
By Jonah

Published on Jan 8, 2023


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Part four: Consequences

I probably should have asked Ethan first before "fingering" him. In fact, I shouldn't have done it at all. What would I say to Adam now? Oh yeah hey Adam I know something was started between us and we planned to get together to do the deed, but yeah... I met somebody else and couldn't stop myself? Okay, it was not as if we had agreed to be "boyfriends" but still it felt like I had destroyed our chances. I truly liked Adam, that's what hurt me the most. He'd been there for me after I was rejected by Ben and my old group of friends. He was, well, I'm not sure what he was but he liked guys and liked me. Now I had gone and screwed it up.

Adam had liked "the gift". Ben hadn't. Ethan was vexed with me after just one interaction. I wasn't afraid of him telling others though, after what had had happened afterwards. He seemed incapable of not doing what I told him to do. Clearly my gift had given me control over him unlike that of Adam or Ben. Maybe because he was gay? Then again I didn't know that he was for sure. Maybe it was like badminton, the more you play, the more you practice, the better you are? I hadn't done it though because I wanted to control him, at least, that's what I told myself.

Either way I was pretty angry at myself, frustrated at doing that to Ethan without asking, putting myself at risk and ruining anything with Adam. Eugh. I thought back to all the lessons from my folks, from my teachers, about not rushing into casual sex, about consent... and then the advice from my grandfather to keep my gift a secret. Only do it, he said, with somebody I loved.

That night, after my day of dumb fuck choices, I lay in bed, my mind engrossed in thought. I just had to decide what to do! I could fix this. Right? Yeah! I... just had to come up with a strategy. I just had to decide what to do about Adam, and Ethan, and then everything would be OK! Oh and decide what to do about the you know, fingering, thing. Okay that one might be more difficult.

I decided that I'd message Ethan and apologize, and tell him that I was wrong to do it. That would draw a line under it! At the time I really thought it would be easy. He went to a different school, he probably wouldn't go to badminton again, I could walk away from it as easy as pressing the backspace key. It was even named right - go back a space!

Adam wise, I just felt guilty. Maybe that would go away in time. If we went ahead and ... well, I'm not sure what would have happened, but whatever it was, I was going to feel guilty. I needed more time. I'd cancel our get together and then see how I felt. I didn't want to admit to him what I had done.

As for my penchant for fingering guys... alright fine, I needed a better name than that. As for my penchant for making guys involuntarily orgasm, I decided it was as simple as choosing not to do it. No more with Ethan. No more with others! It didn't occur to me that clearly I couldn't be trusted to not do that, Ethan being the proof.

I decided to implement my new plans the very next day, using the contact I'd made him add after fingering him at the sports center.

"Hey Ethan, this is Jonah. I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have done it, and I shouldn't have done it without asking you first. I'll leave you alone, I'm sorry again."

He didn't message me back. Nothing. No response all morning. He probably wasn't at school - he said he was on a break, whatever that means. Blah. Whatever. I'd said what I wanted to say, maybe he just won't ever reply.

Bzzzzzzzttt, said my phone. It was lunchtime, and I eagerly grabbed it out of my pocket expecting a message from Ethan.

"So, shall I pick you up after school? x" messaged Adam. Wait. What was that letter at the end of the message. Oh no.

"I have to do exam prep tonight, my exam is on Friday" I lied back. The exam was not a lie, but I didn't need to do prep.

"Cmonnnn Jonah, this is my day off. I'll make it worth your while ;-)" he messaged me back. I felt guilty. I was lying to him, but it would be even worse if I told him the truth. Right?

"I can't, I'm sorry." I replied, hoping that would be the end of it. Maybe if Ethan would message me back, and I could "close" off that whole thing and I'd stop feeling guilty.

"What's going on? You wanted this last week. What's changed?" he messaged me.

Fuck. I decided not to reply. What could I even say? I was trapped. If I just carried on with Adam regardless then I was a liar, and if I told him the truth he'd hate me. I just needed to solve this Ethan situation first. If only he would just acknowledge my message.

