fold! Hey, there are a lot worse things to be called than a wimp. Believe me!

Oh, I believe you all right. (Taking the pot.)

What do you mean?

(Changing subject.) Is it my deal? (Ben is agitated.)

That's right. (Tommy takes cards and deals.)


(Mockingly.) Ben...come on, anti-up, five-card stud, suicide kings wild. (Everyone puts a chip in.)

What did you mean, Tommy?

I'm in. Two chips. (Putting two chips in.)

(Ignoring Ben.) I think I fold. (Folds.)

Tommy, what do you mean? (More agitated.)

So, are you in Ben?

(Sighs and looks at cards.) I raise you four for nine. And if no one else is raising...which I hope they aren't.

Well...actually... (Ben gives Jason a sharp look.) No, I'm not. On second thought I fold. Yeah, I was bluffing Ben. You are one master poker player.

 (Lays out cards) There, I have four queens. Two of them are suicide kings though. I doubt you can beat that. Now tell me what you are talking about, Tommy.

Wow, that's a great hand! Man, what are the odds of that? Two suicide kings in one hand?

What is the big deal, Ben? I hope you don't make such a big a deal out of everything...

Big deal? Whatever. I have to get home anyhow.

(Checking his watch.) It's only half-past eight.

(Getting up. Jason is collecting all of the chips.) Yeah, but my dad wants me to drive into the city for something. I don't ask, really. Just do what the man says. He doesn't even know I'm over here.

Why not?

Because I told him I was going somewhere else.


On a date.

Does your dad really need to think you're always dating girls? I mean come on...

Better than having him think I'm sleeping with them. I don't even want to get into that. (Going into it anyhow, in a deep commanding voice.) "Do not disrespect the Lord by having premarital relations with a woman." (Shrugging.) Besides, I'm planning on seeing my mother tonight. Since my dad is making me go into Chicago anyhow, I might as well make the side trip while I have the excuse. That way, if he's wondering why I smell like my mother's perfume, I can always tell him it's from my date.

I couldn't have thought up a more genius plan, man.

(Going to the door.) Well, genius is the least I can settle for, because if my dad found out I was going behind his back...nevermind...(Changing the subject.) Of course, I still might have the old hospital-like smell on me. They keep that place extremely clean, well I guess they have to, but it still reminds me of hospitals. I really hate hospitals. I try to avoid them at all costs, like seriously! Fortunately I've only been in one once in my entire life. Twice if you count when I was born...

Really? When? I don't remember that. What happened to you?

(In disbelief.) What happened? I was there when YOU were in the hospital. Jason and I both. Remember? Wasn't it like two years ago or something?

Yeah, that's right! About two years now. Memory fading, Tom?

(Fumbling) I...umm...maybe...(Telephone rings.) Just a second. (Tommy breathes a sigh of relief to himself in secret as he runs to answer the phone. His back is to the audience the entire time. Quietly heard in the background as Ben and Jason talk.) Hello?

(Walking over to Jason, who is stacking up the cards.) Hey, I'll see you tomorrow, Jason, ok?

(In background still, covering his other ear so he can hear better.) What? He what? No...

Hey, we'll be seeing you. Is noon ok?

(In background.) Oh my God...uh huh...umm...alright...y...yeah...ok...

Yeah, that's perfect. Till then. (Begins walking to the door.)

Ok, t...t...thank you... (Hanging up phone. Turning around with a shocked look on his face. Speaking right before Ben reaches the doorknob.) Christian Miller is...dead. (Both turn to him with the same shocked look. Jason stops what he's doing.)

What? Are you joking? (Looking over at Ben then back at Tommy again.) What happened?

He killed himself...uhh...sleeping pills it seems. (His face turning sad.) I can't believe it...

Yeah, neither can I. But life goes on for the rest of us, man. No big loss if you ask me, really. (Tommy and Jason exchanging glances of disbelief, but neither saying anything about it.) Anyway guys, I'm outta here. (Turns to the door again.)

I knew him, Ben. He was know...just a nice guy...that's all...

(Looking back.) Sure he was, Jason. Sure he was. (Rolling eyes.) I'll sleep tonight, don't worry. And don't act so dramatic Tommy; it's not like you really knew him or anything. Glad you didn't, too. He was just one of those types. (Turning to leave again.)

Ben. (Catching him before he leaves.) Ben! W...wait! All this other stuff aside...we're still doing whatever tomorrow right.

(Smirking.) Well, if whatever is what you want to do on your big eighteen, then whatever is what we will do. Cyah neighbor. (Smiles as he leaves. Exits stage right.)

(Placing his chips in a pouch.) I sit...sat next to him in history class...Christian Miller...

Yeah, I...I can't believe it... (Sighing. Taking pouch and putting cards in them. He closes it and keeps it in his possession.)

Did you know him well?

No, not really. I just seen him around school sometimes...being picked know. He wasn't in any of my classes, but I knew about him, he was there. He existed to me and now...

(Continuing from Tommy's line as if flowing from the same person.) So close to graduation, too. Things must have been rough for him for him to do that...they were rough...

I know the feeling...

(Curiously, crossing his arms.) You do? Really?

Y...yeah...anyway (Not keeping eye contact by looking down and fiddling with the pull-string to the pouch.) it's best not to think about it, right?