Then, onto English class. I didn't enjoy it, but at least our teacher - Mr Ashton - wasn't like the others - he was young, well, at least, younger. He'd joke around with us and seemed to treat us as adults. I guess we weren't that far off.

"Jack is the clear antagonist in Lord of the Flies" he told the class. I wasn't paying attention. My attention was focused on my troubling gift, and its effects on Adam and Ethan. I was fearful my power would be discovered.

"Why did Jack form a tribe, with him as chief?" he asked the class.

"Because he wanted to be in charge, and he didn't like that Ralph was the chosen leader" said another student.

"Okay, but what were his motivations? What did he want that Ralph did not?".

"He wanted power, like he had before the crash. He didn't seem to care that much about being rescued" replied another.

"Very good. How did Jack convince others to join his tribe, uhh, who hasn't spoken" he said looking around the room. "Ah, Jonah!"

Shit. I hadn't been listening. "Uh, I, can you repeat the question?".

He looked perturbed. "How does Jack convince others to join his tribe, and therefore increase his power and control?".

"I, uh. The boys are tired of eating fruit and crabs. Jack promises the hunt, and thus real meat, and a purpose, something to occupy their time". Reading the book helps when caught out.

"Very good - especially the idea of purpose!". He looked satisfied. I'd gotten away with it, and I went straight back to not listening.

"What does Jack and his tribe represent?"

"Evil, Nazis" said one student.

"Progress" said ... Ben. Oh gosh I'd forgotten he was here.

"Progress?" asked Mr Ashton.

"Ralph represents democracy, right. But he only seems to want to keep the fire lit and get the basics for survival. Jack gives them structure, things to do, meat, rituals - and his actions lead to them being rescued".

"Interesting. Everything is open to inter-" but he was interrupted by the bell, signifying the end of class. "Okay next week we'll talk about the beast, and Jack's own fear of it. Jonah, I want to see you at the end of the day please".

The room was filled with adolescent "ooooooh" sounds. Well great, I guess I had not gotten away with it after all.

"I'm sorry, I can't meet you after school anyway as one of my teachers wants to see me after school" I messaged to Adam, between classes. Now I had an excuse!

"I like you Jonah. I think you like me. When you're ready, let me know" he replied. Blah. I did like him. He did like me. As far as I know he had never had a relationship. He clearly was no stranger to sex, so for him to be suggesting something between us was no small thing. Was he doing it because he truly liked me or because I'd finge- used my gift on him?

The rest of the day passed slowly. No response from Ethan, and nothing new from Adam. I just wanted to put the Ethan thing to bed, so to speak. Maybe if I just wait a while, then... maybe I could restart stuff with Adam? Maybe the guilt would go away?

"Ah, Jonah! Good. Come in." said Mr Ashton, as I arrived at his classroom, probably looking like a lost lamb. He got up, walked past me, and then closed the door. Uh oh.

"Last term you and Ben signed up for the joint authors programme". Shit, I had forgotten that.

"Yeah..." I replied apprehensively.

"Well, it's coming up soon. Next week, in fact. I asked Ben about it and he said you two are no longer talking to each other. What's going on there?"

"Uhhh. Well. He's not talking to me." I looked at my shoes.

"Hmm. You started in this class as friends. What happened?"

"I, I don't know. I don't want to talk about it. It's his issue."

"Okay, well, he wants to still do the programme. Would you be willing to pair up with him?"

I was confused. Didn't he hate me? Why would he still want to do this? "He... he still wants to pair up with me?" I asked.

"Yes, he does." he paused. "Jonah, please look at me whilst talking to me".

"Sorry" I said, looking up from my shoes.

"Okay. So, are you willing?" he asked again, whilst I looked back at him. I couldn't say no to him. He was pretty hot, if I was being honest. Eugh. Okay. Maybe Ben and I could be at least civil to each other?

"Yeah. Okay. If he said so." I replied, clearly not sounding convinced.

"Great. We start next week, at 3pm. See you then?" I nodded in response.

I walked out of class, and towards home, feeling very confused. Why would Ben still want to pair up? Oh no. What if... what if the same thing that seemed to happen to Adam and Ethan was happening to Ben, just, delayed? Please, no. It kind of makes sense, though?

All the evidence so far seemed to suggest that the finger seemed to... make them like me. Adam had never made a move on me before, much less tell me he liked me. Ethan acted like I'd cast a magic spell on him. Now... Ben.

"Hey, Jonah?" asked... Ben, walking behind me on the way home.

I stopped, and turned around, looking bewildered. "Hi" I squeaked out.

"So, did Mr Ashton s-" he began to ask.

"Yeah" I interrupted him.

"So, are you still up for the joint authors thing"? he asked. His voice, his body language, were strange. It was as if he were acting in a play.

"If you're happy to, I mean, you were the one who stopped talking to me?"

He looked away, staring off back up towards the school, before turning back.

"Yeah, sorry. I wanna fix that. Do you wanna come back to mine now? We could... get started on ideas for it, and stuff." he asked, pausing a lot between words.

At first I felt the rush of emotions. Ben, my best friend since before I can remember, was asking me back into his life, and, inviting me to his - even after the whole fingering thing. Then again... maybe that is the only reason why. The finger thing might be making him do this. Why would he be doing this otherwise?

"I uh, uh, I can't. See you next week though, at the thing" I said, hyper fast, and turning away and walking off. Eugh. Adam wanted me, now... Ben? No, no, this isn't good. I didn't want an army of sycophants or adherents to the religion of Jonah. I had to stop this.

"Bzzzzzt" my phone buzzed in my pocket. Then... "Bzzzzt" again, and again. I regretfully pulled it out to see an incoming call. From Ethan.

Why! Why was he calling me. I wanted Adam. Not Ben, not Ethan. How do I get rid of them? Argh!

"Uh, hi" I answered the phone.

"Hi, is that you Jonah?"

"Maybe" I replied.

"Hi" he said again.

"Hi. Look, I'm sorry about... the thing I did yesterday, I shouldn't have done it. Can we just put it behind us?" I asked in a pleading tone.

"What was it?" he asked.

"What was what?" I replied.

"What did you do to me?" he asked again, as he had yesterday.

"I honestly don't know, I don't even know what to call it! It's still new to me and I shouldn't have done it to you".

"I liked it", he stated. Whaaaat?

"Yesterday you hated it!" I replied, in shock.

"Yeah well I've changed my mind. I've never felt that good. That sci-fi shit was amazing. Can you do it to me again?"

"No! I can't. I must not. Yesterday you hated it, now you like it, it did something to you! You said you had a boyfriend!".

"Well, sort of. At school. He can't do sci-fi shit to me though. So... can we do it again? Can we meet up, tonight?" he pleaded at me.

"No! We can't. Don't you remember being angry?"

"Yeah, but... I don't feel angry now. I want... you" he pleaded again.

"See, this thing! It fucks with people. It has fucked with you." I paused, "You have a boyfriend! You hated it. Now you love it".

We both went silent for a moment, as I neared the road I lived on. This was just awful. I didn't like this power I had been granted. I didn't want to turn men into drooling puppies anxious to be at my beck and call.

"So, can we meet up?" he asked, interrupting my self pity.

"No!" I shouted, before ending the call.

I stopped in the street, not knowing where to go. I felt surrounded. Argh! I had three guys after me and it didn't feel good. They only seemed to want me because of my ability to "finger" them. Am I meant to be building some sort of army of guys who are loyal to me only because I can force them to orgasm with the touch of my finger? Eugh. My grandfather's advice was right.

Despite feeling surrounded, panicked even, I also felt very alone. Who could I even talk to about this? My grandfather wouldn't be very supportive of the gay part, even though he knows about the "gift". Ethan scared me. Ben... I had no idea what was going on there. He hated it before, maybe the finger thing was just slow acting? I don't know.