Umm, right. Besides, you don't want to get so down on the eve of your birthday. (Hitting the side of his arm playfully.)

Yeah, right. (Looking up again.) Right! My birthday! (Forcing a smile, then fading.) Why does Ben care so little when people die? Here you and I are, being affected by Christian's death, while he can walk out with a smile on his face? I mean, Christian Miller is dead. He's dead for crying out loud!

(Shrugging.) Ben dislikes people for weird reasons. Be nice to him, he's had a rough childhood. Was he the same way when your father died? Or when my brother died?

No, but...

Are you going to mention him in your speech? Christian Miller...

In my Valedictorian speech? Geez, I dunno, should I? I haven't even thought about the speech.

Well, if you do, just be careful. I wouldn't call Christian Miller a light subject, dead or alive. I don't think it's best...or appropriate for that matter...for you to mention that he was gay. I wouldn't...

(Knowingly but still questioning.) He wasn't gay...was he?

Yeah he was! I think...

Tommy know maybe it's best if I don't mention it. People might get to thinking that I'm gay. (Small laugh.) Anyway, we could be wrong. He might not be know I don't think we should even be talking about this.

What's wrong with talking about it? I'm pretty sure he was gay.

Some things are best left to privacy. It's really none of our business.

Right, unless someone wanted to go out with him.

Well naturally...I guess...

Jason you...maybe?

Right... (Catching himself.) If I was homosexual, Jason, if.

When was the last time you dated a girl, Tommy?

(Smiling.) Sophomore year! Jenna Stevenson! See? Gay guys don't date girls. You're wasting your time, Jason.

Am I?



Yes, you are. Now that you mention it, I've never seen YOU with a girl either, Jason? Maybe you're gay, huh? You're not gay and I'm not gay; not today I'm not. You, my friend, ARE wasting your time. (Phone rings and Tommy runs to pick it up.) Are you staying or what?

No, I think I'll call it a night. Cyah tomorrow, Tom. (Starts slowly towards the door.)

(Picks up the phone, placing the pouch on his bed, and watches Jason open the door and close it behind him, but Jason doesn't close it shut.) Hello?...No, they just left... (Quickly glancing toward the door and then turning with back to it.) Yeah...few moments ago...yeah...Mom...Mom no...please...(Jason comes back through the door silently, he is about to speak up but is curious about what Tommy is talking about, so he listens in.) But I want to. I need to. Look I just need to do it...because that's the way I am, I'm sorry...I just told you why. I really don't want you to make a big deal out of this, please...because what I do doesn't affect you...yes it's the truth...oh won't lose your partnership...I don't think you will...of course not...give me a break...give me a break, Mom. I really don't see how my sexuality would affect how your friends and coworkers see you...No, don't bring Dad into this, how dare you do that! How dare you! Dad wasn't what if I am? So what, huh? I don't care what people think and you shouldn't care either...

(Stepping forward.) I knew it.

(Spins around and sees Jason standing there, then nervously into the phone.) No, Mom, that was the TV, gotta go, bye! (Hangs phone up quick and composes self nervously.) Knew what, Jason? I thought you left.

Changed my mind. (Walks over to his pouch on the bed and picks it up.) I know you're gay, Tommy. It's ok, I don't care.

But...wait don't care?

Me? No, of course not. I just want to hear it from your lips.

Umm...(Sighs nervously.) Ok, ok. I'm gay, Jason. There are you happy now?

Not happy, just interested.

Look this isn't really the best time for me, ok? I've got a lot on my mind. I'm happy that you don't hate me, really happy...

But you're worried that your best friend, Ben, will?

(Begins to say something but stops.) Yes, I don't know what I'd do if he hated me. did you know that I I that obvious? (Looks self over.)

I know a gay person when I see him, I've got an eye for it you might say, and I've dealt with what you are dealing with right now. You're probably nervous, insecure about yourself, and I don't blame you. I'd feel the same way if I was in your shoes, if.

Why do you want to help me now?

I know the consequences if I didn't. I doubt Christian Miller didn't get much help...

Look, I appreciate it, but I have some work to do, let's talk about it later, before tomorrow, ok? I just...I just need to get some things straightened out in my mind.

(Disappointed.) Sure, sure, if that's what you want. Call me if you want to talk. I'm a good listener. Tommy, I...Happy Birthday, Tommy. See you tomorrow. (Slowly turns and walks out the door. Exits stage right. Tommy stands for a moment, taking in what had just happened. He closes his eyes and sighs, mouthing the words `God' to himself, then sits on his bed and takes out a pen and a notebook from his nightstand. He dictates as he writes.)

Valedictorian speech. (Stops writing. Sighing and looking at previous pages.) Attempt number five it seems. (Begins again.) We have all faced different challenges in our high school career. (Crosses out.) our lives. Sometimes we think that everyone is our enemy. Sometimes we think everyone is our friend. (Sighs and crosses out everything he just wrote, whispering to himself.) Don't get so personal, you don't have to out yourself to the world. (Begins again.) This is a major turning point in our lives. What we do tomorrow will have a completely different meaning if we were to do it today. (Stops writing.) Yeah right. (Closes his notebook hastily and puts it, along with the pen, back into the nightstand. Sighs and buries his face in his hands. Muttering.) I'm dead. (Lights.)

Please find scene two to continue story! :P

Next: Chapter 2

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