A few minutes later I turned up at Adam's house. Yeah this was a stupid idea. Who else could I talk to though?

"Hey" he said, clearly happy to see me. "Come on in!".

"I'm, I'm freaking out!" I said, entering the house.

"Heh, nice to see you too" he joked back at me.

I started walking around in circles in his hallway, not certain what to do. He interrupted my circling by pulling me into a hug. Damn it was a good hug. That was exactly what I needed.

"What's going on?" he asked me, still holding me.

I pulled away slightly, but still left him holding me.

"This 'gift' is anything but! It seems to turn anybody I do it to into puppy dogs who seem to want to do anything I say! Ben today, after hating me, and ignoring me for 7 months, suddenly wants to hang out together, and after I fingered you well you didn't want me before, now suddenly you do!".

"But I did like you before" he replied, cool as a cucumber.


"I've... liked you for a long time Jonah, but I didn't know if you liked guys or liked me. You were hard to read."

"Oh." I said, calming down slightly.

"The 'fingering' as you stupidly call it isn't why I like you".

He seemed truly sincere.

"Alright well how do you explain Ben? Or Ethan!" I said as I started getting panicky again.

"Who is Ethan?" he asked. Shit. Shit shit shit!

I walked away from him and sat on the bottom of the stairs.

"Just... another boy I fingered".

He laughed. "Damn Jonah stop calling it that." he said as he sat next to me. He reached out and held my hand. Adam was holding my hand. This was not the Adam I knew, at least, who I thought I knew.

"Is that the guy from Italy?" he asked me.

"N..No." I stammered out.

"So who? I didn't think you'd done it to anybody else?".

"He... eugh, fine! I'm sorry, but, he's a boy I fingered..." I paused and breathed heavily, "yesterday". A few moments of silence fell between us. I looked up at his eyes, but he seemed expressionless. Then his face grew into a grin.

"Is this why you didn't want to come over earlier?" he asked.

I sheepishly nodded my head, and turned to look away.

"heh, Jonah, it's okay. Have you been feeling guilty about it?"

I nodded again, still looking away.

"Jonah we aren't married. It's okay if you want to try different things on for size."

"I don't want that! I didn't plan to finger Ethan. It just... happened. I could not stop myself. He got mad at me after. I'm not gonna do that ever again."

"If he was mad at you then why did you bring him up?" he asked.

"He was mad yesterday. Today he called me and he was all over me! It has to be the fingering thing. It must change you, it must make you subservient!"

"Subservient?" he asked.

"Yeah, like, like I am your king or something. He wanted me to finger him again".

He laughed again. "First thing's first, we have to find a better name for it".

I laughed a little at that.

"I'm not gonna call it 'the gift'. It definitely isn't a gift." I replied.

"How about neck fucking?" he asked, half laughing.

"The name doesn't matter. What do I do about Ben and Ethan?" I asked.

"Does Ethan go to your school? Does he know where you live?"

"No, and no. I met him at badminton. He goes to a boarding school. He might not even go to badminton again."

"That's easy then. Just block him on your phone, and don't go back to badminton for a few weeks."

That did make a lot of sense. I wasn't sure about blocking him though. He felt kinda like... mine. Eugh. I didn't reveal this to Adam, but the fingering thing clearly had an affect on me too. It is hard to describe, but it was almost like he was my brother, my... subservient brother.

"What about Ben? I see him at school most days, plus we both agreed to this authoring competition thing".

"What did he say to you?" he asked.

"He asked me over to hang out at his house" I replied. He laughed a bit.

"That got you scared? That he wanted to hang out?" he asked.

"Yeah! He ghosted me for seven months Adam! Why would he suddenly want to be my friend after..." I paused.

"After what?"

I sighed. "After I ignored him telling me to stop and kept fingering him".

"Well, you haven't done it since." he replied.

"I... I did it to Ethan without asking." I said quietly.

"Okay how about this. Don't do it to them again. When you want to do it to somebody come do it to me instead. If Ben does want to be your bitch as you seem to think then say no and come to me instead."

"So you'll be my bitch instead?" I asked with a sly smile.

"Nope, but I'll let you..." he paused, "finger me" he said, winking.

Then we kissed. We were both still scrunched up next to each other sitting on the stairs, and we sort of melted into each other.

"I could get used to this kissing thing" I told him, before returning to his lips. Sadly though we both jumped out of our skin as his front door opened.

"Oh hey boys" said his mother as she came in the door, shopping in hand. Adam jumped up to help her. We both must have looked like a deer caught in headlights. I'm sure she didn't see us kissing, but she must have been wondering why we were both sat squished together on the staircase. Damn it.

"Can Jonah stay for dinner?" Adam asked her, as I hung back in their hall. I felt like a spy who had been caught in enemy territory, which makes no sense, but I'm sticking with the comparison.

"He can, although your dad and I won't be here, we're going out - remember?"

"Oh yeah! Wicked! I can cook for us Jonah" Adam replied.

"Love you too, son" she joked.

After Adam helped her put everything away we ended up in his room on his bed. I know what you're thinking, but no, we were just playing on his PlayStation. The games console. Something was different, though. We were sat nestled up against each other, rather than far apart like normal. Every time one of us defeated one another a round of poking in our sides or tickling ensued. We may have been physically adult (well, Adam at least?) but really in our hearts we were boys. Just two boys, together, clinging.

After an hour or so of gaming we ended up in a poke battle again, before descending in a near wrestling match in bed. Somehow I ended up on top, with him sliding his legs either side of me. This seemed just as natural as when a few days earlier I'd been under him.

"Hi" I said, with a mischievous smile.

"Hi" he replied, feigning a fight back, but clearly not trying too hard.

"Soooo", I paused, "whenever I want to finger you..." I began, before he laughed at my naming.

"Whenever you want" he smiled back at me.

"And... what if I want to... do this?" I said as I began to grind into him.

"Once you let me fuck you, you'll only ever want that" he said, grinning back.

"Has nobody ever fucked you?" I asked.

"Not yet. I prefer to do the fucking" he said, before catching me off guard and wrestling back on top of me, at least, he was trying to when his mother shouted from downstairs.

"Adam, we're going out now. We have our phones if you need to reach us. Come down and get dinner started if you're gonna cook for Jonah."

"Okay okay, we'll come down now, have a good time!" Adam shouted back. I used this moment of weakness to reignite wrestling hostilities, pinning him face first to the bed beneath us.

"Sure you don't want this?" I said whilst grinding into him again.

"Yea, now get off we neee-" but he was interrupted by my finger finding that spot on the back of his neck. "nneeee hhhuuuuu Jonaaaahhh" he "said" as we connected.

"Don't fight it" I whispered, again on autopilot. "You're mine" I added, and as I said that I could feel, within him, that he knew that. I could feel his reaction to my question. "I... can feel your reaction to that" I said out loud, surprised. "Do you like me?" I asked to test him. I didn't need to wait for an answer though - I immediately felt the answer, yes, he did.

"Yyyeahh" he sputtered out.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" I asked. Once again I didn't need to wait for him to answer - I could feel his response. It wasn't exactly no, but it wasn't a yes either.

"I want to fuck you" he said, almost as if he wasn't under my control. I really felt it, like before. I'd forgotten that this is how I fell under his spell last time. It was clear that if I was not careful, and let myself feel what the guy was feeling, it could overwhelm me, and become what I wanted - like the fingering thing was in reverse.

"Wait, what about dinner" I meekly replied, beginning to get lost in his desire.

"Let me fuck you" he replied. It was spreading, like a virus, throughout me. His need to do it was overpowering. Through our connection I could feel it. I could feel it in his pants. Growing. Forming. Pushing against the fabric around it. The desire spreading over me. Oh god this fingering thing worked both ways.

"I... I... " I stammered out. I was losing control.

"Let me" he said. I gasped. My resistance crumbled. I wanted it. I wanted it desperately. I let go of his neck - we couldn't fuck that way. Straight away I felt the desire lessen a little, but he wasted no time. He slid out from under me and had me flipped and underneath him before I even knew what was happening. My arms were pinned down by his, his body pushing down against mine. He smiled back at the look of shock on my face.

"Let me drive" he said as an instruction, and I had no intention of disagreeing. He grinned as I nodded back at him, submissively. Once again in a flash he had my trousers and underwear off before I could think about taking any action myself. "Just relax" he said, before grabbing both my legs and pushing them up beside me and towards me. My hole was turned up to meet him - and he then leaned down towards it.

"What are yo-" I began to say, when his tongue made contact with me. I was young and pretty innocent, so I had no idea at the time that this was even a thing. I'd never considered it. It is the most surprising sensation and you are utterly defenceless to it. Nobody can tell you what it feels like, you have to experience it yourself.

My eyes rolled backwards, my voice involuntarily moaning. My doubts, which had begun to return after I had let go of his neck, vanished instantly. I was his. He had found some magic shit - a way to knock me out cold, to turn me into an compliant slave to his whims.

Adam continued to eat me out with abandon, his tongue piercing inside me like a white hot flame. It seemed to go on forever, and all the while I felt more and more submissive. I forgot I even had a dick, I was focused entirely on his tongue. Soon though he reminded me when he moved his tongue to my dick instead. I suddenly realised it was as hard as it had ever been, straining back against his tongue. Soon my focus shifted again, as in one swift movement his finger slid up inside me. I felt myself clamp down hard on his finger, as he began to slide it back and forth.

"Ffffffuuuuccckkk" I half shouted, half moaned. "Whaaaat, howwww" I said, panting almost every syllable. He sat back up, leaving his finger embedded within me.

"I knew you'd like this" he said, with a sly smile following. "You're mine now Jonah" he said, emphasising the word mine. I nodded, a look of desperation on my face.

"M...more" I spluttered out.

"More what?" he asked.

"M...mmore... you" I said, almost delirious, as if his finger were a drug.

"More fingers?" he asked coyly.

I nodded rapidly again, as I began to buck myself into his slowly probing finger.

"You got it, pretty boy" he replied.

Slowly, a second finger slid inside me, this time it induced some pain as well as pleasure. He was soon engulfing my dick with his mouth, and I was distracted from the slight pain. Then a third slid in. This felt different, now it felt like my master coming home - coming home to own me. Then all three vanished and I felt a great emptiness, a horrible vacuum. I cried out. 3 "Don't worry, I'll be back with you in a sec" he said, leaning over to grab a bottle from his bed side table. I was still wearing my school shirt, and he was still fully clothed. He jumped up and removed all his clothes faster than you could say undress.

That's when thoughts started to come back to me. He was about to fuck me! He was slathering his huge throbbing dick with the stuff in the bottle. Fear began to creep back in. This was gonna hurt. Did I want this? Should we be doing this? Didn't I want to fuck him?

My doubts were pushed aside in a flash though as he began slathering me in whatever that was in the bottle. I yelped at how cold it was, but soon he had all the fingers back inside me, pumping in and out like a piston, and I was once again helpless to his movements.

"That's it, just relax." he said, as he shuffled on his knees towards me, his weapon in his other hand, ready to strike. His lubed fingers were even better than before, and he was beginning to push them deeper within me.

"Adammmmm" I cried out. "Fuuuck. Fuck. Fuck. me. oh. god. fuck" I panted out, again captivated by his control over me. Then his fingers were gone again, and I felt like part of me had been ripped out. I knew what was about to happen but at the same time I had no idea what that meant.

"Your turn to be subservient" he said, as he pushed his dick into me. Very quickly the head of his dick popped inside, my body swallowing it hungrily, squeezing around it. It made us both gasp at the suddenness of it.

"Fuck yeah Jonah, this is exactly what you needed. I've wanted this for so fucking long" he crowed at me. He looked like a king, triumphant in battle over me. Then he began to try to slide more of that monster into me.

"Fuck. No. Stop. Eughhh. Owww, fuck" I cried back at him. It hurt. It hurt real bad. "Please, stop" I whimpered.

"Relax, relax. The pain will stop. You just have to get used to it" he said, trying to reassure me. I wasn't convinced. He waited a few seconds, and the pain did subside. Then he began to push again.

"Eughhh no, stop! It hurts too bad" I said, rapidly thinking about stopping entirely. It felt too painful. All the wonder and submission I had felt before was rapidly falling away.

"It will feel better, but I got to break you in first" he said. Break me in? I was what, a horse now? Then it occurred to me. It probably felt great to him, and I could feel that if I touched him. Plus... if I did did it, I was the one doing the fucking? That idea made me feel excited, and a small, furtive smile appeared on my face.

"What?" he asked, still slightly nested inside me.

My hand reached up, and found the side of his face. My finger slid up slowly towards his temple - with him clearly unaware of what I was doing. My index finger slipped across his temple and we were suddenly connected, gasping, clinging to one another.

"Fuckkkk" we both said in unison. I could feel him inside me of course, but I also could feel what he was feeling. The feeling of control, of desire, of power even, over being inside somebody, in this case, me.

"More" I breathed out. He, we, began to slide into me. Millimetre by millimetre he pushed inside me, slowly, inevitably, forcing his manhood deeper inside, into my soul. The pain was still there, but subdued, and I felt how good it felt to him.

Soon he was fully embedded in me, and we didn't need to discuss what to do next. I could feel what he wanted, and so I let go, and let him drive. I could still feel what he felt, but I let him decide what to do.

He retreated, withdrawing his full length, and then slid back into me in one very quick motion. Holy fuck did it feel good, both the feeling of being fucked, and the feeling of fucking. I must admit it was confusing - was I Adam, or Jonah? Or both?

Soon he was moving faster and faster inside me, I was approaching pure ecstasy. My left hand was gripping, holding on for dear life, to his left bicep, which in turn was holding him up. I began to experience sensory overload, and even though we had only been fucking for a short time, I could already feel like we were both close to orgasm.

"Fuck fuck fuck" he began to chant at me, whilst I just moaned in time to each of his thrusts. I noticed that his eyes looked different, changing from the normal blue to a deep red. Had he not been fucking me I would have been concerned, but with him deep within me I barely cared.

"Jonah I'm gonna I'm goonnnnaaaaaa..." he cried, before we both, in perfect unison shouted "Fffffffuuuccck" as he came within me. My own dick, which neither of us were touching, erupted without warning - covering my face. I saw stars. It was as if for a moment I was the white hot light between us, I was the sensation, I was the pleasure coursing through us both. The orgasm was beyond words, and kept thundering on for far longer than normal.

As it began to fade I saw his eyes turn again to a dark red, and a new sensation griped me. It was like when you're really thirsty and you drink loads of water - it was like something in me was being quenched, like something of him was flowing into me. I felt it flow out from him, through his dick, through my finger, into my chest. I could even have sworn for a second that I could see all the veins in my right arm luminescing. Then, as quickly as it began, it ceased.

I let go of his head, and Adam collapsed upon me, which I turned into a hug. His breathing was fast and heavy.

"Holy shit Adam I think you just bred me" I said, laughing a little, but he did not respond. "Adam?" I asked a few moments later, but all I got back was a light groaning. "Adam!" I shouted, as I rolled him over onto his back. He was still breathing at least, but his eyes were shut. There was a small mark on his temple, where I had been holding it? "Oh god, oh god, Adam?" I pleaded.

Still no response. I jumped up, looking for my clothes where my phone was. "I'm gonna call an ambulance! I shouted, my hands shaking, my heart racing. Where the fuck was my phone!

Comments, good or bad, please e-mail me :)

Thank you for all the e-mails you've sent so far! Sorry this chapter took so long, I struggled with writing it and it was the festive period. Stay tuned for part 5!

Next: Chapter 5

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